To order a copy, please send a check for $75.00 to
Mark Chilton
203 Ashe St
Carrboro NC 27510
The atlas is hardcover, full color, 11" x 17" and includes detailed maps showing the precise location of land granted to the following early settlers of the Hawfields:
(names listed more than once indicate that multiple properties of that person are shown in the atlas):
Samuel Actor
Samuel Actor
Samuel [Actor] Ector
Mary Albird
Jane Albird
John Allen
George Allen
James Allen
Zacharia Allen
James Anderson
Harry Anderson
Alexander Anderson
Alexander Anderson
James Andrews
John Armstrong
John Armstrong
John Armstrong
James Armstrong
William Armstrong
William Armstrong
John Ashcroft
Paoli Ashe
Samuel Ashe
Samuel Ashe
William & John Bailey
James Baker
John Baldridge
John Baldridge
Robert Baldridge
John Baldridge
James Ball
John Barnhill
Robert Barnhill
Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell
John Bason
Jacob Bason
Jacob Bason
German Baxter
German Baxter
German Baxter
Hudson Berry
Hudson Berry
James Bird
James Bird
James Bird
Empson Bird
Robert Bird
Richard Bird
James Bowles
Patrick Boyd
John Boyle
David Bradford
George Bradford
Thomas Bradford
William Bradford
William Bradford
William Bradford
Thomas Bradshaw
Thomas Bradshaw
Thomas Bradshaw
William Bradshaw
John Breeze
Sackfield Brewer
Sackfield Brewer
Zackfield Brewer
Wilson Brown
John Buckner
James Burch
Michael Burke
Walter Burnside
Robert Burnside
Walter Burnside
John Butler
Zachary [Cadle] Kaydale
Nathan Camp
John Campbell
John Campbell
Robert Campbell
Robert Campbell
Archibald Campbell
Jacob Cantrell
John Carden
Edward Carrigan
Edward Carrigan
Edward Carrigan
William [Carrigan] Kerrigan
Hugh [Carruthers] Cruthers
Moses Carson
Jonathan Carswell
John Carter
William Carter
Providence Carter
Joseph Caswell
Martha Catchim
Robert Cate
Thomas Cate
Thomas Cate
Thomas Cate
Barnard Cate
Richard Cate
Richard Cate
Barnett Cate
Barnard Cate
Barnerd Cate
Barnard Cate
Bernard Cate
Richard Cate
Richard Cate
John Cate
Thomas Cates
William Chance
Ezekiel Chance
William Chance
John Chapman
James Cheek
James Christmas
Charles Christmas
Charles Christmas
Richard – Christmas
Nathaniel Christmas
Nathaniel Christmas
Charles Christmas
William Churton
James Clendenen
Charles Clendenen
James Clendenin
James Clendenin
William Clendenin
Fisher Clendennen
James Cokeley
Brice Collins
Nicholas Conce
Richard [Cope] Coop
Hugh Crafford
John [Craig] Creige
William Craigg
Hugh Crawford
Moses Crawford
James Crawford
William Crutchfield
James Currie
Ezekiel Curry
John [Daily] Dalley
William Dailey
Samuel Davenport
James Davis
Jonathan Davis
Benjamin Davis
Benjamin Davis
Mary Jr Day
James Dickie
Augustin Dishon
Augustin Dishon
James Dixon
Joseph Dixon
Benjamin Dixon
William Dobbins
Isaac Dorris
David Douglas
Patrick Dunn
John Dunnavan
John Durham
Joab Durham
Matthew Durham
William Eccles
John Ecles
William Jr Ecles
John Edwards
Richard Edwards
John Elliott
James Elliott
James Elliott
James Elliott
James Elliott
John Eubanks
Thomas Farmer
James Faucet
James Faucett
George Faucett
George [Faucette] Fosset
Milley Faucett
Robert Sr Faucett
Robert Jr Faucett
Robert Faucette
Robert Faucette
William Faucette
Thomas Fitch
Thomas Fitch
William Fitch
James Forrest
James Forrest
James Forrest
John Forrest
Richard Foster
James Freeland
Thomas Freeland
Thomas Freeland
James Jr Freeland
James Jr Freeland
James Jr Freeland
James Fruit
John Fury
John Galbreath
John Galbreath
John Galbreath
William Galbreath
William Galbreath
William Galbreath
William Galbreath
William Galbreath
Samuel Galloway
William Gant
James or William Garner
Andrew Gibson
Gennings Gibson
Billey Gousling Gooch
Phillip Goodbread
William Gordon
William Gordon
Richard Gott
William Griffeth
Thomas Griffin
John Griffis
Luke Grimes
John Grisham
Levi Hall
James Hall
James Hall
Isaac Hall
Isaac Hall
Archibald Hamilton
Peter Hamlin
Stephen Hamlin
Daniel Handley
Daniel Handley
Robert Harden
Benjamin Harden
Jacob Harder
Richard Hargrove
John Harrington
John Harrington
John Harrington
James Hart
Thomas Hart
Hans Hingle
John Hodge
George Hodge
William Hodge
Valentine Hollingsworth
Robert Hollowell or Holloway
John Hopkins
William Hopper
Thomas Sr House
Thomas Jr House
Thomas Howard
John Huffman
Andrew Huffman
Andrew Huffman
Jacob Huggins
Jacob Huggons
Timothy Hughes
Rowland Hughes
Samuel Hunter
Robert Hunter
Hardy Hurdle
Hardy Hurdle
Hardie Hurdle
Hardie Hurdle
James Hutcheson
John Jinnings
James Johnston
Robert Johnston
George Johnston
George Johnston
John Johnston
Jonathan Jones
Acquilla Jones
Jonathan Sr Jones
John Jones
John Justice
John Justice
John Kennedy
James Kennedy
John Kennedy
James Kerr
James Kerr
Alexander Kilpatrick
Robert Kimbrough
John King
John King
John King
Armor King
Armor King
Armour King
Edward King
Edward King
John & Edward King
John & Edward King
Baxter King
Lewis Kirk
James Kirk
Lewis Kirk
Lewis Kirk
Lewis Kirk
Lewis Kirk
Lewis Kirk
Lewis Kirk
Elisha Kirk
Isaac Kirk
Stephan Kirk
Samuel Kirkpatrick
Samuel Kirkpatrick
Benjamin Lacy
John Lambert
Thomas Lapsley
Barnett Lashley
Thomas Lasley
Thomas Lasley
Barnabus Lassley
Hugh Laughlin
Thomas Lindley
William Lindley
John Lindsay
Matthew Linsey
Thomas Lockard
Thomas Lockhart
John Logue
John Logue
Ephraim Logue
Conrod Long
David Lynch
Thomas Lynch
Thomas Lynch
Elizabeth Lynch
Thomas Lynch
Mathew Lyon
John Madden
Stephen Madden
Archibald Mahon
Peter Mallett
Thomas [Manes] Means
William Manes
John Mann
Zachariah Marten
Obadiah Martin
Benjamin Martin
James Mason
Hannah Massey
Hugh McAdams
John McAdams
Hugh McAdams
Samuel McAdams
William McAdams
James McCadams
Robert McCarney
Hugh McConwell
Jeremiah McCracken
John McCracken
Alexander McCrackin
John McCrory
John McCrory
John McCrory
John McCrory
John McCrory
Eli McDaniel
Eli McDaniel
Eli McDaniel
Eli McDaniel
John McDaniel
Melchi McDaniel
Eli McDaniel
John McDaniel
Robert McEntire
James McGowin
John McMinnimy
John McMinnimy
John McMinnimy
James McMunn
James McMunn
John McNeil
John McRory
David McSwine
Catherine McVain
James McWilliams
James Mebane
James Mebane
David Mebane
James Mebane
William Mebane
William Mebane
George A Mebane
Alexander Mebane
Alexander Mebane
William Jr Mebane
Alexander Jr Mebane
Alexander Sr Mebane
Alexander Mebane
Alexander Mebane Sr
Martin Mehaffey
Wesley Miles
James Millican
James Millican
James Millican
Robert Millican
Robert Millican
Charles Millican
John Minnis
John [Minnis] Minnes
John Minnis
John Minnis
John Minnis
Jacob Minnis
Joel Molton
John Moore
James Moore
Joseph Moore
Robert Moore
William Moore
Valentine Moore
John Moore
Robert Moore
James Morrow
James Morrow
Robert Morrow
William Morrow
William Morrow
John Morrow
William Morton
Hugh Mulhollan
Thomas Mulhollan
Thomas Mulhollan
Thomas Mulhollan
Thomas Mulhollan
Thomas Mulholland
Robinson Mumford
Robinson Mumford
Andrew Murdaugh
John Murray
James Murray
James Murray
James Murray
James Murray
James Murray
James Murray
James Murray
James Murray
Henry Murray
James Murray
Henry Murray
William Murray
Walter & William Murray
John Murry
William Muzzle
John Nelson
Samuel Nelson
Robert Nelson
Samuel Nelson
Samuel Nelson
John Newland
James Newland
James Newlin
Nathaniel Newlin
Henry O’Daniel
John O’Daniel
John O'Daniel
John O'Daniel
John O'Daniel
Henry O'Daniel
Samuel O'Daniel
Henry O'Daniel
Joseph Baker Pace
William Paris
Henry Paris
Thomas Partin
James Parton
Henry Patillo
Nathaniel Patterson
James Patterson
John Patton
John Patton
John Patton
Samuel Patton
Robert Patton
Andrew Patton
Alexander Patton
James or Samuel Patton
John Patton
John Patton
Henry Payne
Thomas Payne
Nehemiah Payne
Nehemiah Payne
Robert Peasley
William Phillips
John Phillips
John Pickard
John Pickard
John Pickard
Alexander Pickard
Edward Pickett
John Pugh
John Pugh
John Pugh
John Pugh
Daniel Pugh
John Pyron
John Rainey
William Rainey
William Raspberry
John Ray
John Ray
John Ray
John Ray
William Ray
John Reed
John [Reeves] Reavis
John Reeves
Isaac Reynolds
Edward Jr Rippey
Edward Sr Rippey
Matthew Rippy
James Roach
Alexander Robbs
John Roberson
Athanatius Roberson
Andrew Robertson
Hugh Rodgers
Mary Rodgers
Anthony Rodgers
James Roney
James Roney
James Roney
James Roney
James Ross
Jane Russell
John Sample
Matthew Scoby
Robert Scott
William Scott
Matthias Scudder
Constantine Sellers
Adam Sharp
Adam Sharp
Joseph Shaw
George Sheridan
John Shugart
John Shy
Ruth Simmons
John Sloss
Joseph Sloss
Robert Small
Robert Small
John Smith
John Smith
James Smith
Rubin Smith
James Smith
James Smith
James Smith
Andrew Smith
Reuben Smith
Andrew Smith
George Smith
Reuben Smith
Andrew Smith
George Smith
William Smith
Charles C Smith
Thomas Squires
Tobias Stalkup
Joseph Stalsworth
Joseph Stalsworth
Joseph Stalsworth
John Standiford
John Standiford
Charles Stanford
Anthony Stanford
John Starks
John Steel
John Steel
John Steel
John Steel
John Stephens
James Stewart
Samuel Stewart
John Stockard
James Stockard
James Stockheart
Benjamin Stone
William Strain
John Jr Stroud
Samuel II Strudwick
Samuel II Strudwick
William F Strudwick
Edward C A Strudwick
Martha S M Strudwick
Martha S M Strudwick
Edward C A Strudwick
William F II Strudwick
William F II Strudwick
John Swaney
John Swaney
John Swenney
Allen Sykes
Allen Sykes
David Tate
James Tate
George Tate
William Tate
William Tate
William Tate
John Tate
Mary Taylor
Thomas Taylor
Thomas Taylor
Thomas Taylor
James Taylor
James Taylor
Ed Thomas
Jacob Thomas
James Thomas
Rachel Thomas
Griffith Thomas
Thos Thompson
John Thompson
John – Thompson
Thomas Thompson
Joseph Thompson
John Thompson
Thomas Thompson
Thomas Thompson
John Thompson
Joseph Thompson
Thomas Thompson
Thomas Thompson
John Thompson
John Thompson
James [Tinnen] Tinnia
George W Trice
Adam Trollinger
Adam [Trollinger] Drollinger
Jacob Henry Trollinger
James Trousdale
John Trousdale
James Turner
James Jr Turner
James Jr Turner
James Jr Turner
John Waldraven
John Walker
John Walker
George Walker
William Walker
John Ward
Daniel Warson
Henry Wasson
Thomas Watts
Jonathan West
Michael Whatley
Henry White
David White
Stephen White
William [Whitted] Whitehead
Samuel Whitesides
Samuel Whitesides
John Whitsell
James Whitsett
Samuel Whitsett
Thomas Whitted
James Williams
George Williams
Ezekiel Williams
Frederick Williams
John Williams
Thomas Willingham
Edward Willson
Mathias Wilson
John Wilson
Robert Witty
Robert Witty
John Wood
John Woods
John Woody
James Woody
Samuel Woody
Joseph Woody
William Woody
Robert Woody
Robert Woody
John Workman
James Young