Saturday, December 20, 2014

Orange County Deed Book Eighteen

Continuing my occasional series on Orange County Deed Book abstracts, here is Deed Book 18:

ODB 18/1 Arthur Mangum to Allen Parrish, 9 Nov 1811, mortgage on negro girl Bet. Right of Redemption released 20 Mar 1813.
ODB 18/2 Edward Davis & wife Ann to John Davis, 5 Jan 1820, 756 ac on which sd Edward Davis's father Edward the older formerly resided on S of Roan Oke R, bounded on E by Smiths Ck, on S by Charles Kings, W by William Hendrick & late Dr William Davis (now in possession of David E Joggetts) [no metes].
ODB 18/3 NC to Jacob Johnston, 25 Mar 1820, 20.75 ac on waters of Watsons Ck, adj Abner Bailiff, James Hastings corner, his own corner.
ODB 18/4 NC to James McPherson, 4 Oct 1819, 155.7 ac on waters of Cane Ck, adj Enoch McPherson on N, William Stout & Peter Stout on S & W, his own land on N & E, adj Enoch McPhersons corner, old line.
ODB 18/5 NC to Thomas Hatch, 10 Nov 1819, 34 ac on waters of Morgans Ck, within the lines of his own deeded land it being a surplus, adj Richard Blackwoods corner, Shop Br.
ODB 18/7 Nathaniel Muzzall to Samuel Woods trustee, 12 Jul 1819, 118 ac adj Miles Wells Sr, Joseph W Muccall, Thomas Slade; land he hired from his fathers estate.
ODB 18/8 David Parker to Harrison Parker, 26 Feb 1820, 343 ac on Flat R, adj Little Mill Ck, heirs of John Carrington Sr, Abner Parkers cleared land corner, Sterling Harris, David Parker, Crabtree, hedgerow, mouth of Little Mill Ck; part of tract David Parker purchased of Col William Hunt of Granville in 1818.
ODB 18/10 John Fort to Richard Umstead, 1 Jan 1820, negro man Jim, negro woman Nancy & her child Jane.
ODB 18/10 David Parker to Abner Parker, 26 Feb 1820, 196 ac on waters of Flat R, adj cleared land on Harrison Parkers line, corner of heirs of John Carrington Sr, Fayetteville Road, Sterling Harris, ; purchased of Col William Hunt of Granville Co in 1818.
ODB 18/12 Jane Craig to William Hooper trustee, 9 Dec 1819, mortgage on negro slaves Polly Fanny, Nicy, Isaac, David, James, Pompey, Phillis, Patty.
ODB 18/14 NC to Merrimon Cole, 2 Nov 1818, 80 ac on Little R, adj William Cain Sr, William Warren, Henry Goodrich, Charles Dunnagan & his own land.
ODB 18/15 Archibald Reeves to Edmund R Pitt, 15 Nov 1813, 1.75 ac where Archibald now lives, in Village at Chapel Hill, the E part of Lot 14.
ODB 18/16 Jane Craig to William Hooper trustee, 22 Mar 1820, in the Town of Chapel Hill, lot number _ in the Original plan.
ODB 18/18 William Pannill & wife Martha to Joseph Caldwell, 31 Jan 1820, lot in Village of Chapel Hill where the University is situated and in SW part of Lot 1.
ODB 18/20 NC to Peter Walker , 28 Aug 1818, 8 ac on Back Ck, adj Widow Horn, William Walker, Andrew Walkers corner, great raod, John Picket.
ODB 18/21 NC to Robert Harris, 22 Dec 1819, 39 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Thomas Horner, his own land, old McCulloch Tract, Horton Tract, road, Bennehans corner, Thomas Horns corner.
ODB 18/22 NC to Abner Bailiff, 22 Dec 1819, 11 ac on waters of Eno, adj Joseph Thompson, James Hastings corner, his own land, Abner Bailiff corner.
ODB 18/23 NC to Hugh Mulhollan, 19 Feb 1820, 268 ac on waters of Whitteds Ck, adj Samuel Crawford, corner of Child & Clancy, John McDaniels corner.
ODB 18/24 NC to John McDaniel, 22 Dec 1819, 100 ac on waters of Haw R, at head of Chubhole Br, adj Joseph Clendinen, Jonathan Lindley.
ODB 18/25 John Rice to William H Adams, 16 Nov 1818, their undivided share of negro slaves left by William Picket to his Daughter (who hath intermarried with Jesse Rigsby) and after death are to descend to Christopher Moring; to wit Milly, Simon, Moses, Manger, Harry.
ODB 18/26 Edward Harris to Francis H Worham, 20 Aug 1818, 186.75 ac on waters of Flat R, adj James Walker esqs corner, McFarland, Thomas Horns corner, Thomas Hunt, Nathl Harris.
ODB 18/28 Sarah Picket to William Adams, 23 Jan 1819, William Picket by last will left life estate in slave Milly to his wife Elizabeth Picket; remainder interest in the four slaves to Elizabeth Rigsby and after her death to his Picket's grandchildren; some grandchildren pretemitted (to wit Nancy, Sarah, Susannah & Frances daughters of Peggy Perry and Sarah & Nancy Picket daughters of Thomas Picket whoa re entitle to slave Milly and her increase; Milly since death of testator has had four children to wit Simon, Moses, Manger & Harry.; all these slaves conveyed to Adams by this deed.
ODB 18/29 Andrew Gibson et al to Daniel Albright, 10 Aug 1815, 112 ac on waters of Haw R, Little Allemance, adj Jeremiah Holts corner, Phillips, Guilford road; also 15.5 ac a little N of the Guilford Road, adj Little Alamance, Reuben tract.
ODB 18/31 David Strayhorn to William H Adams, 17 Apr 1819, negro girl Amy 16.
ODB 18/31 Reuben Smith to Farmer Smith, 18 Oct 1819, 117 ac Reuben now lives on, adj Samuel Smiths corner, branch, James Smiths corner, James Thompson, Reuben Smiths corner, Farmer Smith, rock pile in a field, Findley, William Sykes.
ODB 18/32 Jane Craig to William Kirkland, 9 Oct 1819, 189 ac on New Hope Ck, adj John McDaniels corner, James Freelands corner, New Hope Ck, John Blackwood; to Jane Craig by terms of will of her father Abraham.
ODB 18/36 Miles Wallis to Dorton Wallis, 26 May 1819, 158 ac whereon James Hart formerly lived, adj W side of branch, King.
ODB 18/37 George McCulley to Thomas Love, 16 Aug 1818, 62 ac on S side Tomas Ck; part of tract George bought of John McCulley= the right of George McCulley.
ODB 18/38 Moses Hutchins to Thomas Hutchins, 19 Nov 1819, 187 ac on which Moses Hutchins now lives, between First and Second Creeks of New Hope [no metes]; it being the residue of 300 ac NC to Moses Hutchins and also of 50 ac conveyed to him by Sally Walls, bounded by C P Patterson, William Trice, Thomas Hutchins [no metes].
ODB 18/39 John H Latta to Demsey Woods, 10 Mar 1818, 110 ac on Cub Island Ck of Eno, being tract laid off to Patsey Chisenhall as her share of land of William Chisenhall, adj old corner, Liny? Chisenhalls corner.
ODB 18/40 John Collins to Levi Whitted, 22 Nov 1819, 187 ac adj Henry Neal, Jacob Jackson, William Kirkland.
ODB 18/41 William Hunt to David Parker, 13 Mar 1818, 486 ac on S side Flat R, adj Carrington's corner in field, road leading from Carringtons store, Sterling Harris, Parker; as per deed from John McCray.
ODB 18/43 Augustin Dishon to Robert Campbell, 13 Dec 1817, 631.5 ac on waters of Scrub Ck, adj Edward Bensons corner, Wilkins, Douglass corner, William Murrey.
ODB 18/45 Joseph Ellison Jr to John Roberts, 4 Jun 1814, 293 ac on waters of Eno R, adj Campbell & Hodge's mill pond, creek.
ODB 18/46 Freeman Burroughs & wife Mary to Thomas Alexander, 12 Jul 1819, 260 ac which fell in part with the heirs of James Alexcander to the said Mary Alexander now Mary Burrow [no metes.].
ODB 18/47 Holloday Walton to David McCadams, 2 Jun 1810, negro girl Annis.
ODB 18/48 Allen Sykes to William Sykes, 7 Nov 1816, two tracts on waters of Turkey Hill Ck, 1st tract, 66.3 ac adj Reuben Smith, Reuben's field, Turkey Hill Ck; 2nd tract, 28 ac adj John Carrigans corner, Elisha Kirk, Richard Christmas corner, being part of 250 ac from Nathl McLemore to Allen Sykes.
ODB 18/49 Robert Glenn to Child Clancy, 8 Mar 1820, mortgage on 51 ac on waters of Cane Ck, adj Samuel O'Daniel on N & W, by Strudwick heirs on E, on S by Cane Ck.
ODB 18/51 Robert Glenn to John Young & Josiah Turner, 9 Mar 1820, mortgage on 51 ac on waters of Cane Ck, bounded by Samuel O'Daniel on N & W, by Strudick heirs on E, on S by Cane Ck; also various chattels listed; also tracts that falls to me by deaths of William Jackson Sr & William Jackson Jr decd.
ODB 18/53 James Murray to Thomas Brown, 27 May 1819, 3 ac incl a mill seat, on waters of Jorands Ck, adj King, creek, Cantrill.
ODB 18/53 Morton Herndon to George Herndon, 3 Apr 1815, 100 ac on waters of Linches Ck, adj Aquilla Compton, Robert Melone, Miles Wells Sr, Caswell Co Line, Comptons corner.
ODB 18/54 Greenfield Debruler to Joseph Allison, 29 Jan 1819, two tracts, 1st tract 211 ac on waters of Eno, adj river, Cates Ck; 2nd tract 100 ac [no landmarks], it being the gigthe lot of 537 ac of Piney land.
ODB 18/55 William Whitted to Levi Whitted, 4 Sep 1819, undivided half part of 106 ac adj Faucets corner, Brookes, Copelands corner, great from from Hillsborough to Halifax.
ODB 18/57 Nathan Williams to John Simmons, 30 Oct 1819, 60 ac on waters of Bowlings Ck, adj David Strain, Asa Couch.
ODB 18/58 John Clendinen to William Anderson, 23 Jul 1818, 50 ac on Back Ck, adj James Roney, Joseph Bason, Steward Dickson.
ODB 18/59 John Pendergrass Jr to William H Merritt, 3 Sep 1819, 155 ac on waters of Morgans Ck, adj Mrs Fanns corner, corner of two tracts Walker bought from Pendergrass and Fann, Merritts corner.
ODB 18/60 Robert Eaton to Thomas D Watts, 27 Nov 1819, mortgage on lots 88, 89, 90 & 57 in Hillsborough and chattels [enumerated in deed].
ODB 18/62 Samuel Turrentine to Thomas Wilson Sr, 26 Nov 1818, 223 ac & 11.5 poles on waters of Little R, adj Grag, Hall.
ODB 18/63 Archibald D Murphey to James D Webb & David Yarbrough trustees, 30 Mar 1820, mortgage on the following tracts: Item one, 2000 ac on which Murphey resides composed of sundry tracts purchased of John Scott, James Stockart, John Stockart, Andrew Gibson, William Trousdale, Stephen Glass & wife, incl mills & distillery on Haw R. Item two, 720 ac in the Hawfields composed of two tracts purchased of Archibald Campbell, James Palmer. Item three, 200 ac on Stoney Ck purchased of Leonard Prather (on which Prather resides). Item four, 1600 ac in Rockingham Co known by name of Lenox Castle. Item five, 1300 ac on Yadkin R & Abbots Ck purchase of Alexander Frohock. Item six, 130 ac in Chatham Co, adj Town of Haywood, purchased of Herndon Haralson. Item seven, lots in Hillsborough Nos 116, 118, 264, 265, 266, 279, 340, 115, 43. item eight, negro slaves Nat, Wat, Dan now at Lenox Castle in possession of John S Serveur? Item nine, moiety of 6 negro slaves belonging to sd Serveur and sd Murphey, purchased of Hezekial Boswell and James D Taylor which slaves are no in possession of Serveur. Item ten, also Ned, Tom, Dick, Dan, Jerry, Harry, Reddick Henry, Bob, Jr, Jerry (miller), Abraham, Davis, Lizza, Kiz and her two childern Jennry & her two children, Mille & her four children, Creesy, Mary, Bridget & her daughter Lucy, Betsy, Judy & her four children, Rachael & her two children. Iten eleven, the library of said Archibald D Murphey containing two thousand volumes or thereabouts.
ODB 18/68 Estate of Benjamin Rainey to Daniel Albright, 22 Jul 1817, 140 ac on W side Haw R, adj Holts corner, great road, old line of Henry E McCulloch.
ODB 18/69 Thomas H Taylor to Thomas Hogan, 30 Oct 1819, 95 ac on waters of Bowlings Ck.
ODB 18/70 William E Webb to Lucy Hillyard, 13 Mar 1819, half of Lot 1; orig UNC to Edmund Jones.
ODB 18/71 Lucy Hillyard to Elisha Mitchell, 29 Oct 1819, half of Lot 1; orig UNC to Edmund Jones.
ODB 18/72 John Gattis to Thomas Hogan, 9 Dec 1818, [no ac] on Bowlings Ck, adj Daniel Hogan.
ODB 18/73 Abner W Clopton to William Hooper, 10 Aug 1819, Lot 6 in town adjacent to building s of the Universty of said State, containing 4 ac.
ODB 18/74 Bentley B Epperson to Thomas Wilson, 21 Jan 1819, undivided moiety or half of 200 ac whereof William Cates died seized and which descended among his heirs, adj William P Mangum, William Hall.
ODB 18/75 James Gattis to William H Adams, 3 Jun 1819, negro girl Mariah about 2 years & a half.
ODB 18/76 Benjamin Roney Jr to Andrew Roney, 15 Nov 1815, 144 ac on N side Haw R, adj river, poplare near a spring in the field, branhc, bounded on S by David White, E by Benjamin Roney Sr & Stewart Dixon, N by Joseph Baker, W by Haw R.
ODB 18/77 John Young to William Adams, Elizabeth Adams, James Adams, Meredeth Adams, Thomas Adams & Charles Cox husbad of Elizabeth, 16 Jan 1819, agreemet to refund and redistribution of slaves (one of whom is now dead). Slave Sarah to William Adams, Charles Cox, James Adames, Meredith Adams, Thomas Adams; slave Heat and her son George to Charles Cox; David, Moses & Delsey a child of Sarah to James Adams; slave Allen to Meredith Adams; slave Jenny to Thomas Adams; and slave David to William Adams.
ODB 18/79 Hugh Mulhollan to Peter Sumers, 1 Feb 1819, two tracts, 1st tract [no ac] on waters of Gun Ck & Allemance, adj Troxler, Cable, Harris corner, Phillips; 2nd tract, [no ac] adj aforesaid beginning corner, Huffmans corner, Troxlar.
ODB 18/80 Hugh Mulhollan by order to David Phillips, 1 Feb 1819, [no ac] on waters of Gun Ck, adj Shepperd, Summers.
ODB 18/81 Andrew Gibson to Daniel Albright, 25 May 1815, 140 ac on Little Alamance, adj R Holt's corner, Henry Eustace McCulloch.
ODB 18/82 Nathaniel Carrington to William Carrington, 10 May 1816, 280 ac on Flat R, adj Ephraim Carringtons corner, Abraham Parkers corner.
ODB 18/84 Bryant Kittrell to William Henry Merritt, 17 May 1817, privilege of keeping up his mil dam at its present height, not to exceed a mark mutually made on a stone standing on S bank of the pond and which forms the abutment stone for the dam and upon which stone are engraved the letters RB & WHM.
ODB 18/85 James Adams to son James Adams, 12 Nov 1819, 70 ac on S side Haw R, adj mouth of branch nest to ford that crosses to Huffmans Mill, Holts Ck.
ODB 18/86 Thomas Curtis & wife Mary by Sheriff to John Woods, 24 May 1819, 113.75 ac on waters of Little R, commonly called Gibson's place, adj James Allison.
ODB 18/88 James Corbet & wife Jane to William Mebane, 20 Nov 1819, 20 ac on waters of Stags Ck, being 1/3 of tract James Lynch died siezed of, dower of wife Jane who has since intermarried with James Corbet.
ODB 18/90 Theophilus Thompson to grandson Theophilus Anderson, 12 May 1818, 1 ac adj Town of Hillsborough, road leading to Martin Palmers, David Lockhart, Town Common; being tract purchased of James Phillips 4 Aug 1818.
ODB 18/91 David Ray to James F? Smith, 20 Oct 1817, Lot 22 in Hillsborough, adj No 23, No 32, King St, No 21.
ODB 18/92 Francis Jones to James S? Smith, 19 Mar 1819, 1000 ac on both sides Prices Ck of Newhope.
ODB 18/93 William Whitted WSr to Josiah Turner, 26 Feb 1819, [no ac] in Town of Hillsborough, adj NW corner of Josiah Turner Lot on Churton St, John Bruce, Town Common, Churton St.
ODB 18/94 Estate of Charles Christmas by Sheriff to Thomas D Watts, 24 May 1819, 50 ac adj Morrows corner, Moores corner, Barnard Lashley.
ODB 18/96 James R Hopkins by Sheriff to John Hopkins, 24 Feb 1820, negro girl Sintha.
ODB 18/97 James Walker to son-in-law William Philpott, 30 Jan 1820, negro girl Jane 26 and negro boy Luke 7.
ODB 18/97 John O'Daniel to son John O'Daniel, 25 Jun 1819, negro woman Ginny 32.
ODB 18/98 Elisha Mitchell to Thomas H Taylor, 28 Sep 1819, negro man Moses.
ODB 18/98 Ezekiel Trice to Thomas H Taylor, 1 Feb 1820, negro boy Stepney between 2 and 3.
ODB 18/98 Joseph Boothe to Joseph Booth Jr, 22 Feb 1820, negro girl about 5 [name not given].
ODB 18/99 George W Trice to Harrison Trice, 7 May 1819, 2 ac in Village adj University of North Carolina Lot 16.
ODB 18/100 Samuel J Wilkins to James Hutcheson & Willis Sellars, 1 Dec 1819, POA to sell [no ac] on waters of Back Ck, bounded on N by John L Wilkins, on SW by James Hutcheson.
ODB 18/100 James Mason to Alexander Mason, 5 Oct 1818, 145 ac on waters of Mill Ck, whereon James Mason formerly lived, called Mason Hall, adj Great Road, Paoli P Ashe, Governors Road, Strudwick, Archibald Hamilton.
ODB 18/102 William Heagwood to John Campbell, 28 Feb 1818, mortgage on one sorrel horse that said Heagwood bought of William Norwood, his interest in one grindstone and chest of carpenters tools including the whole set now in his possession, one ____ ____, one brown cow withhorns & white face, one mewly cow & two earlins now in his possession, one feather bed and furniture.
ODB 18/103 Francis M Ashley to Israel Turner, 1 Mar 1819, 254 ac on waters of Third Fork Ck, adj Dicksons corner near a spring, Benjamin Barbees corner, William Cook, Phillip Alstons corner, William Lyns corner; which land was willed to Ashley by Francis Moreland.
ODB 18/104 Anderson Clements to Hannah Allen, 12 Apr 1819, 210 ac adj William Dilliard, road.
ODB 18/105 Anderson Clements to Rubin Barbee, 13 Apr 1819, 210 ac adj William Dilliard, road.
ODB 18/106 Mark Picket to Mark Bryant, 18 Feb 1820, 50 ac on waters of New Hope, adj corner of Henry Trice, Great Road.
ODB 18/107 William Parrish to Francis Epperson, 28 Dec 1819, 146 ac on N bank Flat R, adj Allen Parrish, David Cozart, David Parker, Richard Crabtree.
ODB 18/108 James Hutcheson to Willis Sellers, 10 Jan 1820, 202 ac adj William Griffis;sold to Hutcheson by Andrew McCrory.
ODB 18/109 Dennis Hargis to James Gattis, 1 Oct 1818, Lot 110 in Hillsborough, adj Lot 109, Lot 119, Lot 11, Tryon St.
ODB 18/110 James Gattis to Meredith Adams, 2 Aug 1819, Lot 110 in Hillsborough, adj Lot 109, Lot 119, Lot 11, Tryon St.
ODB 18/111 Joseph B Shaw to Jonathan P Sneed, 6 Dec 1819, mortgage on negro man James, negro woman Silvy, her two children Sukey & Chestley.
ODB 18/112 Ephraim Carrington Sr to James Parrish, 15 Dec 1819, 100 ac on waters of Flat R, adj William Cozart, Nathaniel Carrington.
ODB 18/113 James Walker to Jesse Walker, 6 Feb 1820, negro girl Milly 20, negro boy Willie 4.
ODB 18/114 Thomas Ellis to James Murdock, 13 Jan 1808, 201 ac on S side Haw R, adj William Gants corner, Freeland, Dickson, field.
ODB 18/115 John Roberts to William James & Thomas McCluskey, 10 Mar 1820, three lots surveyed by John Ray numbers 3, 4 & 5 on W end of land of estate of Edward McClusky, containing 97.5 ac, bounded on E by Edward McCluskey's lot 2, on N by William Hicks, S by John Roberts, on the head waters of Eno.
ODB 18/116 James Murdock to William Gant & Jonathan Gant, 25 Aug 1819, 102.7 ac on S side Haw R, adj William Gants corner, Thomas Dickson, Trolinger.
ODB 18/117 Andrew McCrory to James Hutcheson, 6 Jan 1820, 202 ac adj William Griffis; to him by his fathers will.
ODB 18/118 Daniel May to Jacob May, 25 Nov 1816, 96 ac on waters of Alamance, adj mouth of branch at bank of Alamance.
ODB 18/119 Edward Robson to Bethiah Bragg, 6 Jun 1817, 4 ac on S waters of Bowlings Ck, in vincinity of the Village adjoining the buildings of the University, adj Mr Joseph Caldwell, John Blakes corner,Trustees line, Haywoods corner.
ODB 18/120 Bethiah Bragg to Thomas H Taylor, 20 May 1819, "land described in foregoing deed" [i.e. 4 ac on S waters of Bowlings Ck, in vincinity of the Village adjoining the buildings of the University, adj Mr Joseph Caldwell, John Blakes corner,Trustees line, Haywoods corner.].
ODB 18/121 George Albright to Lewis Isley, 4 Feb 1820, 94 ac on both sides Little Alamance, adj Daniel Albright, Alamance.
ODB 18/121 William Rainey to Willis Sellers, 3 Nov 1817, all his undivided interest & estate in the negro slaves which his grandfather William Rainey died possessed [names not given].
ODB 18/122 John Phipps surveyor to James Kimbrough planter, 21 Oct 1812, 126.5 ac on E side Ellibies Ck, adj N Fk of Mink Br.
ODB 18/123 Henry O'Daniel to John, Henry & Jane Ellen O'Daniel, 15 Sep 1819, certain tract of land Henry O'Daniel now lives [on] with all old plantation called Joseph's part with the buildings, orchard, spring; except part I made deed to Margaret Conklin for life.
ODB 18/125 Abner B Bruce to James Chambers, 16 Feb 1820, 230 ac known as Hartford, adj W side of mill pond, lower end of tenter? Barrs, stone wall, road, Riley.
ODB 18/126 Anderson Clements to William Lynn, 13 Jun 1815, 100 ac adj Dickson, Third Fork, Benjamin Rhodes, Clements corner, Ashley.
ODB 18/127 Israel Turner to William Lynn, 23 Feb 1819, 126 ac adj Anderson Clements corner, William Dilliards Corner, Francis Ashley.
ODB 18/128 William Brewer to Nathaniel King JR, 13 Dec 1819, 46 ac on waters of Morgans Ck, adj Martha Lloyds corner, Stephen Lloyd, Nathaniel King.
ODB 18/129 Thomas Gwinn to Thomas Christian, 17 Dec 1817, 50 ac on waters of Ellebies Ck, adj John Cabes corner, Thomas Gwinn, Thomas Christian, Marcoms Br.
ODB 18/130 Robert McCawley Sr to son Robert McCawley Jr, 17 Jun 1818, 51 ac on waters of Owens Ck, whereon I now live, adj spring branch, fence, old waggon road near the new road, old line, branch, the center of the spring so to be for the use of both sides.
ODB 18/131 John Dolly to Thomas Squires, 25 Jan 1819, 70 ac on waters of Jordans Ck, adj Dollys corner, Joseph Taits corner, John Wallaces corner, Walkers corner, John Laws, Widow Vincent.
ODB 18/132 John Garrard Jr to Tyre Garrard, 16 Apr 1819, 26 ac on Tursaca [Tussocky] Br, adj James Walker, James Hopkins; part of tract John Garrard Sr purchased of Walter Alves, Lot 3 of estate of John Garrard Sr, which fell to John Garrard Jr.
ODB 18/133 Anderson Clements to Lewis House, 1819, 210 ac adj Hannah Allins corner, ridge path.
ODB 18/134 Elizabeth Allen to George Copley, 12 Apr 1819, 210 ac the premises of John Cain decd, adj Hugh Cain, Cabe.
ODB 18/135 Joseph Smith to John Howlet, 4 Dec 1819, 35.125 ac on waters of Stags Ck.
ODB 18/136 Robert Morrow to James Moore, 27 Feb 1818, 106.5 ac adj Hillsborough Road, William Faucet, David Harvey, James Tate, Fayetteville Road, drain, spring.
ODB 18/137 Charles Jordan by Sheriff to George Faucett, 26 Feb 1820, 93.25 ac adj Elenor Rays corner, John Rays corner.
ODB 18/139 Heirs of William Rone by Sheriff to David Kimes Jr, 26 Feb 1820, 95 ac adj Stinking Quarter Ck, Guilford County Line.
ODB 18/141 NC to John Thompson, 4 Mar 1812, 247 ac adj William Johnston, Richard Campbell, John Woody, James Woody, his own land, Johsntons corner, Campbells corner, branch.
ODB 18/142 Southerland May to James Cozart, 10 Jan 1820, 110 ac on waters of Eno R, adj Demsey Woods.
ODB 18/143 James Hart to son Gilbert Hart, 19 Feb 1820, [no ac] on waters of Cates Ck, adj Norwood, Cates Ck.
ODB 18/144 Sarah Dunnagan to John Ray, 27 Sep 1819, [no ac] devised to me by my decd husband William Dunnagan [no metes or bounds].
ODB 18/145 Heirs of James Alexander (John, James, Thomas & Archibald Alexander, Elizabeth Burrow, Freeman Burrow & wife Mary, Joshua Beckham & wife Mary) to Isaac Patterson, 10 Jan 1820, 250 ac on waters of Stinking Quarter, adj Henry Uliss corner, Isaac Patterson.
ODB 18/147 David Patterson to David Kyme, 22 May 1820, 1 ac & 25 poles, adj a Maple top over the middle of the creek below our mill dam on my old line.
ODB 18/148 Benjamin Jackson to Isaac Patterson, 22 May 1820, 16 ac on waters of Stinking Quarter, adj Isaac Patterson.
ODB 18/148 John Boon to John Boon Jr, 28 Aug 1819, 250 ac on S side Haw R, adj Anthony Cables corner.
ODB 18/149 John Boon to David Boon, 28 Aug 1819, 50 ac on S side Haw R.
ODB 18/150 Samuel Riggs to John Taylor Jr, 3 Aug 1813, all my right & title to land I purchased as the property of James Grimes, which was sold by Sheriff.
ODB 18/151 John Thompson to Nicholas Thompson of Leasburg Caswell Co, 8 May 1820, 135.25 ac on waters of Eno, adj Robert Tinning & William Shepperd; 1/4th of 541 ac tract not divided.
ODB 18/152 Richard Thompson to John Wrightsell, 26 May 1820, 11 ac & 64 rods on waters of Marys Ck.
ODB 18/153 Jesse Towell to John Towell, 21 Feb 1817, adj Benjamin Tyson, William Moore, Richard Thompson, Samuel Freemans corner, two stones.
ODB 18/155 William Blackwood Sr to William Blackwood Jr, 11 Feb 1820, 148 ac on waters of New Hope, adj William Blackwood Sr old field, John Freeland, New Hope Ck, Andrew Barnes.
ODB 18/156 Samuel O'Daniel by foreclosure to Henry Albright, 10 Apr 1819, negro girl Aya 12.
ODB 18/156 William Carvin by Sheriff to Daniel Hogan, 1820, 80.5 ac adj Forsyths corner, Trustees line, Nathaniel King, Andrew Hunter, Henry Lloyds corner.
ODB 18/158 Joseph Whealer of Guilford Co to Jeremiah Piggot of Chatham Co, 15 Apr 1820, [no ac] on Rockey Ck [no metes of bounds]; being tract fromerly belonging to John Wheeler decd.
ODB 18/159 John Moor of Rutherford Co to James Waever, 4 Feb 1819, 12.5 ac on waters of Haw R, adj Lindseys corner, Moores corner.
ODB 18/160 Robert Campbell to Miles Davis, 20 Nov 1817, 1 ac & houses & improvements in Village at Chapel Hill, known as Lot 4 in the plan.
ODB 18/161 James Palmer to George Allen, 23 Feb 1819, 275 ac on waters of Mill Ck, adj N side Great Road, Samuel Allens corner, Samuel Whites corner, the post road.
ODB 18/163 James Faucet to Edward Faucet, 2 Feb 1820, 500 ac purchased from John Sloss 1797 (Book F, page 63), on both sides Jordans Ck adj Chesley F Faucetts corner, Miles Walles, Wallace, field, fence, old line, John J Wests corner, Frederick Fonville, great road, creek.
ODB 18/165 Abraham Craig to James Roney, 17 Nov 1817, 96.5 ac on waters of Back Ck, adj old line, bounded E by David Mebane, S by William Anderson.
ODB 18/166 NC to Nathaniel Newland, 16 Dec 1818, 31.75 ac on S side Haw R, adj William Anderson on S, John Workman on N, Thomas Workman on W, adj corner of Thomas Workman, Nathaniel Norwood, Hollidays corner.
ODB 18/167 Richard Scott to Andrew McCawley, 20 Apr 1820, all my undivided share in land belonging to estate of Robert Scott decd.
ODB 18/167 George Carey to Robert Chambers, 25 Nov 1818, 212.5 ac adj Flint, Cabes corner, Vickers.
ODB 18/168 Thomas Clancy & William Cain Jr to George Allen, 25 May 1820, 1st tract, 287 ac formerly belong to Alexander Allen, adj James Patten, James Turner, John Allen, Samuel; 2nd tract, 95 ac whereon Palmer now lives bounded all round by his own, Fruit, White, Dunkins.
ODB 18/169 Jesse Scott by POA of Richard Scott of Murray Co TN to Andrew McCawley, 21 Apr 1820, his undivided share of the lands of Jesse Scott [father of Richard Scott.].
ODB 18/170 Joseph, Thomas & Lawrence Thompson to Matthew Brown, 10 Aug 1818, 178 ac on waters of Back Ck, adj Andrew Walker, great road.
ODB 18/171 James McCray to Archibald Hamilton, 9 Dec 1819, 100 ac on waters of Stoney Ck, adj old race paths, James Birch, Peter Lemmons, Hillsborough Road, cross roads.
ODB 18/173 James McCray to Archibald Hamilton, 9 Dec 1819, 175 ac on both sides bones? Ck of Stoney Ck, bounded on N by by R Warham, on W by William Lett, on S by Peter Anderson, adj old line, Toms Ck, John Denning, branch.
ODB 18/174 James McCray to Archibald Hamilton, 9 Dec 1819, 15 ac adj Daniel Atkins, Thomas Fitch, James McCray old tract, on E side of Toms Ck [no metes].
ODB 18/175 James Grimes by Sheriff to Elizabeth, Lydia & Phoebe Grimes, 24 Dec 1819, 150 ac on waters of Little River, adj Sarah Riggs, Elihu Woods, Wm Montgomery, John Latta.
ODB 18/176 Peter Willis to William Snipes, 13 Nov 1812, 190 ac on Tyrels Ck, the Dower line, County Line, Snipes corner of land formerly purchased of Willis.
ODB 18/177 Robert McCulloch to Joseph McMurray, 10 Mar 1820, 162 ac on N Fk of Eno R, Samuel Thompsons corner, Wiley Shaw, McCullock, Shaws corner.
ODB 18/178 Robert Gray Sr to Andrew Gray, 24 Dec 1810, 386 ac on waters of Little R & Flat R, adj Turrentines corner, Wilsons corner.
ODB 18/179 William Cain to Samuel Bumpass Jr, 3 Jan 1818, 69.75 ac on waters of Little R, being piece of land Moses Leathers to William Shepperd, adj Georg Thomas, George Horners corner, Smith.
ODB 18/180 Benjamin Roney to James Roney, 17 Feb 1818, 13 ac on S side Back Ck.
ODB 18/181 Eliza Bevell to Benjamin A Yeargan, 24 Feb 1820, 25 ac adj old field, Eliza Bevills corner, William Barbees corner.
ODB 18/182 Jarratt Yeargan to Benjamin Andrew Yeargan, 16 Dec 1819, 100 ac on waters of Prestwood Ck, adj Elisha Bevill, dividing line between sd Jarratt & sd Benjamin, Elemuel Morgan, field.
ODB 18/183 Robert Duncan to John Allen, 3 Nov 1804, 200 ac bounded all round by Riney, Murdock, Allen, Palmer, White; NC to Thomas Lockhart 1799.
ODB 18/185 John Allen Sr to George Allen Jr, 6 Mar 1806, 175.5 ac on waters of Mill Ck, adj James Palmers corner, James Whites corner, David Rainey, Great Road, Mill Ck.
ODB 18/186 William McDade to Thomas Barton, 11 Dec 1816, 108 ac & 45 poles on waters of Eno, adj William Norwood, David Strayhorn, Eleanor McDade's ol corner, McKerall; Elenor McDade to William McDade.
ODB 18/187 John F Ray to Hugh McCaddams Sr, 10 Jan 1820, 260 ac on waters of Staggs Ck, adj Andrew McCawleys corner.
ODB 18/188 Edith Griffis to Josiah Turner, 20 Jan 1820, POA to obtain duplicate warrant for 640 ac in western part of NC being so entitle inheritance from her uncle John Griffis's service in the Revolutionary War, through further inheritance through his brothers William Griffis & Thomas Griffis (father of Edith Griffis).
ODB 18/189 William Thompson by Sheriff to Nicholas Thompson of Caswell Co, 20 May 1820, 1/7th undivided interest in 440 ac on waters of Back Ck,a dj John Forrest, Andrew Walker; old tract formerly owned by Joseph Thompson the father of the abovenamed William Thompson.
ODB 18/191 William Thompson by Sheriff to Nicholas Thompson of Caswell Co, 20 May 1820, 1/4th undivided interest in 540 ac on waters of Eno, adj Robert Tinnin, William Shepperd.
ODB 18/193 Miles Davis to Mann Patterson, Elisha Beavill & William Bailey, 22 Nov 1817, mortgage on 1 ac, Lot 4 in Village at Chapel Hill, adj Thomas Stokes corner.
ODB 18/194 James Ward to William Barbee & Nathaniel J King, 15 Feb 1819, Lot 1 in Village of Chapel Hill.
ODB 18/195 John May to Daniel May, 24 Apr 1814, 96 ac on waters of Allemance, mouth of branch.
ODB 18/196 Richard Blackwood to Robert Blackwood, 3 Apr 1820, 60.75 ac on Phils Ck, adj branch, John Connallys Cpring Br, old line, mouth of the Shop or Mountain Branch, corner of Strowds field; part of tract whereon William H Goodloe formerly lived.
ODB 18/197 Robert Blackwood to William H Goodloe, 22 Nov 1817, 6 ac & 112 poles on Phills Ck, adj mouth of Shop Br, Goodloes field, Roberts Spring Br.
ODB 18/198 Willia Hall to Robert Hall, 3 Apr 1820, 154 ac on Buffaloe & Turnpike Creeks, adj Jamieson['s] Road, field, Elizabeth Cates, Robert Hall.
ODB 18/200 Luke Peacock by Sheriff to John McDaniel, 28 Feb 1820, 320 ac on Varnal Br.
ODB 18/201 James Moore to James Ross, 18 Feb 1819, Lot 1 in Village of Chapel Hill.
ODB 18/202 John Craig to Elisha Bevill, 3 Dec 1816, 148.5 ac on Presswood Ck, adj John B Leigh, Bevills corner, John Davis corner, Leighs corner, Jarrats new line.
ODB 18/203 Allen Collins to Bradley Collins, 25 Feb 1819, 1/9th part of 306 ac adjJohn Nichols, Susannah Faucet, John Latta, William Nichols, heirs of Baldwin Nichols decd; whereof Enoch Collins decd seized.
ODB 18/204 Joseph Collins & Alfred Collins heirs of Joseph Collins to Bradley Collins, 8 Dec 1808, to each 1/9th part of 306 ac, adj John Nichols, Susannah Faucet, John Latta, William Nichols, heirs of Baldwin Nichols decd; whereof Enoch Collins decd seized.
ODB 18/206 James Smith son of William to James Hastings Sr, 20 Apr 1820, 244 ac on W sid of Hobbs land, adj James Hastings on N, William Rials on W, John Williams on S, John Williams corner, Jonathan Hobbs, John Ceeks corner.
ODB 18/208 John King to Thomas H Taylor, 20 Apr 1820, 111 ac & 15 poles on waters of Borelands Ck, adj Nathaniel Kings corner, fence, Borland Ck, drain, old field; also negro woman Kari & her child.
ODB 18/210 Joseph B Shaw to Jonathan P Sneed, 22 Mar 1820, negro slave Sucky.
ODB 18/211 John Plummer to Thomas D Watts, 13 Apr 1820, mortgage on set of blacksmith tools consisting of anvil, large vice, sledge hammer, two hand hammers, screw plate, two files, two pair tongues & sundry small tools.
ODB 18/212 William Newcomb to William Lockhart, 11 Mar 1820, mortgage on one grey mare, two sorrel mares, one bay mare, colt, one small waggon, three sets of gears, four saws, & 30 pigs.
ODB 18/214 Josiah Turner to John Scott, 31 Jan 1820, 200 ac on which Henry Thompson Sr now resides, on both sides River Eno, about 1 mi W od Hillsborough, bounded by JohnTaylor, John Scott [no metes].
ODB 18/216 Henry Thompson Jr to John Scott, 2 Feb 1820, land whereon his father Henry Thompson Sr now resides.
ODB 18/217 Henry Thompson Sr to John Scott, 5 Feb 1820, 207 ac on S side Eno R, adj Scotts corner, John Taylor, island, John Thompson, Tatom.
ODB 18/218 Jeremiah Holt to Henry Albright, 23 Oct 1812, negro boy Dave.
ODB 18/218 Jacob Albright to John Wrightsill, 25 Nov 1818, negro boy Jess about 7.
ODB 18/219 Jane Craig to Harrison Trice, 7 May 1819, negro boy Saul 13.
ODB 18/219 Gavin Hogg to Harrison Trice, 22 Mar 1820, negro woman Chany about 20.
ODB 18/220 William Thompson to Nicholas Thompson, 3 Mar 1820, negro boy Cubet about 16.
ODB 18/220 Martha Lloyd to Atha Lindsey, 1 Dec 1817, negro woman Press & boy child Ruffin.
ODB 18/221 Lewis House to Jesse Rigsby, 6 Apr 1820, negro girl Wincy about 14.
ODB 18/221 Verres Gray of Caswell Co to And'w McCawley, 2 Feb 1820, dark red cow & calf, 1 brindled cow with calf, 1 red heifer with a white mark along her back, 1 bull - yearling black, 8 sheep all white marked with cross & slit in right ear & slit in left one, 1 barrow hogg, 2 sows, and 6 pigs marked as the sheep are.
ODB 18/222 Jonathan P Sneed to Thomas N S Hargis, 25 May 1820, mortgage on negro girl slave Suckey.
ODB 18/223 A D Murphey to Thomas Ruffin, 1 Apr 1820, negro boy Jim about 11.
ODB 18/224 J Edward Bartlet to Joseph W Muzzall, 22 Aug 1816, 109 ac that Absalom Lea now lives on, adj Thomas Slade, Richard Burch, William Carnal [no metes].
ODB 18/224 NC to John Trollinger, 4 May 1818, 148 ac on waters of Haw R, adj William Holt, Thomas Cellars [Sellers], Austen Tates corner.
ODB 18/226 NC to Peter Coble, 26 Oct 1818, 29.75 ac on waters of Stinking Quarter, adj John Cobles corner, John Eccles, Samuel Coble.
ODB 18/227 NC to Samuel Coble, 26 Oct 1818, 12.75 ac on Spoons Ck of Stinking Quarter, adj Frederick Shoftners corner, his own land, Henry Eulas.
ODB 18/227 NC to John H O'Neal, 11 Dec 1819, 23.25 ac on waters of Morgan Ck, adj Stephen Lloyd, Martha Lloyd, George Reeves.
ODB 18/228 NC to Charles McCawley, 22 Dec 1819, 34.75 ac adj John Ivey to N, William Forsyth on W, Bryant Strouds corner, persimmon in a glade.
ODB 18/229 NC to Charles McCawley, 10 Nov 1819, 381 ac on waters of Morgans Ck, adj Patsey Lloyd, William Andrews, Frederick Loyd, George Smiths corner, James Reeves, Henry Bishop.
ODB 18/230 NC to Josiah Warren, 22 Dec 1819, 10.25 ac on waters of Eno, adj Herbert Sims, James Warren, his own land, Eno R, Mill Ck, Josiah Warrens corner.
ODB 18/231 NC to John Campbell, 17 Dec 1819, 5.75 ac on waters of Eno, adj John Walkers corner, Joseph Hodge, his own land.
ODB 18/232 NC to John Campbell, 17 Dec 1819, 3 ac on waters of Eno, adj Wiley Shaw, Joseph Hodge, his own corner, Debrulers corner.
ODB 18/233 NC to John Campbell, 17 Dec 1819, 47.5 ac on waters of Back Ck, adj John Picket, his own corner.
ODB 18/234 Osbun James to Spencer A Hoalman [Holoman?], 29 Jul 1820, mortgage on 161 ac I now live on, on waters of Dry Ck, adj Jno Strader, Huffhines, Israel Holt.
ODB 18/236 Charles Jordan to George Jordan, 14 Aug 1820, all my crop of corn now growing on the plantation of James Bird.
ODB 18/237 David Berry to David Allison, 15 Jan 1820, mortgage on negro girl Amy 7.
ODB 18/238 William Dickey to Thomas J Faddis, 24 Apr 1820, two tracts, 1st tract 142 ac on Deep Ck, adj James Dickey on E, Thomas Findley on W, road; b2nd tract 14 ac on Deep Ck, adj Henry Whites corner, road.
ODB 18/240 Thomas Barton to Thomas N S Hargis, 1 Jul 1820, mortgage on 5 cows that now gives milk with five small cattle, 9 sheep, 4 feather beds, bedsteads & furniture, 2 brown mares with their colts, 1 dark brown filly about 2 years, 1 old saw & 14 shoats.
ODB 18/241 Jarratt Yeargan to William Barbee, George Johnston, Chesley Page Patterson & Joseph Caldwell, 14 Mar 1820, between 600 and 800 ac on both sides Presswoood otherwise called Lick Ck, bounded on S by Lemuel. Morgan, on W & NW by William Barbee & Benjn Yeargin & Elisha Bevill, on E by Edwd Couch, on E & SE by Mann Patterson & Christopher Barbee.
ODB 18/242 William R Robinson to Judith Waggoner widow, 28 Oct 1816, 49.25 ac on waters of Little R, adj Henry Waggoners corner, William Hannahs corner, Shop Br, Robert Hall, James Murdocks corner; NC to William R Robinson 1817, NC1882.
ODB 18/243 James Osborn to Osborn, James [yes, really.], 14 Mar 1818, 131 ac adj mouth of Dry Ck, ford of a branch.
ODB 18/244 Benjamin Roney Sr to Andrew Roney, 15 Aug 1819, 1 ac on NE side Haw R, adj Benjamin Roney, bounded on N by Dixon, E & S by Benjamin Roney & W by Andrew Roney.
ODB 18/245 Green Beckham to Samuel Coble, 14 Apr 1818, 85 ac & 57 poles on Stinking Quarter Ck & Spoons Ck, adj low ground of Stinking Quarter, Michael Spoon, Henry Euliss corner, Frederick Spooner, old field.
ODB 18/247 Lewis Parten to Mann Patterson, Elisha Beavill & William Bailey, 1 May 1820, 200 ac on waters of Morgans Ck.].
ODB 18/249 John Lynch of Orange Co IN to Thomas Lynch, 7 Mar 1820, POA to sell real estate & slaves [neither specified].
ODB 18/251 William Eccles of Jackson Co GA to Robert Murray esq, 28 Aug 1816, 224 ac on waters of Deep Ck, adj old line, road, Thomas.
ODB 18/252 Catherine Fulton of Lawrence Co IN to Thomas Lynch, 7 Mar 1820, POA to sell real estate & slaves [neither specified].
ODB 18/254 Martin Neese planter to John Neese, 12 Aug 1820, 50 ac which sd John Neese now lives on, on a br of Stinking Quarter, adj Nicholas Smith on W, Isaac Holt on N, William Neese on E, Stinking Quarter on S [no metes[.
ODB 18/255 James Handcock to Fielding Leathers, 8 Dec 1815, 200 ac on S side Eno R, adj Thomas Reaves, Handcock, William Turners corner.
ODB 18/256 John Eccles to William Eccles of Jackson Co IN, 6 Aug 1816, 53 ac on waters of Deep Ck, adj William Eccles, John Eccles; NC to John Eccles 1784.
ODB 18/257 NC to Charles McCawley, 22 Dec 1819, 32.25 ac on waters of Morgans Ck,a dj William McCawley, Thomas Hatchs corner, Lemuel Carrol, Mathew McCawleys old place; NC1939.
ODB 18/258 John Pendergrass & Rebecca Pendergrass to Manley Pendergrass & Wm Pendergrass, 22 Nov 1819, all estate left by John Fann to daughter Rebecca Fann, now Rebecca Pendergrass.
ODB 18/258 Panell Massey to Tilman Perry, 23 Sep 1820, General POA.
ODB 18/259 John Stoud to John A Mebane & James Webb, 10 Dec 1819, mortgage on 460 ac adj Frank Barbee, Jesse Nevill, Charles McCawley; tract James Mebane later purchased under execution on property of William H Goodloe.
ODB 18/260 Marshall Stroud of Warren Co TN to Dixon A Stroud of Warren Co TN, 9 May 1820, 159 ac on waters of Morgans Ck of New Hope, bounded on S by William Stroud.
ODB 18/261 William Pendergrass to Wm Oldham, 29 Nov 1819, 250 ac on Obeds Ck, adj Smith, Fanns corner, Merritts corner, Kittrell, McCawleys corner.
ODB 18/262 James Clark to Stephen Clark, 30 Sep 1819, 54.25 ac on Eno waters, adj stone heap, peach tree, Josiah & Lether Lindseys corner, William Maries.
ODB 18/263 Estate of Benjamin Rainey to Joseph Allison, 2 Sep 1817, 25 ac on head waters of Back Ck, adj John Reeves, Sutton Ward.
ODB 18/264 Archibald D Murphey to Thomas Scott, 1 Feb 1816, 100 ac on W side Haw R, adj Archibald D Murphey, Richard Freeman, Andrew Gibson, McCullocks line of Tract No 11, stone in an old field; purchased by George of William Holt.
ODB 18/265 Isaac Jackson Jr to Levi Jackson, 4 Jul 1820, 200 ac adj Isaac Jackson Sr, Henry Neal.
ODB 18/267 Lewis Parton to William Merritt Jr of Chatham Co NC, 8 Feb 1820, mortgage on 280 ac on waters of Toms Ck of Morgans Ck, adj Benjamin Hagwoods corner.
ODB 18/268 Bryant Kittrell to Wm H Merritt, [no date], [inundation rights] 32 ac adj said damanged spots of land, for keeping up his mill dam the height it is now which hight is known by the first letters of both our names being now cut on the S butment rock.
ODB 18/269 William Manes to David Stout of Chatham Co NC, 30 Sep 1818, 74 ac on waters of Cane Ck, adj James Neals corner, Thomas Dixon, Isaac Dales corner.
ODB 18/270 Joseph Stout to David Stout of Chatham Co NC, 2 Jan 1819, 110 ac & 76 poles on Cane Ck, adj John Allen; John Wright to Peter Stout 1762, to Joseph Stout 1793.
ODB 18/271 Andrew Gibson to Erby Bracey, 3 Feb 1820, 142 ac on waters of Travess Ck, adj Cables corner.
ODB 18/272 Heirs of John Clark to Nehemiah Cook, 19 Jul 1813, 104.75 ac adj old corner, old field.
ODB 18/274 John Young & Josiah Turner partners in trade to Melchi McDaniel, 9 Aug 1820, 51 ac on waters of Cane Ck, adj Samuel O'Daniels corner, Cane Ck.
ODB 18/275 George J McCawley to John McCawley, 2 Aug 1820, POA to sell all of my land in NC.
ODB 18/276 Matthew McCawley to George J McCawley, 26 Aug 1820, 121 ac on waters of Prices Ck, adj Dr James S Smith, Abijah Masseys corner.
ODB 18/277 Matthew McCawley to George J McCawley, 2 Aug 1820, 255.65 ac on waters of Morgans Ck, adj Henry Merritt's corner, Henson Coutters [Cothner?], Rigsbey, William Barbee.
ODB 18/278 Phillip Ulis to David Kimbro, 1820, 140 ac on S side S Fork Stinking Quarter, adj David Kyme, Guilford County Line.
ODB 18/279 Jonathan Lindley to William Bobbit, 8 Aug 1820, 242 ac on waters of Marys Ck, adj John Wrightsells corner, Daniel Foust, Jain Murray, Thomas Davis.
ODB 18/280 William Westley Horn, John Tapley Horn, Thomas Anderson Horn & Agnes Horn to Joseph Allison, 14 Jul 1820, 70 ac on waters of Back Ck, adj Peter Walker; part of James Campbell to above named Horns.
ODB 18/281 Elias Turner to Thomas Reaves, 12 Jan 1807, 261 ac on S side Eno R, adj formerly John Alstons corner, mouth of a gut, William Leathers corner, Briggs.
ODB 18/282 Fielding Leathers to Thomas Reavis, 15 Jan 1816, 25.75 ac adj high bank of Eno R, persimon on a branch.
ODB 18/283 Joshua Johnston to John Long Sr, 27 Nov 1819, 77 ac on waters of Stinking Quarter Ck, adj Chatham & Orange corner.
ODB 18/284 Benjamin Barbee to Gabriel Barbee, 2 Jun 1820, 224 ac adj Edmund Herndons corner.
ODB 18/285 William Turner to Jonathan Zachary, 9 Nov 1819, 118 ac on waters of Cane Ck, adj John Alston's corner, Isaac Shugarts corner, branch above the house.
ODB 18/286 Estate of John Alston to Phillip Alston, 15 Mar 1819, 346.75 ac on Third Fork of Newhope Ck, adj Moreland, William Cooks corner, Isaiah Marcoms corner, Leighs corner, Delks corner.
ODB 18/288 Hugh Morris to James Briggs, 2 Jan 1811, 94 ac on N side Ellebies Ck, adj Isaac Forrests corner, old line.
ODB 18/289 Martin Neese to William Neese, 28 Jan 1820, 50 ac on E side Big Br & N side Stinking Quarter, S side of Michael Holt.
ODB 18/289 John Melvin to James & Isaac Melvin, 12 Aug 1820, Three tracts, 1st tract 250 ac on both sides Plum Br, bounded on N & E by John Howell, on S & W by Samuel Parks, deeded 1789; 2nd tract 61 ac adj William Baldwin, deeded 1790; 3rd tract adj above tracts, deeded 1796.
ODB 18/291 George Tilly by Sheriff to John Cole (Red Head), 20 May 1820, 21.6 ac adj Holdens corner, corner of No 2.
ODB 18/293 Jarratt Yeargan to John Brown, 4 Mar 1820, a certain family of negroes viz woman Fillis & her infant daughter Milinder, also her two older sons Wiley & Ephraim of 5 & 8 years.
ODB 18/294 Hannah Harris to Sampson Moore, 3 Jul 1815, negro girl Silvia about 13.
ODB 18/294 Walker Pickett to John Trollinger, 21 Jun 1820, negro woman slave Fan about 32.
ODB 18/295 Benjamin Roney to John Trollinger, 20 Nov 1819, negro boy Andy age 2.
ODB 18/295 John Sparrow to Wm H Merritt, 28 Apr 1820, negro man Peter 20.
ODB 18/296 Thomas Carter, Nathaniel Edwards of Warren Co OH, Archibald Edwards & William Edwards of Clinton Co OH to Society of Friends or people called Quakers, [no date], a certain negro named Lin.
ODB 18/297 Young Edwards to Richard Freeman, 14 Nov 1818, negro girl Candis about 5.
ODB 18/297 Samuel O'Daniel by Constable to Jesse O'Daniel, 6 Apr 1820, negro girl slave Judy about 2.
ODB 18/298 Thomas N S Hargis to Meredith Adams, 30 May 1820, negro girl slave Suckey.
ODB 18/298 Jonathan P Sneed to Meredith Adams, 29 May 1820, foreclosure on negros Silvy & Chesley [formerly Joseph B Shaw's slaves].
ODB 18/299 NC to John H O'Neal, 11 Dec 1819, 59 ac on waters of Collins Ck, adj Henry Edwards corner, Thomas Atwoods corner, Elijah Graves, Thomas Cates.
ODB 18/300 Benjamin A Rainey to Archibald D Murphey, 26 Oct 1812, all his undivided interest in land of which his grandfather William Rainey died siezed on Little Alamance, adj Thomas Sellars, Austin King [no metes].
ODB 18/301 Archibald D Murphey to Michael Holt, 25 Mar 1820, all interest in estate of William Rainey which I may have.
ODB 18/302 Robert Cheek Sr to William Kirkland, 7 Aug 1820, 193.25 ac whereon James Cheek Sr & Robert Cheek resided, on waters of New Hope, adj old field, Robert [Cheek's] old tract, spring, Robert Cheek Jr's corner, George Reeves, James Carrols corner, New Hope, Davis corner, Browns corner.
ODB 18/304 James Cheek by Sheriff to William Kirkland, 7 Aug 1820, 184.5 ac on waters of Newhope, adJ Robert Cheek Jr, old field, James Cheek, spring, Davis, Browns corner.
ODB 18/306 NC to William Workman, 7 Sep 1820, 7.5 ac on waters of Back Ck, adj Campbell, Debruler, Thompson, Shepperd corner, Workman.
ODB 18/307 NC to William Workman, 22 Dec 1819, 40 ac on waters of Back Ck, adj John Pickets corner, John Campbell, Workmans corner.
ODB 18/308 William Smith by Sheriff to Thomas N S Hargis, 20 Jun 1820, 257 ac adj Moore, Hastings corner, formerly Baileys corner.
ODB 18/310 Kenneth Anderson to Josiah Turner, 19 Aug 1820, Lot 79 in Hillsborough, adj Queen Street, Churton Street, Church Lot, Mrs Waters lots.
ODB 18/311 James Web & wife Anne to James Alver, 1820, 2 inn lots in Town of Henderson KY containing 1 ac each, Nos 189 & 190.
ODB 18/312 NC to John Cabe, 22 Dec 1819, 2.5 ac on waters of Ellibies Ck, adj his own land.
ODB 18/313 Rose Sears widow of Henry Sears to her son Henry Sears, 27 Nov 1820, [no ac] on waters of Bolings Ck, between Morgans Ck & Little Ck, bounded on E by land formerly Christopher Barbee now in possession of his son William Barbee, [also bounded on E by] Alfred Boothe, on W by Rose Sears, N by Alfred Boothe & Christopher Barbee, S by John Morgan & Soloman Morgan.
ODB 18/315 Estate of Walter Alves to James Leathers, 26 Jan 1821, 200 ac adj William Cain Jr's corner, Cabin Br, Butlers old line.
ODB 18/317 William Sparrow by Constable to William H Merritt, 4 Mar 1820, negro man Daniel.
ODB 18/318 Estate of Jeremiah Holt to John Holt (son of Jeremiah), 10 Jun 1817, 643 ac on which Jeremiah Holt dwelt, adj JohnHolt Srs corner, George Albrights corner.
ODB 18/320 Rose Sears widow to John Devereaux Delacy, 20 Nov 1820, General POA.
ODB 18/321 David Journagin to John Holt, 24 Jun 1820, two negro women Fanny about 20 and Moriah about 17.
ODB 18/322 John Umstead physician & wife Susannah formerly Susannah Luttrell to Catlett Campbell, 1 Mar 1821, their part of land in TN granted by NC to John Lutterell and inherited by grantors, in Powells Valley, Section A containing 6,500 ac called first class; also Section N, 6,500 ac; also Section D, Letter A, 5,350 ac.
ODB 18/325 John Umstead physician & wife Susannah formerly Susannah Luttrell to Catlett Campbell, 1 Mar 1821, their part of land in TN granted by VA & NC to John Lutterell and inherited by grantors, on Rivers Ohio and Green, Class A Nos 62.35, Class B Nos 30:45, Class C Nos 27.53, Class D Nos 57.14, each number containing 2,250 ac; except such part as was laid off for Town of Henderson.
ODB 18/329 Catlett Campbell to John Umstead, 22 Mar 1821, their part of land in TN granted by VA & NC to John Lutterell and inherited by grantors, on Rivers Ohio and Green, Class A Nos 62.35, Class B Nos 30:45, Class C Nos 27.53, Class D Nos 57.14, each number containing 2,250 ac; except such part as was laid off for Town of Henderson.
ODB 18/331 Catlett Campbell to John Umstead, 22 Mar 1821, their part of land in TN granted by VA & NC to John Lutterell and inherited by grantors, in Powells Valley Section A containing 6,500 ac called first class; Section N 6,500 ac; Lot D in the 12 mile survey on S side Clinch R; Lot A in said plat, 5,375 ac.
ODB 18/333 Richard Crabtree to Edward Davis, 10 Oct 1820, 4 ac on Flat R, incl saw & grist mills of Crabtree & Tyre Garrard.
ODB 18/334 NC to James Scarlett, 11 May 1820, 48.3 ac on waters of Eno, adj William Lewis, James Cain, his own land, John Pipers corner, Scarletts corner.
ODB 18/335 Jane Picket to Denison Olmsted, _ Jun 1820, one half of Town Lot, the western part of Lot 22 in Town of Chapel Hill, adj Buildings of the University of the State, on N side Franklin St.
ODB 18/336 Charles Cox to Archibald Haralson, 2 Jul 1818, lot 59 in Town of Hillsborough.
ODB 18/337 Eliza G Hasel to Martha Strudwick, 1 Dec 1820, lot 59 in Town of Hillsborough, bounded on S by Queen St, W by Lot 58, N by Town Common, E by Margaret Walls Lot No 60.
ODB 18/338 Estate of William Lockhart Sr by partition to William Lockhart Jr, 10 Apr 1820, dower interest in 3 lots in Hillsborough Nos 99, 100 & 101; also part of Lot 35; also 200 ac on head of Indian Grave Br, adj Joseph Allison; also 143 ac adj Town of Hillsborough; also 101 of 380 ac on waters of Eno, adj Martin Palmer.
ODB 18/341 Archibald D Murphey to Eliza G Hasel of Newhanover Co NC, 1820, Lots 56, 57, 58 & 59 in Town of Hillsborough, bounded on N by Town Common, on W by Wake St, on S by Queen St, on E by No 60.
ODB 18/342 Charles Debruler to William Workman, 28 Mar 1818, 148.75 ac on waters of Back Ck, adj heirs of Joseph Thompson, Col Shepperds corner; NC to James Thomas 5 Apr 1797.
ODB 18/343 Joseph Allison to William Workman, 2 Nov 1820, 70 ac as surveyed by John F Ray, on waters of Back Ck, adj Peter Walker. [See ODB 18/280.].
ODB 18/344 Tyre Duke to James Leathers, 2 Nov 1820, mortgage on 100 ac [no metes, bounds or waters] and chattels [enumerated].
ODB 18/345 Estate of John Cook to James H Gant, 21 Aug 1816, 104.33 ac on waters of Stoney Ck of Haw R, adj creek, Harder [or Harden?], Marleys corner.
ODB 18/348 Jonathan Jordan to son George Jordan, 16 Oct 1820, 200 ac whereon I now live, adj James Dickey, William Dickey, George Hurdle, Armour King, Lewis Dishon [no metes].
ODB 18/348 Hamilton Jones to Elisha Mitchell, 10 Apr 1813, negro girl Minerva aged 9 years last April.
ODB 18/349 Henry Bunch to Thomas Rhodes, 10 Jul 1820, 91.9 ac on waters of Eno R, adj Rhodes, Burton, Bunce, Little Br; formerly beloning to Thos Bunce.
ODB 18/350 Herbert Sims to Thomas Rhodes, 8 Oct 1819, 160 ac on Crooked Run of Eno R, adj Hickory by the edge of an old field.
ODB 18/351 William Riley to Thomas Rhodes, 17 Nov 1800, 117.5 ac on Dry Ck of Eno R; formerly surveyed for John McVInch.
ODB 18/352 Jacob Harden of TN to James Faucett Jr, 29 Apr 1820, 111.5 ac on waters of Stoney Ck, adj Shepperds corner.
ODB 18/353 Jacob Harden of TN to James Faucett, 29 Apr 1820, 20 ac on waters of Haw R, adj Jacob Hardens corner, McClures corner, Hase [Hayes].
ODB 18/354 Jacob Harden of TN to James Faucett, 29 Apr 1820, 86.5 ac on waters of Haw R, adj Sullivants corner, Hases [Hayes] corner (not found).
ODB 18/355 Ezekiel Trice to M Henderson, 20 Jun 1820, 18.9 ac whereon sd Trice now lives, in Village of the University together with a tract adj thereto, adj branch, Joseph Caldwell; also 488 ac on waters of Bolands Ck which sd Trice bought of Edward Robson.
ODB 18/357 Charles Steward to William Vincent, 25 Mar 1820, negro girl Hailey between 6 & 7.
ODB 18/358 Samuel Thompson to Fanny Thompson, 23 Nov 1820, yellow boy Dennis about 12.
ODB 18/358 Mark Barbee planter to John Bevill planter, 5 Aug 1819, 60 ac bounded on E by Mann Patterson, on W by Henry Burch decd; formerly John to Young Barbee.
ODB 18/359 Thomas H Hatch to Henry Lloyd, 23 Nov 1820, 138 ac on waters of Morgans Ck, adj Martha Lloyd, William McCawleys corner, John G Blount.
ODB 18/360 William Shepperd to James Shepperd, 6 Sep 1819, 200 ac on Big Br of New Hope, adj Abner Massey, Charles Trice, Harrison Trice, William Shepperd.
ODB 18/361 William Morrison to Moses Campbell, 19 Aug 1818, 177 ac on S side Haw R, adj Peter Perrys corner, Whites corner, Simon White, William Morrisons corner.
ODB 18/362 Sophia Lewis to Abraham Lewis, 26 Oct 1820, negro slaves Esther & her children Stephen, George, Jo, Tom & Charles.
ODB 18/363 John Sparrow to Patsey Sparrow, 15 May 1813, negro girl Kissey about 13.
ODB 18/364 John Stroud to Enoch McPherson, 25 Nov 1818, negro boy slave Samson about 15.
ODB 18/364 Archibald D Murphey to Pasquale Paoli Ashe & Samuel Strudwick, 7 May 1821, mortgage on half of two tracts in TN of which Murphey died siezed, 1st tract 4,350 ac on S Fork of Forked Deer R, adj Benjamin Smith, Pond, William Hughletts corner, Henry Rutherfordson - less 900 ac he sold to Rutherfordson; 2nd tract 3,210 ac on Obion and N Brnaches of Forked Deer R, adj Benjamin Smiths NW corner, Benjamin McCullochs NE corner - except 1070 ac to James Robinson.
ODB 18/366 James Moore to James Watson, 6 Nov 1820, 104.5 ac on Jordan Ck, adj Hillsborough Road.
ODB 18/367 Mary McMunn to James Smith, 22 Jan 1820, 98.25 ac adj Aaron Walker, James Smith.
ODB 18/369 Thomas Lafferty to Perry Sutton, 11 Feb 1805, 100 ac on N side Haw R, adj branch; part of NC to Lewis Garner.
ODB 18/370 John Roberts of Raleigh to Thomas Anderson, 3 Apr 1820, E half of Lot 129 in Hillsborough, bounded on N by King St, on S by Margaret Lane.
ODB 18/371 John Minnis to Joseph Thompson, 14 Apr 1820, 250 ac on Seven Mile Ck of Eno, adj Minnis; Barnard Cate to John Minnis 1796.
ODB 18/372 Archibald Hamilton to James Woods, 11 Jan 1820, 160 ac on waters of Mill Ck, adj John Patton, Alexander Mason, Paoli P Ashe.
ODB 18/373 John H O'Neal to Thomas Lloyd, 29 Aug 1820, 23.25 ac on waters of Morgan Ck, adj Stephen Lloyd, Martha Lloyd, George Reeves.
ODB 18/374 James Woods to Moses Whitsell, 2 Sep 1820, 154.5 ac on waters of Mill Ck, adj John Patton, Mason, Paoli P Ashe. [see ODB 18/372.].
ODB 18/375 Palin Dockery to Robert Watson, 6 Jun 1820, 115 ac adj Thomas Cate decd; formerly property of James Thomas.
ODB 18/376 William P Mangum to Walter A Mangum, 2 Feb 1819, 600 ac on Dials Ck of Flat R, adj Roberts corner, McCullochs old line, Moize, mill dam.
ODB 18/377 James Williams by Sheriff to James Foust esq, 7 Sep 1820, 75 ac adj Nancy Ward, William Smith decd.
ODB 18/379 John F Forrest to James Forrest, 26 May 1820, 102.5 ac on waters of Back Ck, adj Smith.
ODB 18/380 Isaac Jackson to son James Jackson, 28 Aug 1819, 200 ac adj Robert Faucetts corner, old line; Granville to Isaac Jackson Sr, to Isaac Jackson Jr.
ODB 18/381 Benjamin Bowers to Green Bowers, 19 Jul 1819, 80 ac on waters of Little Cane Ck of Haw R, adj John Cate, Thomas Brewers corner, George Reeves, creek; granted Parham Kirk by deed 1806.
ODB 18/382 Benjamin Bowers to Green Bowers, 19 Jul 1819, 91 ac on waters of Little Cane Ck of Haw R, adj Thomas Brewer, Stephen Justice, Fredrick Reeves, his own land, Brewers corner; granted Bowers 1819.
ODB 18/383 Thomas D Watts, William C Watts & Joseph Watts of Christian Co KY to Meredith Adams, 9 May 1818, 1/4th of lot 46 in Town of Hillsborough, adj King St, Margaret Lane, tanyard lot owned by William Kirkland & Co.
ODB 18/385 Polly McDade by Sheriff to Thomas Barton Jr, 3 Apr 1820, 16 ac on waters of Eno R, adj William Crabtree, Thomas Barton [no metes].
ODB 18/386 Thomas Barton to David McDade, 1 May 1820, undivided 1/6th of 100 ac on waters of Eno R, adj William Kirkland, James Hart, Thomas Barton [no metes]; formerly belonging to Eleanor McDade, being [now] owned by Polly McDade, one of the heirs of sd Eleanor McDade. [see ODB 18/385].
ODB 18/387 John McDade, Edward McDade, William McDade & Charles McDade to David McDade, 1816, undivided 4/6th of 100 ac on waters of Eno R, adj corner of John Conner old tract; Eleanor departed this life 22 Feb 1816 without disposing of this tract in her will.
ODB 18/389 Barnabas O'Farrell to Jane Meclin, 9 Nov 1820, negro man Titus about 30.
ODB 18/389 Barnabas O'Farrell to Jane Meclin, _ Nov 1820, all my stock in trade consisting of 9 barrels of brandy, one new waggon & geers, one horse, one mare, one cow & several hogs, and finally all my chattel (my bed, beding, books and medicines excepted), and the liberty of continuing to retail spirits in my heretofore house on Churton St during remainder of my licence.
ODB 18/390 Barnabas O'Farrell to Jane Mecklin, 9 Nov 1820, 2,019 sq ft & 7 inches, part of Lot 6 in Town of Hillsborough, on W side Churton Street, adj NE corner of the house formerly occupied by Henry McCollum as a shop, John Casey, Churton Street.
ODB 18/391 Barnabas O'Farrell to Jane Mecklin, 9 Nov 1820, Lots in the Town of Hillsborough: Nos 116, 145, 122, 123, 124, 125 adj King St, Margaret Lane.
ODB 18/392 Thomas Latta (of John) to Thomas Holloway Jr, 22 Feb 1819, 160 ac on on Crooked Run of Eno R, adj Hollaways corner, John Scarlett Srs corner.
ODB 18/393 Thomas Holloway Jr to Jesse James, 5 Mar 1819, 160 ac on Crooked Run of Eno R, adj Thomas Hollaway Srs corner, John Scarlett Srs corner, hickory at edge of old field. [See ODB 18/350 and ODB 18/392.].
ODB 18/394 Francis Child, Samuel Child & Frances Child to James Clark, 28 Feb 1821, negro slave girl Amelia about 15, daughter of negro slave woman Grace late the property of Frances Child and by him bequeathed to his widow Francis Child for life, then to his three sons.
ODB 18/395 Francis Child, Samuel Child & Frances Child to William Clark, 28 Feb 1821, negro slave girl Rainey about 16, daughter of negro slave woman Grace late the property of Frances Child and by him bequeathed to his widow Francis Child for life, then to his three sons.
ODB 18/396 Thomas Latta to Joseph Latta, 1 Feb 1821, 320 ac adj James Latta, William Warren, Thomas Holloway Sr.
ODB 18/398 Thomas Powell to Joel Albright, 22 Oct 1817, 180 ac on waters of Eno R.
ODB 18/399 James Kimbrough to James Tyrell, 27 Oct 1820, 126.5 ac on E side Ellibies Ck, adj N Fk of Mink Br. [See ODB 18/122.].
ODB 18/399 George Reeves Sr to George Reeves Jr, 13 Nov 1818, 100 ac, the W end of 280 ac , bounded on N by William L Durham, on W by Richard Stanford, on S by Chatham Co Line; orig granted to John Buckner, to George Reeves Sr.
ODB 18/400 Thomas Bird to David Bird, 10 Feb 1821, 138 ac on waters of Staggs Ck, adj Vincent Roberts corner, William Woods, John Ray.
ODB 18/401 Estate of Samuel Caruthers to Patsey Caruthers, 23 Jan 1821, negro girl Mariah.
ODB 18/401 John Huffman to son David Huffman, 22 Feb 1821, 106.25 ac on waters of Back Ck, adj road, Back Ck, Foust.
ODB 18/402 John Huffman to Jacob Huffman, 27 Feb 1821, 54.3 ac on waters of Back Ck, adj Allamance and the big bend.
ODB 18/403 Joel Yancey to James Nicholson, 1 Sep 1818, 188 ac on waters of Great Allamance, adj old line.
ODB 18/404 John Huffman to David Huffman, 27 Feb 1821, 21 ac on waters of Back Ck [of Big Alamance].
ODB 18/405 George Holt Sr to son George Holt Jr, 21 Apr 1819, 165 ac on waters of Haw R, adj David Boons corner, Holts old Waggon Road, old corner, an old path, Henry Holt.
ODB 18/406 Benjamin Barbee to Edmund Herndon, 2 Jun 1820, 29 ac on North East Ck, adj Edmond Herndon, Gabriel Barbees corner, a drain.
ODB 18/407 David C Johnston to Richard Woods, 24 Jun 1819, 1 ac & 100 poles on Haw Ck.
ODB 18/407 Alexander Hatch to Laban Andrews, 17 Jun 1816, 50 ac on waters of Haw R, adj Collins Ck.
ODB 18/408 James Mebane to Pasquale Paoli Ashe, 11 Jan 1821, 680 ac on Mill Ck, adj Great Road, Mebanes Mill Pond, Governors old road, George A Mebane's corner, Hillsborough Rd.
ODB 18/409 Archibald D Murphey to Perry Sutton, 5 Sep 1820, 200 ac on waters of Laughlins Ck, adj McCulloch, old line.
ODB 18/410 Perry Sutton to William Morton, 9 Dec 1820, 200 ac on waters of Laughlins Ck, adj McCulloch, old line.
ODB 18/411 Estate of Gavin Alves to James H Hopkins, 23 Feb 1821, 140 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, bounded on N by Chuza Hopkins & Priscilla Hopkins, on E by John Garrett, on S by John Latta & Thomas Latta, and on W by road and Mildred Garrott [no metes].
ODB 18/413 Jarratt Yeargain & Charlett Oney Yeargain to Mann Patterson, 26 Feb 1821, 142 ac on both sides of Lick Ck, adj Barbee & Morgan on S, on W by Benjamin Yeargain, on N & NE Elisha Bevill, James Davis & Edward Couch, on E & SE by Mann Patterson; also negros Sally, Susan, Prepa & Dessey; also various chattels [a long list] including one Cotton Machine.
ODB 18/414 Henry Keck Sr to Daniel Keck, 25 Sep 1819, 265 ac on waters of Great Allamance, adj Isaac Holt esq on S, Daniel Clap & John Foglemand on W, Fogleman & Barney Clap on N, Anthony Thompson on W, incl Dwelling House where I now live.
ODB 18/415 Hardy Hurdle to Thomas Hurdle, 6 Jan 1818, 173 ac on waters of Deep Ck, adj Wallis, Blanshard, old line, branch.
ODB 18/416 Joseph Benton to Benjamin Lea, 31 Jan 1821, his interest in three tracts conveyed to Lea & Benton by James Shepperd 1819, 1st tract 42 ac adj adj John Simmonds, E side of mill pond, Stony Ck, Shepperd, County Line; 2nd tract 81 ac adj above described tract, Evan Jeffreys corner; 3rd tract 150 ac adj said lands, County Line.
ODB 18/417 James Shepperd to Joseph Benton & Benjamin Lea, 15 Jul 1819, three tracts conveyed to Lea & Benton by James Shepperd 1819, 1st tract 42 ac adj adj John Simmonds, E side of mill pond, Stony Ck, Shepperd, County Line; 2nd tract 81 ac adj above described tract, Evan Jeffreys corner; 3rd tract 150 ac adj said lands, County Line.
ODB 18/418 William Hart to Jacob Garrison, 11 Oct 1820, 143 ac that Peter Hart died possessed of on W side Toms Ck, adj George Morton, Hart's corner, Andrew McCawleys corner, Martins corner, Nathan Findleys corner, Hugh Ectors corner, James Hurdles corner.
ODB 18/419 Malachi Mann & Catharine Mann to James Holt, 14 Oct 1820, undivided interest in 350 ac on Varnals Ck [no metes or bounds].
ODB 18/420 James Nicholson to Thomas Bowles, 7 Aug 1819, 2 ac on both sides Jacksons Ck, adj Bowles; conveyed for the express purpose of a mill dam.
ODB 18/421 Legatees of James Watson to Captain John Young, 25 Sep 1820, negro slaves of which he died possessed [names not enumerated].
ODB 18/422 Hunter McCulloch to Thomas N S Hargis, 10 Dec 1820, 50 ac on waters of Eno, adj Thomas N S Hargis formerly William McClusky, Person.
ODB 18/423 John Rasberry to Thomas Thompson trustee for Thomas Clancy, James Child, William Huntington, John Van Hook & Thomas N S Hargis, 3 Feb 1821, land he purchased from William Bond and whereone John now resides, adj Joel Cloud, Joseph Faucett [no metes].
ODB 18/425 Elizabeth Estes to George W Bruce, 3 Apr 1821, Mulatto boy child William aged 7 months.
ODB 18/426 Abraham Smith to Samuel Strayhorn, 16 Oct 1820, 60 ac on waters of Eno, adj James Strayhorn, Alexander Borland, Andrew Borland, Joseph Moore decd [no metes].
ODB 18/427 Samuel Strayhorn to Gilbert Hart, 29 Dec 1820, 60 ac on waters of Eno, adj James Strayhorn, Alexander Borland, Andrew Borland, Joseph Moore decd [no metes].
ODB 18/428 Richard Tapp to John Canell, 5 Feb 1821, 100 ac commonly known by name of Russells settlement.
ODB 18/429 Edward Robson to Henry Andrews, 9 Apr 1813, 300 ac on waters of Phills Ck, bounded on S by Thomas Lloyd & William Bailey, on N & W by Laban Andrews, on E by Francis Morris & James Forsyth; conveyed by Hugh Caruthers to William Hogan 1800, with other Hogan lands to Edward Robson 1807.
ODB 18/429 Jane McCluskey to John Allison, 23 Dec 1820, mortgage on 162 ac on waters of Eno, whereone Jane now lives, adj John Roberts, William Hicks.
ODB 18/431 NC to James Desern, 4 Apr 1820, 70.25 ac on waters of Newhope, adj John Cabe late John Cain, John Rhodes, John Turners corner, Lewis Houses corner, Cates, Rhodes.
ODB 18/432 Edward Robson to Laban Andrews, 9 Apr 1813, 138 ac adj Henry Andrews, John Reeves, Thomas Lloyd [no metes]; NC to William Hogan 1804, with his other lands to Edward Robson 1807.
ODB 18/432 Estate of John Edwards to Allen Edwards Sr, 12 Nov 1818, 164 ac on S side Collins Ck, adj mouthe of the dividing branch, line of marked trees, to David Edwards.
ODB 18/433 Young Dorch to Thomas N S Hargis, 20 May 1821, mortgage on two negro girls, Jenny about 12, Dilcey 11.
ODB 18/435 Delany Garrard to Chuza Hopkins, 4 Oct 1820, 25 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, bounded S by Elizabeth Garrard, on N by Brittain Garrad, on W by James Hopkins, on E by James Walker; Delany's share of estate of John Garrard.
ODB 18/436 Thomas Reavis to Fielding Leathers, 15 Jan 1816, 25.75 ac on S side Eno R, adj road, old line.
ODB 18/437 Hawkins Stroud to James Moore, 18 Apr 1820, negro boy Stephen.
ODB 18/437 Thomas Pickett to Anderson Clements, 20 Jan 1821, 318 ac run off by James Latta surveyor by consent of Mark & Thomas Pickett 1809, adj original corner, Hutchins, mill seat.
ODB 18/438 Jonathan Thompson to William Thompson, 28 Oct 1819, 200 ac on Toms Ck, adj heirs of Thomas Durhams corner, Robert Duncan, John O'Daniel sr, Henry O'Daniel.
ODB 18/439 Thomas Howard to Thomas N S Hargis, 6 Dec 1820, 400 ac adj the one whereon I now live [no metes or bounds], also undivided interest in two negros belonging to my mother, Jenny & "a small one the name I don’t recollect.".
ODB 18/441 Estate of Gavin Alves to Thomas N S Hargis, 28 Feb 1821, 12 ac in Town of Hillsborough, on SE end of Town, adj SW corner of Richard Thompsons Lot No 4, Churton Streer, river, Town Common, Brooks Lot No 43, SE corner of Richard Thompsons Lot No 3, SE corner of R Thompsons Lot 4.
ODB 18/442 Thomas N S Hargis to William Cain Jr, 1 Mar 1821, 1 ac & 152 poles in Town of Hillsborouth on E side, adj Town Common, stone, Lot 43, Hargis corner, Cain corner, Hancock & Turner.
ODB 18/443 Beverly Daniel to Thomas Ruffin, 13 Nov 1820, negro slave Jane or Jince 15 or 16, one half of whom I lately purchased of my brother Woodson.
ODB 18/443 Samuel Thompson to William Thompson, 28 Mar 1818, 240 ac on N side Haw R, adj Robert & Joseph Thompson, William Paris, river, bunch of rocks on N side of branch.
ODB 18/444 Estate of Gavin Alves to William Cain Jr, 24 Feb 1821, Lot 42 in Hillsborough, bounded on N by Margaret Lane, on E by Lot 43, on S by Lot marked C, on W by Lot 41.
ODB 18/446 David Lockhart of Sumner Co TN to James Phillips, 24 May 1821, 200 ac adj Town of Hillsborough, Martin Palmers corner, Thomas Lockhart, Struwicks corner, John Taylors corner; his share of father William Lockhart's estate by partition.
ODB 18/448 Josiah B Lindsey of Sumner Co TN to Stephen Clark, 20 Nov 1820, 50 ac ad surveyed by John Ray, on E bank of Eno R, adj William Maries corner.
ODB 18/449 Estate of Samuel Caruthers to Archibald Durham, 16 Jan 1821, negro boy Burton.
ODB 18/449 Robert Mebane to Joseph Allison, 23 Feb 1820, negro boy Robison 8.
ODB 18/450 Jacob P Womack to John Scott, 15 Nov 1820, mortgage on part of Lot 26 in Hillsborough with the house & improvements thereon owned and occupied by said J P Womack; also three young negro slaves: Jenny, Sim_ , and Cloe [also a list of chattels].

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