Here’s a list of deeds and land grants in Durham County, NC to about the year 1818. I don’t guarantee every one of these is in what is now Durham County, but the great majority are, and those that are not are just barely in modern Orange.
Because Durham was formed from Orange in 1881, almost all of it’s early records are in Orange County. Therefore in the list below, you will see “ODB” many times. It stands for Orange County Deed Book. Those deed books are at the Register of Deeds office in Hillsborough and will soon be widely available online. I will post a link here when it is available.
Meanwhile, here’s the list:
Abercrombie, Charles – ODB 5/494 Benjamin Rhodes planter to John Shepperd planter, 1795, 100 ac on waters of Elibees Ck, adj May, Lewis; NC to Charles [Aber]Crumbie.
Abercrombie, Charles – ODB 2/196 Charles Abercrombie to William Ansley, 1786, 100 ac adj John Baker.
Abercrombie, Charles – NC340. File 1158. Patent Book 42/6. Entry #284. Recorded at ODB 2/252. Granted in 1780. 447 ac on S side of Ellebys Ck, bounded by Robert Abercrombie on N & William Mebane on S, SCC: Benjamin Rhodes & John Hall.
Abercrombie, Charles – NC483. File 1308. Patent Book 49/31. Entry #1087. Recorded at ODB 2/351. Granted in 1782. 580 ac on New Hope, adj Edward Grisham, incl where Francis Desern now lives, SCC: John Green Sr & Jr.
Abercrombie, Charles – NC486. File 1311. Patent Book 49/32. Entry #285. Recorded at ODB 2/353. Granted in 1782. 626 ac on Elliby Ck, adj Robert Abercrombie, William Forrist, John May, Thos Lewis, Edward Grisham, Lewis Grisham, SCC: Richard Clearmonths & John Edward. ODB 3/34 Charles Abercrombie planter to James Jolly schoolmaster, 54 ac on waters of Ellerbees Ck; part of NC to Abercrombie.
Abercrombie, Charles – NC499. File 1324. Patent Book 49/37. Entry #1088. Recorded at ODB 2/352. Granted in 1782. 600 ac on waters of Third Fk of New Hope, bounded on E by Francis Moreland & John Soggins, incl improvement made by Will Scoggin, SCC: Benjamin Rhodes & Archer Grisham. ODB 6/87 Charles Abercromby to William Deshays, 1785, 180 ac on waters of Newhope, adj John Mitchem, William Rhodes. ODB 4/638 James Disarn to Charles Rhone, 1792, 180 ac on waters of New Hope, adj John Meacham; NC to William Deshays. ODB 2/181 Chas Abercrombie to William Deshaze, 1785, 180 ac on waters of New Hope, adj John Micham, William Rhodes. ODB 3/95 John Michum to George Daniell, 1785, mortgage on 500 ac on waters of New Hope, known by name of Fedo Place; part of tract Michum bought of Charles Abercrombie.
Abercrombie, Charles – ODB 2/444 Charles Abercrombie to Robert Abercrombie, 1784, 1474 ac on Elleby Ck, adj John Edwards, Edwd Grisham. ODB 4/334 Robert Abercromby of Wilks Co GA to Charles Abercromby of Green, 1788, 1424.5 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj S Fork, John Edwards, Edward Gressam.
Abercrombie, Charles – ODB 3/177 Charles Abercrombie to Shadrick Forrest, 1786, 5 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck.
Abercrombie, Charles – ODB 5/228 Charles Abercrombie of Green Co GA to Shadrick Forrest, 1790, 14 ac on waters of Ellibies Ck, adj South Fork.
Abercrombie, Charles – ODB 5/494 Benjamin Rhodes planter to John Shepperd planter, 1795, 100 ac on waters of Elibees Ck, adj May, Lewis; NC to Charles [Aber]Crumbie.
Abercrombie, Charles – ODB 5/31 Charles [Aber]Crumbie of Green Co GA to Benjamin Rhoads of Orange, 1793, 1404 ac on both side of Elibars Ck, adj S Fk og Elibars Ck, John Edwards, Edward Grissam.
Abercrombie, Charles [or Robert?] – NC669. File 1532. Patent Book 57/94. No entry. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 300 ac on waters of Ellibes Ck, adj Turner, SCC: Ritchans Cleamonts & Henry Woods. ODB 3/150 Robert Abercrombie to Morucia Sutherland, 1785, 37 ac adj county line; granted Abercrombie 1782.
Abercrombie, Robert – Gv284. File 323. Patent Book 1759. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 14/331. 324 ac on Elliby Ck, SCC: William Morgan & Robert Abercrombie.
Abercrombie, Robert – NC472. File 1297. Patent Book 49/27. No entry. Recorded at ODB 3/126. Granted in 1782. 200 ac on Elliby Ck, adj his own land, Ann Downs, William Chisinhall, Jack [Aber?]Crumby, no survey or SCC’s. ODB 5/57 Robert Abercrombie of Wilkes Co GA to John Grant Rencher, 1788, 200 ac adj Anne Down, William Chizenhall, Crumbie; NC to Abercrombie.
Abercrombie, Robert – NC551. File 1376. Patent Book 49/57. Entry #28. Recorded at ODB 2/261. Granted in 1782. 200 ac on br of Little R, adj Wm Cain & Wm Clenny to S, incl entry made by Capt Wm Mebane, SCC: Thos Roads & Harris Grissim. Wm Craig sets up a Claim to this Entry. ODB 3/100 Robert Abercrombie to William Cain, 1784, 200 ac on br of Little R, adj Cain, William Clenny & corner formerly Col Fanning; granted Abercrombie 1782.
Abercrombie, Robert – ODB 4/478 Robert Abercrombie to Jeremiah Glen, 1787, 262 ac on Wake Co Line.
Abercrombie, Robert & David Grisham – NC515. File 1340. Patent Book 49/43. Entry #1189. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 170 ac on both sides of Ellebys Ck of Neuse R, adj Bowles, Elias Turner, Richard Clements and his own land, SCC: Grisham Forrist & John Rhodes.
Abercrombie, Robert Jr – Misc01. Entry #598. 350 ac on S side of Elliby's Ck, adj his own land, William Johnston, Wake Co line & Elias Turner, incl improvement made by Parkerson for James Alston, SCC: Richard Rhodes & Thos Chamness?
Adcock, John – HMcC-64. w1312. Proved: November 8, 1763. 200 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Aldridge, Joseph – Gv725. File 317. Patent Book 14/330. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1762. 455 ac on Flat R, adj Jno Cate, SCC: John Cate & Wm Pryor.
Aldridge, Nathaniel – Gv489. File 315. Patent Book 14/329. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 220 ac on Bushy Fk of Flat R, adj Thos Robinson, SCC: Joseph Aldrage & John Hague.
Aldridge, Nathaniel – Gv703. File 309. Patent Book 14/328. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1762. 700 ac on Flat R, adj Thomas Robinson, SCC: Jos Aldrage & John Cate. w1858 to James Foster 350 ac.
Alexander, James – ODB 16/281 John, James, Thomas & Archibald Alexander, Joshua Beckham, Freeman Burrow & Elizabeth Burrow, all Legatees of James Alexander dec’d to Isaac Patterson, 1817, 250 ac [no creek].
Alis, Elijah – ODB 15/66 Elijah Alis to Stephen Taylor, 1815, 61 ac on waters of Eno, adj Samuel Thompson.
Allen, George – NC465. File 1290. Patent Book 49/24. Entry #730. Recorded at ODB 2/487. Granted in 1782. 170 ac on Northeast Fk of New Hope, adj Paul Castlebury, Joseph Boothe, Benjamin Herndon and Kennedy Aldman, SCC: Watson & Nathan Allmond.
Allen, Jacob – NC1211. File 2140a. Patent Book 91/97. Entry #107. Recorded at ODB 6/18. Granted in 1796. 25 ac on waters of Eno, adj William Laycock, Turner & his own, SCC: Abraham Whitaker & Thos Reddin.
Allen, Jacob – NC1332. File 2194. Patent Book 96/27. Entry #419. Recorded at ODB 6/345. Granted in 1798. 34.5 ac on waters of Eno, adj 3 (survey says 4) other tracts of his own, SCC: Joseph Townsen & Jacob Allen Jr.
Allen, Jacob – NC1333. File 2195. Patent Book 96/28. Entry #256. Recorded at ODB6/346. Granted in 1798. 25 ac on waters of Eno, between other tracts of his own land, adj 100 ac tract, SCC: Joseph Townsley & Jacob Allen Jr.
Allen, Jacob – NC442. File 1267. Patent Book 49/15. Entry #325. Recorded at ODB 2/480. Granted in 1782. 100 ac on lying between Seven Mile Ck and Pea Ck branches of Eno incl place commonly called Grainnce Cabbin, SCC: John Horn & Jas Townsend.
Allen, Jacob – ODB 14/541 Jacob Allen to John Cabe & Moses M’Cawn, 1813, 101.75 ac bounded on E by William Allen, on S by John Cabe, on N by River Eno.
Allen, Jacob – ODB 16/330 Jacob Allen to William Allen, 1815, 178.75 ac on Eno, adj William Whitaker, Allen, steep hill side.
Allen, Sherwood – ODB 11/135 Sherwood Allen to Samuel Harvey, 1803, 100 ac adj Isaac Jackson, William Whitted, Isaac Dennis; John Allison to James Adkins 1792. ODB 12/244 Samuel Harvey to William Warren, 1806, 100 ac adj Isaac Jackson, William Whitehead, Isaac Dennis; John Allison to James Adkins 1792.
Allen, William – ODB 13/184 William Allen to William W Farthing of Wake, 1808, 264.5 ac on N side of Eno, adj Cuthbert Benton, Thomas Horne, Thomas Holloway.
Allen, William – ODB 5/503 William Allen planter to John Cole planter, 1795, 170 ac, three tracts, 1st tract 100 ac on waters of Eno R, bounded on N by Stephen Carrol, on E by Cutbird Barton; 30 ac on Pee Ck, adj Howell Hunt; 3rd tract 40 ac on Pee Ck, adj above, Joseph Reed, Long Pond Br.
Almond, Kennedy – NC666. File 1529. Patent Book 57/93. Entry #276. Recorded at ODB 3/121. Granted in 1784. 500 ac on Long Br of New Hope Northeast Fk, adj Rich Hopson, Nathan Aldman, Thos Hopson, and Joseph Booth, SCC: Allen George & Nathan Almond. ODB 4/130 Kennedy Allmand & Mary Allmand to William Halliburton of Caswell, 1787, 499.5 ac on the Long Br of North East Fk of New Hope Ck, adj Richard Hopson, Thomas Hopson.
Almond, Nathan – ODB 4/129 Nathan Almond & wife Alsey to William Halliburton of Caswell, 1787, 140 ac on W side of North East Ck, adj Robt Hogan.
Alston, Absalom – ODB 15/155 Absalom Alston to John Alston, 1815, 347 ac on Third Fk, adj Moreland, William Cook, Marcum, John Leigh.
Alston, Absalom – ODB 15/194 Absalom Alston to William Cook, 1812, 15 ac on waters of Thrid Fk, adj Old Posy Ck, Isaiah Marcum.
Alston, James – HMcC-44. w1084. Proved: May 10, 1763. 190 ac on Orange Co. DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks. ODB 2/58 James Alston to Robert Abercrombie Jr, 1777, 190 ac on both sides Elliby's Ck, adj Bowling.
Alston, James – ODB 4/591 James Alston of Wake to Isaac Hicks, 1792, 288.5 ac on Eno R, adj John Alston, Lewis.
Alston, James – ODB 3/166 James Monro by Sheriff to Richard Bennehan, 1786, on a branch of Flat R & Eno, adj John Mitchell, Bogan, William Seeton, Thomas Webb; part of a larger tract from James Alston to Garrad, the other part containing 200 ac sold by Garrad to James Harris.
Alston, John – ODB 14/335 John Alston to Duncan Cameron, 1814, 547.75 ac by survey of John Latta 1814, on Neuse R, adj Arnold, Raleigh Road, Gun.
Alston, John – ODB 12/243 John Alston to John Arnold, 1806, 64.5 ac adj his quarter line.
Alston, John – Gv492. File 321. Patent Book 14/331. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 500 ac on McCulloh's line, cross Great Lick Ck, SCC: Arnold Russell & William Reeves Jr. Warrant in name of Robert Terrell assigned to John Alston.
Alston, John – Gv991. w534. Proved: March 13, 1759. 300 ac on Nothing further in Weeks. OLGP includes Assignment from John & Elizabeth Crittenden to John Alston but no description.
Alston, John – HMcC-93. w2179. Proved: August 13, 1765. 100 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? Tract 12? No further conveyances in Weeks.
Alston, John Jr – ODB 12/125 John Alston Jr of Wake to John Alston Sr, 1805, 175.5 ac on Eno R, adj Mr Leathers, road, John Alston Sr old corner, James Alston.
Alston, John Sr – ODB 12/119 John Alston Sr to John Arnold of Mecklenburg Co VA, 1805, 186.5 ac on Eno R, adj John Alston Sr, Road, Mill.
Alston, William – NC256. File 852. Patent Book 32/404. Entry #320. Recorded at ODB 2/256. Granted in 1780. 200 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Thomas Gibson old tract & Red Cabbin tract, SCC: Robt Ashley & Maj Garret.
Alston, William – ODB 3/133 William Alston to James Scarlett, 1779, 108 ac adj Thomas Gibson, Joseph Collins; part of tract known as Red Cabin Tract. ODB 11/120 James Carrington Jr to William Cain Sr, 1798, 275 ac on waters of Flat R, known as Red Cabbin Tract, James Collins, John Wade, Thomas Gibson, New Road, James Scarlett.
Alston, William – ODB 2/182 William Alston of Caswell to John Taylor Jr of Granville, 1785, 90 ac on S side of Flat R, adj John Carrington.
Alston, William – ODB 2/183 William Alston to John Taylor Jr of Granville, 1785, 180 ac on S side of Flat R, adj John Carrington.
Alston, William – ODB 3/88 William Alston of Caswell to John Carrington Jr, 1785, 270 ac on S side of Flat R, adj John Taylor.
Alves, Walter – ODB 14/151 Agreement between Walter Alves & Thomas D Bennehan Esq agree to sell Bennehan land on NE side of Little R, on both sides of Main Road from Hillsborough to Granville Courthouse incl the Bogan Tract, on N bank of Little R above Walter’s Field, near rocky bluff on R, adj Mitchell Tract, Bennehan, McCullock Tract.
Alves, Walter – Entry #386. Entered in 1793. 75 ac claimed. Waters of Little R, adj Richard Bennehan & said Walter Alves.
Alves, Walter – NC1119. File 2026. Patent Book 83/282. No entry. Recorded at ODB 5/117. Granted in 1795. 75 ac adj on waters of Little R, adj John Butler, Richard Benehan formerly McCulloch, another tract belonging to Walter called Mitchell’s Place, Bogan’s Old Place, the Mill Tract formerly Clarks, Ray’s Old Tract, SCC: Henry Burch & Nicholas Whitlow.
Alves, Walter – NC1295. File 2218. Patent Book 96/44. Entry #40. Recorded at ODB 6/440. Granted in 1797. 28.5 ac on Little R, between lines of John Cain, Thomas Sutton & his own, SCC: Drury Shearrin & Thomas Sutton.
Alves, Walter – NC1705. File 2583. Patent Book 118/397. Entry #879. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1804. 130.6 ac on Eno R, adj his own land & Brownings old place, Nathaniel Harris’s old place, another tract of Walter where James Wood dwells, tract formerly called Wood’s, Coopers old place, Forrist tract, the old wagon ford on Enoe, SCC: Nathaniel Dezern & John Reeves.
Alves, Walter – NC1706. File 2584. Patent Book 118/398. Entry #880. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1804. 238.5 ac on waters of Eno, adj John Cain, Alexander Chisenhall, Thomas Dosset, Henry Johnston’s old patent, William Dosset, his own land, the big Meadow, Newhope Rd, another tract of Walter called Betty Hill’s old place, Forrist’s or Powell’s 1,000 ac patent, Alexander Chisenhall, stone corner supposed to corner of Henry Johnston on Forrests line, no SCC’s.
Alves, Walter – NC1708. File 2586. Patent Book 118/400. Entry #568. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1804. 8.1 ac on waters of Moutnain Ck, adj Rich Mountain tract, Cuze Hopkins, Hortons old corner, George Carrington & his own, SCC: John & Thomas Latta.
Alves, Walter – ODB 14/109 Walter Alves to Richard Bennehan, 1812, 262 ac on both sides Main Rd leading from Hillsborough to Granville Court House, where Richard Bennehan now lives, between Little & Flat R, adj W Bennehan formerly Stagg, Richards formerly McCullock, Bogan’s Old Tract.
Alves, Walter – Entry #386. Entered in 1793. 75 ac claimed. Waters of Little R, adj Richard Bennahan & said Walter Alves.
Alves, Walter & Amelia – ODB 14/122 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Gavin Alves, 1806, 150 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, adj Main Rd, Thomas Latt, John Garratt, Clara Hopkins, Priscilla Hopkins.
Alves, Walter – ODB 14/152 Walter Alves to Thomas D Bennehan, 1812, 324.5 ac on both sides of Main Rd from Hillsborough to Granville Courthouse on NC side of Little r, adj Mitchell Tract, Rocky Bluff on NC side of Little R.
Alves, Walter – ODB 14/673 Walter Alves to Chuza Hopkins, 1812, 6.25 ac on waters of Mountain Ck of Little R, adj Road leading from Gooches Mill to Raleigh, James Hopkins. ODB 14/437 Walter Alves to Churza Hopkins, 1812, 6.25 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, and road from Gooches Mill to Raleigh, James Hopkins, Churza Hopkins.
Alves, Walter – ODB 15/46 Walter Alves to Mildred Garrard, 79 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, adj John Webb, Thomas Latta, Rich Mountain, Main Road.
Alves, Walter – ODB 16/238 Walter Alves to Mordacai Southerland, 1812, 358 ac on both sides of Ellabies Ck, adj Lee; deed being made to rectify an error made by John Humphries in survey, deed to Southerland by Walter Alves & Amelia 1791.
Alves, Walter – ODB 16/78 Walter Alves to John Garrard, 1812, 231.75 ac on waters of Mountain Ck of Little R, adj James walker, John Latta, Cherza Hopkins, Old Corner.
Alves, Walter – ODB 5/397 Walter Alves to James Horton, 1796, 210 ac on Mountain Ck, adj Ann Horton, Thomas Latta, Stephen Willson & _ More.
Alves, Walter – ODB 6/94 Walter Alves to Richmond Harris, 1797, 166 ac in fork of Flat & Eno R, adj Richard Beneham, Richard Harris; James Harris to Walter Alves 1794, devised to James Harris by will of his father James Harris as an undivided half, to James Harris from Thomas Webb & William Wallace; James Harris had bequeathed other half to Richmond Harris.
Alves, Walter – UNC-2. ODB 5/625. 28 Nov 1796. 247 ac on waters of Little R, adj Jas Prosser, John Cain formerly Patrick Clark and William Ray, along another tract of Walter, adj Richard Bennahan, James Williams.
Alves, Walter & Amelia – ODB 13/38 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to John Webb of Granville, 1802, 200 ac on Mountain Ck, adj George Laws, Thomas Latta, Rich Mountain tract, Old Survey, Horton now George.
Alves, Walter & Amelia – ODB 13/38 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to John Webb of Granville, 1806, 200 ac on Mountain Ck, adj George Laws, Thomas Latta, Rich Mountain, Horton’s old survey.
Alves, Walter & Amelia – ODB 14/673 Walter Alves to Chuza Hopkins, 1812, 6.25 ac on waters of Mountain Ck,, adj Road leading from Gooches Mill to Raleigh, James Hopkins, Chuza Hopkins.
Alves, Walter & Amelia – ODB 4/306 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Elias Turner, 1789, 80 ac on S side of Eno R, adj heirs of Robt Lewis, Downs.
Alvis, Walter – ODB 15/46 Walter Alvis to Mildred Garrard, 1812, 79 ac on waters of Mountain Ck of Little R, adj John Webb, Thomas Latta, Rich Mountain, Main Rd, Thomas Latta.
Anderson, George – ODB 14/349 George Anderson of Person to Michael cary of same, 1812, 47 ac on fork of Camp Ck, adj William Duke, Paul Collins Spring Br, Person Co Line, Anthony Cozrt, Michael Cary.
Anderson, Gideon – ODB 3/345 Gideon Anderson to john Tilley, 1771, 235 ac on Mountain Ck, adj Henry McCulloch near a cabbin.
Anderson, Joseph – ODB 13/452 Joseph Anderson to his father David Anderson, 1810, 88.5 ac where David now lives on waters of Eno, adj Old Line, Thompson, Great Rd, Ralph Faucett. ODB 13/515 David Anderson to daughters Martha & Elisabeth Anderson, love & affection, 1810, 88.5 ac whereon I now live on waters of Eno, adj Joseph Anderson, Old Line, Thompson, Great Rd, Ralph Faucett.
Anderson, William – ODB 12/187 William Anderson to George Carrington, 1802, [no ac] on waters of Eno, adj Carrington [no metes or bounds].
Ansley, William – ODB 4/297 William Ansley to Matthew Clinton, 1787, 154 ac adj John Peoteet, John Baker, Widow Gresham.
Ansley, William – ODB 7/360 William Ansley to David Hinchey, 1798, 175 ac on waters of Newhope, ajd Hart, Couch, Malcom or Johnston, Hall; NC to William Ansley.
Ansley, William – NC1152. File 2071. Patent Book 87/402. Entry #178. Recorded at ODB 5/350. Granted in 1795. 100 ac on waters of Eno, adj road, William Cain, Wm Wallis, Seeley Dossett and Thomas Mulhollan, SCC: Jno Scarlett & Gilbert Ansley. PSB says "Carrington Road" next to this grant, though I don't see that on the microfilm. Also note that where the grant says "on waters of Eno" the word 'waters' is crossed out. ODB 15/97 George Carrington to Jesse Carrington, 1814, 100 ac on waters of Eno on Crooked Run, adj William Cain, Road; NC to William Ansley 1790 [1795?]
Ansley, William Sr – ODB 7/367 William Ansley Sr to George Carrington, 1798, 612 ac on waters of Eno, adj Old Shoemaker’s corner, Grisham, John May, Wallace, Warrin, E side of Mill Ck, Senate [Synnot], Forrest, Eno R. ODB 13/72 George Carrington to John Latta Sr, 1801, 612 ac adj Old Shoemaker corner, Grisham, John May, Wallis, Warren, E side of Mill Ck, Smith, Eno R.
Ansley, William & Sarah – ODB 2/172 William Ansley & Sarah Ansley to James Hart, 1785, 144 ac on waters of Eno R, adj Gilbert & John Strayhorn, William Couch.
Archer, Jesse – NC2088. File 2958. Patent Book 147/221. Entry #174. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1841. 11 ac on waters of Cain Ck & Watsons Ck, adj himself, Tapp, Johnson’s old tract, and Alston’s old line, no SCC’s.
Armstrong, Joseph – NC1990. File 2858. Patent Book 136/419. Entry #354. Recorded at ODB 23/36. Granted in 1826. 43.25 ac on waters of Horse Ck, adj William Cain, Samuel Abselem, Daniel Turrentine & his own land, SCC: James Turrentine & James Armstrong.
Armstrong, Thomas – Gv994. w211. Proved: March 9, 1756. 300 ac on w144 Thos Armstrong to Thos Harrison 300 ac on See also ODB1/47.
Armstrong, Thomas – NC1833. File 2712. Patent Book 127/492. Entry #1224. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1813. 1.65 ac adj his own land, stone in an old field Elliott’s corner, SCC: Thomas Bain & Thomas Carlisle.
Arnold, John – ODB 15/381 John Arnold & Fielding Leathers to Duncan Cameron, 1816, 203 ac on S side of Eno R, opposite mouth of Flat R, adj Cameron, Road, bridge over a wash near the river Eno, Mill; John Arnold Sr to John Arnold & Fielding Leathers.
Arnold, John Sr – ODB 12/243 John Arnold Sr of Wake to John Alston Sr, 1806, 80 ac.
Ashley, Robert – NC451. File 1276. Patent Book 49/18. Entry #807. Recorded at ODB 5/415. Granted in 1782. 480 ac on Flat R, adj John Bridges on E, and by Robert Forsyth on S, by James Scarlet and Wm Wait on W, and by the Mill Mountain on N, SCC: Robt Forsyth & Wm Cate.
A[y]cock, James – Gv436. File 313. Patent Book 14/329. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 595 ac on head branches of Crabtree Ck, adj Caswell or Young, SCC: Arthur Cook & Joseph Lane Jr. Warrant says begin on N side of James Aycock line in lieu of an Entry made in Arthur Cook's name.
Baker, John – ODB 5/675 John Baker to William McCauley, 1796, 208.5 ac on waters of New Hope, adj John Craig on W, adj mouth of great Branch; willed by William Logan dec’d to his daughter Elizabeth [Logan McCauley].
Baker, Robert – ODB 11/76 Robert Baker to James Mitchell, 1803, 28 ac on waters of Newhope Ck, adj David Craig dec’d, Andrew Mitchell.
Baker, Thomas – ODB 11/75 Thomas Baker to James Mitchell, 1803, 40 ac on waters of Newhope Ck.
Baldridge, Francis – NC480. File 1305. Patent Book 49/30. Entry #1196. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 116 ac on head of Harmels Ck of Little R, adj Thomas Griffith & Alexander Torringtine, SCC: Alex Torringtine & Wm Clower.
Baldridge, James – NC1420. File 2298. Patent Book 100/360. Entry #1203 by Joseph Rea. Recorded at ODB 7/393. Granted in 1799. 200 ac on waters/branches of Little R, adj John McCulloh, SCC: John & James Clendinnen. Road on survey. ?ODB 13/344 David White & Samuel Turrentine Ex’rs of James Baldridge dec’d to William Norwood, 1809, 733 ac, 4 tracts, 1st tract 200 ac.
Baldridge, James – NC1632. File 2509. Patent Book 109/271. Entry #440. Recorded at ODB 11/254. Granted in 1800. 233 ac on waters of Little & Flat R, adj James McCullok, his own land, Lawson, Andrews, Mebane, no SCC’s. ODB 13/344 David White & Samuel Turrentine Ex’rs of James Baldridge dec’d to William Norwood, 1809, 733 ac, 4 tracts, 2nd tract 233 ac on waters of Little R, adj James McCulloch, 50 ac tract of Baldridge, Lawson, Andrews, Mebane.
Baldridge, James – ODB 13/344 David White & Samuel Turrentine Ex’rs of James Baldridge dec’d to William Norwood, 1809, 733 ac, 4 tracts, 4th tract 50 ac on waters of Little & Flat R.
Baldwin, Jacob – NC464. File 1289. Patent Book 49/24 in name of Jacob Bladwin. No entry. Recorded at ODB 2/328; grantee is listed as Jacob Readwine in ODB. Granted in 1782. 249 ac on Ellebys Ck, no survey or SCC’s. ODB 4/570 Amey Henderson, Isaac Henderson, George James of Roan to Benjamin Carrel, 1792, 300 ac on Elibess Ck.
Barbee, Benjamin – ODB 11/177A Benjamin Barbee to William Cook, 1802, 36 ac on Third Fk, adj Francis Moreland, Dodd, Stovall.
Barbee, Benjamin – ODB 13/495 Benjamin Barbee to Thomas Steele, 1810, 20 ac & 20 poles on waters of North East Ck, adj land from G Barbee dec’d to Steele, a cropt whie oak on Herndon’s line.
Barbee, John – NC6. File 932. Patent Book 40/249. Entry #24. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1779. 300 ac on Lick Ck of New Hope, SCC: Thos Caper & Jos Barbee. ? sets up a claim. ODB 2/241 John Barbee to Christopher Barbee, 1781, 300 ac on adj Christopher Barbee; granted John Barbee 1779.
Barbee, John – ODB 11/339 Goin Barbee to Thomas Streele, 1805, 218 ac on waters of North East Ck; part of NC to John Barbee dec’d.
Barbee, John Jr – ODB 5/262 John Barbee Jr to Chesley page Patterson, 1795, 25 ac on waters of New Hope, a br of First Ck, adj Chesley Page Patterson, John Barbee.
Barbee, John Sr – ODB 4/27 John Barbee to William Horn, 1787, 100 ac on waters of North East Ck, part of tract to Barbee. ODB 9/333 William Horn to Isaac Hicks, 1798, 100 ac on waters of North East; part of tract granted John Barbee Sr. ODB 9/123 Isaac Hicks to Charles Kennon of Wake, 1800, mortgage on 100 ac on waters of North East; part of tract granted John Barbee Sr; also 1 horse, property can be sold after 1 Dec 1800. ODB 13/296 Gain Barbee of Wake to John Barbee, 1793, 263 ac on both sides of a prong of the North East, adj Barbee’s Old Corner; part of tract surveyed from John Barbee Sr.
Barbee, Joseph – Gv347. File 407. Patent Book 14/352. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1760. 617 ac on Third Fk of New Hope adj Rhodes, SCC: Christopher Rhodes & John Bohannon. Survey in name of Joseph Bohannon. w1835 to William Watson.
Barbee, Joseph – Gv400. File 352. Patent Book 14/338. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1760. 393 ac on both sides of Sycamore Ck of Crabtree SCC: William Roberts & Ratlif Foyel.
Barbee, Joseph – Gv522. File 396. Patent Book 14/349. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 500 ac on Northeast Ck, adj Barbee, Mark Morgan, no survey or SCC’s. ODB 3/284 Joseph Barbee & wife Mary to Gray Barbee, 1770, 500 ac on North East Fork, adj Barbee, Morgan; deed to Joseph Barbee 1761.
Barbee, Joseph – Gv59. File 356. Patent Book 14/339. Recorded at ODB 1/161. Granted in 1754. 600 ac on Northeast Prong of New Hope Ck about 1.5 miles below the Old Flag Pond, SCC: John West Esq & Henry Beasley. ODB 1/161 Original Grant.
Barbee, Joseph – Gv996. w334. Proved: December 14, 1756. 640 ac on h119 OB 11:21 Bladen Co on New Hope Ck above Robert Patterson incl mouth of Third Fk adj John West, by side of Great Br, on both sides of New Hope Ck. w298 to James Twill 640ac?
Barbee, William – Gv203. File 420. Patent Book 14/355. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1757. 400 ac on Lick Ck on waters of New Hope, adj Robert Patterson, SCC: Joseph Barbee & Thomas Winchester.
Barbee, William – ODB 15/371 William Barbee to Thomas Jenkins, 155 ac on side of Big Br of Newhope, adj Wyatt Ballard, William O’Kelley, Francis Barbee & Great Rd.
Barbey, John – NC279. File 875. Patent Book 32/427. Entry #549. Recorded at ODB 2/255. Granted in 1780. 640 ac on waters of Northeast Fk of New Hope, adj John Trice, John Holden & Joseph Cook, incl his former entry and survey, SCC: Gary & J Benj Barby.
Barber, Robert – Gv1173. Granville to Robert Barber? ODB 1/228 Edward Herrin of Johnston planter to Russell Allin, 1756, 50 ac on S die of Nuce R; part of 200 ac to Herrin from Robert Barber 1750. LOOK FOR THIS IN HOFMANN
Barker, Priscilla – Gv631. File. Patent Book 14/334. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 450ac on White Oak, waters of Buckhorn, adj Thomas Parker, SCC: Thos Barker & Edward Hobson. ODB 3/283 Priscilla Letman to William Barker.ODB 3/282 John Lashley to Wm Barker.
Barnet, John – ODB 3/496 John Barnet to William Barnet, 1772, land on where I now liv; negro Ivy; livestock & furniture.
Bass, Andrew – Confiscation #19. File 1409. Patent Book 52/326. No entry. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 264 ac on waters of Little R, adj John Tilley, Archer Harris, Thomas King, SCC: Jas Duke & Wm Vaughn. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, page 108.
Bass, Andrew – Confiscation #9. File 1412. Patent Book 52/239. No entry. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 500 ac on both sides of Camp Ck and both sides of Granville/Orange Co line, adj Ross, SCC: Fred Rose & Alex Moore. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, page 77. ODB 5/628 Andrew Ross by Sheriff to John Wilborn, 1796, 500 ac on both sides of Camp Ck & both sides of the line dividing Granville Co & Orange Co, adj Mr Ross.
Baugh, Josiah – NC506. File 1331. Patent Book 49/40. Entry #192. Recorded at ODB 2/405. Granted in 1782. 167 ac on Little Ck of New Hope, adj Benjamin Rhodes, Roger Daniel, John Merritt & John Donal, incl where he now lives, SCC: Benjamin Rhodes & Patterson Daniel. ODB 10/262 Josiah H Baugh of Stokes planter to William Rhodes, 1802, 167 ac on waters of Third Fk of New Hope, adj John Daniels; NC to Josiah H Baugh.
Baxter, Rosanna – NC891. File 1817. Patent Book 667/527. Entry #526. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1788. 260 ac on Mill Br of Flat R, adj the lands of Robert Colyer, James Dyer and George Gest, SCC: William Pettigrew & Joseph Baxter. ODB 7/332 John Baxter to William Linge, 1796, 50 ac on waters of Nap of Reeds in NE corner of Baxters Ck, bounded on N & E by Baxter, on W by James Baxter & William Petigrew near the Mile Br [no metes or bounds]. ODB 7/276 James Baxter planter & wife Rosannah to Richard Bennehan Esq, 1798, 225 ac on George Gess, Collins; NC to Rosanna Baxter 1788. ODB 7/274 Richard Bennehan Esq to James Baxter planter & wife Rosannah, 1798, 225 ac adj George Guess, Collins; NC to Rosannah 1788, James & Rosannah to Richard Benneham 1798, to hold lands during natural life, Baxter to pay all taxes.
Baylie, Ann – ODB 4/510 Ann Baylie & William Holditch of Lawrence Co SC to James Wood, 1791, 225 ac on both sides of Allibees Ck.
Beasley, Henry – Gv238. File 364. Patent Book 14/341. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1758. 226 ac on Northeast of New Hope adj Beasley, Joseph Barbee, SCC: John Bohannon & Francis Martin. Warrant says begin at the lower end of an old beaver pond.
Beasley, Henry – Gv60. File 357. Patent Book 14/339. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1754. 640 ac on Northeast Prong of New Hope, SCC: John West Esq & Joseph Barbee. Warrant h537 adj the lower end of an Old Beaver Pond. ODB 1/106 (and w171) Henry Beasley to John Bohannon, 1755, 640 ac on North East Br. ODB 5/227 Ex’r of John Jenkins dec’d to Lewis Ballard of Warren, 1794, 341 ac in Counties of Orange & Chatham, on both sides of North East Ck, adj Joseph Fennel, Hopson, Hopkins, Ephraim Beasley, Jesse Beasley; part of a tract formerly in possession of Samuel Saxon & late of John Jenkins dec’d. ODB 15/183 Lewis Ballard of Camden SC to William Morris Ballard, 1805, 341 ac in Orange & Chatham, on both sides of North East Ck, adj Joseph Fennel, Buffalo Br, Hopson, Ephriam Beasley, Jesse Beasley; part of a tract of John Jinkins dec’d & later Lewis Ballard. ODB 3/71 Samuel Saxon & wife Elizabeth to John Jinkins, 1785, 320 ac in Orange & Chatham Counties, on NW [Northeast?] Prong of New Hope; Granville to Beazley, Beazley to John Bohannon, Bohannon to Samuel Saxon.
Beasley, Henry – NC864. File 1790. Patent Book 67/514. Entry #497. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1788. 182 ac on Northeast Br of New Hope and the Marsh Br, SCC: Jessee Beasley & Charles Aber Crumbey. Nichs Davis sets up a Claim to this Entry. This dispute is settled by the Parties. ODB 4/141 Henry Beasley Sr planter of Chatham to Joseph Terrell, 1788, 182 ac on waters of North East Fork; NC to Beasley 1788.
Bell, Robert – ODB 14/129 Robert Bell by Sheriff to Archibald D Murphey ex’r of William Duffy late of Chatham, 1812, 207 ac sold to high bidder John Paylor agent of William Duffy, land on Eno R known as Hartford, on W side of Mill Pond, Stone Wall, Mebane Rd, Railey.
Belvin, Robert – Gv814. h5463. Granted: 8 Jan 1761. 521 ac on Great Lick Ck of Neus R, adj Capt Jeffreys, SCC: Abraham Nelson & Wm Goodson. not in weeks. OLGP loose warrant to Robert Bellwin S side Neuse R banches of Great Lick Ck & Laurel Ck between Jeffreys two tracts.
Bennahan, Richard – UNC-3. ODB 5/624. 28 Nov 1796. 247 ac on waters of Flat and Little Rs adj Walter Alves from UNC and another tract of Walter, Mitchell's Tract, Widow Horton, James Williams.
Bennahan, Richard – UNC-4. ODB 8/233. 28 Nov 1799? 116 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Banks, a split hickory bent, Montgomery's line, A. Rickett's line [Pickett?].
Bennehan, Richard – NC1576. File 2451. Patent Book 105/61. Entry #500. Recorded at ODB 9/24. Granted in 1799. 35 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Sarah Horton, Walter Alves & his own, SCC: John Green & Anth Rickets. INTERESTING ROAD & CK ON PLAT.
Bennehan, Richard – ODB 13/324 Richard Bennehan to Duncan Cameron, 1810, 300 ac adj Richmond Harris, Richard Bennehan formerly Webbm Richard Harris, Hugh Cain, Monroe, Martin, Mill Road.
Bennehan, Richard – ODB 14/35 Richard Bennehan to Duncan Cameron, 1803, 1200 ac on NE side of Flat R, in Orange & Granville Co, adj Knap of Reed Ck, George Law, Enor R; to Bennehan from Tyre Harris & wife Mary Anne, Joseph Speed, Caleb Brasfield & wife Lucy, John Marshall & Bryant Stonom; incl plantation from Bryant Stonom lines of which crosses creek near the beginning.
Bennehan, Richard – ODB 14/714 Richard Bennahan to John Fort, 1815, 301 ac on waters of Nap of Reeds Ck, adj William Madison, William Laws, Granville Co Line, Guess.
Bennehan, Thomas – NC1972. File 2840. Patent Book 135/285. Entry #287. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1822. 5 ac on waters of Flat R, adj William Horton, Dixon & Waits, his own land, no SCC’s.
Bennett, John – ODB 6/187 John Barnett/Bennett to Edmond Herndon, 1797, 112 ac on North East Ck.
Bennett, Joseph – ODB 5/263 Joseph Bennett & wife Anna Ritur Bennett to John Bennett, 1794, 100 ac on North East Ck, adj Henry McCoy, John Bennett.
Benton, Jesse – NC873. File 1799. Patent Book 67/518. Entry #819. Recorded at ODB 4/73. Granted in 1788. 278 ac on waters of Eno, adj Peter Walson, Robert Burnside and John Stubbs, incl improvement he purchased from John Terrel, SCC: Jos Thompson & Wm Dickson.
Benton, Jesse – NC971. File 1882. Patent Book 71/174. Entry #819. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1789. 278 ac on waters of Eno, adj Peter Walton, Robert Burnside and John Stubbs, incl improvement he purchased from John Ferrel, SCC: Joseph Thompson & Wm Dickson.
Benton, Samuel – Gv1179. ODB 2/222. Granted: 28 Oct 1751. 300 ac on a br of Crabtree Ck. w132 to Nathaniel Kimbro. ODB 1/22 Samuel Benton esq to Nathaniel Kimbrough son of Buckley Kimbrough, 1755, 300 ac on a br of Crabtree Ck; Granville to Benton 1751. Re-recorded ODB 2/222.
Benton, Samuel – NC540? File 2575; shuck empty. Patent Book 118/360. No entry. Recorded at ODB 11/162. Granted in 1804. 210 ac on Eno, adj Chisenhall, Harris & Forrester, no SCC’s; sold as confiscated property of Henry Eustace McCulloh. ODB 13/349 Samuel Benton to Henry Shepperd, 1810, 210 ac on Eno, adj Chisenhall, Harris & Forrester; sold by Henry Shepperd Commissioner as confiscated property of Henry E McCulloch; Shepperd is purchasing a half interest in the land. ODB 15/258 Henry Shepperd & William Shepperd to John Latta (son of Thomas), 1815, 210 ac on Eno, adj Chisenhall, Harris & Forrester.
Berry, Robert – NC366. File 1184. Patent Book 41/19. Entry #300. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1780. 293 ac between Quarrel & Lick Cks, adj his own land, Archelaus Wilson, Richard Holeman & William Armstrong, SCC: Jn & Wm Willson. ODB 13/330 Robert Berry to William Armstrong, 1800, 200 ac adj Charles Holeman, Charles Roundtree, William Armstrong Sr, road; part of 293 ac from NC to Robert Berry 1780.
Berry, Robert Sr – ODB 14/57 Robert Berry Sr to Joshua Berry, 129 ac on Lick Ck, adj William Stagg, Berry, Rountree, mouth of Cat-tail Br.
Berry, Thomas – ODB 12/334 Thomas Berry to James Miller, 1806, 300 ac on waters of Little & Flat R.
Bilbo, Thomas – NC2070. File 2932. Patent Book 143/680. Entry #158. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1838. 12.4 ac on waters of Northeast Ck, adj James Herndon, Aaron Marcom and heirs of Joseph Bilbo, SCC: Aaron Marcom & Joel Guilbert.
Bilbo, Thomas – NC2076. File 2947. Patent Book 146/52. Entry #195. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1839. 103.5 ac on waters of Northeast Ck, adj Edmond Herndon, John Marcom and his own land, SCC: Willy Marcom & Samuel Merritt.
Bishop, Asa – ODB 2/247 Asa Bishop of Halifax to James Powell, 1781, 1000 ac on Mountain Ck on NE side of Little R, adj the Red Cabbin & Rich Mountain lands and Horton, Clark & Alexander Torrentine [no metes or bounds].
Bishop, Asa – NC336. File 1154. Patent Book 42/4. Entry #364. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1780. 640 ac on N side of Little R and on both sides of Mountain Ck, adj Wm Alston, incl improvement he purchased from John Miller, SCC: John & Charles Miller.
Bishop, Asa – NC423. File 1248. Patent Book 49/9. Entry #1093. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 200 ac on waters of Little R, bounded on N by his other Entry #364, adj James Horton, SCC: John & Chas Miller.
Black, Benjamin – ODB 4/355 Benjm Black of Wilks Co GA to Robert Campbell, 1788, 52 ac on S by Enoch Lewis, on E by Abraham Massey, on N by Edward Trice.
Black, Peter – Gv463. File 343. Patent Book 14/336. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 102 ac on SCC: Peter Black & Peter Craven. Warrant say on both sides of br of Mayo. w2481 to John Allen 102 ac.
Blackwood, William – ODB 10/278 William Blackwood to Joseph Kinyen, 1801, 100 ac in St Thomas District, adj Moore’s Old Field, John Freeland. ODB 10/273 Joseph Kinyen to Joseph Kirkland, 1802, 85 ac in St Thomas District, adj Kirkland; land from William Blackwood to Kinyen.
Blake, Benjamin – ODB 4/731 Benjamin Blake of Wilks Co GA to John Scott, 1787, 240 ac on both sides of New Hope Ck, Great Br; James Trice to Benjamin Blake father of above Benjamin 1763, by will so son James Blake, on death of James Blake to Benjamin Blake his brother and only heir.
Blake, James – Gv1201. ODB 3/525. Granted: 20 June 1761. 362 ac on ODB 3/525 James Dickens to Richard Person, 60 ac on N side of Flat R; part of 2 tracts, Granville to James Blake 20 June 1761 for 362 ac on and Granville to John Tharp 1761 for 365 ac.
Blakeley, James – Gv608. File 331. Patent Book 14/343. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 560 ac on Deep Ck of Flat R, adj John Thomas SCC: Thomas & Samuel Fulton. w1364 to John Swaney 506 ac?
Blakeley, William – Gv998. w814. Proved: November 11, 1760. 362 ac on w1721 James Blackley to James Dinkins 362 ac.
Blakeley, William or James? – Gv451. File 373. Patent Book 14/343. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 322 ac on Flat R, adj Osborn Jeffreys, SCC: Samuel Fulton & Benjamin Morrow.
Blake, James – ODB 4/81 Benjamin Blake of Wilkes Co GA to John Scott, 1787, 2_ ac on both sides of New Hope ck, adj Great Br; to Benjamin Blake father of Sd Benjamin Blake by James Blake, on death of James Blake by intestate succession to Benjamin Blake only heir of James Blake.
Bledsoe, Jacob – Gv520. File 412. Patent Book 14/353. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 600 ac on both sides of White Oak Ck on waters of New Hope SCC: William Herrin & Moses Bledsoe.
Bledsoe, Jacob – Gv661. File 411. Patent Book 14/353. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1762. 700 ac on Laurel Ck waters of Lick Ck, adj McCulloh SCC: William Holifield & John Smith. Warrant says includes Robert Belvin's improvements.
Bledsoe, John – Gv1124. h??? Surveyed: 12 Aug 1761. loose warrant ac on White Oak Ck on waters of New Hope on both sides of Cape Fair Road.
Bledsoe, John – Gv521. File 376. Patent Book 14/344. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 400 ac on Neuse R, adj William Humphreys, McCulloh, SCC: Moses Bledsoe & Aaron Bledsoe.
Bobbit, Sihon – ODB 13/91 Sihon Bobbit to Joseph B Shaw & John Gooch Sr, 1807, mortgage on 230 ac, 2 tracts on waters of Flat R, 180 ac he now liveth on and 50 ac [no metes or bounds].
Boggan, Margaret – Gv999. w588. Proved: March 13, 1759. 216 ac on w543 Margaret Boggan to John Brown 216ac.
Boggan, Patrick – McC. ODB 1/159. Registered: December 3, 1753. – ac on Orange Co. See ODB 1/159 Margaret & William Boggan to Jesse Hollingsworth of Cecil Co MD, 1756, 320 ac on N side of Flat R, adj George Laws, Knap of Reeds, Henry Morris. ODB 4/1 Joseph Speed of Mecklenburg Co VA to Richard Benehan, 1788, 320 ac on NE side of Flat R, adj George Law, Knap of Reeds, Henry Morris now Richard Benehan; Henry McCulloch to Patrick Boggan 1753, Margaret Boggan & William Boggan to Jesse Hollingsworth 1756, Hollingsworth to James Veazey 1761, Veazey to Speed 1783. Same deed re-recorded ODB 4/722.
Bohannon – ODB 2/145 William Watson planter & Danell Watson to William Watson, 1780, 517 ac formerly surveyed for Joseph Barbee, on Third Fk of New Hope; Joseph Barbee bought of Bohannon.
Bohannon, John – Gv167. File 341. Patent Book 14/335. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1756. 268 ac on Kitts Ck of Northeast of New Hope, adj Beasley, Rhodes SCC: Henry Beasley & Christopher Rhodes. Survey in name of Christopher Rhodes.
Bohannon, John – Gv398. File 393. Patent Book 14/349. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1760. 637 ac on Second Fk of New Hope, SCC: William Rhodes & Christopher Rhodes.
Bohannon, John – Gv817. h5496. Granted: 2 Aug 1760. 640 ac on Second Fk of New Hope, adj H Patterson, Rhoads, SCC: Wm & Christopher Rhoads. Not in Weeks. Warrant says adj John Rhodes (lower tract).
Boles, John – ODB 10/23 John Boles planter to John Williams planter, 1800, 236 ac on waters of Newhope, adj Ephrian Estes, Burris Estes, Hessee.
Booth, John – Gv664. File 399. Patent Book 14/350. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1762. 412 ac on Northeast of New Hope adj George Harrington, SCC: Samuel Saxon & William Saxon.
Booth, John – ODB 13/458 John Booth to Tapley Booth, 1811, 74 ac on Lick Ck, adj George Daniel, Tar Kiln Br, Samuel Parks.
Booth, John – ODB 2/177 John Booth to Christopher Barbee, 1785, 167 ac adj George Tomplin [Lamplin?] Sr, Edward Trice, Barbee.
Borland, Andrew – NC955. File 1866. Patent Book 71/168. Entry #127. Recorded at ODB 6/343. Granted in 1789. 184 ac on waters of Northeast and Third Fk of New Hope, bounded on N by Abercrumby & William Marcom, on W by William MArcom, on S by Thomas Hall, and on E by John Barbee, no SCC’s.
Borland, Andrew – ODB 10/239 Andrew Borland of Hancock Co GA to Richard Marcom, 1802, 164 ac on waters of Newhope, adj John & Benjamin Barby, Bibbo, Richard Marcom, Thomas Hall.
Borland, Baxter – ODB 12/119 Baxter Borland to William Jenkins, 1806, 25 ac on waters of Newhope Ck, adj Marcom, Jenkins, Borland.
Boroughs, James – ODB 13/183 James Boroughs to Zacheus Boroughs, 1802, 219 ac on Newhope, adj William Blackwood, Long, John Strayhorn; part of tract from John Moore to James Boroughs.
Bowie, James – -. File 424. Patent Book 14/357. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1754. 240 ac, SCC: w1714 to William Reed 240 ac on
Bowie, James – -. File 425. Patent Book 14/357. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1759. 640 ac, SCC: w587 to Lawrence Redman 640 ac.
Bowie, James – Gv277. File 427. Patent Book 14/357. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1759. 292 ac on both sides of Elliby Ck SCC: Henry Key & John Madden. ODB 3/533 John Madden to Wharton Whatley, 1769, 95 ac where John Maddin now lives, adj Piney Mountain Ck; part of 292 ac Granville to Jas Bowie, Bowie to Madden 1759.
Bowman, James H – ODB 14/317 James H Bowman to William McKee Jr, 1810, 161 ac on waters of Buffaloe Ck running into Little R.
Bowman, James H – ODB 14/347 James H Bowman to William McKee Jr, 1810, 161 ac on waters of Buffaloe Ck.
Bozwell, James – ODB 6/207 James Bozwell to Thomas Laycock, 1787, 165 ac on both sides of “the river” [Eno?]
Bracken, Thomas or John – HEMcC-148. w1132. Proved: May 10, 1763. 200 ac in Weeks, but Tract unknown; search Granville & Guilford DBs. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Brannock, Henry – NC1677. File 2512. Patent Book 110/258. Entry #767. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1802. 12 ac adj his own land, Andrew Robertson & John Madkin, SCC: Robert Hattrick & Elijah Leathers.
Braswell, Henry – Gv1001. w1188. Proved: November 8, 1763. 346 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Bridges, Joseph – Gv1125. h??? Granted: 9 Apr 1754. loose warrant ac on S side of S Prong of Crooked Ck.
Brinkley, Alexander – ODB 16/303 Alexander Brinkley to Francis Epperson, 1816, 10 ac on E side of Flat R, adj rock spring, Brinkley’s Spring Br, Brinkley.
Brinkley, William – ODB 5/40 William Brinkley to William Cozart, 1792, 100 ac on Camp Ck, adj New Road, Anthony Cozart, George Anderson [no metes].
Brittain, John – HMcC-84. w2170. Proved: August 13, 1765. 213 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? Tract 12? No further conveyances in Weeks.
Brittain, Joseph – HMcC-256. DOS-12. Granted in 1759. 233 or 283 ac on Orange Co. DOS-12. ODB 4/547 James Bittain to Barnaby Grimes, 1785, 283 ac adj John McLarg [or McHarg?], Trading Path, Henry Eustace McCulloh; McC to Brittain 4 July 1763? Adj John McLarg. [Meherg?].
Brittain, Joseph – NC1504. File 2379. Patent Book 101/278. Entry #483 by Henry Hunt. Recorded at ODB 9/29. Granted in 1799. 40.5 ac on waters of Crooked Run, adj John Latta & Samuel Holloway, SCC: Jno Vaughn & Wm Cate.
Brittain, Joseph – ODB 16/50 Joseph Brittain to John Cain, 1805, 951.5 ac adj road.
Brittain, Joseph – UNC-5. ODB 11/324. no date. 235.5 ac on waters of Beaver Dam Ck begin at a dead post oak, adj Ck.
Bromfield, Watson – HMcC-60. w1308. Proved: November 8, 1763. 707 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Bromfield, Watson – HMcC-81. w2167. Proved: August 13, 1765. 200 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Bromfields, Watson – Gv1002. w535. Proved: March 13, 1759. 320 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
[Bromfields] Brumfield, Watson – HMcC-257. DOS-12. Granted: 1759. 320 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. 707ac?
Brooks, Joel – Gv1003. w740. Proved: August 14, 1759. 258 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Brooks, John – Gv1004. w2090. Proved: August 13, 1765. 400 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Brown, Frederick – Gv1005. w597. Proved: March 13, 1759. 233 ac on perhaps w1668 Fred'k Brown to Phillip Cooper 116ac.
Brown, John – Gv591. File 368. Patent Book 14/342. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 698 ac on Flat R, adj James Watson, Thomas Gibson SCC: Moses Riddle & Charles Gibson. Warrant says includes Bolins, Ridles & Colins improvements. ODB 3/137 John Brown to James [Cozart] of Granville, 1783, 698 ac on Flat R, adj James Watson, Thomas Gibson.
Brown, John – NC374. File 1192. Patent Book 42/23. Entry #494. Recorded at ODB 2/258. Granted in 1780. 200 ac on waters of Little R, adj his own lines, John Hall & James Thompson, SCC: William Jamison & John Hunter. ODB 4/726 John Brown of Virginia to William Jamison, 1785, 200 ac on N Fk of Little R; NC to John Brown 1780. Same deed also recorded at ODB 4/7.
Brown, Thomas – Gv1193. ODB 3/608. 144 ac on both sides of Deep Ck, adj Paine, Brown. Brown to John Avery, Avery to William Paine.
Brown, William – NC1574. File 2449. Patent Book 105/59. Entry #460. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1799. 31 ac within & without his own lines, adj David Cook, SCC: Caleb Byas? & Wm? Cook.
Brown, William – ODB 11/128 William Brown of Person to Charles Glenn of Granville, 1801, 200 ac adj William Lingo, Person Co Line, John Mize, Samuel Cary, William Duke.
Brown, William – ODB 11/129 William Brown of Person to William Lingo, 1800, 100 ac adj Person Co line, Granville Co line.
Browning, Elizabeth – HMcC-63. w1311. Proved: November 8, 1763. 200 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Browning, Thomas – ODB 12/144 Thomas Browning to Samuel Peelor 128.5 ac on waters of Newhope called Second Ck, adj Great Road, John Cabe, Benjamin Peelor; part of tract Abner Peelor formerly lived on.
Browning, William – ODB 10/178 William Browning & Thomas Browning to Stephen Redding, 1802, 105 ac bounded by William Cabe on N, Haw Br on E, Eno R on S. ODB 16/76 Stephen Reding to Jacob Whitaker, 1815, 104 ac on Eno R, adj William Cabe, Haw Br. ODB 16/79 Jacob Whitaker to Thomas Reding, 104 ac adj William Cabe on N, Haw Br on E, Eno R on S.
Brownrigg, George – ODB 3/336 George Brownrigg to William Alston, 1770, 385 ac on W side of Flat R, adj Thomas Gibson, Joseph Collins, John Wade.
Brownrigg, Richard – HMcC-9. w781. Proved: November 11, 1760. 992 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. DOS-11. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Bryant, John – ODB 3/17 John Bryant to Edward Trice, 1787, 25 ac on waters of New Hope, adj Mary Leutchen.
Bryant, John & Mary – ODB 4/197 John Bryant & wife Mary to William Trice, 1789, 150 ac on both sides of Bakers Ck of New Hope, adj Moses Hutchins, Edward Trice, Thomas Trice, Patterson.
Bullock, Richard – Gv461. File 391. Patent Book 14/348. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 570 ac on adj McCulloh, Robert Abercrombie, Elliby Ck, SCC: Zachariah Bullock & William Bullock.
Bumpass, Samuel – ODB 3/475 George Cowley to Robert Dickens, 440 ac on Spring Br of Flat R (alias Deep Ck); Granville to Samuel Bumpass. Gv582 PERSON CO?
Bunch, Henry – ODB 13/390 Henry Bunch to Culberth Benton, 1808, 50 ac.
Bunch, Henry – NC527. File 1352. Patent Book 49/48. Entry #334. Recorded at ODB 3/98. Granted in 1782. 640 ac on both sides of N Fk of Ellebys Ck, bounded on S by Meritts old fields, SCC: Jno Copley & Jno Diseroom.
Bunch, Jeremiah – NC519. File 1344. Patent Book 49/45. Entry #704. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 276 ac on Both side of Mill Ck of Eno, bounded on E and S by his own land, adj Henry Dinwiddie & Matthew Clinton, no SCC’s.
Bunch, Jeremiah – NC836. File 1695. Patent Book 59/32. Entry #1272. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1785. 200 ac on N side of Eno R, adj Leacock, Jacob Allen, incl improvement formerly belonging to Jesse Shoemaker, SCC: Joseph Townsen & Thos Laycock.
Bunch, Jeremiah Jr – ODB 4/378 Jeremiah Bunch Jr of Bertie to Josiah Warren, 1788, 276 ac.
Burford, Thomas – ODB 2/146 Thomas Burford & wife Mary to Jane Latta, 186 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, adj William Johnston, James Walker; James Wilkinson to Charles Abercromby 1773, Abercromby to Burford 1778.
Burmor, Peter – Gv1007. w2234. Proved: November 12, 1765. 223 ac on w2312 Peter Brusnor to Francis Nash 223ac.
Burney, John – Gv206. File 421. Patent Book 14/356. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1757. 395 ac on adj widow Allen, Cheeks Mill Ck, Doyle, Averrett, Fareclough, Mary Haywood, SCC: John Averrett & David Averrett.
Burroughs, James – ODB 11/145 James Burroughs to Reuben Burroughs, 1802, 220 ac on Newhope, adj George Johnston; part of John Moore to James Burroughs.
Burroughs, James – ODB 8/282 James Burroughs to John Holt, 1799, 320 ac adj Benjamin Peelor.
Burroughs, Reuben – NC1786. File 2670. Patent Book 124/250. Entry #1121. Recorded at ODB 13/247. Granted in 1809. 105.5 ac on waters of New Hope, adj George Johnston, Thomas Scarlett, his own land, SCC: Thomas Scarlett & Neal Tyson.
Burt, John – Gv??? File 329. Patent Book 14/332. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1760. 640 ac on Stirrup Iron & Briar Cks SCC: Edward Hopson & John Pitts. Warrant says adj Capt. Edward Jones incl his own improvements on N Fk of Crabtree Ck. w2083 to Edward Sorrell 640 ac.
Burton, Samuel – HMcC-262. DOS-12. Granted: 1760. 320 ac. DOS-12. ODB 2/65 Chas Copeland to William Black, 1766, 320 ac on S side Eno R, adj William Bobbit; HM to Samuel Burton. ODB 2/123 Susanna Burton widow of Samuel to William Johnston, relinquish dower of 320 ac on S side Eno, adj William Bobbit, William Johnston. ODB 2/64 Charles Copeland to William Black, 1766, 80 ac on S side of Eno R, adj Brobbath; Brobbath to Charles Coapland. ODB 2/65a William Black an Otheel Francis wife to Peter Copeland, 320 ac adj William Bobbit. ODB 2/62 William Black and Frances wife to Peter Copeland, 80 ac on S side Eno adj William Bobbit, Eno R. ODB 2/70 Peter Copeland to William Johnston, 320 ac adj tract Copeland purchased of Bobbit and conveyed to Johnston, p/o HM to Samuel Burton. ODB 2/67 Peter Copland to William Johnston 80 ac on S side Eno adj Burton, Bobbit. ODB 4/266 William Alves & wife Amelia to William Downs, 1790, 300 ac on Eno R, adj Elias Turner; part of Henry McCulloch to Samuel Burton; Burton to Charles Copeland, Copeland to William Black, Black & wife Frances to Peter Copeland, Peter Copeland to William Johnston; Johnston gave a bond to give a deed upon payment, Johnston died & his only child Amelia has been paid.
Burton, Williamson – NC2045. File 2921. Patent Book 143/79. Entry #128. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1836. 41.4 ac on waters of Eno, adj Moses McCown’s heirs, Thomas Holloway dec’d, Piper, Cabe’s heirs, SCC: john Holloway & Major Burton.
Butler, John – NC343. File 1161. Patent Book 42/7. Entry #6. Recorded at ODB 2/330. Granted in 1780. 640 ac on adj the Chapel land, the Mill land, John Mitchell’s old line now William Johnston’s, James Cain, SCC: Michael McGee & Abraham Teasley. ODB 2/332 John Butler to William Johnston, 1782, 640 ac on both sides Little R, adj Chapel land, Mill land belonging to William Johnston & James Cain (now Thos Sutton); granted Butler 1780.
Butler, John – NC409. File 1227. Patent Book 42/39. Entry #203. Recorded at ODB 2/331. Granted in 1780. 640 ac on both sides Cabbin Br of Little R, adj William Johnston's Chapple land, and Cabbin Br land of Benjamin Forrist, incl the meadows, SCC: Michael McGee & Abraham Teasly. ODB 2/334 John Butler to William Johnston, 1783, 640 ac on both sides of Cabbin Br of Little R, adj William Johnston, Benj Forrest; granted Butler 1780.
Butler, John – ODB 4/269 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to James Hogg, 1790, 2nd tract 640 ac on waters of Buckhorn Ck called Days Old Place adj Thomas Rhodes, John Horn & John Cain [no metes or bounds]; John Butler to William Johnston 1783. ODB 4/272 James Hogg to Walter Alves, 1790, same tract.
Butler, John – NC435. File 1260. Patent Book 49/13. Entry #4. Recorded at ODB 2/329. Granted in 1782. 640 ac on incl Day's & Kunsion’s improvements, adj land conveyed by Reason Whitehead to Edmund Fanning, now property of William Johnston, SCC: John Scarlet & Mich McGee. ODB 2/335 John Butler to William Johnston, 1783, 640 ac on waters of Eno R, adj William Johnston on N, Day’s old field, Timothy Cain; granted Butler 1782 (No. 435). ODB 4/511 Walter Alves & wife Amela to Stephen Carrel, 1791, 540 ac on waters of Eno, adj John Cain, Fanning’s Quarter belonging to Alves, Quarter Place, Thomas Rhoads; NC to John Butler 1783, Butler to William Johnston 1788, Johnston bequeathed to Amelia his only child. ODB 4/561 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Thomas Roads, 1792, 100 ac adj Thomas Roads, Henry Bunch, another tract belonging to Alves called Jennings Place; part of 640 ac from NC to John Butler, Butler to Wm Johnston, Johnston by will to Amelia his only child.
Cabe, John – Misc06. 333. 293 ac on waters of Second Ck, adj William Pickett entry #16 incl improvement purchased of Thomas Allen SCC: John Trice & Benonia Gresham.
Cabe, John – NC1386. File 2294. Patent Book 99/25. Entry #4. Recorded at ODB 8/290. Granted in 1798. 115 ac on waters of Eno, adj Thomas Redding, Cabe, Benjamin Carrell, John Copley, SCC: Thomas Redding & his son.
Cabe, John – NC1506. File 2381. Patent Book 101/279. Entry #513. Recorded at ODB 8/291. Granted in 1799. 271.7 ac on between Allibars Ck & New Hope, adj Benjamin Peeler, William Turner & Thomas Guin, SCC: John Copley & Thos Browning.
Cabe, John – NC345. File 1163. Patent Book 42/8. Entry #78. Recorded at ODB 2/288. Granted in 1780. 304 ac on both sides of Eno R, adj Alex Nelson incl his mill seat, SCC: Sam Piper & Thos Reading.
Cabe, John – NC827. File 1686. Patent Book 59/23. Entry #1304. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1785. 200 ac on waters of Eno, adj Edward Riley, SCC: Wm Crabtree & Edward Riley.
Cabe, John Esq – NC1941. File 2809. Patent Book 134/174. Entry #127. Recorded at ODB 18/312. Granted in 1819. 2.5 ac on waters of Ellibies Ck, adj his own land, SCC: Thomas Reding Jr & William Hudgins.
Cabe, John Esq – NC1941. File 2809. Patent Book 134/174. Entry #127. Recorded at ODB 18/312. Granted in 1819. 2.5 ac on waters of Ellibies Ck, adj his own land, SCC: Thomas Reding Jr & William Hudgins.
Cabe, William – NC385. File 1203. Patent Book 42/28. Entry #79. Recorded at ODB 2/288. Granted in 1780. 280 ac on lying on N side of Eno R, adj Barnaby Cabe, incl the School House, SCC: Sam Popper & Thos Reding. ODB 5/711 William Cabe to Samuel Piper, 1787, 140 ac on N side of Eno R, S end of tract divdided between Piper & William Cabe; NC to William Cabe.
Cabe, William – ODB 16/219 William Cabe to John Cabe, 1818, 366.25 ac on waters of Ellibys Ck, adj Daniel Chandler, James Davis, Ezekiel Haley, John Hall, Shepperd, Absalom Alston, John Leigh.
Cain, Hugh – ODB 15/382 Hugh Cain to Duncan Cameron, 1816, 6 ac 13 poles on Eno & Little R, adj Harris, Cameron purchased on John P Smith.
Cain, James – ODB 2/461 James Cain planter to Thomas Sutton, 1782, 203 ac adj McCullock, Michael McGee; half of tract granted to John May, May to James Cain.
Cain, John – NC1021. File 1932. Patent Book 75/8. Entry #213. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1790. 32 ac on waters of Little R, adj James Prosser and his own land, SCC: James Watson & William M’Gomery.
Cain, John – ODB 14/529 John Cain to Stephen Clement, 1810, 206.5 ac on waters of Little R, adj William Cain, Dunnagan’s Old Tract.
Cain, John – ODB 16/350 William Cain Jr to [John Cain heirs] Jacob Allen, William Allen, Nancy Cain wife of Hugh Cain, Betsy Allen & Hannah Allen, 1817, William Cain Sr & others filed a petition for the division of the lands of John Cain dec’d among the heirs; commissioners set off to James & Nancy Latta, John & Synthia Scarlett, Jacob Allen, William Allen, Hugh & Sally Cain, Betty Allen & Hannah Allen, 3 tracts, 2nd tract in Wake Co on waters of Painters & Ellibees Ck formerly belonged to George Laws distinguished by letter (B).
Cain, John – ODB 16/350 William Cain Jr to [John Cain heirs] Jacob Allen, William Allen, Nancy Cain wife of Hugh Cain, Betsy Allen & Hannah Allen, 1817, William Cain Sr & others filed a petition for the division of the lands of John Cain dec’d among the heirs; commissioners set off to James & Nancy Latta, John & Synthia Scarlett, Jacob Allen, William Allen, Hugh & Sally Cain, Betty Allen & Hannah Allen, 3 tracts, 1st tract on waters of Newhope distinguished in Plat 3 by the letter (A), Sheriff to John Cain.
Cain, John – ODB 16/350 William Cain Jr to [John Cain heirs] Jacob Allen, William Allen, Nancy Cain wife of Hugh Cain, Betsy Allen & Hannah Allen, 1817, William Cain Sr & others filed a petition for the division of the lands of John Cain dec’d among the heirs; commissioners set off to James & Nancy Latta, John & Synthia Scarlett, Jacob Allen, William Allen, Hugh & Sally Cain, Betty Allen & Hannah Allen, 3 tracts, 3rd tract in Orange Co on waters of Eno distinguished in plat by letter (C), Samuel Southerland to John Cain; James & Nancy Latta and John & Synthia Scarlett sold their interests to William Cain Jr, Jacob Allen, William Allen, Hugh & Nancy Cain, Betsey Allen & Hannah Allen to William Cain Jr the last two tracts, this deed is to convey to the grantees the share of William Cain Jr in the land on waters of Newhope.
Cain, William – NC1046. File 1958. Patent Book 75/18. Entry #214. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1790. 43 ac on waters of Little R, adj Benjamin Cate, Stephen Smith and his own, SCC: Jno Cain & Jno Cate.
Cain, William – NC1524. File 2399. Patent Book 101/287. Entry #7. Recorded at ODB 16/365. Granted in 1799. 150 ac on Little R, adj Mathew Cates, Dunnagan and his own land, no SCC’s.
Cain, William – NC1579. File 2454. Patent Book 105/267. Entry #107. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1799. 200 ac on waters of Eno adj William Dunnigan and his own, SCC: John Cain & Jonathan Clower.
Cain, William Sr – NC2079. File 2950. Patent Book 146/137. Entry #178. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1839. 23 ac on waters of Little R, adj Wm Warren, Eliza Hopkins, Artho Haughton? and his own land, SCC: Jas F Long & Will Dunnagan.
Callahan, Darby – ODB 3/325 Darby Callahan, Unity Callahan, Jean Mebane to William Johnston, 1769, 50 ac on Eno R, adj stony bank. ODB 3/405 William Mebane & wife Jean to William Johnston merchant, 1770, 50 ac on Eno R, adj stoney bank.
Campbell, Daniel – ODB 12/263 Daniel Campbell to John McDade, 1806, 180 ac on waters of Eno, adj Great Road, Old Tract.
Campbell, John – ODB 12/262 John Campbell to Robert Stewart, 1806, 154 ac on waters of Eno, adj Old Tract, Thompson, br.
Campbell, Robert – NC469. File 1294. Patent Book 49/26. Entry #124. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 165 ac on waters of Third Fk of New Hope adj his own land, Edward Trice Sr, Jobb Farmer, SCC: James & Andrew Trice.
Campbell, Robert – ODB 4/615 Robert Campbell to Henry Campbell, 1791, 340 ac on waters of Eno, adj Old Line.
Campbell, Robert – ODB 5/220 Robert Campbell to Joseph Castlebury, 1794, 145 ac on Third Fk, adj John Leigh, Daniel Watson.
Cannady, James – NC473. File 1298. Patent Book 49/27. No entry. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 188 ac on Cub Island Br of Eno, adj James Curry, Charles Abercrombie, John May, no survey or SCC’s. ODB 10/261 James Kennady of Wilkes to Richard Cates, 1802, [no ac] on Cabe Island Br of Eno, adj James Curry, Charles Abercrombie, John May; NC to James Kennady 1782. ODB 13/201 Abner Cate & Elizabeth Cate to James Latta Esq, 1808, 188 ac on Cub Island Ck of Eno, adj James Curry, James Latta, Cromby, John May; NC to Jame Kennady.
Cannon, William – Gv1008. w1194. Proved: November 8, 1763. 328 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Capley, John Copley? – NC453. File 1278. Patent Book 49/19. Entry #1268. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 260 ac on waters of Eno, adj Thomas Reding & John Ruffin, SCC: Jno Disharoon & Henry Bunch.
Capper, Thomas – Gv605. File 484. Patent Book 14/371. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 640 ac on Second Fk of New Hope adj John Patterson, Rhodes, SCC: William Rhodes & Christopher Rhodes. w1045 to James Trice 320 ac?
Carden, Reuben – ODB 14/523 Reuben Carden to Patsy Crowder, 1813, 12.5 ac on waters of Eno, adj B Holloway, Cate, John Carden.
Carlton, Thomas – ODB 15/425 Thomas Carlton to Nathan Marcom, 1817, 353 ac on waters of Newhope, adj William trice, Chesley P Patterson, Christopher Daniel & Robert Campbell [no metes or bounds].
Carrel, Stephen – ODB 2/428 Stephen Carrel to John Baker, 1783, 50 ac adj road, meadow.
Carrell, Charles – ODB 3/131 Charles Carrell to Stephen Willson, 1784, on waters of Little R, adj Stephen Wilson, Charles Carrell’s field, Archer Harris; granted to Carrell.
Carrigan, John – ODB 9/17 John Carregan of Person to Jonathan Mize, 1800, 221 ac on Knap of Read Ck, adj Granville Co Line, adj Wilburn.
Carrington, George – ODB 16/65 George Carrington by Sheriff to Sterling Harris, 909 ac on S side of Eno R, adj Benjamin & Josiah Forrest, Johnston, Mill Tract, Wallace, a pine in a drain, Clinton, Mill Ck, Forrest tract.
Carrington, George – ODB 12/130 George Carrington to James Latta Jr, 1805, 200 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj branch formerly John Mays Spring Br, Lewis.
Carrington, George – ODB 13/73 George Carrington to James Warren, 1807, 119.75 ac on waters of Jumping Run, adj branch of Mill Ck.
Carrington, George – ODB 14/392 George Carrington to Jacob Whitteker, 1812, 183 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj James Wood & Fielding Leathers, adj Flat Rock Br, James Woods. ODB 14/690 Jacob Whitaker to John Pool, 1814, 175 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj James Woods, Flat Rock Br, Forrest.
Carrington, George – ODB 15/202 George Carrington to Archibald Carrington, 1813, 117 ac adj Brury Johnston, Benjamin Forrest Jr, Eno R.
Carrington, George – ODB 15/277 George Carrington to Archibald Carrington, 1815, 220 ac formerly belonging to Herbert Sims, adj 2 hicory saplings,a large rock on the New Road. ODB 15/110 George Carrington by Sheriff to Sterling Harris Esq, 1816, 220 ac adj 2 hicory saplings, large rock on the Road.
Carrington, George – ODB 15/278 George Carrington to William Carrington Jr, 1814, 108 ac on waters of Little R, on both sides of Traing Rd from Hillsborough to Petersburg, Cain, Carrington.
Carrington, George – ODB 16/70 George Carrington to William Cain Sr, 1814, 200 ac on Mountain Ck, adj James Horton, William Johnston.
Carrington, George – ODB 16/72 George Carrington to William Cain Sr, 1816, 500 ac, 2 tracts, 1st tract 328 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, adj Joseph Collins, Knight, Old Line, Old Corner, John Carrington to George Carrington 1795; 2nd tract 172 ac on both sides of Mountain Ck, adj James Common & Walter Alves, John Knight to George Carrington 1798.
Carrington, George – ODB 5/291 George Carrington to Thomas Carrington, 1794, 125 ac on N side of Flat R, adj John Taylor, Ephriam Carrington, John Carrington Sr.
Carrington, George – ODB 5/314 George Carrington to John Taylor, 1794, 100 ac adj Ephraim Carrington, James Cozart.
Carrington, George – ODB 11/65 George Carrington to Duncan Cameron in trust for Armistead Hill & Russell Hill of Petersburg VA, 1803, deed of trust [mortgage], Carrington owes Armsitead & Russell Hill for penal sum, collateral is 10 tracts, 1st tract Rich Mountain Tract on Mountain Ck, near New Road, adj formerly John Carrington, Miller’s field.
Carrington, George – ODB 13/303 George Carrington to William Kirkland & William Whitted, 1807, mortgage on 500 ac, 2 tracts, 1st tract 328 ac on waters of Mountain Ck & part of the Rich Mountain Tract, adj Joseph Collins, John Knight; 2nd tract 172 ac on both sides of Mounatin Ck, adj James Cummins, Walter Alves; various dates recited; land may be sold at anytime after 25 Dec next.
Carrington, James – NC773. File 1636. Patent Book 57/140. Entry #1310. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 213 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Jno Carrington & Anthony Cozart, SCC: Ephrim & Jno Carrington.
Carrington, James – ODB 4/418 James Carington to Abraham Parker, 1789, 213 ac on waters of Flat R, adj John Carington, Anthony Cozart.
Carrington, James – ODB 4/577 James Carrington to John Carrington, 1789, 300 ac on waters of Flatt R, adj Great Rd, Small Mill Path near the mountain, William Ashley, John Carrington.
Carrington, James – ODB 4/578 James Carrington to John Carrington, 1788, 1086 ac adj John Carrington’s Mill Ck, Flat R, James Cozart, Thomas Gibson.
Carrington, James – ODB 4/579 James Carrington to John Carrington, 1789, 170 ac on W side of waters of Flat R [sic], adj New Road, Red Cabbin, Samuel Torrentine, John Carrington, New Road.
Carrington, James – ODB 5/435 John Carrington to John MacRae, 1795, mortgage on 334 ac on Flat R, bounded by James Scarlett on S, John Carrington on N, W & E, Robert Forsyth to Carrington; Carrington previously mortgage on 3 tracts, 1st tract 750 ac in Person Co; 2nd tract 250 ac in Caswell Co, purchased of Arthur Moore; 3rd tract 300 ac in Orange Co purchased of James Carrington.
Carrington, James – ODB 5/400 John Carrington to John MacKae Jr & Duncan MacKae of Petersburgh, 1795, mortgage on 2 tracts, 3rd tract 300 ac in Orange Co on waters of Flat R, adj Mill Path, Great Rd, Small Mill Path near the mountain, Old William Ansley, John Carrington, New Road; James Carrington to John Carrington.
Carrington, John – ODB 5/694 John Carrington to James Cumming, 1797, mortgage on 176 ac on Flat R, adj Ansel Parrish, Carney James Walker, Mangum, Jones, County Line; further security for deed of trust to Cummings 1795.
Carrington, John – ODB 5/328 John Carrington merchant & wife Jemima to James Carrington Jr, 1795, 275 ac known as Red Cabbin Tract, adj Jas Collins, John Wade, Thomas Gibson, New Road, James Scarlett.
Carrington, John – Gv838. w1214. Suv’d: Dec 6, 1760. 581 ac on both sides of Flat R, adj Thos Gibson, SCC: Absolom Baker & Robt Graves. h5619.
Carrington, John – NC1217. File 2139. Patent Book 90/269. Entry #. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1797. Entry #11. 98.5 ac on waters of Doils Ck, adj his own land, Nath’l Carrington, SCC: Nath’l & Ephraim Carrington.
Carrington, John – NC1218. File 2140. Patent Book 90/269. Entry #22. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1797. 221 ac on waters of Nappe Reed, adj his own land, Willburn, & Granville Co line, no SCC’s.
Carrington, John – NC1850. File 2730. Patent Book 128/264. Entry #1284. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1814. 26.5 ac on Mountain Ck, adj Wm Cain & S Torrington, SCC: George Moore & John Carrington
Carrington, John – ODB 10/131 John Carrington of Person to John Gooch of Nottoway Co VA, 1802, 100 ac adj Old Road, Old Mill Path, br of Flat R.
Carrington, John – ODB 10/132 John Carrington of Person to John Gooch of Nottoway Co VA, 1802, 230 ac on S side of Flat R, adj Forsyth’s Little Field, Thomas Gibson, John Carrington, Mill Ck.
Carrington, John – ODB 10/26 John Carrington of Person to Nathaniel Carrington, 1801, 98.5 ac on waters of Dials Ck, adj Arthur Mangum, Nathaniel Carrington, John Carrington.
Carrington, John – ODB 11/121 John Carrington merchant of Person to William Cain Sr, 1798, 170 ac on W side of Flat R, adj New Road, Red Cabbin, Samuel Turrentine, John Carrington.
Carrington, John – ODB 13/62 John Carrington Sr to William Carrington, 1807, 176 ac on W side of Flat R, adj Ansil Parish, Watson, Alves, James Walker.
Carrington, John – ODB 4/703 John Carington to John Knight, 1793, 172 ac on both sides of Mountain Ck, adj James Commons, Walter Alves.
Carrington, John – ODB 5/200 John Carrington to James Cumming of Petersburg VA merchant, 1795, mortgage on 270 ac on S side of Flat R, adj John Taylor; William Alston to John Carrington.
Carrington, John – ODB 5/267 John Carrington to Herbert Sims, 1795, 220 ac formerly belonging to James Bogan, adj New Road.
Carrington, John – ODB 5/268 John Carrington to Nathanel Carrington, 1793, 250 ac on both sides of Dyals Ck of Flat R, adj Arthur Mangum, Anthony Cozart.
Carrington, John – ODB 5/363 John Carrington to George Carrington, 1795, 328 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, adj Rich Mountain Tract, Joseph Collins, Jacob Knight.
Carrington, John – ODB 5/723 John Carrington to Chuza Hopkins, 1794, 100 ac adj David Parkes, Sims.
Carrington, John – ODB 6/300 John Carrington to Chuza Hopkins, 1797, 1/40th of an acre, a certain small piece of land containing a spring, part of Hopkins bought of Carrington.
Carrington, John & George – NC431. File 1256. Patent Book 49/11. Entry #810. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 593 ac on N side Flat R, adj John Brown, his own land, William Jones, SCC: Ephraim & Jno Carrington.
Carrington, John D – ODB 15/108 John D Carrington to Jacob Whittice, 1814, 117 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Roberts.
Carrington, John D & George – ODB 14/716 John D Carrington & George Carrington to Charles Stephens of Wake, 1814, 313 ac on waters of Eno R, adj James Latta, Chisenhall.
Carrington, John Sr – ODB 5/296 John Carrington Sr to Ephriam Carrington, 1794, 300 ac on N side of Flat R, adj John Carrington Sr, James Cozart.
Carrington, John Sr – ODB 9/208 John Carrington Sr to Nathaniel Carrington, 1801, 280 ac on Flat R, Ephraim Carrington, Abraham Parker.
Carrington, Nathaniel – NC1993. File 2861. Patent Book 137/200. Entry #330. Recorded at ODB 23/482. Granted in 1827. 13.5 ac on waters of Flat R, adj his own land and others, SCC’s illegible.
Carrington, Nathaniel – NC2038. File 2909. Patent Book 141/461. Entry #104. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1835. 3.9 ac on waters of Dials Ck, adj Willie P Mangum, Arthur Mangum, his own land, SCC: Hiran J Dallahide? & Hugh B Mangum.
Carrington, Nathaniel – ODB 16/252 Nathaniel Carrington to Edward Harris, 1814, [no ac] on waters of Flat R, adj McCulloch, Deals Ck, Maple Pond, Carrol, James Walker, McCulloch [no metes or bounds].
Carrington, Nathaniel M – NC2144. File 3003. Patent Book 153/50. Entry #329. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1849. 100 ac on waters of Buffalo Ck, adj Richard Holeman dec’d and himself, SCC: Wm Latta & Asahel Latta.
Carrington, Thomas – ODB 12/188 Thomas Carrington to George Carrington, 1805, 200 ac on Mountain Cl, adj James Horton, William Johnston, Walder.
Carrington, Thomas – ODB 12/190 Thomas Carrington to George Carrington, [no date], 172 ac on both sides of Mountain Ck, adj James Cummins, Walter Alves.
Carrington, Thomas – ODB 7/414 Thomas Carrington to Ephraim Carrington, 1798, 125 ac on N side of Flat R, adj John Taylor, Ephriam Carrington, John Carrington Sr.
Carrol, Benjamin – ODB 16/9 Benjamin Carrol planter to William Jenkins, 1816, lot 5 on waters of Newhope the Dowery that fell to wife Theener sister of Young Barbee dec’d [no metes or bounds].
Carroll, Charles – ODB 11/298 Charles Carroll by Sheriff to Stephen Carrol, 1805, 117.5 ac. ODB 12/186 Stephen Carroll to Cuthburt Burton, 1805, 117.5 ac.
Carroll, Charles – NC797. File 1660. Patent Book 57/151. Entry #199. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in. 117 ac on both sides of Mountain Ck, a branch of Little R, adj John Hunter, William Johnston, William Reed & John Tilly, incl where he now lives, SCC: Julius King & Jas Mashburn.
Carroll, James – NC1450. File 2325. Patent Book 100/373. Entry #292. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1799. 30 ac [no creek] adj Wm McCauley & his own land, SCC: George Long & James Cheek.
Carroll, Lemuel – NC1897. File 2758. Patent Book 131/139. Entry #38. Recorded at ODB 16/122. Granted in 1817. 50.5 ac Adj Col McCauley, James Carrol & his own land, SCC: Charles McCauley & Lacey Lloyd.
Carrol, Stephen – ODB ?/594 Stephen Carrol to Henry Bunch, 1792, 270 ac adj Thomas Rhodes, Old Quarter Line, Rebecca Carrol & Bunch.
Carrol, Stephen – ODB 4/566 Stephen Carrol & Abraham Whiteacre to Thomas Reding, 1792, 16 ac bounded by Thomas Reding on S, Eno R on N, Abraham Whiteacre on E.
Carrol, Stephen – ODB 5/510 Stephen Carrol to John Jenkins, 1795, 70 ac on waters of Eno R; Walter Alves to Carrol, S end of land.
Carter, James – Gv1009. w258. Proved: September 13, 1756. 640 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Cary, George – ODB 12/173 George Cary to Abner Cates, 1806, 50 ac on S side of Eno, adj John Cate.
Cary, George – ODB 13/276 George Cary to Frederick Moize, 1809, 72 ac on Eno & Ellibees Ck, adj James Curry, William Chisenhall.
Cary, James – Gv1010. w463. Proved: September 12, 1758. 2 ac on w2000 James Cary to Thomas King 2ac.
Castleberry, Paul – NC355. File 1173. Patent Book 42/13. Entry #294. Recorded at ODB 2/253. Granted in 1780. 638.5 ac on Northeast Fk of New Hope, adj George Herndon & Josiah Booth, incl where he now lives, SCC: John Tris & Allen George.
Castlebury, Joseph – ODB 4/442 Joseph Castlebury to David George, 1788, 130 ac on W side of North East Ck, adj George Herndon, Robert Thompson, Hamton.
Castlebury, Joseph – ODB 5/136 Joseph Castlebury to Solomon Castlebury, 1794, 106 ac adj John Hyade.
Castlebury, Joseph – ODB 5/141 Joseph Castlebury to David Castlebury, 1794, 107 ac adj John Hyde.
Castlebury, Joseph – ODB 5/146 Joseph Castlebury & wife Ann to John Hyde, 1793, 293 ac adj Joseph Booth, John Hunt, Susannah Hampton, David George, George Herndon.
Castlebury, Soloman – ODB 8/364 Soloman Castlebury of Warren Co GA to David Castlebury, 1800, 106.5 ac on waters of N East Ck, adj John Hunt, Hodges.
Cate, Abner – ODB 13/468 Abner Cate to James Latt,1 810, 172 ac, adj Chisenhall, Morzes, Low Grounds of Ellibees Ck.
Cate, John – Gv313. File 502. Patent Book 14/376. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1759. 227 ac on S Fk of Flat R, adj James Dickens SCC: Thomas Kates & Dennis Collins. w1995 to Robert Cate 277 ac.
Cate, John – Gv95. File 512. Patent Book 14/378. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1755. 191 ac on W Fk of Flat R SCC: Thomas Cate & Thomas Taylor.
Cate, Mary – ODB 10/209 Mary Cate to David Nutt, 1802, land left her by will of her husband Benjamin Cate.
Cate, Richard – NC239. File 835. Patent Book 32/387. Entry #513. Recorded at ODB 2/349. Granted in 1780. 300 ac on head of Cabbin Br of Little R, bounded on N by Henry Eustace McCulloh, SCC: Wm Dunnagan & Sam Coal.
Cate, Richard – ODB 7/35 Richard Cate to Samuel Holliway, 1798, 150 ac on Cabbin Br & Crooked Run, waters of Eno & Little R, adj Road from William Ansley’s to John Carrington’s, adj John Cain, Henry Eustace McCulloh, Meremon Coals, William Cain.
Cate, Richard – ODB 7/75 Richard Cate planter to Bremelion Holloway planter, 1796, 150 acon W side of Road the leads from John Carrington’s to William Ansley’s Mill.
Cates, Robert – NC1230. File 2134. Patent Book 90/176. Entry #3. Recorded at ODB 7/317. Granted in 1797. 150 ac on waters of Eno, adj James Fulton, Thomas Latty, Daniels, SCC: Joseph Townsen & John Scarlett.
Cate, William – NC538. File 1363. Patent Book 49/52. Entry #538. Recorded at ODB 2/462. Granted in 1782. 200 ac on head of Buffalo Ck of Little R, adj Alex Farrington & Robert Wilson, incl where he now lives, SCC: Alexand Torringtin & Joseph Parker.
Cate[s], Benjamin – NC878. File 1804. Patent Book 67/520. Entry #1092. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1788. 200 ac on waters of Little R, adj James Britton, SCC: Jas Hunter & Jas Britton.
Cates, Ephraim – ODB 13/103 Ephraim Cates to James Kennady Sr, 1806, 167.5 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj John Shepped, John Roberts, Abner Cates, James Curry.
Cates, John – ODB 13/104 John Cates to Abner Ctes, 1806, 122 ac adj Thomas Clemmons, William Cisenhall, Forrest, Thomas Coleman.
Cates, Lazarus – NC1233. File 2137. Patent Book 90/177. Entry #49. Recorded at ODB 6/421. Granted in 1797. 150 ac on waters of Eno and Dry Ck, adj Culburton?, William Laycock and the widow McVinch, SCC: William & Thos Laycock.
Causey, Joshua – ODB 16/253 Joshua Causey to William Jinkins, 1817, 10 ac on waters of Newhope.
Chamberlain, William – ODB 5/205 William Chamberlain of Chester Co PA to William Nash, 1795, 40ac on S side of Eno R, adj Hooper, Nash, Shyes Ford.
Chambers, Edward – Gv1011. w1489. Proved: February 14, 1764. – ac on w1667 Edw Chambers to Burges Harrelson 528ac ?? ODB 3/613 Benjamin Harrelson to Elkanah Harrelson, 300 ac
Chambers, William – Gv1012. w288. Proved: September 13, 1756. 200 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Chambers, William – NC1944. File 2812. Patent Book 134/175. Entry #132. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1819. 4 ac on waters of Seven Mile Ck, adj Alfred Moore, John Scott, no SCC’s.
Chamness, Richard – HMcC-82. w2168. Proved: August 13, 1765. 475 ac in Weeks, but Tract unknown; search Granville & Guilford DBs. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Cheek, William – ODB 8/31 Thomas Horton to Edward Harris, 1799, 223 ac on Horse Ck of Little R, adj Moor, Horton, Hill; William Cheek to Horton.
Chisenhall, Reuben – ODB 12/102 Reuben Chisenhall to Elisha Chisenhall, 1806, 110 ac adj John Cain, Curry.
Chisenhall, William – NC261. File 857. Patent Book 32/409. Entry #26. Recorded at ODB 2/309. Granted in 1780. 640 ac on both sides of Cub Island Ck, adj Benjamin Forrister formerly Manning, incl Mordecai Suthlilins improvement, SCC: Richard Clements & Samuel Chisenhall.
Chisenhall, William – NC365. File 1183. Patent Book 42/18. Entry #332. Recorded at ODB 2/310. Granted in 1780. 188.5 ac on Cubb Island Ck of Eno bounded on S by his former Entry #26, incl improvements formerly property of Philip Dossett, SCC: Richard Clements & Samuel Chisenhall.
Chizenhall, Alexander – ODB 16/59 Alexander Chisenhall to John Cain, 1806, 267 ac on Eno R, adj Edmond Forrest, Mirey Br, Walter Alves, Desearn.
Chizenhall, Burwell – ODB 15/415 Mary Ann Chissenhall widow of Burwell Chissenhall to James Latta, 1816, mortgage on undivided share of lands of Burwell Chissenhall.
Chizenhall, Patsey – ODB 13/201 Patsey Chisenhall widow to John Latta son of Thomas Latta, 1808, 110 ac on waters of Cub Island Ck, adj William Chisenhall dec’d, [de]Leny Chisenhall. ODB 15/25 William P Mangum to Deleny Chisenhall, 1814, 110 ac on Cub Island Ck, adj Chisenhall, John Cain.
Chizenhall, Samuel – ODB 9/198 Samuel Chizenhall to William Chizenhall Sr, 1800, 68 ac adj William Chizenhall.
Christmas, James – ODB 4/226 James Christmas to John Nichols, 1789, 200 ac on waters of New Hope Cl, bounded by William Rhodes on E, Mark Patterson on S, Joseph White on W, Thomas Horn on N: property of Archie Grissam purchased at sheriffs sale, tract contained 243 ac, but only 200 sold.
Churton, William – Gv1127. h??? Granted: 12 Nov 1756. loose warrant ac on begin above Neuse Path incl Beaver Ponds.
Churton, William – Gv1196. ODB 4/457. 200 ac on Mountain Ck on waters of Little R begin at Spring Br, adj John Latta & Stephen Wilson, Ann Horton. William Churton to Henry Eustace McCulloh [HEM] McCulloh to William Johnston bequeathed to Amelia Alves; Walter and Amelia Alves to Thomas Latta.
Churton, William – Gv15. File 431. Patent Book 14/358. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1753. 640 ac on E side of Mountain Ck, adj Mr. John Wade's Rich Mountain tract, Joseph Collins SCC: James Collins & Jno White.
Churton, William – Gv289. File 442. Patent Book 14/361. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in. 225 ac on head branches of Nicks Ck SCC: John James & Dudley Laughteric?.
Churton, William – Gv48. File 432. Patent Book 14/359. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1754. 640 ac on both sides of Little R, called Parsons Cabin, SCC: Jno Cantrell & W. Combs.
Churton, William – Gv638. File 494. Patent Book 14/374. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1762. 215 ac on Elliby Ck SCC: Joseph White & William Reed. Surveyed for Jno Stockwell.
Churton, William – Gv845. h5647. Suv’d: undated sketch. 640 ac in Orange & Johnston Counties about 2 miles S of Crabtree Ck, on both sides of County line, incl stoney ground and top of a hill, no SCC”s. Not in Weeks. Warrant says entered 3 Nov 1753 in lieu of an entry made 17 Dec 1751. Sketch of land is on back of this warrant.
Clark, Alexander – HEMcC-171. w1307. Proved: November 8, 1763. 640 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Clark, Burton – ODB 16/39 Burton Clark to Fielding Lewis, 1817, 33.5 ac on Ellibes Ck, adj Lewis, George Carye, Clark.
Clark, John – HMcC-89. w2175. Proved: August 13, 1765. 235 ac Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS – 12 lists this as to Alexr Clark. w1637 Alexr Clark to Gideon Anderson 235ac.
Clark, William – NC147. File 1073. Patent Book 40/390. Entry #212. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1779. 223 ac on waters of Horse Ck of Little R, adj John Moore, William Horton incl two improvements he purchased from James Clark and Baptist Clark, SCC: Alexr & Jno Hunter.
Clements, Anderson – ODB 16/22 Anderson Clements to Wright House, 1816, 176 ac on headwaters of New Hope Ck, adj Alston formerly Redman, Francis Ashley, William Lynn.
Clements, Richard – HMcC-266. DOS-12. Granted: 1763. 475 ac on Orange Co. DOS-12. ODB 4/479 Walter & Amelia Alves to Mordecai Sutherland, 1791, 273 ac, HEM to Rd Clements, Clements to McCulloch Johnston, bequeathed to daughter Amelia, on Elliby's Ck NC side of Ck, adj Burton Thomas Littlejohn, Alston, John Alston. ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves 5075 ac on incl numerous grants incl HEM to Jonston. ODB 14/114 same conveyed back to Alves.
Clements, Richard – NC468. File 1293. Patent Book 49/25. Entry #701. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 235 ac on waters of Ellebys Ck, bounded on E by Robert Abercrombie & Richard Clements, on S by William Bailey & Lewis Howell, on N by Wm Chisen Hall, SCC: Samuel Chisin Hall & Thos Clements.
Clements, Richard – ODB 10/135 Richard Clements of Granville to Willie Ferell of Wake, 1801, 140 ac on Each side of Ellibees Ck, adj Richard Clements & Richard Hayley, Turner, Forest. ODB 10/136 Willie Ferrell of Wake to John Ferrell, 1801, 140 ac on each side of Ellibees Ck, adj Richard Clements, Richard Hailey, Turner, Forest.
Clements, Richard – ODB 5/429 Richard Clements to Joseph Wood, 1796, 44 ac where Richard Clement now lives, adj Samuel Chizenhall, Thomas Wood, Worham Glen.
Clements, Richard – ODB 6/133 Richard Clements to Samuel Chizenhall, 1795, 150 ac adj Richard Clemments, Thomas Wood, William Chizenhall.
Clements, Richard & Robert Abercrombie – NC503. File 1328. Patent Book 49/38. Entry #30. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 451 ac on the drains of Ellebys Ck and the Reedy Br of Enoe, adj Robert Abercrombie, Thos Woods, Wm Johnston, Ann Downs, Newlin, Wm Chisinhall, SCC: Wm & Samuel Chisenhall. ODb 5/639 Richard Clemment & wife Mary to Burl Chizenhall, 1796, 154 ac on Reedy Br, where Richard Clemment now lives, adj William Chizanhall.
Clemment, John – ODB 16/258 John Clemment of Granville to son John F Clemment of same, love & Affection, 1815, 261 ac adj William Bay [Ray?], Robert Horner, Archer Harris, William Hopkins.
Clinton, John – ODB 9/288 John Clinton to George Carrington merchant, 1801, [no ac] all my land & other property of my father Mathew Clinton’s estate.
Clinton, Matthew – ODB 9/172 Matthew Clinton to John Redman hatter, [no date], 75 ac on W side of Jumping Run, adj Robert Gresham.
Clinton, Robert – Gv846. h5669. Suv’d: Aug 6, 1749. 232 ac on Elliby Ck SCC: Michael Wright & Thomas Cammel [Campbell?]. Grant not in Weeks. w1331 to Thos Davis. Loose Warrant for James Bowie ass incl Big Springs adj Robert Cromby's upper line [Abercrombie] and says assigned to Robert Clinton.
Clyton, Samuel – ODB 12/188 Samuel Clyton to George Carrington, 1805, [no ac] on waters of Eno, adj Carrington [no metes or bounds].
Cobb, Joseph – ODB 5/232 Joseph Cobb by Sheriff to Man Patterson, 1794, 142 ac adj Wm Rhodes, William Jenkin, John Barbee, Wm Courtney, Baxter Bolin.
Cole, John – ODB 13/244 John Cole to William Whitted Jr, 1804, 414 ac, adj John Piper, William Cabe, Thomas Horn, Cutbur Burton, John Jenkins, Stephen Scarlett; 250 ac from Howell Hunt to Cole, 3 other tracts of 170 from William Allen to Cole.
Cole, Levi – NC1503. File 2378. Patent Book 101/278. Entry #408. Recorded at ODB 8/173. Granted in 1799. 50 ac on waters of Crooked Run, adjoining John Latta, Richard Tate and his own land, SCC: John Cates & William Cole. ?
Cole, Levi? – ODB 10/252 Sheriff to John Cabe Esq, [no date], 300 ac adj John Strayhorn, Marcom’s Cabbin Br; levy against Barnaby Grimes & Levi Cole [not clear which one owned this land=.
Cole, Levi – NC1503. File 2378. Patent Book 101/278. Entry #408. Recorded at ODB 8/173. Granted in 1799. 50 ac on waters of Crooked Run, adjoining John Latta, Richard Tate and his own land, SCC: John Cates & William Cole.
[Cole] Coal, Samuel Jr – NC440. File 1265. Patent Book 49/15. Entry #1195. Recorded at ODB 2/297. Granted in 1782. 100 ac on waters of Crooked Run of Eno, adj Michael Senate and Richard Cate, incl where Samuel Cole Sr now lives, SCC: Saml Coal Sr & Rich Cates.
Coleman, Merrimon – ODB 16/237 Merimon Coleman to Mary Scarlett, 1816, [no ac] 2 rights to landof Benjamin Cate dec’d [no metes or bounds] on waters of Little R, adj William & John Cain, rights purchased of William Cates & James Cates legatees of Benjamin Cate.
Collier, Charles – ODB 5/100 Charles Collier to Edward Trice, 1792, 25.5 ac adj Abraham Massey, Edward Trice.
Collins, Joseph – Gv1174. Granted: 28 Oct 1752. 640 ac? on S side of Flat R. ODB 1/40 (also w139) Joseph Collins to William Chavis, 1755, 320 ac on S side of Flatt R; part of Granville to Joseph Collins 1752.
Collins, Joseph – [King to Joseph Collins] SEARCH EDGCOMBE OR BERTIE COUNTY LAND GRANTS ODB 2/570 Joseph Collins & wife Lucy of Mecklenburgh Co to Moses Quarls, 1768, 320 ac on Flat R, on both sides of Cattail Br “granted unto his Majestys Patent unto Joseph Collins bearing date 1744” – is this a different (Royal?) grant from Gv1174? DAVID SOUTHERN
Collins, Joseph – [Granville to Joseph Collins] ODB 1/40 Joseph Collins to William Chevis of Granville planter, 1755, 320 ac on S side of Flat R; part of Granville to Joseph Collins 28 Oct 1752.
Collins, Thomas – Gv579. File 430. Patent Book 14/358. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 700 ac on Dyals Ck of Flat R SCC: George Gibson & Paul Collins.
Comb, John – ODB 13/199 John Comb to Sterling Harris, 1808, 10 ac on waters of Eno R, adj Old Field, Mary Doherty; land devised to John Comb & James Comb was divided, but giving John 10 ac more than James by mistake, James Comb deeded his tract to Sterling Harris 1807, this deed gives Harris clear title to the 10 ac.
Combs, William – Gv131. File 521. Patent Book 14/360. Recorded at ODB 1/199. Granted in 1756. 385 ac on W side Flat R, adj Thomas Gibson, Joseph Collins, John Wade, SCC: Thomas Gibson Jr & Moses Reedley.
Combs, William – Gv268. File 517. Patent Book 14/380. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1759. 181 ac on Mountain Ck of Flat R, adj Churton, SCC: James Horton & Joseph Parker. w789 to Michael Pickett 181 ac.
Compton, Thomas – ODB 16/280 Thomas Compton to William Ward, 1815, 105 ac adj William McMennamy, John Ray.
Conner, Darby – ODB 9/104 Darby Conner by Sheriff to Thomas Faucet, 1800, land where James Barton now lives, adj Capt Lytle, Elinor McDade. ODB 9/103 James Watson Sr planter to Thomas Faucet planter, 1800, 100 ac willed to him & his wife Margaret by John Conner dec’d, adj Capt Lytle.
Cook, Henry – UNC-6. ODB 5/460. 1 May 1796. 120 ac on adj Ck [not named].
Cook, James – Gv1172. ODB 1/218. Granted: 11 Nov 1755. 305 ac.
Cook, Joseph – NC505. File 1330. Patent Book 49/39. Entry #510. Recorded at ODB 2/301. Granted in 1782. 264 ac on Third Fk of New Hope, adj John Scoggin, John Barley, Tho Searles, SCC: Thos & Wm Green. ODB 5/22 Joseph Cook to Bartholomew Stovell, 1793, 265 ac on waters Third Fk of New Hope; NC to Joseph Cook.
Cook, Mark – HMcC-79. w2165. Proved: August 13, 1765. 200 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Cook, Thomas – ODB 12/327 Thomas Cook to William Picket, 1806, 155.5 ac on Third Fk, adj Joseph Dixon. ODB 14/440 John Robson Jr to Joseph Marcom, 1812, 155 ac on Third Fk, adj Joseph Dixen. ODB 14/667 Joseph Marcom to Willis Marcom, 1813, 155 ac on Third Fk, adj Joseph Dickson.
Copley, Thomas – ODB 13/78 Thomas Copley to Charles Dunagan, 1808, 100 ac on S of Little R, adj Charles Dunagan & George Carrington, willed by William Dunagan to Copley’s wife [ no metes or bounds].
Cothran, James J & John – NC2168. File 3036. Patent Book 167/103. Entry #442. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1873. 150 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Wm Latta, Presley Bowling, T Y Blalock, Wm K Parrish, Simeon Bowling, Isaac Laws and his own land, SCC: Charles Harris & James Laws.
Courtney, Joseph – ODB 3/427 Joseph Courtney to Ralph Macnair merchant, 1772, 130 ac adj Thomas Person’s land formerly property of John McNair, James Chamberlain, John Thompson; a moiety which Joseph Courtney purchased from James Courtney 1768.
Cozart, Anthony – NC259. File 855. Patent Book 32/407. Entry #493. Recorded at ODB 2/280. Granted in 1780. 640 ac on both sides of Dyals Ck of Flat R, incl vacant lands between Parson Carrington, Goss and Graves, SCC: Arthur Mangum & Thos Goss.
Cozart, Anthony – ODB 16/317 Anthony Cozart to Alexander Brinkley, 1816, 70 ac on Flat R, adj William Montgomery.
Cozart, Anthony – ODB 5/599 Anthony Cozrt to Michael Carey, 1796, 70 ac on waters of CampCk, adj Anthony Cozrt, Sandy Bottom.
Cozart, Anthony – ODB 5/605 Anthony Cozart to William Tatom, 1794, 100 ac on W side of Dials Ck, adj Muddy Br on Dials Ck, adj Parker, Nathan Carrington.
Cozart, David – NC1166. File 2085. Patent Book 87/409. Entry #317. Recorded at ODB 5/287. Granted in 1795. 101 ac on waters of Ellebys Ck, adj John McCabe, John/Thomas Gwin, James Desern, Wm Pickett, SCC: Rylee? Vickers & Nath’l Desern. ODB 13/208 David Cozorte to George Copley, 1808, 101 ac on Watery Fork of Ellibees Ck, adj Picket, Cabe, Desern.
Cozart, James – ODB 5/639 James Cozart to John Taylor, 1786, 150 ac on both sides of Flat R, adj Horsepen Br, Thomas Gibson’s old line, Brown’s Old Corner; part of 640 ac from John Crown to James Cozart 1783, this tract on W corner incl where John Taylor now lives.
Cozart, Jesse – NC1631. File 2508. Patent Book 109/243. Entry #59. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1800. 100 ac on waters of Nappereeds, adj Paton Madison & James Baxter, SCC: Paton Madison & Wm Roberts.
Cozart, Jesse – ODB 14/499 Jesse Cozart to George Wells, 1806, 100 ac adj William Roberts, Baxter, Paton Medison.
Cozart, William – ODB 5/469 William Cozart to Michael Caray, 1795, 100 ac at New Road on Camp Ck, adj Anthony Cozart, George Anderson.
Crabtree, Richard – NC1980. File 2848. Patent Book 135/386. Entry #293. Recorded at ODB 20/242. Granted in 1823. 5.75 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Alexander Brinkley, Tyre Garret, Francis Epperson & Allen Parish, SCC: Francis Eperson & James Mangum.
Craven, Peter – Gv592. File 481. Patent Book 14/371. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 597 ac on Deep Ck of Flat R, adj John Bumpass, SCC: John Bumpass & Peter Black. w915 to John Pryor 597 ac.
Craven, Thomas – Gv604. File 465. Patent Book 14/367. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 224 ac on Deep Ck of Flat R, adj James Payne, Peter Craven SCC: Ed Moore & Peter Craven.
Crawford, Moses – ODB 4/399 Moses Crawford to Mary Duplin, 1791, 131 ac on North East Ck, on Wake Co Line; part of tract Sheriff to Crawford 1791. ODB 5/392 Moses Crawford to John Green, 1794, 132 ac on NE Ck, adj Wake Co Line; Sheriff to Crawford 1791. ODB 13/212 Jacob Deblin, James Deblin & John Deblin, heirs of Mary Deblin to Zachariah Herndon, 1808, 130 ac on North East Ck, adj Wake Co Line; Moses Crawford to Mary Deblen.
Crutcher, James – ODB 9/31 James Critcher [or Crutcher] by Sheriff to William Dickens of Granville, 1800, 180 ac on Flat R, adj Mouth of Deep Ck, County Line, Glenn, Ashely, Gibson.
Cumming, James – ODB 11/124 James Cumming to John Carrington, 1802, release of deed of trust [no metes or bounds].
Cumming, James – ODB 13/10 James Cumming to John Carrington, [no date], release & reconveyance of within premises [no metes or bounds].
Cummins, John – ODB 5/603 John Cummins of Person to George Carrington, 1796, 200 ac on Mountain Ck, adj James Horton, William Johnston, Walden.
Cummins, John – ODB 5/603 John Cummins of Person to George Carrington, 1796, 200 ac on Moutnain Ck, adj James Horton, William Johnston, Walden.
Cummins, John – ODB 11/65 George Carrington to Duncan Cameron in trust for Armistead Hill & Russell Hill of Petersburg VA, 1803, deed of trust [mortgage], Carrington owes Armsitead & Russell Hill for penal sum, collateral is 10 tracts, 3rd tract 200 ac on Mountain Ck, adj James Horton, Walter Alves formerly William Johnston, Walden; John Cummins to George Carrington.
Curry, James – NC467. File 1292. Patent Book 49/25. Entry #441. Recorded at ODB 2/277. Granted in 1782. 300 ac on both sides of Cub Island Ck of Eno, adj James Kennedy, Richard Rhodes, Widow Dossett & Wm Chisen Hall, SCC: Allias Turner & Grisham Forrest.
Curry, James – ODB 11/197 James Curry to Abner Veazy, 1804, 3.5 ac on N side of Ellibees Ck, adj Veazy, fork of the branch.
Curry, James – ODB 13/102 James Curry to Ephriam Cates, 1804, 94 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, bounded on N by Widow Forrest, on W by James Kennady & Cates own land, James Kennady, Meeting House Spring Br, Widow Forrest, Ellibees Ck. ODB 13/20 Ephriam Cates to George Roberts, 1806, 94 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, bounded on N by Widow Forrest, on E by Ellibees Ck, on W by James Kennady, adj John Roberts.
Daniel, John – NC880. File 1806. Patent Book 67/521. Entry #506. Recorded at ODB 4/61. Granted in 1788. 517 ac on waters of New Hope bounded by Thomas Trice, William Pickitt and John Merritt, SCC: Daniel Watson & John Merritt.
Daniel, John – ODB 13/211 John Dannel to Burton Clarke of Chatham, 1802, mortgage on 431 ac on NE side of Eno R, adj Thomas Latta, Joseph Townson, Lazarus Cates, on S side of Mountain, corner of 282 ac tract, Dossett, Rhodes, McVinch; parts of 2 grants, to be surveyed, except the neck expressed in the deeds not included in above courses of 69 ac. ODB 14/583 Chris Meriwether & wife Mary who is adm’x of John Daniel to Burton Clark, 1812, 433 ac adj Thomas Latta, Joseph Townsen, Lazarus Cate, on S side of Moutnain [?], adj Robert Cate, Dorset, Rhodes, McVinch, Warren; part of 2 grants, except the neck of land expressed in the deeds not included in the above course of 69 ac.
Daniel, John – ODB 4/338 John Daniel to Edawrd Trice, 100 ac on waters of New Hope, adj Edward Trice, Thos Trice.
Daniel, John – ODB 4/675 John Daniel & wife Shousannah to Peter House, 1790, 302 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj Anderson Comer, Francis Moreland, John Marcham, William Picket, Anderson Comer. ODB 4/661 Peter house to Thomas Trice, 1792, 303 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj Anderson Comer, Francis Moreland, John Micham, William Pritchet.
Daniel, John – NC1202. File 2122. Patent Book 89/517. Entry #219. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1796. 300 ac on Enoe R, adj his own 282 ac tract, Joseph Townsend, Fulton, Thos Rhodes, Laycock, Widow McVinch, Robt Cates, SCC: Josiah Warren & John Scarlett. ODB 5/529 John Daniel to Josiah Warrin, 1796, 143 ac on waters of Eno, adj James Fulton, N end of Daniel’s entry, incl a mountain, adj Daniels 282 ac tract, Robert Cates, James Fulton, McDennis; NC to Daniel.
Daniel, John Jr – NC1107. File 2023. Patent Book 82/198. Entry #302. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1794. 282 ac on waters of Eno, adj James Townsly, William Dosset, John Scarlet, Mathew Clinton, SCC: Wm Dosset Sr & Dosset Woods.
Daniel, Patterson – ODB 4/149 Patterson Daniel planter & Christopher Daniel to Patterson Daniel, 1789, 152.5 ac on br of New Hoe, adj Watson.
Daniel, Robert T – ODB 7/221 Robert T Daniel to Christopher Daniel, 1798, 250 ac on waters of Newhope, adj Charles Trice, Green, Campbell.
Daniel, Rodger – NC518. File 1343. Patent Book 49/44. Entry #291. Recorded at ODB 2/287. Granted in 1782. 400 ac on waters of New Hope, adj Mack Patterson, William Watson, Thomas Trice & others, SCC: John Daniel & Daniel Watson.
Daniel, Roger – ODB 12/232 Roger Daniel to Samuel Holloway, 1805, 150 ac on water of Third Fk, adj Ezekiel Trice, Christopher Dannel, Patterson Dannel, William Rhodes, James Wilson & John Roberson, no metes or bounds. ODB 15/54 Samuel Holloway to Ezekiel Trice, 1815, 150 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj Trice, Patterson Daniel or John Daniel, William Rhodes, John Robeson or Sampson Moore.
Daniel, Roger – ODB 3/64 Roger Daniel planter & Patterson Daniel to Roger Danie, 1784, 200 ac on br of New Hope Ck, adj Daniel, David Watson; part of NC to Roger Daniel.
Daniel, Samuel – ODB 4/43 Samuel Daniel & wife Eliza to William Willis Green of Mecklenburg Co VA, 1788, 209 ac adj Nelson Daniel, John Morris, incl the Mill Acre condemned by the court.
Daniel, Samuel – ODB 6/433 Samuel Daniel to Robert T Daniel, 1797, 250 ac on E side of NEwhope Ck, bounded oN S by Charles Trice, on E by Robert Campbell, on W by William Wills Green.
Davis, Abraham – ODB 6/200 Abraham Davis to Ephraim Frazier, 1794, 238 ac on N side of Flat R, part of 2 tracts surveyed by John Carrington & Thomas Dixon, adj Road that formerly led from Granville to Hillsborough, Flat R, Deep Ck, Little Ck.
Davis, Abraham – ODB 5/400 John Carrington to John MacKae Jr & Duncan MacKae of Petersburgh, 1795, mortgage on 2 tracts, 1st tract 750 ac on Little Ck, adj Glen, More, Dickins & Evans, Abraham Davis to Carrington.
Davis, Enoch – NC459. File 1284. Patent Book 49/22. Entry #809. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 85 ac on Little Ck of Flat R, adj Tho Gibbins old line, Robt Graves, Dr. Burke, Robert Dickson & James Wallace line, SCC: Jno & Jas Carrington.
Davis, James – NC135. File 1061. Patent Book 40/378. Entry #230. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1779. 262 ac on Coppers Br of New Hope, adj Howell Herndon, David Gear, and others, SCC: David Gier & Thos Caper.
Davis, John – Entry #103. Entered in 1778. 205 ac claimed. Both sides of New Hope, adj Campbell, E side of N Hope, incl where George Templeman now lives. James Trice sets up a claim to 50 ac of this entry. John Davis gives up his right.
Davis, John & Elizabeth – ODB 4/252 John Davis & wife Elizaebth to William Wells Green of Mecklenburg Co VA, 1789, 319 ac on New Hope Ck, adj John Moore, Green’s Mill.
Davis, Nicholas – NC1027. File 1938. Patent Book 75/11. Entry #1091. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1790. 280 ac on Both sides of Crooked Ck of New Hope adj Enoch Lewis, John Saxon, Henry Beasley, William Merritt incl where he lives, on Chatham County line. SCC: Ephraim and Fendall Beasley.
Davis, Nicholas – NC1105. File 2021. Patent Book 82/197. Entry #1091. Recorded at ODB 9/73. Granted in 1794. 353 ac on both sides of Crooked Ck of New Hope, adj Enoch Lewis, John Saxon, Henry Beasley & William Merritt, Jos Fennel, Wm O’Kelly, Samuel Parks, SCC: Ranson & Abner Davis. ODB 5/331 Nicholas Davis to Richard Glasgow, 1794, 353 ac on both sides of Crooked Run of New Hope, adj Lewis, Foust’s Field, Samuel Parky, Wm O’Kelly. ODB 13/501 Wyatt Ballard to Edward Regans, 1811, 353 ac on both side of Crooked Ck, adj Francis Jones, Wyatt Ballard, Joseph Fennell field, Chatham Co Line, William O’Kelley. ODB 15/373 Edward Riggans to Isaac Barbee, 1816, 353 ac on both sides Crooked Ck, adj Henry Beasley, Enoch Lewis, Joseph Tennel’s field, Chatham Co Line, William O’Kelley, Samuel Park.
Davis, Thomas – Gv161. File 564. Patent Book 14/391. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1756. 122 ac on Walnut Br of New Hope, incl Clements improvements SCC: Richard Braswell & Ephraim Sizemore.
Day, Francis – Gv72. File 578. Patent Book 14/395. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1755. 416 ac on head of Seven Mile Ck and Pea Ck, adj Whitehead, Captain Synnott, Fincher, SCC: Gideon Linchicom & Amos Whitehead. w164 to Jonathan Fincher 416 ac. ODB 1/94 Francis Day planter & wife Mary to Jonathon Fincher, 1755, 416 ac adj Michael Synnott; Granville to Day 1755.
Day, Reuben – NC2046. File 2915. Patent Book 142/435. Entry #119. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1836. 7.2 ac on waters of Flat R and Knap of Reeds, adj himself, Wm Roberts, Jno Roberts & others, SCC: Daniel Umstead & Samuel Forsythe.
Delk, David – ODB 15/267 David Delk by Sheriff to Edmond Herndon, 1816, 95 ac adj Edmund Herndon former corner, County Line.
Delk, David – ODB 15/44 David Delk to John Roberts Sr of Wake, 1817, 140 ac adj Jacob Bledsoe, King Barbee, Amy Davis, Suck Br or Luck Br, Dixon, David Delk. ODB 15/49 John Roberts to Edmund Herndon, 1815, 140 ac on Luck Br, Bledsoe.
Dennis, James – ODB 15/298 James Dennis of Wake to Thomas Gwin, 1806, 200 ac on Marcum Br, adj Charles Strayhorn, Ridge Path, Raleigh Rd.
Denny, James – Gv554. File 570. Patent Book 14/393. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 375 ac on Pea Ck on waters of Eno R, adj Goss, Denny, Moons Branch, SCC: Gideon Linchicum & John Scarlet.
Desern, James – NC1132. File 2041. Patent Book 84/124. Entry #373. Recorded at ODB 5/418. Granted in 1795. 100 ac on waters of Ellebys Ck, adj Thomas Gwin, James Vaughn, Cozart and his own, no SCC’s.
Desern, James – NC1954. File 2820. Patent Book 134/263. Entry #139. Recorded at ODB 18/431. Granted in 1820. 7.25 ac on waters of Newhope, adj John Cabe, the late John Cain, John Rhodes, Jehu Turner, John Turner, Lewis House, SCC: James Copley & Wiatt Brockwell.
Desern, James – ODB 11/155 James Desern to Thomas Christian, 1796, 96 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj John Cates, Desern’s old line, Cozort, Gwinn, John Dannel, James Vaughan.
Desern, James – ODB 2/168 James Desarn to John May, 1785, 175 ac adj Thomas Lewis, mouth of spring br, John Baker, John Vickers, Edward Grisham Sr.
Desern, James – ODB 5/133 James Desern to John Daniel Jr, 1795, 59 ac between Eno & New Hope, adj Thomas Gwin, Daniel, Meacham, James Vaughan, Desern.
Dickens, Robert – ODB 13/19 Robert Dickins by Ex’r to Richard Bennehan, 1807, undivided ½ of 222 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Henry E McCulloh, Horton; Robert Dickins & William Wait were tenants in common in the land, Wait sold the whole to John Tilley Jr, Tilley sold Richard Bennehan, Dickins’ ex’r has obtained the estate half of the money from Wait.
Dickens, Robert – ODB 3/337 Robert Dickens of Granville to Robert Caliar of Bute, 1772, 100 ac on Flat R, adj Richland Ck, William Jay.
Dickens, Robert – ODB 4/179 Robert Dickins of Caswell to Jas Carrangan [Carrington], 1789, 50 ac adj Old Road, old Mill Path, Flat R.
Dickens, Robert – ODB 5/666 Robert Dickins to William Dickins, 1797, 555 ac, two tract, bounded by County Line on N, by Deep Ck on E, by Carrington & others on W; Sheriff to James Critcher.
Dickens, Robert – ODB 8/207 Robert Dickins & William Waite of Person to Anthony Rickets of County aforesaid, 1798, 183 ac on Flat R, adj Harris, Ricjet, Tilley, Old Tract, New Entry.
Dickens, Robert & William Wait – NC1039. File 1951. Patent Book 75/15. Entry #223. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1790. 254 ac on S side of Flat R, adj Charles Horton, SCC: Chs Ashley & Wm Smallwood.
Dickens, Robert & William Waite – ODB 5/513 Robert Dickins & William Waite of Person to Anthony Ricketts, 1796, 250 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Harris.
Dickens, Robt & Wm Wait – NC730. File 1593. Patent Book 57/119. Entry #785. Recorded at ODB 3/129. Granted in 1784. 296 ac on waters of Camp Ck, adj Granville Line, McCulloh's line & Tabours, SCC: Charles Ashby & Peyton Madison.
Dickens, Robt & Wm Wait – NC732. File 1595. Patent Book 57/120. Entry #786. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 500 ac on Rockey Fk of Flat R, adj Charles Roberts and others, SCC: Charles Ashley & Payton Medison.
Dickens, Robert & William Waite – ODB 10/46 Anthony Rickets planter to Richard Benehan merchant, 390 ac on waters of Flat R, adj head of bottom corner to Harris, Horton, Dickens & Waite, a red oak sapling on line of 1499 ac formerly Henry E McCulloh; NC to Robert Dickens & William Waite, Dickens & Waite to Anthony Rickets.
Dickens, Robert & William Waite – ODB 10/47 William Waite of Person to John Tilley Jr, [1802?], 222 ac on waters of Flat R, adj formerly Henry E McCulloh, Wm Horton, Benehan; part of NC to Robert Dickens & William Waite. ODB 10/48 John Tilley Jr to Richard Bennehan merchant, 1801, 222 ac on waters of Flat R, adj formerly Henry E McCulloh, Horton, Bennehan.
Dickens, William – ODB 5/665 William Dickens of Granville to Henry Nollner of Petersburg VA, 1797, 555 ac, 2 surveys, first tract adj Gibson, Orange Co Line, Deep Ck, Flat R; 2nd tract adj Hillsborough Old Rd, Old Mill Path, Carrington, Flat R, Couty Line, Mill Seat.
Dickens, William & Robert – ODB 6/137 William Dickens of Granville & Robert Dickens of Person to Henry Nolner of Petersburg VA, 1797, 555 ac, several tracts, 1st tract adj Gibin, Deep Ck, Flat R, Carrington, Orange Co Line, Old Mill Path, Mill Seat, 430 ac [no details on other tracts].
Dickins, Robert & William Wait – NC1057. File 1969. Patent Book 75/21. Entry # 914. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1790. 640 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Charles Horton, William Horton, Arthur Mangum, Henry E McCulloh, incl improvement he purchased of Robert Ashley, SCC: Chs Ashley & Wm Smallwood.
Dickins, Robert & William Waite – NC1462. File 2337. Patent Book 100/379. Entry #1307. Recorded at ODB 7/463. Granted in 1799. 108 ac on waters of Flat R, adj their own lines and others, SCC: Lazarus Tilly & Anthony Rickets.
Dickson, Joseph – ODB 15/136 Joseph Dickson to Edmund Herndon, [no date], 107 ac on waters of Ellebys Ck, adj John Hall, spring, Farmer, Suck [Luck?] Br.
Dinwiddie, Henry – ODB 3/69 Henry Dinwiddie to John Redman, 1785, 100 ac on waters of Eno R, adj Henry Bunch, Long Br at the persimmon meadow, Spring Br.
Dinwiddie, Henry – ODB 5/8 Henry Dinwiddie to George Grissam, 1793, 100 ac adj Matthew Clinto, Joseph Warrin, Elijah Dollar, John Jackson [no metes or bounds].
Dinwiddie, Henry – ODB 5/9 Henry Dinwiddie to John Jackson, 1793, love & affection, 408 ac adj plantation he now lives upon, on waters of Eno [no metes or bounds].
Dishon, Jacob – ODB 15/62 Jacob Dishon to Isaac Holden, 1812, 200 ac on waters of Eno R, near mouth of Piney Br, adj Bent, Isaac Holden.
Dishon, Jacob – ODB 9/367 Jacob Dishon to William Lewis, 1799, [180 ac] on waters of Eno.
Dishon, Jacob & Catherine – ODB 13/579 Jacob Dishon & wife Catherine to Isaac Holden, 1811, 4 ac on N side of Eno R, adj large Rock N of Scarletts Ford.
Dixon, Joseph – Misc10. 381. 7 ac on waters of New Hope Ck, adj Francis Moreland, James Wilso, William Marcom & own SCC: John Hall & Henry Gorman. Survey says this is Elliby's Ck & adj John Hall.
Dnnagan, William – ODB 4/123 William Dunnagan to George Carrinton, 1784, 378 ac on Dunnigans Mill Ck, adj William Dunnigan. ODB 13/23 George Carrington to Mary Woods Sr, 1801, 378 ac on Dunnegans Mill Ck, adj William Dunnagan, Cain.
Dollar, James Sr – ODB 14/447 James Dollar Sr to Richard Prockter, 1812, 51.5 ac on waters of Jumping Run, Riley Vickers.
Dossett, Phillip – Gv736. File 572. Patent Book 14/393. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1762. 135 ac on Crooked Run of Eno, adj Johnston, Synnott, SCC: Joseph Brittain & Thomas Lewis. ODB 8/324 William Dossett Sr to Walter Alves, 1800, mortgage on 266 ac whereon William now lives, on Crooked Run of Eno, adj Sampson Wood (formerly Johnston), Synnot now George Carrington, 135 ac [of this] Granville to Philip Dossett father of William 1762; tract 2 31 ac adj above, Ansley now George Carrington, Clinton, NC to Dossett 1798; tract 3 100 ac adj above lands, John Scarlett, John Cain (lately Matthew Clinton) & John Daniel, which was lately entered by Dossett, but grant not yet obtained. ODB 9/154 William Dossett Sr to Walter Alves, 1801, same 3 tracts [but with last tract listed as 94 ac]. ODB 14/118 Walter Alves to Gavin Alves, 1806, same 3 tracts.
Dossett, Thomas – NC1502. File 2377. Patent Book 101/277. Entry #484 by William Dossett. Recorded at ODB 9/30. Granted in 1799. 100 ac on Crooked Run of Eno, adj his own land, Johnston, Scarlett, SCC: Joseph Brittain & John Cate.
Dossett, William – NC1338. File 2200. Patent Book 96/31. Entry #168. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1798. 300 ac on Plumb Tree Ck of Eno, adj Wm Ansley Esq, his own land, Sampson Woods, Walter Alves Esq & Wm Cain, SCC: George Hill & Wm Dosset Jr.
Dossett, William – NC1339. File 2201. Patent Book 96/32. Entry #167. Recorded at ODB 6/353. Granted in 1798. 31 ac bounded on S by Eno & William Ansley Esq, on N by his own land & on W by Mathew Clinton, SCC: Geo Hill & Wm Dosset Jr.
Dossett, William Sr – NC1476. File 2351. Patent Book 100/385. Entry #1238. Recorded at ODB 8/228. Granted in 1799. 94 ac bounde don S by Eno R, adj his own land & John Johnston, Michael Senate & William Johnston, SCC: Dosset Woods & George Hill.
Downs, William – ODB 4/323 William Downs to Thomas May, 1790, 100 ac on S side of Eno R, adj mouth of Little R, adj Walter Alves; part of tract from Walter & Amelia Alves to Downs 1790. ODB 13/53 Elias Turner Sr to William Turner, 1808, 100 ac on S side of Eno R, adj mouth of Little R, Walter Alves.
Downs, William – ODB 4/581 William Downs of Wake & wife Mary to Robert Tucker, 1792, 200 ac on Eno R where Tucker now lives, adj Edwd Turner, Mr Leigh, Mr Downs, mouth of Little R.
Drummon, Benjamin & Ann – ODB 3/315 Benjamin Drummon & wife Annn to James Massey, 1770, 200 ac on Mullins Br.
Duke, John – HEM. ODB3/407. Granted: 25 Aug 1764. Recorded at ODB 3/407. 200 ac on both sides of Flat R, adj Mr. McCullock, Staley, incl James Jones old place.
Duke, John – ODB 11/158 John Duke to Thomas Hunt, 1804, 100 ac on Flat R, adj Thomas Horner, Tyree Duke, Thomas Hunt; James Williams by atty to Duke.
Duke, John – ODB 3/316 John Duke to John Hunter, 1770, 100 ac adj Henry McCullock. ODB 3/131 Charles Carrell to Stephen Willson, 1784, 100 ac adj Henry McCullock; John Duke to John Hunter.
Duke, John – ODB 4/180 John Duke to Julius King, 1789, 10 ac on waters of Flat R, ajd Edge.
Duke, Robert – ODB 13/357 Robert Duke, George Horner & Thomas Horner to Judith Stagg, 1805, 75.5 ac adj James Walker, Little Cedar Ck, Big Cedar Ck.
Duke, William – NC2107. File 2977. Patent Book 149/388. Entry #287. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1844. 102.75 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Wm Horner, Moses Chambers, heirs of Herbert Sims dec’d, SCC: H Parrish & Chesley Hicks?
Duke, William – ODB 16/31 or 431? William Duke Sr to William Duke Jr, 1816, 100 ac on Camp Ck & New Road, adj Anthony Cozart, Mangum.
Dunarow, Sarah – HMcC-279. DOS-12. Granted: 1751. 320 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12.
Dunnagan, Ashby – ODB 12/200 Ashby Dunnagan to Catlett Campbell & James Webb, 1806, 300 ac on Little R, adj mouth of Mill Ck, subject to life estate of Sarah Dunagan; Negroe Slaves Tapp about 18, Squire about 13, Patt about 7, Jenney about 5.
Dunnagan, Charles – ODB 13/203 Charles Dunagan to Timothy Dunagan, 1808, 95 ac, 2 tracts on S side of Little R, 84 ac adj Mill Ck, part 384 ac from Granville to John Wade 1753; 2nd tract 11 ac on waters of Little R, adj Matthew Cates, part of 100 ac from George Horner to Matthew Cates.
Dunnagan, Charles – ODB 9/156 Charles Dunnagan to John Cain, 1800, mortgage on 107.5 ac adj Cains Mill Rd, adj William Dunnagan, Moore, Little R, Trading Rd from Hillsborough to Harrisburg. ODB 13/202 Charles Dunagan to Timothy Dunagan, 1808, 107.5 ac on waters of Little R, adj Cain’s Mill Rd, William Dunagan, Moore, on both sides the Trading Rd from Hillsborough to Harrisburg.
Dunnagan, James – ODB 10/393 James Dunagan to Charles Dunagan, 1803, 216 ac on Little R, adj Edward Wortham, William Cain; formerly 2 tracts, one of 100 ac deeded by Charles Dunagan Sr to James Dunagan, the other 116 ac from NC to James Dunagan.
Dunnagan, John – Gv1025. Granted 26 Apr 1753. ODB 3/486 William Few Jr bricklayer to James Milner of Halifax, 1421 ac on both sides of Little R, John Dunnagan to William Few 1768, adj John Pinkertson, Earl Granville, Robert Abercrombie, orphans of William Roe, orphans of James McCallister; the granted tract a part of 2 tracts from Granville to Dunnagan 26 Apr 1753 for 640 ac & 2 Feb 1761 for 398 ac; part conveyed is 460 ac not conveyed heretofore; another tract on both sides of Eno R, adj Barnaby Cabe, Catawba Path, 320 ac, William Few Sr to William Few Jr 1772, James Taylor to William Few Sr 1758, to Taylor from William Smith, patent to Smith 29 Mar 17_; another tract 640 ac on Toms Ck, adj Cantrel, sold to Few by Robt Witty, Lawrence Bankston to Witty, land on which Pierce Au_ now lives; also Lot 79 in Hillsborough.
Dunnagan, Sarah – ODB 14/669 Sarah Dunnagan & Nancy Dunnagan to John D Carrington, 1812, [no ac]the life estate of Sarah Dunnagan in land wherone they live adj Edward Wortham.
Dunnagan, Thomas – Gv1026. w2519. Proved: November 10, 1767. 200 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Dunnagan, Timothy – ODB 16/41 Timothy Dunnagan to Charles Dunnagan, 0.5 ac adj Cate, Dwelling House where Charles Dunnagan; part of a tract from Mathew Cates to Charles Dunnagan Sr.
Dunnagan, William – ODB 14/56 George Carrington & wife Sophia, Benjamin Brittain & wife, Gilbert Ansley & wife Airy, John Ray & wife Polly, John Rhew & wife Peggey & Nancy Dunagan to Charles Dunagan Sr, 1810, 79 ac on waters of Little R, adj George Carrington, Charles Dunagan’s Old Line, near Dunagan’s building. ODB 15/303 [Same grantors, identified as heirs of William Dunagan] to John Rhew Jr, 1810, 100 ac on waters of Little R on both sides Great Rd from Hillsboro to Halifax, adj John Cain, Charles Dunnagan, Benjamin Cate.
Dunnagan, William – ODB 5/191 William Dunagan to George Carrington, 1795, 108 ac on waters of Little R, on both sides of Trading Road from Hillsborough to Harrisburg, adj Carrington, Cain.
Dunnagan, William – ODB 11/48 William Dunnagan to John Cain, 1803, 155 ac on waters of Dunnagans Mill Ck, adj William Cain, Barnet Graham & his own lines.
Dunnagan, William – ODB 14/503 William Dunnagan to Stephen Clement, 1810, 28.25 ac on waters of Little R, adj Edward Wortham, Dicy Dunnagan, Old Road, Dunnagan Old Tract.
Dunnagan, William – ODB 4/123 William Dunnagan to George Carrington, 1784, 378 ac on Dunnigans Mill Ck, adj William Dunnigan. ODB 13/23 George Carrington to Mary Woods Sr, 1801, 378 ac on Dunnegans Mill Ck, adj William Dunnagan, Cain. ODB 13/23 George Carrington to Mary Woods Sr, 1801, 378 ac on Dunnegans Mill Ck, adj William Dunnagan, Cain.
Dunnagan, William – ODB 5/213 William Dunnagan to Charles Dunnagan, 1795, 107.5 ac near Cains Mill Rd, adj William Dunnagan, Moore, Trading Rd from Hillsborough to Harrisburg.
Dunnagan, William Sr – ODB 4/471 William Dunnagin Sr to William Cain, 1791, 40 ac on S side of Trading Road from Halifax to Hillsborough, on waters of Little R, adj William Cain; part of tract formerly property of Henry Mumfort, Mumfort to William Cain, Cain to William Dunnagan, Dunnagan to George Carrington, Carrington to Dunnagan 1787.
Dunnagin, Charles – NC11. File 937. Patent Book 40/255. Entry #519. Granted in 1779. 200 ac on both sides of Little R, adj George Horner, incl an entry and survey formerly made by Wm Dunnagan, SCC: Capt William Ray & Wm Laycock.
Dunnagin, Charles & Edward Wortham – NC222. File 1148. Patent Book 40/465. Entry #531. Recorded at ODB 3/124. Granted in 1779. 290 ac on N side of Little R, adj Horner, SCC: Alex Hunter & Capt William Ray. ODB 6/76 Charles Dunnagan to James Dunnagan, 1797, 100 ac on bank of Little R, adj Charles Dunnagan’s Spring Br; tract taken up by Charles Dunnagan & surveyed by James Smith in 1779.
Dunnagin, James – NC1630. File 2492. Patent Book 108/108. Entry #586 & #671. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1800. 116 ac on Little R, adj Edw Wortham, Chas Dunnegan, SCC: Edw Wortham & Thos Dunnagan.
Dunnagin, John – ODB 3/547 John Dunnagin to William Few Jr, 1768, 460 ac adj Clark, on both sides of Little R.
Dunnagin, William – Gv740. File 569. Patent Book 14/392. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1762. 202 ac on waters of Little R, adj Edmund Fanning, Thomas Dunnagan, SCC: Amos Whitehead, Joseph Dunnagan.
Dunnagin, William – NC1066. File 1978. Patent Book 75/24. Entry #81. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1790. 450 ac on waters of Little R, adj George Carrington, Charles Dunnagan, Cain, Horner, Cate, SCC: Benj Brittain & Thos Hunt.
Dunnagin, William – NC1331. File 2193. Patent Book 96/26. Entry #244. Recorded at ODB 7/318. Granted in 1798. 18.5 ac on waters of Little R, adj William Dunnagan Sr, William Cain & Geo Carrington, SCC: Ashby Dunnagan & Lud? May.
Dunnagin, William – NC2067. File 2929. Patent Book 143/560. Entry #172. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1838. 5.75 ac on waters of Little R, adj Wm Cain, Wm Carrington and others, SCC: Isaac & William Rhew.
Dunnagin, William – NC240. File 836. Patent Book 32/388. Entry #697. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1780. 325.5 ac on waters of Eno and Little R, bounded on N by Henry E. McCulloh, incl improvement he purchased from Benj Forrister, SCC: Richard Cate & James Fulton.
Dunnagin, William – NC325. File 921. Patent Book 32/473. Entry #696. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1780. 155 ac on waters of Dunnegans Mill Ck of Little R, adj his own line, Wm Cain & Barnit Graham, incl improvement he purchased from Samuel Akin, SCC: John Gray & John Hunter.
Dunnigan, Timothy – ODB 15/288 Timothy Dunnigan to Henry Goodrich, 1814, 107 ac on waters of Little R, on both sides of the Trading Rd from Hillsborough to Petersburg, near William Cain’s Mill Rd, William Dunnigan Sr, Moore.
Dunwoody, Henry – NC706. File 1569. Patent Book 57/109. Entry #647. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 608 ac on both sides of Mill Ck of Eno, adj Robert Clinton & Jeremiah Bunch, SCC: Jas Long & Henry Bunch.
Durning heirs? – ODB 16/197 Elizabeth Durning, John Roberts & Nancy [Durning] Roberts, Susannah Durning & Elizabeth Durning Jr to Willis Durning, 1817, 106 ac adj Third Fk, Belson Rencher, Josiah Marcom.
Durning, James – NC249. File 845. Patent Book 32/397. Entry #146. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1780. 180 ac on waters of Eno, adj Samuel McCauley & Thomas Mchaff on the other side, incl where he lives, SCC: Thos Mchaffey & Joseph Reed.
Durning, James – ODB 16/45 James Durning to David Geer of Wake, 1816, 137 ac on Third Fk, adj Alston.
Durning, James – ODB 4/426 James Durning to John Linch, 1790, 90 ac on head of Pea Ck, adj Samuel Clenie.
Durning, Nicholas – ODB 13/364 Nicholas Durning to James Durning, 1809, 237 ac on Third Fk, adj Redman, Bledsoe, Delk.
Durning, Nicholas – ODB 13/395 Nicholas Durning to George Carey, 1809, 112.5 ac 2 tracts, on Watery Fork of Ellibees Ck, adj Lewis, Carey.
Durning, Nicholas – ODB 14/41 Nicholas Durning to John Nelson Rencher, 1812, 100 ac adj Jacob Bledsoe, James Durning, bank of the br, George Herndon.
Eastwood, Elijah – ODB 3/319 Elijah Eastwood planter & wife Margaret to Henry Kell planter, 1770, 360 ac on Flat R, adj James Bowie.
Eastwood, Elijah – ODB 3/439 Elijaz Eastwood to Thomas Kell, 1772, [no ac] land on which I do now live adj N side of Francis Kell.
Edge, Jeremiah – NC886. File 1812. Patent Book 67/524. Entry #23. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1788. 176 ac on waters of Flat R on W of Edwards, on E of Mulhollan, and on S of Julius King, adj Duke SCC: Reason Rickits & Hugh Harris.
Edge, Jeremiah – ODB 5/607 Jeremiah Edge to Archer Harris, 1796, 176 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Dickins, Julius King, Henry Horton, Archer Harris.
Edwards, John – NC492. File 1317. Patent Book 49/34. Entry #566. Recorded at ODB 2/411Granted in 1782. 305 ac on S Fk of Ellebys Ck of Neuse R, adj Charles Abercrombie, John Green Jr, Wm Hall, Wm Scogings, Edward Grisham & Wm Mebane, SCC: William Scogings & John Green.
Edwards, John – ODB 11/340 John Edwards to Thomas Edwards, 1804, 50 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj John Hall; part of tract formerly belonging sd Edwards.
Edwards, John – ODB 12/285 John Edwards to John Cabe, 1805, 231 ac adj William Cabe, Thomas Guinn, Joseph Guinn.
Edwards, John – ODB 3/92 John Edwards to Daniel Green, 1785, 100 ac on Third Fork of New Hope, adj formerly Timothy Terrell; part of Granville to Timothy Terrell.
Edwards, John – ODB 15/279 John Edwards to James Dennis, 1805, 200 ac on S side of Eno R, on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Marcums Br, Charles Strayhorn.
Edwards, John Sr – ODB 12/90 John Edwards Sr to John Shepperd & John Edwards Jr, 1805, mortgage on 160 ac plantation where John Edwards Sr now lives, on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj John Hall on E, John Cate to the S, Charles Strayhorn on W, Benjamin Rhodes on N. ODB 12/197 John Edwards to John Shepperd, 1806, 160 ac his part of land which John Edwards Sr conveyed to John Shepperd & John Edwards Jr whereon John Edwards Sr then lived, on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj John Hall on E, John Cabe on S, Charles Strayhorn on W, Benjamin Rhodes on N [no metes or bounds].
Edwards, Thomas – ODB 12/121 Thomas Edwards to Jamy Rhody, 1805, 50 ac. Same as ODB 11/340?
Ellis, Fenwick – NC2157. File 3025. Patent Book 159/425. Entry #394. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1854. 4.3 ac on waters of Camp Ck, adj Edward Paschal, Hampton, SCC: H D Duke & F Ellis.
Ellison, William – ODB 15/261 William Ellison & wife Margaret, John Ellison & wife Sarah to Joseph Ellison, 1816, 2 undivided equal third parts of 154 ac adj SW corner of an Old Tract, Thompson; Robert Stewart died intestate leaving [this land to] his heirs Margaret Ellison, Sarah Ellison & Elizabeth Ellison wife of Hamilton Ellison of White Co TN.
Embree, John – ODB 3/395 John Embre planter to Rachel Williams, 1771, love & affection for Rachel Williams wife of Richard Williams, 104 ac on waters of Eno R, adj Elias Davis; agreed that Elias Davis may make a drain to water his meadow as he shall think most convenient.
Estes, Burras – ODB 7/26 Burras Estes to Henry Hesse, 1798, 140 ac on waters of New Hope Ck, adj original tract.
Estes, Eliza – ODB 13/391 Eliza Estes to William Picket, 1810, 22 ac on Eno R, adj Hooper.
Fanning, Edward – Gv630. File 597. Patent Book 14/399. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 378 ac on Dunnagan's Mill Ck on waters of Little R, adj Jones, Dunnagan, SCC: James Cumming & Thomas Perkins.
Farmer, Edward – ODB 11/160 Nancy Benton to Samuel Benton, 1802, 50 ac on E side of Eno R, adj William Courtney, Samuel Benton, Slate Hill, Old Trading Rd; Edward Farmer to Jesse Benton.
Farmer, Job – NC367. File 1185. Patent Book 42/19. Entry #579. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1780. 221.5 ac on waters of New Hope, adj Robert Campbell, Andrew Reed, Wm Bray & Thomas Trice, SCC: Wm Horn & James Trice. ODB 2/426 Job Farme r to Robert Cambill, 1783, 521.5 ac adj Bray, Reed. ?
Farmer, Job – NC367. File 1185. Patent Book 42/19. Entry #579. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1780. 221.5 ac on waters of New Hope, adj Robert Campbell, Andrew Reed, Wm Bray & Thomas Trice, SCC: Wm Horn & James Trice. ODB 2/426 Job Farme r to Robert Cambill, 1783, 521.5 ac adj Bray, Reed.
Farmer, Othniel – ODB 11/190 Othniel Farmer of Mecklenburg Co VA to David Delk of Wake, 1802, 100 ac adj his own land, Wake Co Line.
Farmer, Samuel – Gv495. File 593. Patent Book 14/398. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 481 ac on adj James Dickins, Robert Cates, Flat R, survey absent, no SCC’s.
Farthing, William W – ODB 15/164 William W Farthing of Wake to John Link, 1813, 264.5 ac on N side of Eno, adj Jacob Allen’s Old Tract.
Ferrell, John – ODB 13/260 John Ferrell of Wake to George Carrington Merchant, 1802, 97 ac on Alebys Ck, adj John Cate, double Spanish oak on Flat Rock Branch, adj John Cate.
Few, William – ODB 2/591 William Few to John Scarlett, 1766, 185 ac on SW side of Eno R where Joseph Reed now lives, adj James Few Sr, William Few, Stoney Br.
Findley, Hugh – ODB 9/292 Hugh Findley to James Findley, 1800, 80 ac on waters of Eno called Dry Br, adj Owen Lindley, Meadow Dam, Hugh Findley’s Old Line.
Fitch, William – ODB 10/143 William Fitch to Duncan Cameron, 1802, mortgage on 300 ac on Little R. ODB 12/12 William Fitch by trustee to William Kirkland, 1803, 300 ac on Little R; sold pursuant to deed from Fitch to Cameron 1802.
Fogerty, Cornelius – ODB 5/517 Cornelius Fogerty & Joshua Smith to Shadrick Forrest Esq, 1794, 79 ac on Elibees Ck, adj Abraham Anderson.
Fogerty, Cornelius – ODB 8/348 Cornelius Fogerty to Samuel Smith, 1795, 285 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck adj head of Luck Br, Job Farmer, Robert Hall, William Meban, Wake Co Line.
Forrest, Benjamin – ODB 16/55 Sarah Forrest wife of Benjamin Forrest dec’d to John Cain, 1803, 150 ac adj John Cain, Widow Mannon & Eno R [no metes or bounds]; land willed to Sarah Forrest during her life by Benjaim Forrest dec’d.
Forrest, Benjamin – ODB 4/291 Benjamin Forrest to Sampson Wood, 1788, 100 ac on N side of Eno R, adj Camp Br, Benjamin Forrest, Cyder Br; John Johnston to Edmund Fanning 1763.
Forrest, Benjamin – ODB 7/431 Benjamin Forrest Sr to Benjamin Forrest Jr, 1799, 117 ac on Eno R, adj Drury Johnston. ODB 7/441 Benjamin Forrest Sr to Josiah Forrest, 1799, 117 ac on Eno R, adj Drury Johnston, Benjamin Forrest Jr.
Forrest, Edmund – ODB 16/54 Edmund Forrest to John Cain, 1807, 141 ac adj Edmund Forrest, Alex Chisenhall, Road, Mirey Br, Alves, Rocky Br, Eno R.
Forrest, Gresham – ODB 2/508 Gresham Forrest to Shadrick Forrest, 100 ac on Ellebys Ck.
Forrest, Henry – ODB 12/17 Henry Forrest to Elisha Green, 101.1 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj Green, William P Mangum, Michael Green.
Forrest, Henry – ODB 14/451 Henry Forrest to John Redman, 1803, 20 ac on waters of New Hope, adj John Lee, John Cain. ODB 13/380 John Redman to Abraham Alston, 519 ac, 3 tracts, 3rd tract 20 ac, adj John Cain; Henry Forrest to John Redman.
Forrest, Henry – ODB 14/452 Henry Forrest to Absalom Alston, 1812, 100 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj Leigh, Alston, Mangum, Cain, Head.
Forrest, Ila – ODB 16/56 Ila Forrest to John Cain, 1805, 200 ac bounded on N by Eno R, adj Camp Br.
Forrest, Ila – ODB 16/57 Ila Forrest to John Cain, 1805, 200 ac on Eno R, adj Chisenhall, Mannon [Manning].
Forrest, James – ODB 3/625 James Forrest & wife Elizabeth to Benjamin Forrest, 1770, 100 ac at mouth of Rocky Br, Mire Br, Eno R, adj Wm Brownning Sr; devised to James Forrest by will of James Forrest dec’d. ODB 16/54 Benjamin Forrest to Edmund Forrest, 1789, 100 ac on Mouth of Rocky Br, adj Mirey Br, Eno. ODB 9/228 Edmond Forrest to John Cain & Joseph Armstrong, 1801, mortgage on 100 ac adj mouth of Rocky Br, Mirey Br, Eno R, Walter Alves.
Forrest, Joel – ODB 5/89 Joel Forrest of Wilks Co GA to Isaac Forrest, 1793, [no ac] on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Rhodes [no metes or bounds]. ODB 5/416 another copy of same deed.
Forrest, Shadrach – NC485. File 1310. Patent Book 49/32. Entry #213. Recorded at ODB 2/412. Granted in 1782. 600 ac on waters of Ellebys Ck of Neuse R, adj William Forrist, Robert Abercrombie Sr, Charles Abercrombie & William Mebane, incl where he now lives, SCC: Isack Forrist & Shadrack Redik. Benj Hall sets up a claim to this entry. Jury gave a genl verdict to Shadrach Forist.
Forrest, Shadrach – NC837. File 1696. Patent Book 59/33. Entry #1215. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1785. 73 ac on waters of Ellebys Ck, adj his own land, Wake Co line, SCC: Thomas Sears & Charles Abercrombey.
Forrest, Shadrach – ODB 16/223 Shadrach Forrest to Repps Scoggin, 1808, 152 ac on waters of Ellibes Ck, adj County Line, Duncan Cameron, John Hall.
Forrest, Shadrach – ODB 9/117 Shadrach Forrest planter to Nathan Forrest planter, 1800, 219 ac on Wolfs Br of Elebys Ck, adj Wake Co Line, Forrest, Elias Turner; lands from NC to sundry persons & conveyed down to Nathan Forrest. ODB 11/198 Nathan Forrest planter to John Phipps planter, 1804, 219 ac on Wolf Br of Ellibees Ck, adj Wake Co Line, Shadrack Forrest, Elias Turner; granted to sundry persons by the State & conveyed down to John Phipps.
Forrest, Shadrach – ODB 9/191 Shadrack Forrest planter to John Phipps of Wake mechanic, 1800, 19 ac on each side of Dutchmans Br of Elebeys Ck, adj Phipps, County Line; NC to sundry persons, conveyed down to Forrest.
Forrest, Shadrack – ODB 14/60 Shadrack Forrest to Henry Forrest, 1811, 199.5 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj S Fk, Forrest’s Old Line, Wolf Br.
Forrest, Shadrack – ODB 14/60 Shadrack Forrest to Nicholas Atkins, 1811, 1011 ac on S side of Ellibees Ck, adj Little ck, South Fork, Georges Br, Wake Co Line.
Forrest, Silas – ODB 11/189 Silas Forrest to James Curry, 1804, 97.5 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Meeting House Spring Br, adj Abner Veazy.
Forrest, Stephen – ODB 11/219 Stephen Forrest to Jesse Hunter, 1804, [no ac] on N side of Ellibees Ck, adj James Forrester.
Forrest, William – ODB 4/261 William Forrest, Thomas Forrest & Benjamin Forrest to John Mannin, 1762, 200 ac on S side of Eno R, adj Benjamin Forrest. ODB 16/57 Sarah Mannen, John Mannen, Polly Mannen & Mordecai Southerland Jr to John Cain, 1806, 200 ac adj Bejamin Forrest, Eno R.
Forsyth, Robert – NC334. File 1152. Patent Book 42/3. Entry #550. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1780. 334 ac on S side of Flat R, bounded by James Scarlet on S, and by his own land on N, W & E, SCC: Jas Forsyth & Wm Ashley.
Forsyth, Robert – ODB 3/61 Robert Forsyth to Robert Cate of Caswell, 1784, 197 ac on head waters of Mountain Ck, adj Alexander Turrentine, James Scarlett, William Alston.
Forsyth, Robert – ODB 4/161 Robert Forsyth to John Carrington, 1789, 334 ac on S side of Flat R, adj James Scarlett on S, his own land on NW & E.
Forsyth, Robert – ODB 4/173 Robert Forsyth to John Carrington, 1789, 100 ac on S side of Flat R, adj Forsyth’s Little Field, Gipson’s old line, John Carrington.
Fort, John – NC1977. File 2845. Patent Book 135/365. Entry #194. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1822. 5.75 ac on waters of Knapp Reed Ck, adj Reuben Day & Elisha Umstead, David Umstead, his own land, SCC: Elisha Umstead & Reuben Day.
Frazier, Ephraim – ODB 6/154 Ephriam Frazier to John Green, 1797, 228 ac on N side of Flat R, part of 2 tracts surveyed by John Carrington & Thomas Gipson, Road that formerly led from Granville to Hillsborough, Flat R, Deep Ck.
Fulton, James – ODB 5/109 James Fulton to James Warren, 1794, 137 ac adj Thomas Latta.
Fulton, James – NC450. File 1275. Patent Book 49/18. Entry #587. Recorded at ODB 2/272. Granted in 1782. 512 ac on Crooked Ck waters Eno, bounded on E by Michael Sinate Entry #507, SCC: Wm Dunnagan & Richard Cate.
Fulton, Samuel – Gv863. h5830. Suv’d: June 21, 1760. 520 ac on both sides of Deep Ck, adj John Dunagin SCC: James Blakeley & William Wharton. w1847 Samuel Fuller to Henry Ledbetter 520 ac.
Fussell, Moses – ODB 16/6 Moses Fussell to William Cain Sr, 1812, 131.5 ac on waters of Little R, formerly belonging to Wyatt Fussell, William Cain, head of an island, Rocky Br.
Garrard, John – ODB 15/318 Leah Garrard widow of John Garrard dec’d to Tyree Garrard admin’r of John Garrard, 1816, Tyree has conveyed to Leah all estate she possessed before marriage with John & all claim she may have on estate of Richard Harris dec’d; Leah releases all calim to person & real property of John Garrard & claim to his children & heirs except Stanford Garrard son of John & Leah.
George, Allen – ODB 5/132 Allen George of Chatham to John Hyde, 1793, 170 ac adj Cannaday Almond, Paul Castlebury.
George, Jesse Sr – ODB 15/59 Jesse George Sr of Wake to Edmund Herndon, 1813, 39 ac in Wake & Orange Counties on North East Ck, adj old corner stake on the Old Road on Hendron’s line, creek, Old Hillsborough Rd.
Gest/Gish?, George – NC961. File 1872. Patent Book 71/170. Entry #1023. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1789. 225 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Robert Calyer on E, George Laws on W, SCC: Payten Meadisson & Jacob Umsted.
Gibbins, James – NC407. File 1225. Patent Book 42/38. Entry #70. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1780. 300 ac on Little R, adj John Brown, Samuel Torrington, Alex Torringtine, James Hagan, SCC: John Johns & John Brown. Alex Torrentine sets up a claim. The jury finds generally for Jas Gibbins.
Gibson, Thomas – [Granville to Thomas Gibson] h2774 loose warrant dated 29 Oct 1751 for Thomas Gipson, 640 ac in Granville Co on S side of Flat R, adj John Collins & both sides of Rocky Br. ODB 3/468 Thomas Gibson planter to James Williams, 1770, 100 ac on W side of Flate R, adj George Gibson, Thomas Gibson; part of 606 ac from Granville to Thomas Gibson. ODB 3/468 Thomas Gibson planter to James Williams, 17790, 100 ac on W side of Flat R, adj George Gibson; part of 606 ac from Granville to Thomas Gibson. ODB 3/470 Thomas Gibson planter to Joel Gibson, 1770, 150 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Thos Gibson; part of 606 ac from Granville to Thomas Gibson. ODB 3/622 Thomas Gibson planter to George Gibson, 1770, 150 ac on W side of Flat R, adj James Williams, Joel Gibson; part of 606 ac from Granville to Thomas Gibson.
Gilston, David – ODB 16/108 David Gilston to Henry Day, 1817, 50 ac on waters of Mill Ck, adj my own corner.
Glenn, Charles – ODB 11/128 Charles Glenn of Person to William Lingo, 1804, 25 ac adj Person line, Charles Glenn, William Lingo, John Mize.
Glenn, David – ODB 14/554 David Glen to Reuben Carden of Wake, 1812, 16 ac on N side of Ellebeys Ck, adj Road, Handcock, James Woods.
Glenn, Jeremiah – ODB 15/53 Jeremiah Glenn to Demsey Wood, 1813, 7.75 ac adj Wake Line, Southerland.
Glenn, John – ODB 15/17 John Glenn to Solomon Wood, 1814, 88 ac on Ellibas Ck, adj Wood, Tyre Glenn, David Glann, Great Rd.
Glenn, Warham – HMcC-7. w697. Proved: March 13, 1759. 577 ac on Orange Co. w969 to James Alston 289 ac and W977 to John Alston 288ac. [James Alston to Isaac Hicks?] ODB 5/323 Isaac Hicks to John Kinnon, 1793, 288.5 ac on S side of Eno R & Neuse R at mouth of Eno, adj John Alston, Lewis's line formerly John Wood; part of {McCulloh?] to Worham Glenn, 25 June 32nd year of reign of George II.
Glenn, Worham – ODB 4/254 Worham Glenn to John Carrington, 1789, 320 ac; Joseph Collins to Wm Chavers 1755, Chavers to James Bogan 1764, Bogan to Joseph Glasson 1776.
Gooch, John Sr – ODB 12/91 John Gooch Sr of Person to John Carrington, 1804, 230 ac on S side of Flat R, adj Mill Ck; land John Carrington sold to John Gooch.
Gooch, John Sr – ODB 13/66 John Gooch Sr of Person to John Gooch Jr, Redford Gooch & William Gooch, trustees for Thomas Worsham, his wife Prudence & childen, 100 ac on S side of Flat R, adj Forsyths Field, Thomas Gibson’s Old Line, John Carrington’s Old Line; John Carrington to John Gooch Sr.
Goodrich, Henry – ODB 16/278 Henry Goodrich to Isaac Rhew, 1818, 107.5 ac adj Wm Cain’s Mill Rd, William Dunnagan Sr, Little R, on both sides of Trading Rd from Hillsborough to Harrisburg.
Gordon, John – ODB 13/244 John Gordon to Jonathan Thompson 1806, 107 ac on Buffaloe Ck, adj Richard Woods..
Gordon, John – ODB 13/255 John Gordon to Jonathan Thompson, 1806, 107 ac on Buffaloe Ck, adj Richard Woods.
Goss, Zachariah – ODB 2/592 Zachariah Goss to John Scarlett, 1768, 50 ac on S side of Eno R, adj Governor’s line; surveyed for Jas Watson, where Zachariah Goss now lives.
Graham, Barnet – NC1044. File 1956. Patent Book 75/17. Entry #204. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1790. 12 ac on waters of Little R, adj William Cain, James Hunter, McHay [or McHargh?] and his own land, SCC: William M’Gomery & Drury Perkinson?
Graves, Robert – ODB 2/174 Robert Grave to Pierce Jones, 1785, love & affection for Pierce Jones & his wife daughter of sd Graves, 200 ac adj Antony Cozart, Arthur Moore, road.
Graves, Robert – NC758. File 1621. Patent Book 57/134. Entry #806. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 640 ac on Camp Ck, adj Caswell Co line, bounded on N by Joshua Johnston, it being an entry and survey formerly made by Robert Thompson, SCC: Price Jones & Jas Johnston.
Graves, Robert – ODB 2/174 Robert Graves to Arthur Mangum, 1785, 200 ac on waters of Camp Ck, adj Pierce Jones, Arthur More.
Graves, Robert – ODB 3/623 Robert Graves to Frederick Lipham, 1770, 50 ac between land of John Carrington and land John Lipham purchased of Thomas Graves [no metes or bounds].
Graves, Robert – ODB 2/173 Robert Graves to James Johnston of Caswell, 1785, 60 ac adj Johnston’s line.
Gray, John – NC392. File 1210. Patent Book 42/31. Entry #305. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1780. 400 ac on drain of Little R and Eno, adj Hugh Woods, William & Timothy Cain, and William Clenny, incl entry formerly made by William Hollans, SCC: John Hunter & Jn Mountgomery. ODB 4/688 John Gray of Fredrick Co VA to John Cain, 1792, 400 ac on branches of [Little] & Eno R, adj Hugh Woods, William Cain, Timothy Cain & John Cain.
Gray, Robert – NC1376. File 2241. Patent Book 97/81. Entry #282. Recorded at ODB 7/462. Granted in 1798. 22 ac on waters of Little R, adj Henry Waggoner, Francis Baldridge, James Watson, Thomas Griffen & Samuel Nelson, SCC: Joseph Griffin & James Watson.
Gray, Robert – NC984. File 1895. Patent Book 71/180. Entry #593. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1789. 386 ac on waters of Little R and Flat R, adj Richard Holeman, Archelus Wilson, Robert McConwell & Robert Wilson, SCC: Wm & Jn Cates. ODB 13/332 Robert Gray to Andrew Gray, 1798, 318 ac on waters of Flat & Little R, adj Archelaus Wilson, James Watson, Charles Rountree, Robert Gray, Thomas Wilson, Richard Holeman; part of NC to Robert Gray 1789.
Gray, Thomas – ODB 11/207 Thomas Gray to William Shepperd, 1803, 100 ac on waters of Newhope, adj Blacksmith’s Shop, Shepperd, Isham Blake.
Green, Daniel – ODB 9/316 Daniel Green to Henry Forrest, 1801, 200 ac adj Charles Abercromby; NC to John Green.
Green, Daniel – NC949. File 1860. Patent Book 71/166. Entry #125. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1789. 27 ac on Third Fk of New Hope, bounded on W by his own land, on E by Thomas Scarlet, and on S by the Ck, SCC: Ephraim & Covington Surls.
Green, Daniel – ODB 11/156 Daniel Green by Sheriff to Michael Green, 1804, [no ac] on waters of Newhope, adj Francis Moreland [no metes or bounds].
Green, Daniel – ODB 11/98 ???????? to Duncan Cameron, 1804, 398 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj John Cabe, Francis Moreland dec’d, Bartholomew Stovall, Charles Abercrombie, Daniel Green, William Dod, Nicholas Durnin, Dennis Lapson Bradley, Elisha Green, Daniel Green. ODB 12/11 Duncan Cameron to Michael Green, 1804, 398 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj Charles Abercrombie, Daniel Green, Francis Moreland, William Dodd, Bartholomew Stoveal, Nicholas Durnen, Sampson Bradley, Elisha Green, Henry Forrest; formerly property of Daniel Green sold at Sheriff’s sale. ODB 12/18 Michael Green to John Redman, 398 ac on Third Fk, adj John Cain, Green, Francis Moreland, William Dool, Nicholas Durnen, Dennis S Bradley, Elisha Green, John Leigh. ODB 13/380 John Redman to Abraham Alston, 519 ac, 3 tracts, 1st tract on Third Fk, adj Michael Green to Redman, John Cain, Green, Francis Moreland, William Dodd, Nicholas Bradley, Elisha Green, John Lee, 398 ac, 2nd tract, adj Low Grounds formerly called Daniel Green’s corner, 101 ac, 3rd tract Henry Forrest to John Redman, adj John Cain, 20 ac.
Green, John – NC509. File 1334. Patent Book 49/41. Entry #319. Recorded at ODB 2/297. Granted in 1782. 400 ac on waters of New Hope, adj Thomas Searles, John Hall, Wm Moreland, Charlie Abercrombie, SCC: Daniel & Thos Green. ODB 3/161 Daniel Green to David Driskell, 1786, the plantation where David Driskell now lives, 100 ac on waters of Third Fk of New Hope; State to John Green Sr. ODB 4/580 David Driskell to Cornelius Fogerty, 1788, 100 ac where David Driskell now lives, on waters of Third Fork of New Hope; part of NC to John Green Sr. ODB 5/252 Daniel Green to George Stovall, 1794, 100 ac on waters of Third Fork & some of the branches of Elibees Ck, adj Daniel Green, Chambers; part of NC to John Green Sr.
Green, John – ODB 11/54 John Green to John Grant Rencher of Wake, 1801, 77 ac on waters of North East Ck, adj Wake Co Line, Holder. ODB 14/133 John G Rencher of Wake to Thomas Steele, 1812, 77 ac on waters of North East Ck, adj Wake Co Line, Holden.
Green, John – ODB 14/522 John Green to Joshua Lee of Wake, 1806, 221 ac on North East Ck, where I now live, adj John Barbee, Steele, Benjamin Barbee Spring Br, County Line, Recher’s Spring Br, Edmund Herndon, incl where John Holder did live & conveyed to me where I now live.
Green, John Jr – NC489. File 1314. Patent Book 49/33. Entry #569. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 250 ac on waters of Ellebys Ck, adj John Edwards, John Wall, John Green Sr and Charles Abercrombie, SCC: Daniel & Thos Green.
Green, John – ODB 14/567 William P Mangum & Person Mangum to Absalom Alston, 1812, 150 ac on waters of New Hope & Elabies Ck, 2 tracts, 1st tract adj Mecham, Daniel Green, NC to John Green, Shadrack Forrest to William P Mangum 1804; 2nd tract 50 ac adj 1st tract, William Edwards, James Rhodes to William P Mangum 1806.
Gresham, Archibald – ODB 3/93 Archilbard Gresham Esq to William Pickett, 1785, 288 ac on Third Fk, adj Musterground.
Griffin, Andrew – ODB 5/38 Andrew Griffin to James Watson Jr, 1793, 299 ac adj Archelus Wilson.
Grimes, Charles – NC657. File 1520. Patent Book 57/89. Entry #130. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 151 ac on adj Hugh Wood, George Riggs Sr, John Pinkerton, John Latta and William Montgomery incl where he now lives, SCC: Thos Latte & Jonathan Montgomery. John McManus sets up a claim to part of this entry. The jury find generally for McManus to a certain line mentioned; to Grimes 24 Feb 1779. ODB 10/250 James Grimes by Sheriff to Samuel Riggs, 1803, 151 ac.
Grisham, Archer – NC517. File 1342. Patent Book 49/44. Entry #1172. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 71 ac on Adjoining the lands of Wm Rhodes, Charles Abercrombie, Alex Scoggin, William Moreland & Francis Moreland, SCC: John May & John Sheperd. ODB 4/279 John Daniel to Anderson Comer, 1788, 15.75 ac on Third Fk; NC to Archd Gresham, Gresham to John Daniel. ODB 4/218 Christopher Daniel to Francis Moreland, 1788, 71 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj Charles Abercrombie, William Moreland; NC to Archie Grissam 1782.
Grisham, Archibald – ODB 4/278 Archibald Grisham to Anderson Comer, 1784, 24 ac adj Benjamin Rhodes.
Grisham, Archibald – ODB 5/230 Archibald Grisham by Sheriff to Chesley Page Patterson, 1794, 43 ac adj John Barbee Jr, Patterson, William Rhodes.
Grisham, David – NC1176. File 2095. Patent Book 87/414. Entry #1268. Recorded at ODB 10/53. Granted in 1795. 196 ac on waters of Ellebes Ck, bounded on W by Henry Bunch, on N by Mark Peterson, on S [or E?] by John Vickers, adj William Pickett, SCC: John Rhodes & Benjamin Standifer. ODB 5/704 Davis Grisham of Green Co GA to James Dollar, 1797, 196 ac on waters of Elibees Ck, adj John Vickers; NC to Grisham 1795.
Grisham, David & Robert Abercrombie – NC420. File 1245. Patent Book 49/7. Entry #1180. Recorded at ODB 2/510. Granted in 1782. 43 ac on Ellebys Ck of Nuce, adj Wake Co Line, John Ross, Elias Turner, Wm P Turner, G Turner, William Forrest, SCC: Joshua Smith & John Pruett [Pickett]. ODB 4/14 Robert Abercrombie & Davis Grisham of Georgia to Joseph Sears, 1787, 43 ac on waters of Elibies Ck, adj Wake line, Elias Turner, Wm Forrester, Ross.
Grisham, Davis – NC507. File 1332. Patent Book 49/40. Entry #227. Recorded at ODB 2/357. Granted in 1782. 100 ac on S side of Eno R, adj James Bunch and Michael Senate, incl improvement he purchased from John King, SCC: Richard Cleamonts & John Edwards.
Grisham, Davis – NC525. File 1350. Patent Book 49/47. Entry #1171. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 150 ac on W side of Third Fk of New Hope, adj William Rhodes, Charles Abercrombie, John Merritt & Joseph Baugh, SCC: Archer Grisham & John Sheperd.
Grisham, Davis – ODB 5/724 Davis Grisham of Greene Co GA to John Mitchom, 1788, 150 ac on waters of New Hope.
Grisham, Edward – NC339. File 1157. Patent Book 42/5. Entry #215. Recorded at ODB 2/397. Granted in 1780. 500 ac on a br of Ellebys Ck, adj Francis [or Thomas] Lewis, Charles Abercrombie, Edward Grisham Jr, incl where he now lives, SCC: Edward Grisham & John May.
Grisham, Edward – ODB 2/425 Edward Grisham to Timothy Neale, 1783, 100 ac on Elleby Ck, adj Thomas Lewis. ODB 12/358 Sarah Neves, William Neves, John Neves to Elizabeth Ware & Sarah Ware of Wake, 100 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Thomas Lewis. ODB 12/364 Elizabeth Ware, Willie Dossett & wife Sarah to George Keary, 100 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Lewis, Latta.
Grisham, Edward – ODB 3/96 Edward Gresham to John Grant Rencher, 1785, 406 ac adj Edward Gresham. ODB 7/82 John Grant Rencher to James Vaughan, 1794, 406 ac adj Samuel Shepperd.
Grisham, Edward – ODB 4/29 Edward Grisham of Wilks Co GA to Ferdinans Grisham, 1788, [no ac] adj Charles Abercrombie.
Grisham, Edward – ODB 4/36 Edwd Grisham to Thomas Holloway of Wake, 1787, 260 ac on N side of Eno R; Jacob Allen to Grisham.
Grisham, Edward – ODB 4/728 Edward Grisham of Wilks Co GA to Fardenan Grisham, 1788, [no ac] adj Charles Abercrombie, Levin; 100 ac on N side excepted as sold to Jinaoth Mevis.
Grisham, Edward Jr – NC401. File 1219. Patent Book 42/36. Entry #271. Recorded at ODB 2/401. Granted in 1780. 400 ac on waters of Ellebys Ck, bounded by Edward Grisham on N, no SCC’s.
Grisham, Edward Jr – ODB 2/118 Edward Grisham Jr to Isaac Williams, 1780, 204 ac adj John Baker, old line. ODB 2/464 Joseph Reed to Stephen Carrol, 204 ac adj John Baker, old lines.
Grissam, Fenthing – ODB 5/22 Fenthing Grissam to Richard Leigh, 1789, 200 ac adj Grant Rencher, Charles [Aber]Crumbie, Luis, Naire [Waire?].
Grissam, Ferdinand – ODB 5/44 Ferdinand Grissam to John Cabe, 1793, 200 ac on S side of Elibys Ck, adj Watery Fk, Rives, Desarn, Durning.
Guess, George – ODB 12/330 George Guess to William Laws, 1806, 53 ac adj Umstead, Law, Big Br, Guess, Mill Path. ODB 15/319 William Law to George Guess, 1815, a trade of 2 tracts, tract from Guess is 85 ac adj Lewis, Guess, Veasey, George Lewis dec’d, Laws; tract from Laws is 53 ac adj Umstead, Big Br, Mill Path. ODB 15/321 George Guess to William Laws, 1815, a trade of 2 tracts, same two tracts.
Guinn, Moses – NC403. File 1221. Patent Book 42/36. Entry #582. Recorded at ODB 2/275. Granted in 1780. 303 ac on waters of Little R, adj James Murdough & Robert McCauley, SCC: Jno & Jas Murdaugh.
Gunter, Charles – Gv1161. h3466. loose warrant. Granted: 27 July 1761. 577 ac in Granville Co on both sides of Nap of Reeds. Survey returned 22 Sep 1760. Back reads "Chas Gunter to Thos Person 577 ac on Granted 27 July 1761."
Guy, William – ODB 13/153 Jane Guy widow of William Guy dec’d, William Guy, Alexander Guy, John Guy, Samuel Guy, Anne Guy, Rebecca Guy, Sarah Guy, Margaret Guy all of Orange and Robert Works & wife Mary (late Mary Guy) of Iredell to John B Shaw, 1806, 634.5 ac on Eno R, adj Eli Lindsey, Taylor, Great Rd, Thompson.
Gwin, Thomas – ODB 10/181 Thomas Gwin to Joseph Gwin, 1801, 100 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj Meachum, John Cabe, David Cozhart, taking in where Joseph Gwinn lives.
Gwinn, Joseph – ODB 11/320 Joseph Gwin to William cabe, 1804, 100 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj James Mitchum, Cozort.
Hall, David – ODB 13/233 David Hall to Samuel Couch, 1806, 88 ac on waters of Newhope, adj James Herndon.
Hall, David – ODB 6/387 David Hall to James Herndon, 1798, 120 ac.
Hall, David – ODB 9/120 David Hall to David George, 100 ac on headwaters of Crooked Run, adj James Herndon, Zachariah Herndon, Thomas Marcom.
Hall, Davis – ODB 9/120 David Hall to David George, [no date], 100 ac on headwaters of Crooked Run [of New Hope], adj James Herndon, Zachariah Herndon, Thomas Marcom.
Hall, Henry – ODB 14/378 Henry Hall to John Shepperd, 1812, 12.5 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Rhodes, John Shepperd.
Hall, John – NC436. File 1261. Patent Book 49/13. Entry #288. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 363 ac on N Fk of Little R, bounded on N by John Brown, on S by Henry Waggoner, SCC: Andrew Griffieth & John Riggs.
Hall, John – NC508. File 1333. Patent Book 49/40. Entry #162. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 367 ac on S Fk of Ellebys Ck of Neuse R, adj John Edwards, Robert Hall, John Green Jr, John Green Sr, SCC: Allick Scoging & Joshua Smith. ODB 4/171 John Hall to Reuben Westmoreland, 1787, 367 ac on Ellibies Ck, adj Luck Br; NC to Hall. ODB 5/88A Daniel Chandler to John Pinson, 1793, 100ac adj Low Grounds in Luck Br, adj Cornelious Forgerty, fork of branch; NC to John Hall. ODB 5/55 Ruben Westmoreland to Daniel Chandlers, 1790, 100 ac in low groudns of Suck Br, adj Leonard Fringars, Cornelius Fogerty; NC to John Hall. ODB 5/203 Daniel Chandler to John Pinson, 1793, 100 ac in low grounds of Luck Br, adj Cornelius Fogerty; NC to John Hall.
Hall, John – ODB 13/144 John Hall to Henry Hall, 1807, 36 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Luck Br, Old Line, Rhodes, Shepperd.
Hall, John – ODB 14/343 John Hall to Henry Sheppard, 1811, 83 ac adj Jas Dixon, Low Grounds of Luck Br, John Cabe.
Hall, John – ODB 16/248 John Hall to Repps Scoggin, 1816, 25.5 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Nicholas Atkins, Scoggin.
Hall, Robert – NC1778. File 2655. Patent Book 123/345. Entry #1100. Recorded at ODB 13/431. Granted in 1808. 100 ac on waters of Little R, adj Henry Waggoners, William Kell, Lewis, SCC: John Wagoner & Wm Kell.
Hall, Robert – NC511. File 1336. Patent Book 49/42. Entry #567. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 400 ac on waters of Ellebys Ck, on W by John Edwards, on N by Wm Mebane, Joshua Smith on S, and John Hall on E, SCC: Joshua Smith & John Edwards. ODB 4/195 Robert Hall planter of Wake to John Hall planter, 1788, 300 ac on waters of Elibees Ck, adj William Maber, Wm Scogin. ODB 5/434 Robert Hall of Wake to John Hall, 1793, 100 ac on waters of Elibees Ck, remainder of tract John Hall lives on, adj Cornelious Fogerty, William Mebane; NC to Robert Hall.
Hall, Robert – ODB 12/359 Robert Hall to Thomas Laws, 110 ac on W side of Harvels CCk, adj William Jell, Tapleys Ck, Little R.
Hall, Robert – ODB 3/616 Robert Hall & wife Isabel to William Robinson, 1771, 200 ac on Lick Ck; half of a 400 ac tract, the S side.
Hall, Thomas – NC852. File 1778. Patent Book 67/508. Entry #536. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1788. 500 ac on a br of Third Fk of New Hope, bounded by Thomas Marcom on S, by Jeremiah Speer on W, by John Marcom on N, SCC: David Hall & Thomas Marcom.
Hall, Thomas – ODB 5/746 Thomas Hall to Richard Markham, 1796, 79 ac adj Thomas Gray.
Hall, Thomas – ODB 6/459 Thomas Hall to David Hall, 1793, 188 ac adj Thomas Marcom.
Hall, Thomas – ODB 6/460 Thomas Hall to David Hall, 1794, 62 ac.
Hall, Thomas – ODB 6/7 Thomas Hall & wife Nanny to Thomas Gray, 1796, 340 ac adj David Hall, Zachariah Herndon, John Lee.
Hall, Thomas – ODB 4/646 George McClellan of Burke to David Meredeth Merch[an]t, 1789, 570 ac, part of 2 tracts; James Lesley assigned to George McClellan by will, first conveyed from Thomas Hall. Hall assigned to Ebenezer McNair to James Losley.
Hall, Thomas – ODB 5/119 Thomas Hall to Joseph Bilbo, 1793, 200 ac on waters of the North East of New Hope; NC to Thomas Hall.
Hall, Thomas Harmonson – ODB 2/77 John Caragan to William Gibson, 1779, 119 ac on Fullers Br; part of larger tract from Thomas H Hall to John Caragan & William Gibson. ODB 2/76 John Caragan and William Gibson to Benjamin Chapman, 1779, 140 ac on both sides of Eno R; part of larger tract to Cargan & Gibson from Thomas Harmonson Hall. ODB 2/106 Benjamin Chapman to Joshua A Potts and James Paterson of Campbelton Cumberland Co, 1779, 114 ac on both side of Eno R; part of a larger tract to Caragan & Gibson from Thomas Harmonson Hall, it being the same part conveyed to Chapman by Caragan 1779. ODB 2/240 Joshua Potts of Halifax NC to James Paterson of Campbelton NC, 314 ac on both sides of Eno R [no metes & bounds]; ½ purchased in partnership with James Paterson from Benjamin Chapman. ODB 2/79 John Caragan & William Gibson to Joseph Moore, 1779, 100 ac on E side of Eno, adj William Courtney, Turner, Fullers Br; Caragan purchased from Thos H Hall 1777. See also [Granville to James Small?]
Hall, William – NC1771. File 2648. Patent Book 123/154. Entry #1083. Recorded at ODB 13/432. Granted in 1808. 60 ac on waters of Little R, adj Amos Nichols, Henry Waggoner & John Jimson [Jamison?], SCC: James Ray & Adam Dixon.
Hall, William H – NC2048. File 2917. Patent Book 142/436. Entry #117. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1836. 11 ac on waters of Little R and Harrels Ck, adj himself & Jno Brown, SCC: Adam Dixon & Andrew Murdock.
Halliburton, David – ODB 10/112 David Halliburton to Elias Turner, 1802, 237 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Ridge Path Glenn’s line, Forrest, Dutchmans Ck. ODB 8/154 Elias Turner Sr to David H Burton, 1797, 237 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Ridge Path on Gibson’s line, adj Jones.
Halliburton, William – ODB 6/377 William Halliburton to John O’Kelly of Wake, 1792, 639.5 ac on W side of North East Fk of Newhope, adj Richard Hobson, Thomas Hobson, 499.5 ac.
Hancock, Roger – ODB 15/50 Roger Hancock to John pool, 1815, 61.75 ac on waters Ellibees Ck, on S side of Great Rd, adj James Woods, Chisenhall.
Harges, Thomas – NC1801. File 2700. Patent Book 127/410. Entry #1148. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1811. 30 ac on Flat R , SCC:
Hargis, Thomas – ODB 14/55 Thomas Hargis to Matthew Cate both of Person, 1811, 30 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Robert Walker, William Norwood, Person Co Line, William Norwood, James Armstrong.
Harrelson, Nathaniel – Gv498. File 651. Patent Book 14/413. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 326 ac on W side said Ck, adj Nathaniel Runals [Reynolds?], Joseph Doolittle, SCC: Nathaniel Runals & Thomas Brothers.
Harrington, George – NC845. File 1704. Patent Book 59/41. Entry #1293. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1785. 101 ac on Northeast waters of New Hope, adj Thomas Secorts, SCC: Wm Holden & Benjamin Barbey.
Harris, Archer – NC754. File 1617. Patent Book 57/132. Entry #188. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 160 ac on Dyals Ck of Flat R, adj his own land, Henry E. McCulloh, SCC: Julis King & Nehemiah Edge. Henry Horton sets up a Claim to this entry. Henry Horton disclaims his right to this entry by making a conditional line. to Archer Harris 10 Nov 1783. ODB 3/15 John Smith to Soloman Harris, 1786, 640 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Wm Cole, Caswel Co line; granted 1784.
Harris, Archer – ODB 14/643 Archer Harris to Thomas Horner, 1814, 125 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Duke, Horner, Julius King, Umstead, Edward Harris, Thomas Rhew.
Harris, Archer – ODB 14/696 Archer Harris to Edward Harris, 1813, 100 ac part of tract where A Harris now lives, on waters of Flat R, adj Wilkinson’s Old Corner, McCulloch’s Old Line, John Harris, A Harris, Umstead, Great Rd, McFarlin, Little Dials Ck, James Walker.
Harris, Archer – ODB 15/192 Archer Harris to William Harris, 300 ac on waters of Flat & Little R, adj Edward Harris, James Dollar, John Tilley, Mark Harris & Nathaniel Harris [no metes or bounds].
Harris, Archer – ODB 15/193 Archer Harris to Nathaniel Harris, 100 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Edward Harris, Thomas Horner, Mark Harris, Thomas Rhew.
Harris, Archer – ODB 15/336 Archer Harris to Mark Harris, 1813, 200 ac near waters of Flat R, where Arhcer Harris now lives, adj Thomas Rhe, James Hopleins Field,, Lazarus Tilley, Clements, William Hopkins.
Harris, Archer – UNC-12. ODB 5/501. 9 April 1796. 200 ac on waters of Little and Flat Rs adj another tract of Archer's, Henry Horton, Julius King, Andrew Ross. Same as entry #282.
Harris, Arthur – NC1025. File 1936. Patent Book 75/10. Entry #259. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1790. 34 ac on waters of Little R, adj late lands of Henry E. McCulloh, Thomas King, incl the School House, SCC: Julius King & Nathaniel Harris.
[Harris] Harre, Charles – HMcC-287. DOS-12. Granted: 11 July 1763. 200 ac on Orange Co. DOS-12. ODB 3/326 John Burk to William Johnston, 1769, 200 ac on Eno R, adj Samuel Burton; McCullock to Charles Harris 1763.
Harris, Edward – ODB 2/169 Edward Harris to Elias Turner, 1785, 150 ac on Eno & Little R, adj stony bank of Eno, William Johnston. ODB 4/324 Elias Turner & wife Mary to Walter Alves, 1789, 150 ac on Eno & Little R, adj Alves, stoney bank of Eno, fork of rivers; Edw Harris to Turner.
Harris, Hugh – NC1144. File 2063. Patent Book 87/399. Entry #255. Recorded at ODB 5/594. Granted in 1795. 70 ac on Flat R, adj Ansel Paris, Wm Farling and others, SCC: James Walker & Elijah Marshborne.
Harris, Hugh – ODB 5/606 Hugh Harris to Anthony Cozart, 1796, 70 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Parish, William Montgomery.
Harris, James – ODB 5/116 James Harris to Walter Alves, 1794, 166 ac on fork of Flat R & Enoe R, adj Richard Benehan, Richmond Harris incl the mansion house; an undivided hald of tract James (father of James) purchased of Thomas Webb & William Wallace.
Harris, James – ODB 5/75 James Harris to Richard Benehan, 1794, mortgage on tract in fork of Eno & Flat R, willed by father James Harris, will dated 1785.
Harris, Nathaniel – NC2030. File 2901. Patent Book 140/515. Entry #63. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1833. 3 ac on E side of Flat R, adj Nath’l Harris, James B Johnston & others, SCC: Robert Harris & Larkin Monk.
Harris, Nathaniel – ODB 10/173 Nathaniel Harris to Jacob Umstead, 1800, 200 ac on both sides of Flat R, adj McCulloh’s line, Dials Ck, Partee, waghan?
Harris, Nathaniel – UNC-13. ODB 6/83. 9 April 1796. 220 ac on both sides of Flat R. Same as entry #333.
Harris, Richmond – ODB 16/68 Richmond Harris dec’d by partition action [brought by heirs] Duncan Cameron, Ephraim Roberts & wife Nancy, William Hames & Betsey Hames infants by William Leathers guardian, Patsey Hames, Mahala Hames, Hemerah Hames & Betsey Hames infants by Ephriam Roberts guardian to Duncan Cameron, 1817, 330 ac in fork of Eno & Flat R, adj Mill Dam of Bennehan & Cameron, heirs of Edmund Hames.
Harris, Robert – NC1611. File 2487. Patent Book 108/56. Entry #172. Recorded at ODB 10/84. Granted in 1800. 60 ac on Flat R, adj his own land & Jas Williams, McCullock’s line, SCC: Anthony Rickets & James Hopkins.
Harris, Robert – NC1948. File 2816. Patent Book 134/176. Entry #152. Recorded at ODB 18/21. Granted in 1819. 39 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Thomas Horner & His own land, SCC: Jonathan Montgomery & Wm Horton.
Hart, James – ODB 4/717 James Hart to Stephen Hart, 1793, 120 ac on waters of Eno where James Hart now lives, adj Hugh Findley, David Fawcet, James Hart.
Hart, Jonathan T – ODB 4/451 Goldman Harris to Robert Steele of Caswell, 1789, 640 ac on S side Flat R, adj Caswell Co Line, adj Ann & Sarah Parker; NC to Jno T Hart 1784.
Hart, Joseph – ODB 6/392 Joseph Hart to James Herndon, 1796, 68 ac adj Robert Campbell, Watery Br, David Hall.
Hart, Stephen – ODB 4/500 Stephen Hart to Thomas Crabtree, 1791, 25 ac on N side of Eno R, adj Martin Palmer, Stephen Hooks.
Hart, Stephen – ODB 4/583 Stephen Hart & wife Catherine to James Thompson, 1792, 244.5 ac on Eno R, on E side.
Hart, Thomas – NC131. File 1057. Patent Book 40/374. Entry #83. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1779. 334 ac on waters of Eno, adj his own land, Robert Burnside, James Watson, Samuel Chambers and others, SCC: Jas Thompson & Rich Carroll.
Hasting, James – ODB 3/39 James Hastings to Margaret Young, 1787, 88.5 ac on waters of Georges Ck.
Hawkins, Ishom – ODB 6/296 Ishom Hawkins to John Jenkins, 1796, 108.5 ac adj Pee Ck, John Coal.
Hawkins, John – Gv1033. w2041. Proved: August 13, 1765. 308 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Hay, William – ODB 11/183 William Hay of City of Richmond VA surviving partner of John Hay & Company by atty to William White, 1804, 219 ac adj Hart, Reed; Joseph White to Andrew Kennady, Andrew Kennady & wife Mary to John Hay & Company.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 10th tract 200 ac; Henry E McCullock to Johnston 1767, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 11th tract 200 ac; Henry E McCullock to Johnston 1767, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 12th tract 160 ac; James Martin to Johnston 1777, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 13th tract 65 ac; William Browning to Johnston 1773, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 14th tract 180 ac; Worham Glenn & wife Ann to Johnston 1774, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 15th tract 50 ac; Darby Callahan & others to Johnston 1769, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 16th tract 20 ac remainder of 320 ac; Peter Copeland to Johnston 1779, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 17th tract 400 ac formerly called Fannings Quarter, adj William Cain, Henry Bunch, Stephen Carrol & John Cain; John Hogan to Johnston 1778, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 18th tract 60 ac adj William Norwood, Frederick Nash, near Hillsborough; William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 1st tract 256 ac on Main Rd N of Little R, adj Richard Bennehan; John Mitchell to Johnston 1772, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 2nd tract 200 ac adj 1st tract; John Mitchell to Johnston 1772 & by Patrick Bogan 1772, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 3rd tract 350 ac; William Mebane & wife Jennett to Johnston 1764, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 4th tract 200 ac; John Clark & wife Amy to Johnston July 1765, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 5th tract 250 ac; Patrick McCullock to Johnston 1772, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 6th tract 400 ac; Henry McCullock to Johnston 1763, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 7th tract 640 ac; John Butler to Johnston 1783, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 8th tract 404 ac; NC to Johnston 1782, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Henderson, Richard – ODB 14/111 Richard Henderson to Walter Alves, 1812, 5075 ac in 20 tracts, 9th tract 640 ac; John Butler to Johnston 1783, William Johnston willed to his only child Amelia Alves wife of Walter, Walter & Amelia to Henderson. ODB 14/114 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Richard Henderson, 1812, 5025 in 20 tracts.
Hendricks, James – Gv1034. w314. Proved: December 14, 1756. 200 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Henley, Samuel – Gv1035. w843. Proved: February 13, 1761. 400 ac on w2517 Sam'l Henley to Wm Hill 280ac??
Herndon, Benjamin – NC298. File 894. Patent Book 32/446. Entry #225. Recorded at ODB 2/254. Granted in 1780. 616 ac on Crooked Ck of New Hope, bounded by A Massey on E, adj Kennedy Almond & John Saxon, SCC: Abraham Massey & Paul Castlebury. ODB 4/300 Benjamin Hernden to Thomas Marcom, 1790, 100 ac on waters of Crooked Ck. ODB 8/333 Benjamin Herndon to Tapley Herndon, 1798, 100 ac on side of Crooked Ck, adj Elias Herndon, Marcom; NC to Benjamin Herndon.
Herndon, Benjamin – ODB 10/362 Benjamin Herndon to son Aquilla Herndon, 1803, goodwill & affection, the land I now possess & whereon I now live, reserving a life estate therein.
Herndon, Benjamin – ODB 8/295 Benjamin Herndon to Elias Herndon, 1798, 200 ac on waters of Newhope, adj William Burton, Thomas Marcom.
Herndon, George – Gv523. File 676. Patent Book 14/420. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 500 ac on Northeast Fk of New Hope, adj Benjamin Saxon, SCC: Benj Saxon & William Roberts.
Herndon, James – ODB 16/66 James Herndon to Mary M Dixon daughter of Joseph Dixon & wife Mary, marriage contract, 454.75 ac adj David Hall, Zachariah Herndon, Joseph Bilbo; also Negroes: Bob country born abt 17, Luse country born 14 yrs, Milley country born 6 yrs & their increase; also all chattel I own at death.
Hester, Benjamin – NC2150. File 3018. Patent Book 155/6. Entry #325. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1851. 2.8 ac on waters of Flat R, adj heirs of Herbert Sims, himself and others, SCC: Davis Hester & Wm McFarland.
Hester, Davis – NC2149. File 3007. Patent Book 153/335. Entry #344. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1850. 7 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Benjamin Hester & others, SCC: Benj Hester & Wm McFarland.
Higdon, John – Gv524. File 694. Patent Book 14/424. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 400 ac on Reedy Ck & Crabtree Ck, survey absent, no SCC’s.
Hill, William H – UNC-15. ODB 12/227. no date. ? ac on "This conveyance is written on the back of a Deed to Wm H Hill from Trustees of the University and Registered in Book 2, folio 33".
Hines, Thomas – HMcC-83. w2169. Proved: August 13, 1765. 848 ac in Weeks, but Tract unknown; search Granville & Guilford DBs. No further conveyances in Weeks. VOLUME 4 or 1
Holden, Thomas – Gv271. File 695. Patent Book 14/424. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1759. 247 ac on adj Fincher, Buckwater Ck, SCC: William Wiley & James Latta. ODB 15/138 John Woods to Isaac Wood son of John Woods, 337 ac, two tracts, 1st tract on Buck Water Ck, adj Tyre Harris, Houlden, 257 ac on Thomas Houlden Sr to Woods 1762, 2nd tract on waters of Buck Quarter adj David Copeland, Nathaniel Lewis & John Kelly, 80 ac on NC to John Woods.
Holder, Aron – ODB 10/187 Aron Holder to Benjamin Barbee, 1802, 86.5 ac on North East Ck, adj John Green, Rencher, Daniel Holder, Barbee.
Holder, Daniel – ODB 10/386 Daniel Holder to Benjamin Barbee, 1803, 86 ac on waters of North East Ck, adj Rencher, William Holder, Barbee.
Holder, Daniel – ODB 10/386 Daniel Holder to Benjamin Barbee, 1803, 86 ac on waters of North East Ck, adj Rencher, William Holder, Barbee.
Holder, John – NC310. File 906. Patent Book 32/458. Entry #537. Recorded at ODB 2/260. Granted in 1780. 500 ac on N side of Northeast Br of New Hope, bounded by John Barby on W, and Christian Pealor & George Herndon on E, SCC: Christian Pealor & Gray Barby. ODB 9/360 John Holder Sr to Daniel Holder, 1801, 83 ac on waters of North East Ck, adj B Barbee, S Barbee, John Green. ODB 10/185 John Holden Sr to Benjamin Barbee, 1800, 83 ac on waters of North East Ck, adj Benjamin Barbee formerly, Stovall, William Holder. ODB 10/387 John Holder to John Green, 1801, 83 ac on waters of North East Ck, adj Green’s field, John Holder, Barbee, Holds Spring Br. ODB 10/388 John Holder to John Green, 1802, 83 ac on waters of North East Ck, adj Peelor. ODB 5/748 John Holder Sr to William Holder Sr, 1797, 83 ac on waters of North East Ck, adj Jeremiah Jackson; NC to John Holder Sr. ODB 12/355 William Holder to Zachariah Herndon, 1805, 83 ac where Holder now lives on waters of North East Ck, adj Jeremiah Jackson.
Holeman, Charles – ODB 16/328 Charles Holeman to William R Robinson, 1809, 1 ac adj Quarrel Ck, William R Robinson, Holeman.
Holeman, Charles – ODB 4/365 Charles Holeman to John Easey, 1791, assignment of foregoing mortgage.
Holeman, Richard – Gv452. File 682. Patent Book 14/421. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 185 ac on adj Holeman, Robert Cate, Archilus Willson, SCC: Archillus Wilson & Joseph King.
Holley, John – Gv1036. w308. Proved: December 14, 1756. 200 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Holloway, Thomas – ODB 7/58 Thomas Hallaway to Thomas Horn, 1798, 27.5 ac adj Hallaway, Horn.
Holmes, Joseph – HEMcC-235. ODB 13/512. Granted: 10 Feb 1774. 370 ac on Orange Co. ODB 13/512 Original grant, 15 Feb 1810, HEM to Joseph Holmes, 370 ac, adj Daniel McDaniel, same tract sold HEM to Joseph Holmes 10 Feb 1774 and sold by Holmes to Leven Woods, George Albright and Edmund Green. Apparently this is extinguishing an old Deed of Trust?
Holoman, Richard – Gv363. File 649. Patent Book 14/413. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1760. 384 ac on Quarrel Ck of Flat R, adj James Dickins, Bradford, Wade or Weldon, SCC: Archelus Willson & Charles Moore.
Holsenback, Richard – ODB 5/243 Richard Holstonback & Anna Tatom to Zecheriah Maze, 1794, 100 ac on Camp Ck of Nap of Reeds; being part of 300 ac Stephen Tatom left to his youngest daughters Sarah & Ann.
Holt, John – ODB 9/172 John Holt to John Redman Jr, 1800, 150 ac adj Benjamin Peelor.
Holt, John – ODB 9/172 John Holt to John Redman Jr, 1800, 150 ac adj Benjamin Peelor.
Holyfield, Ralph – Gv510. File 650. Patent Book 14/413. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 300 ac on Sycamore Ck on waters of Crabtree Ck SCC: William Holyfield & Richard Massey.
Horne, Joshua – ODB 13/366 Joshua Horne planter to Benjamin Rhodes planter, 1810, 12 ac 1 rod & 11 poles on waters of First Ck, adj NW corner of Benjamin Rhodes Old Tract.
Hooper, William Sr – ODB 3/231 William Hooper Sr to Jacob Allen, 1769, 175 ac on both sides of Eno R.
Hopson, Thomas – ODB 3/179 Thomas Hopson of Wake to Christopher Barbee, [no year], 100 ac on S side of North East Prong of New Hope, adj Widow Hopson, Thomas Hopson.
Hopson, Thomas – ODB 4/475 Thomas Hopson to William Hopson, 1791, [no ac] on North East Br, adj William [Halli]Burton.
Horn, James Barton – ODB 3/83 James Barton Horn by Sheriff to Archibald Gresham Esq, 1785, 200 ac out of 240 ac tract.
Horn, John – NC470. File 1295. Patent Book 49/26. Entry #571. Recorded at ODB 2/322. Granted in 1782. 300 ac on both sides of Seven Mile Ck of Eno, adj Jacob Allen and John McVinch, SCC: Jacob Allen & Jo Townsent. ODB 4/372 John Horn & wife Elinor to Cuthburt Burton, 1790, 300 ac on Seven Mile Ck; NC to Horn 1782.
Horn, Joshua – ODB 4/668 Joshua Horn to Thomas Horn, 1792, [no ac] on waters of New Hope, adj Thomas Horn, Madtlin, Madden, road leading from Hillsborough to New Bern.
Horn, Thomas – NC1335. File 2197. Patent Book 96/29. Entry #190. Recorded at ODB 6/348. Granted in 1798. 41.5 ac on waters of Wold Spring Br, adj his own land & Thos Holoway, SCC: Wm & Jas Horn. ODB 7/74 Thomas Horn Sr to Thomas Holloway, 1798, 27.5 ac adj Holloway’s old corner, Jacob Allen, Eno R, Horn.
Horn, Thomas – ODB 4/386 Thomas Horn to Joshua Horn, 1790, [no ac] on waters of New Hope, adj Thomas Horn, Madden, road leading from Hillsborough to New Bern.
Horn, Thomas – ODB 7/220 Thomas Horn Sr to James Horn Jr, 1798, 118.5 ac adj road, William Horn, White. ODB 16/229 James Horn Sr to Benjamin Rhodes, 1814, 118.5 ac adj Joshua Horn, White, road.
Horn, Thomas Jr – NC940. File 1851. Patent Book 71/162. Entry #133. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1789. 250 ac on the Wolf Br of Eno, adj Howell Hunt, William Cabe and Edward Grisum, SCC: William Cabe & Edward Grisham.
Horn, Thomas Sr – NC728. File 1591. Patent Book 57/119. No entry. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 70.5 ac, no SCC’s.
Horn, Thomas Sr – ODB 7/224 Thomas Horn Sr to William Horn Jr, 167 ac bounded by John Cabe on E & N, Joseph White on W, James Horn Jr on S.
Horn, William – NC900. File 1752. Patent Book 64/362. Entry #525. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1788. 282 ac on waters of Third Fk of New Hope, adj Wm Sheppard, Abm Massey, SCC: Joseph Cobb & William Pearce.
Horne, Joshua – ODB 13/366 Joshua Horne planter to Benjamin Rhodes planter, 1810, 12 ac 1 rod 11 poles on waters of First Ck of Newhope, adj NW corner of Benjamin Rhodes Old Tract; this land formerly Thomas Horne’s.
Horner, George – NC114. File 1040. Patent Book 40/357. Entry #171. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1779. 250 ac on Little R and Mountain Ck, adj his own land, William Rea, Henry E McCulloh, incl where he now lives, SCC: Cap Wm Ray & Alex Hunter. ODB 3/67 George Horner & wife Elizabeth to George Horner Jr, 250 ac on W side of Mountain Ck, adj George Horner, Wm McCullom, Wmm Ray no Stephen Wilson; part of grant to George Horner 1779.
Horner, George – NC799. File 1662. Patent Book 57/152. Entry #1298. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 100 ac on waters of Little R, on Dunagans Mill Ck, adj Wm Abercrombie, Dunagan, SCC: Chs Dunnagan & Thos Horner.
Horner, George – ODB 5/78 George Horner Sr to George Horner Jr, 1793, 100 ac on waters of Little R, adj Mr Abercrombis, Dunnigans Mill Ck, Thomas Gray, Horn, Dunnigan. ODB 5/69 George Horner Jr to William Dunnigan Sr, 1793, 100 ac on waters of Little R, adj Abercrombie, Dunnigans Mill Ck, Thomas Gray, Horner, Dunnigan.
Horner, George – ODB 8/27 George Horner to George Wagoner, 1799, 112 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Dry Ck, McCulloh;s Big Survey.
Horner, George – ODB 9/135 George Horner, Robert Duke & Thomas Horner to Joseph Ellis, 1799, 350 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Little Cedar Ck, Big Cedar Ck, James Walker, Judith Stag. ODB 9/134 Robert Duke, George Horner & Thomas Horner to Claborn Parish, 1799, 81 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Big Cedar Ck,James Walker.
Horner, George Sr – ODB 2/197 George Horner Sr to George Horner Jr, 1785, 80 ac on Mountain Ck.
Horner, John – NC1903. File 2782. Patent Book 133/234. Entry #62. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1818. 20 ac adj Cuthbert Burton, Archibald Horn, Thomas Mahaffie, Henry Bunch, SCC: Jonas Manor & William Morgan.
Horner, Robert – NC1703. File 2581. Patent Book 118/396. Entry #863. Recorded at ODB 11/358 & partially recorded at ODB 11/354. Granted in 1804. 6.75 ac adj Archey Harris, James Ray & John Tilley, SCC: Wick? Frizel & George Tilley.
Horner, Thomas – NC1983. File 2851. Patent Book 135/532. Entry #367. Recorded at ODB 21/481. Granted in 1824. 200 ac on waters of Mountain Br, adj William Parish, William Cain, Robert Hall, Hargis, Sneed & Mangum, SCC: Abner Parker & Arthur Bobbitt.
Horner, Thomas – ODB 11/159 Thomas Horner to Thomas Hunt, 1804, 168 ac on Dry Ck of Flat R; David Witherspoon to Thomas Horner.
Horner, Thomas – ODB 5/783 Thomas Horner to Claborne Prrish, 1796, 76 ac on waters of Flat R, adj James Watkins.
Horner, Thomas – ODB 8/19 Thomas Horner to Nathaniel Harris, 1798, 117 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Dry Ck.
Horton, Charles – ODB 2/2 Charles Horton & wife Sarah to William Horton, 1778, 202 ac on Flatt R, adj steep hill. ODB 3/153 William Horton to Archer Harris, 1786, 202 ac on Flat R, adj steep hill near the river. Same deed recorded at ODB 4/521.
Horton, Henry – NC808. File 1671. Patent Book 57/156. Entry #547. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 177.5 ac on both sides of Dyals Ck of Flat R, adj Julias King, John Wilkerson & Archey Harris, SCC: Jas Mashbrun & Julis King.
Horton, Henry – ODB 6/330 Henry Horton to Thomas McFarlin, 1797, 77.5 ac on S side of Dyals Ck of Flat R, adj Julius King, Archer Harris, James Walker.
Horton, James – Gv890. h5962. Suv’d: Feb 25, 1754. 482 ac on on both sides of Mountain Ck, below John Brown entry, adj John Wade, SCC: James Wilkinson & Zach Downs. Not in Weeks.
Horton, James – ODB 7/466 James Horton to George Laws, 1799, 343 ac [in two tracts, 1st tract] 133 ac on both sides of Mountain Ck adj Commons, Thomas Horton to James Horton 1799; 2nd tract adj above on S side, 210 ac adj Thomas Latta, Stephen Wilson, Moor, Old Tract, Walter Alves to James Horton 1796.
Horton, James – ODB 15/78 James Horton by Sheriff to James Leathers, 1814, 98.75 ac adj Peggy Dunagan.
Horton, John Sr – ODB 5/121 John Horton Sr to John Horton Jr, 1793, 83 ac on waters of North East Ck, adj John Barby.
Horton, Thomas – ODB 4/358 Thomas Horton & wife Elizabeth to John Commens of Caswell, 1783, 200 ac on both sides of Mountain Ck, adj James Horton, William Johnston; part of tract surveyed for James Horton 1754; it being tract purchased of Rosser Horton by John Cummins.
Horton, Thomas – ODB 4/358 Thomas Horton & wife Elizabeth to John Commens of Caswell, 1783, 200 ac, on both sides of Mountain Ck, adj Jas Horton, William Johnston, Watson; part of tract surveyed for James Horton 1754, it being tract purchased of Rosser Horton. Gv352
Horton, Thomas – ODB 7/464 Thomas Horton to James Horton, 1799, 133 ac on both sides of Mountain Ck, adj Commons.
Horton, Thomas – ODB 8/22 Thomas Horton to Edward Harris, 1799, 160 ac on both sides of Mountain Ck, adj James Horton, Commons.
Howell, Lewis – HMcC-298. DOS-12. Granted: 1763. 200 ac on Orange Co. DOS-12. ODB 11/211 Micajah Ferell to James Woods, 1802, [no ac stated] on W side Elliby Ck, N side of Flat Rock Br, adj Wood, double spanish oak sapling & Persimmon, near ford; part of HM to Lewis Howell, to Alexander Clark, heirs of Clark to Micajah Ferrell.
Howell, Samuel – HMcC-78. w2164. Proved: August 13, 1765. 200 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? Tract 12? No further conveyances in Weeks.
Humphreys, William – Gv892. w2101. Suv’d: Jan 31, 1760. 516 ac on both sides of Crooked Ck and Nuce R, adj Christopher Marr, SCC: Jacob Bledsoe & Abn[er] Colson. h5973.
Hunt, Henry – NC1334. File 2196. Patent Book 96/28. Entry #233. Recorded at ODB 6/358. Granted in 1798. 45 ac on Crooked Ck, adj John Latta, James Fulton, William Dunnagan & his own, SCC: Joseph Britton & Wm Grimes.
Hunt, Henry – NC1592. File 2463. Patent Book 106/452. Entry #540. Recorded at ODB 9/33. Granted in 1800. 22 ac on Mountain Ck, adj James Horton, James Watson, Thomas Horton, Thomas Latt, SCC: Thos Latta & Wm Dollar.
Hunt, Henry – ODB 16/53 Henry Hunt to John Cain, 1805, 167.5 ac adj Cain.
Hunt, Henry – ODB 9/352 Henry Hunt to George Law Sr, 1801, 22 ac on Mountain Ck, adj George Laws, James Watson, Edward Harris, Thomas Latta, formerly James & Thomas Horton; NC to Henry Hunt 1800.
Hunt, Henry – UNC-19. ODB 5/784. 12 April 1797. 483 ac on no neighbors or Ck.
Hunt, Howell – ODB 5/493 Howell Hunt of Halifax to John Cole, 1790, 250 ac adj Goss, Shepherd, Cartlett, Hopkins, Faucett, John Piper.
Hunt, John – NC1330. File 2192. Patent Book 96/26. Entry #299. Recorded at ODB 6/357. Granted in 1798. 65.5 ac on waters of Little R, adj Barnet Graham, John Cain, William Dunnagan, Richard Cates, SCC: Henry Hunt & Wm Cate.
Hunt, Thomas – ODB 4/687 Thos Hunt to John Cain, 1792, 70 ac on S side of Little R, adj Henry Eustace McCulloch & Thos Cain.
Hunter, Alexander – NC189. File 1115. Patent Book 40/432. Entry #220. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1779. 200 ac on S side of N Fk of Little R, adj Edward Wortham, incl where the Widow Watson now lives, SCC: Edw Wortham & Jn Hunter.
Hunter, James – ODB 6/314 James Hunter to Sion Bobbit, 1792, 100 ac on N side of Dyals Ck, incl where Robert Thompson formerly lived, adj Arthur Mangum, Willm McFarlan.
Hunter, Jesse – ODB 13/399 Jesse Hunter to Hugh Morris of Wake, 1809, 94 ac on N side of Elibees Ck, adj Isaac Forrest.
Hunter, John – NC860. File 1786. Patent Book 67/512. Entry #771. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1788. 400 ac between N and S Fks of Little R, adj Hugh Woods, George Newton and George Riggs, SCC: Sam Torrintine & Thos Clark. ODB 11/85 Andrew Hunter of Burke to Joseph Wood, 1791, 135 ac between S & N Fk of Little R, adj Hugh Wood, John Riggs; NC to John Hunter 1788. ODB 11/86 John Riggs to Joseph Woods, 1792, 230 ac between S & N Fk of Little R, adj Hugh Woods, James Hunter, Riggs, John Baley, George Newton, Mill Road; part of an entry made by John Hunter Sr, NC to Hunter 1788.
Hust, John – ODB 11/278 John Hust to David George, 1804, 100 ac adj Allen George.
Hust, Joseph – ODB 7/2 Joseph Hust to David Hall, 1796, 30 ac adj Joseph Hust, branch.
Hutchens, Moses – NC337. File 1155. Patent Book 42/4. Entry #297. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1780. 330 ac between First & Second Ck of New Hope, adj his own land, John Tapley Patterson & William Pickett, no SCC’s. ODB 7/85 Moses Hutchins to William Herndon, 1796, 80 ac on waters of Newhope between First & Second Ck, adj Page Patterson, Willm Rhodes, William Picket; NC to Hutchins.
Hutchins, James – NC855. File 1781. Patent Book 67/510. Entry #1158. Recorded at ODB 4/5. Granted in1788. 171 ac in the Fk of Second Ck of New Hope, adj John Rhodes, Pealer, incl improvement made by Michael Whatley, SCC: John Rhodes & Joseph Bar_.
Hydes, John – ODB 13/242 John Hyde & wife Ann to Sampson Moore, 1809, 463 ac adj Joseph Booth, Kennedy Almond, John Hust, Susannah Hampton, David George, George Herndon.
Isom, James – HMcC-61. w1309. Proved: November 8, 1763. 600 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Jackson, William – NC1527. File 2402. Patent Book 101/289. Entry #245. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1799. 94 ac on waters of Eno and Little R, adj James Jackson, Margaret McCool, Jonathan Nichols Sr, SCC: James Jackson Sr & Jr.
James, ? – Gv1183. ODB 2/54. Granted: 27 Feb 1759. ac on N Fk of Little R, on Lowery Spring Br where Brinney's line crosses, adj Col Brown, William Briny. ODB 2/54 William & Jennet Brian to William Jamison, p/o tract from Granville to James? 27 Feb 1758.
James, Thomas – Gv634. File 716. Patent Book 14/430. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 487 ac on both sides of House Ck of Little R, SCC: Thomas Parkings [Perkins?] & William Burney. w2289 to John Kelley 487 ac.
James, Thomas – Gv764. File 710. Patent Book 14/428. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1762. 192 ac on both sides of N Fk of Little R on S Fk of R, SCC: James Kell & James Laslin.
James, Thomas – ODB 13/315 Asael Moore & Andrew McBroom to Joseph Armstrong (of Wm), 1810, 489 ac on E side of Horse Ck of N Fk of Little R, adj Armstrong on NW & S, on E by John Wilson, William Guess & George Laws; Thomas James to John Kelly, to John Moore (cooper), to son John Moore by will, by will of John Moore Jr to grandson Azel Moore after death of wife Martha who has 1/3 for her lifetime, now wife of McBroom.
Jamison, John – ODB 14/309 John Jamison to Robert Hall, 1812, dowry of Jane Laws in land belonging to Thomas Laws dec’d on Harrels Ck [no ac, metes or bounds].
Jamison, William – NC410. File 1228. Patent Book 42/40. Entry #702. Recorded at ODB 2/313. Granted in 1780. 221 ac on Little R, adj his own (deeded) land on N and George Rigs on W, SCC: John Hall & Henry Waggoner.
Jeffers, Osborn – Gv1042. w265. Proved: September 13, 1756. 605 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Jeffers, Osborn – Gv1043. w269. Proved: September 13, 1756. 126 ac on w2653 Ozborne Jeffers to Jones Griffin 126ac.
Jeffreys, Osborn – Gv1144. H1828. Granville Co Records. Patent Book 11/418. Surveyed: 13 Oct 1757 . 642 ac in Granville Co on both sides of Little R, incl the Bear Harbour, adj Jeffreys own corner, on both sides of a br, SCC: Thomas Ray, Sherwood Haywood. Warrant is h3032 which says on back "Deed Issued 15 Mar 1752." h3033 is loose plat for this. h1828.
Jeffreys, Osborn – Gv1158. h3034. Loose warrant in name of George Heath. Granted: 1 Dec 1760. – ac in Granville Co on both sides of Little R, incl Heath's Improvements entered 28 Apr 1757. Execution delayed due to late disturbances. Back says "Assigned to Jeffreys Grant 1 Dec 1760."
Jeffreys, Osborn – Gv97. File 713. Patent Book 14/429. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1755. 458 ac on both sides of Lick Ck, adj Low Grounds, Horsepen, SCC: Nicholas White & James Randolph. w490 to John Alston 458 ac.
Jeffreys, Osborne – Gv1145. H1838. Granville Co Records. Patent Book 11/420. Granted: 1 Dec 1760. 696 ac in Granville Co on both sides of Little R, adj Jeffrey's line SCC: John Woodley & Richard Bradford.
Jeffreys, Osborne – Gv1146. H1840. Granville Co Records. Patent Book 11/421. Granted: 1 Dec 1762. 650 ac in Granville Co on both sides of Little R SCC: John Green & John Richman. Warrant is H1699 in name of Robert Morgan, filed with Edgecomb County Granville papers.
Jeffreys, Osborne – Gv1147. H1853. Granville Co Records. Patent Book 11/424. Granted: 3 July 1758. 644 ac in Orange & Johnston Counties on both sides of Little R, adj a Fk .
Jeffries, Osborn – Gv894. h6008. Suv’d: Oct 30, 1760. 480 ac on both sides of Flat R, adj his own former tracts, mouth of a branch, Jas Blakeley, Joseph Mumford, SCC: Wm & Sam’l Pittman. Not in Weeks.
Jenkins, John – NC888. File 1814. Patent Book 67/525. Entry #580. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1788. 88 ac on Northeast Fk of New Hope, adj Richard Hopson, Henry Beasly and John Saxon, SCC: Jesse Beasley & Morton Hopson.
Jenkins, William – ODB 13/588 William Jenkins to Mann Patterson, 1811, 148 ac on S bank of Newhope, adj John Barbee.
Johns, Henry – ODB 14/77 Henry Johns to John Malone, 1804, 240 ac adj William Keeling, Charles Allison, Hambleton Allison, John Armstrong, John Allison. ODB 15/286 John Malone to James Williamson, 1815, 240 ac adj William Keeling, Charles Allison, Hambleton Allison, John Armstrong.
Johnston, Drury – ODB 11/65 George Carrington to Duncan Cameron in trust for Armistead Hill & Russell Hill of Petersburg VA, 1803, deed of trust [mortgage], Carrington owes Armsitead & Russell Hill for penal sum, collateral is 10 tracts, 10th tract 100 ac on Crooked Ck of Eno, adj William Cain; Drury Johnston to George Carrington 1802.
Johnson, Samuel H – NC2167. File 3035. Patent Book 166/218. Entry #437. Recorded at ODB 41/204. Granted in 1872. 38 ac on waters of Little R, adj Cain & Johnson, John Q Lipscomb, Moses Williams, Horner & his own, SCC: James Riggs & Moses W Horner.
Johnson, William – HEMcC-238. w2342. Proved: November 11, 1766. 650 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? Tract 12? nothing further in Weeks.
Johnston, Drury – ODB 12/189 Drury Johnston to George Carrington, 1802, 100 ac on Crooked Run of Eno, adj William Cain, road; NC to William Ansley 1790.
Johnston, Drury – ODB 9/280 Drury Johnston to George Carrington & George Carrington merchant, 1800, 100 ac on waters of Eno R, adj Benjamin Forrest, Carrington.
Johnston, George – NC1274. File 2154. Patent Book 92/24. Entry #153. Recorded at ODB 7/322. Granted in 1797. 40 ac on waters of New Hope, adj John Young’s west corner, Charles Johnston's corner, no SCC’s.
Johnston, George – NC1275. File 2155. Patent Book 92/24. Entry #351. Recorded at ODB 7/323. Granted in 1797. 51 ac on waters of Cedar Ck of New Hope, adj his own land, James Gaddes & Thomas Davis, no SCC’s.
Johnston, Henry – Gv152. File 705. Patent Book 14/427. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1756. 269 ac on both sides of Eno R, adj James Forrester, SCC: John Rhodes & James Forrester. Weeks line 339 Henry Johnson to Francis Shoemaker 50ac?? ODB 2/347 John Johnston & wife Lydia to William Wallace, 1782, 100 ac on N side of Eno R, adj a cedar branch, R; part of Granville to Henry Johnston 1756, willed by Henry Johnston to John Johnston his son.
Johnston, William – ODB 4/269 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to James Hogg, 1790, 1st tract 378 ac on Mountain Ck of Little R, adj Walter Alves & wife Amelia, Stephen Wilson, Ann Horton [no metes or bounds]; NC to William Johnston 1784. ODB 4/272 James Hogg to Walter Alves, 1790, same tract.
Johnston, William – NC426. File 1251. Patent Book 49/10. Entry #1201. Recorded at ODB 2/329. Granted in 1782. 404 ac on waters of Eno and Little R, adj John Butler, SCC: Mich McGee & Abraham Teasley.
Johnston, William – NC434. File 1259. Patent Book 49/12. Entry #1054. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 165 ac on both sides of Eno R, adj where Michael Synnot at present resides, SCC: Michael McGee & Wm Dosset. ODB 4/472 Walter Alves & wife Amelia to Matthew Clinton, 1790, 165 ac on Eno R, adj William McCAuley formerly called Synots Millseat; NC to William Johnston, Johnston bequeathed to Amelia his only child.
Johnston, William – NC610. File 1473. Patent Book 57/70. Entry #5. Recorded at ODB 3/135. Granted in 1784. 604 ac on S side of William Johnston’s Mountain Ck land, adj Stephen Willson, James Horton, James Wilkinson now William Day, SCC: Thos Latta & John Garret. John Hale sets up a claim to this entry.
Jones Saddler, Edward – Gv1051. w95. Proved: January 14, 1755. 395 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Jones Saddler, John – Gv1052. w215. Proved: March 9, 1756. 250 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Jones, Fowler – ODB 10/339(A) Fowler Jones to John Wilbourn, 1801, 50 ac on Camp Ck, adj Wilbourn, Dickens, Belitha Owens.
Jones, Fowler – ODB 10/358 Fowler Jones to John Jenkins, 1802, 60 ac on waters of Camp Ck, adj Jenkins, Dickins, John Williams.
Jones, Nathaniel – Gv615. File 699. Patent Book 14/425. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 61 ac on Wests Br of Crabtree Ck, adj Young, Jones, Edward Henning SCC: John Pitts & Francis Jones.
Jones, Pierce – ODB 8/29 Pierce Jones to Henry Bagley, 1795, 130 ac on E side of Camp Ck, adj Wilborn, Mangum, Brinkley.
Jones, Pierce – ODB 8/6 Pierce Jones to Eli Brinkley, 1791, 100 ac on Camp Ck & New Road, adj Anthony Cozart, Mangum, Spring Br. ODB 8/7 Eli Brinkley to William Brinkley, 1798, 100 ac on Camp Ck & New Rd, adj Anthony Cozart, Mangum, Spring Br.
Jones, Robert – Gv1048. w469. Proved: September 12, 1758. 384 ac on w1035 to John Dunnagan 383 ac. w516 (proved: March 13, 1759 for 384 ac) is probably a re-recording of this grant.
Jones, Thomas – Gv1188. ODB 3/358. Granted: 20 Dec 1762. ODB 3/358 Hugh & Catherine Bradley to George Horner, 1769, 162 ac, S side N Fk of Little R, adj Jones; part of Granville to Thomas Jones, 20 Dec 1762, to Bradley 1764.
Jones, Willi – Gv896. h6023. Suv’d: Aug 15, 1763. 672 ac on N side Flat R, adj Thomas Person & Jno Brown, SCC: Thomas Person & Jonathan Cizart [Cozart]. Warrant says adj John Carrington. Not in Weeks. "Entered by Jonas Griffin [as]signed over.".
Justice, James – Gv897. h6027. Suv’d: Aug 14, 1763. 672 ac on Deep Ck of Flat R, SCC: Thomas Striplin & Thomas Collins. Not in Weeks.
Keates, Thomas – ODB 2/420 Thomas Keates to John Marcales, 1783, 100 ac adj mouth of Wates Br, Sowers Ck, road, John McClane, Eno R.
Keel, John – NC64. File 990. Patent Book 40/307. Entry #147. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1779. 310 ac on waters of Buffalo Ck, adj Samuel Turrentine’s deeded land, incl where he now lives, SCC: James Watson & John Hall.
Kelly, John – ODB 2/56 John Kelly to John Moore, 1767, 487 ac on waters of Little R on both sides of Horse Ck.
Kenady, Richard – Gv1053. w471. Proved: September 12, 1758. 382 ac on w705 Wm Kennedy to Francis Day 382ac.
Kennedy, James – Misc41. 695. 300 ac on Cub Island Ck, adj Charles Abercrombie, Thomas Lewis, John May, Charles Curry & Richard Rhodes SCC: Richard & John Rhodes.
Kennedy, James Sr – ODB 13/305 James Kennedy Sr to James Latta Esq, 1809, 185 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj George Roberts, John Roberts formerly John Shepperd, Curry. ODB 14/534 James Latta to William Hutchins, 1813, 49.5 ac on waters of Ellibys Ck, adj Roberts formerly Silas Forrest, land sold to Hutchins, the Cannada [Kennedy] Tract.
Kennon, Charles – ODB 12/291 Charles Kennon of Wake to Richard Bennehan, 1806, 100 ac on S side of Eno R, bounded by John Arnold Sr & William Leathers Sr, incl Grist Mill [no metes or bounds].
Kennon, Charles – ODB 13/173 Charles Kennon to Zachariah Herndon, 1808, 100 ac on waters of North East; part of tract granted to John Barbee Sr.
Kennon, Charles – ODB 9/206 Charles Kennon to John Alston Jr, 1799, love & affection, 200 ac on S side of Eno R, adj fence on river next to Mill, road [no metes]; to incl all land to E of fence & road that Charles Kennon purchase of John Kennon.
Kennon, John – ODB 9/221 John Kennon of Wake to Charles Kennon, 1796, 288.5 ac bounded by John Alston on E, Eno R on N, land Robert Lewis purchased of William Bobbit on W [no metes or bounds].
Kennon, Richard – ODB 2/14 Richard Kennon & wife Celia of Chatham to James Monro, 1777, 352 ac on N side of Eno R, adj Hugh Woods, Robt Lewis.
Kennon, Richard – ODB 3/407 Richard Kennon to John Mitchell, 1770, 213 ac on waters of Eno R. ODB 5/19 William Walker to Levi Whithead, 1793, 213 ac on waters of Eno R.
Kerr, James – ODB 13/51 James Kerr planter to John Barton, 1807, 232 ac on waters of Newhope, adj James Craig, Hugh Currie; part of lands of Robert Baker dec’d.
Kimbro, Marmaduke – Gv429. File 742. Patent Book 14/437. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 640 ac on E side Turkey Br, adj Buckhorn Br, SCC: Thomas Grimes & Phillip Hanserd?
Kimbro, Nathaniel – Gv397. File 724. Patent Book 14/432. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1760. 516 ac on Sycamore Ck on waters of Crabtree Ck, SCC: Joseph Barbee & William Holyfield.
Kimbrough, Nathaniel – Gv899. w2027. Suv’d: Aug 19, 1760. 400 ac on Horsenapp Br waters of Crabtree Ck, adj Kimbrough, SCC: Wm Cardon & Martin Dunn. h6046. Also a warrant to Samuel Benton on N Fk Crabtree Ck, adj own upper line assigned to Nathaniel Kimbrough.
King, John – ODB 12/199 John King to James Walker, 1806, in settlement of suit in Equity in Hillsborough, King releases to Walker all interest in estate for life acquired by marriage to Elizabeth Walker; Walker agrees to find his mother (wife of King) a negroe woman to attend her for life, Walker to have immediate possession of plantation, negroes & stock; contracts made between King & John Vaughan & King & William Pettigrew & Duke as overseers for present year to be honored by Walker & crops divided accordingly.
King, Julius – NC762. File 1625. Patent Book 57/136. Entry #574. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 100 ac on S side of Flat R, adj Archer Harris, Henry Horton, John Duke, James Vaughn, SCC: Jas Mashburn & Henry Horton.
King, Julius – ODB 3/393 Julius King to Edmund Fanning, 1769, 75 ac nigh the Road, adj Julius’ Spring; Robert Reed to Julius King.
King, Peter – Gv902. h6055. Suv’d: Dec 7, 1760. 543 ac on Dials Ck of Flat R, adj James Horton, McCullough’s line, SCC: Absalom Baker & John Carrington. Not in Weeks.
King, Thomas – NC964. File 1875. Patent Book 71/172. Entry #278. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1789. 150 ac on waters of Little R, bounded on S by Patrick Clark, on E by Henry E McCulloh, and N by Eli Brinkley, SCC: Julias King & Saml Pickets.
King, Thomas – ODB 16/227 Thomas King to Thomas Horner, 1800, 100 ac on both sides of Flatt R, adj McCulloch’s Big Tract, Wilkinson’s Br; Henry E McCulloch to John Duke 1764, Duke to King 1783.
King, Thomas – ODB 5/658 Thomas King to Lazarus Tilley, 1796, 50 ac on waters of Little R, adj McCulloh, Arthur Harris.
King, Thomas – ODB 5/681 Thomas King to William Hopkins, 1796, 100 ac on waters of Little R, adj Archer Harris, William King.
Kirby, James – Gv468. File 732. Patent Book 14/434. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 360 ac on Bush Ck, adj John Hatley, SCC: Sherwood Hatley & James Bynum. w1877 to Daniel Murphey 180 ac on _ w1371 to James Hunter Underwood 180 ac.
[Kirby] Kerby, James – Gv789. File 735. Patent Book 14/435. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1763. 408 ac on Bush Ck on waters of New Hope, adj William Bynum SCC: William Bynum & Demey Rawls.
Kirkland, Joseph – NC1449. File 2324. Patent Book 100/372. Entry #437. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1799. 22 ac on waters of New Hope, adj Widow Hogan & his own land, SCC: George Johnston & Wm Kirkland.
Kirkland, Joseph Sr – ODB 14/408 Joseph Kirkland Sr to son William Kirkland, 1813, love & affection, 300 ac on waters of New Hope, adj Freeland, INC.
Kirkland, Joseph Sr – ODB 14/491 Joseph Kirkland Sr to son Joseph Kirkland Jr, 1813, 300 ac on wters of New Hope, adj William Kirkland, Old Cor of McCauley’s (now the [UNC] Trustees), Hogg’s Old Line, Mountain Br.
Kirksey, Edward – Gv1054. w347. Proved: March 8, 1757. 300 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Knight, John – ODB 7/369 John Knight to George Carrington, 1798, 172 ac on both sides of Mountain Ck, adj James Commons & Walter Alves.
Langley, John – NC446. File 1271. Patent Book 49/16. Entry #1083. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 197 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, adj Alex Turrentine, James Scarlett, William Alston and entry for orphans of Jonathan Parker dec’d, SCC: Robt Ashely & Wm Langley.
Langley, Thomas – Gv1055. w459. Proved: September 12, 1758. 360 ac on w187 Thos. Langley to Edward Williams 150ac??
Latta, James – Gv126. File 788. Patent Book 14/446. Recorded at ODB 1/193. Granted in 1756. 294 ac on branches of E Fk of Buck Quarter Ck, adj Capt. Synnott, SCC: Jno Latta & Robert Davis.
Latta, James – ODB 14/635 James Latta to Fielding Lewis, 1814, 14 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj Latta, Lewis, Carrey.
Latta, James – ODB 15/101 James Latta to William Monk, 1815, 150 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj William Hutchens, Charles Stephens, Meeting House land.
Latta, James – ODB 15/340 James Latta of John Esq to William Lewis, 1812, 4 ac 144 poles on Ellibees Ck, adj Old Line.
Latta, James – ODB 15/351 James Latta to Lewis Hutchens, 1816, 119 ac on Ellebes Ck, adj Monk, William Hutchens, Charles Stephens, Frederick Moizes, Perkins, Whitaker.
Latta, James – ODB 16/111 James Latta & wife Nancy, John Scarlett & wife Cynthia to William Cain Jr, 1816, their undivided share of the lands of John Cain dec’d [no ac, metes or bounds].
Latta, James Jr – ODB 14/396 James Latta Jr to Cleaton Lynch, 1812, 100 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj Pucket?, Rickett, Holden, George Carray, May, William Turner.
Latta, James Sr – ODB 15/310 James Latta Sr to Burton Clark, 1816, 213 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj John Cain, Lewis, Cary, Linch, Vicker, Carrington formerly Baker.
Latta, John – NC1103. File 2019. Patent Book 82/94. Entry #315. Recorded at ODB 5/2. Granted in 1790. 412 ac on waters of Little R, adj William Montgomery, James Latta, John Holden, Jonathan Nichols, Enock Collins, Widow Grimes, Febis Graham, George Riggs, James Faucett, SCC: James & Thos Latta. ODB 15/84 John Latta Sr to son John Latta Jr, 1815, 561 ac in 3 tract on a br of Quarter Ck, adj each other, 1st tract 147 ac, James Latter to brother John Latta Sr 1763; 2nd tract 412 ac on waters of Little R, adj James Latta, John Holden, Jonathan Nickols, Enoch Collins, James Faucet, George Riggs, Widow Grimes, William Montgomery & John Latts Sr, NC to John Latta Sr; 3rd tract adj Enoch Collins old corner, James Faucet, NC to John Latta Sr 1802.
Latta, John – ODB 12/112 John Latta to James Latta, 1806, 0.1 ac on the Tussocky Br of Mountain Ck, a spring in the middle of it, adj Thomas Latta, meadow.
Latta, John – ODB 12/112 John Latta to James Latta, 1806, 0.1 ac on the Tussocky Br of Mountain Ck, adj me, my brother Thomas Latta, Lower Corner of my meadow; bought of my brother 1793.
Latta, John – ODB 15/28 John Latta of Murray Co TN to James Latta Jr (of Thomas), 1814, 194 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, adj Thomas Latta Sr, James Latta, John Garrard, James Mather Esq & James Dollar.
Latta, John Jr – ODB 14/465 John Latta Jr to Wiliam Houlder of Wake, 1812, 92 ac on Watery Fork of Ellibys Ck, adj John Cabe, Christian, Cabe, Carrey.
Latta, John Sr – ODB 13/48 John Latta Sr to James Latta Jr, 1807, 300 ac on waters of Crooked Run of Eno, adj Thomas Latta.
Latta, John Sr – ODB 14/496 John Latta Sr to George Carrington, 1810, 612 ac on waters of Eno, adj Old Shoemaker’s corner, Grisham, John May, Warren, Mill Ck, Eno, Sinnot, Forester.
Latta, Thomas – ODB 13/171 Thomas Latta to son James Latta, 1808, 70.25 ac where Thomas Latta now lives on Mountain Ck of Little R.
Latta, Thomas – ODB 13/171 Thomas Latta to son James Latta, 1808, 70.25 ac where Thomas Latta now lives, on Mountain Ck, adj John Latta.
Latta, Thomas – ODB 13/234 Thomas Latta to Lotan Watson, 1809, 89 ac on Mountain Ck, adj John Wilson, James Latta, George Law, William Dollar.
Latta, Thomas – ODB 15/285 Thomas Latta (of John) to Thomas Holloway Jr, 1816, 160 ac on Crooked Run of Eno, adj James Latta (Blacksmith), Old Field.
Latta, Thomas – ODB 15/293 Thomas Latta to Soloman Latta, 1816, 31.5 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, SE division of tract from Walter Alves to Thomas Latta.
Latta, Thomas – ODB 4/424 Thomas Latta planter to John Latt, 1791, 93 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, adj John Latta Jr, formerly William Johnston, Thomas Latta; part of James Wilkinson to Charles Abercromby 1773, Abercromby to Thomas Burford 1778, Burford to Jean Latta 1783, Jean Latta to Thomas Latta 1784.
Latta, Thomas – ODB 4/424 Thomas Latta to John Latta, 1791, 93 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, adj John Latta Jr, formerly William Johnston, Thomas Latta; James Wilkinson to Charles Abercromby 1773, Abercromby to Thomas Burford 1778, Burford to Jean Latta 1783, Jean to Thomas Latta 1784.
Latta, Thomas – ODB 4/704 Thomas Latta to John Latta, 1793, 8.5 ac on Mountain ck, adj John Latta; part of Walter Alves to Thomas Latta 1791.
Laws, George – HMcC-309. DOS-12. Granted: 1763. 200 ac on Orange Co. DOS-12. ODB 2/429 George Laws Sr to son William Hampton Laws, 1783, 170 ac on Flat R, where Wm Hampton Laws now lives; purchased from HEM.
Laws, George, Sr – ODB 3/621 George Laws Sr to son George Laws Jr, 1771, 170 ac part in Granville Co, but larger part in Orange Co, where George Laws Jr now lives, adj James Veazey, Flat R, Nap of Reeds Ck, George Laws Sr.
Laycock, William – NC375. File 1193. Patent Book 42/23. Entry #518. Recorded at ODB 2/292. Granted in 1780. 150 ac on both sides of Little R, bounded on E by McCulloch line, adj George Horner, SCC: Alex Hunter & Henry Moore. ODB 3/70 William Laycock to Stephen Smith, 1783, 150 ac on both sides of Little R, adj mouth of Rocky Br, McCulloh’s line; granted Laycock 1779.
Lea, Luke – Gv1058. w2063. Proved: August 13, 1765. 700 ac on w1405 Luke Lea to Thomas Rue 174ac? w1611 Luke Lea to John Graves 174 ac?
Leathers, Fielding – ODB 15/26 Fielding Leathers to Henry Forrest, 1814, 283 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj Glenn, E side of Ridge Path, Forrest.
Leathers, James – NC2113. File 2981. Patent Book 150/277. Entry #279. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1846. 10.4 ac on waters of Enoe, adj Duncan Cameron, Col Herbert Sims & Mrs Mary White, SCC: Jno Leathers & Kinchin Leathers.
Leathers, Kinchen – NC2132. File 3002. Patent Book 152/482. Entry #321. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1847. 5.8 ac on S side of Eno R, adj Herbert Sims dec’d & Moses Leathers, SCC: James Inscoret? & Robert Brown.
Leathers, Moses – NC2047. File 2916. Patent Book 142/435. Entry #109. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1836. 84.3 ac on waters of Little R, adj Joseph Andrews, Wm Cain, Laws, Bumpass, SCC: Geo Riggs & John Nealy.
Leathers, William Sr – ODB 12/239 William Leathers Sr to John Alston, 1806, 5 ac & 4 poles, adj Road leading from Richard Bennehan’s to Raleigh.
Leathers, William Sr – ODB 13/161 William Leathers Sr to William Leathers Jr & Fielding Leathers, 1807, 300 ac on S side of Eno R, adj Turner, old Bobbit line, road, Alston, Leather’s fende.
Lee, Willis – ODB 16/114 Willis Lee of Johnston to Caleb Lindsey, 1811, all property real & personal Lee is entitled to under will of John Lindsay dec’d after death of John Lindsey’s wife Mary, which Lee is entitled to by marriage to [Ruth Lee] a daughter of John Lindsey.
Leigh, John – ODB 13/18 John Leigh to Sullivan Leigh, 1807, 140 ac adj Daniel Carlton, James Herndon, Leonard Carlton & Robert Campbell.
Leigh, John – ODB 5/238 John Leigh to Joseph Castlebury, 1794, 47 ac on Third Fk, adj Rocky Br. ODB 10/356 Joseph Castleberry to Daniel Carlton, 1795, 192 ac on Third Fk, adj Daniel Watson, Rocky Br.
Leigh, John – ODB 6/394 John Leigh to David Hall, 1796, 20 ac adj David Hall.
Leigh, Richard – ODB 12/325 Richard Leigh to Riley Vickers Sr, 1806, 150 ac on Watery Fork of Ellibees Ck, adj formerly Rencher, Dunning, Cabe.
Leigh, Richard – ODB 4/455 Richard Leigh to George Herndon, 1790, 250 ac adj Herndon, Joseph Bennet, Barbee.
Leighm Sullivan – ODB 11/130 Sullivan Leigh to Robert Hall 1804, 160 ac on Wake Co Line, adj John Hall, Joseph Dixon, Farmer.
Lewis, Fielding – ODB 14/685 Fielding Lewis to James Latta, 4.25 ac on waters of Ellibys Ck, adj Latta’s Saw Mill, Lewis, Old Line.
Lewis, Henry – ODB 13/423 Henry Lewis to Fielding Lewis, 1808, [no ac] on both sides of Ellibees Ck, adj Old Line of Rhodes.
Lewis, Howell – ODB 8/234 Howel Lewis & Peyton Wood of Robert Lewis dec’d assign to Charles Lewis 314 ac on Eno & Little R. ODB 8/235 Charles Lewis to John P Smith, 1796, 314 ac on N side of Eno & Little R, adj gutt near the bank of Eno, Charles Lewis, Hugh Cain.
Lewis, Thomas – NC491. File 1316. Patent Book 49/34. Entry #528. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 100 ac on both sides of Ellebys Ck, bounded on E and S by his own land, adj John May Sr & Edward Grisham Sr, SCC: Edward & Aenone Grisham.
Lewis, Thomas – ODB 11/203 Thomas Lewis to Henry Lewis, 1804, [90 ac] on both sides of Ellibees Ck, adjRhodes, Dunning.
Lewis, William – ODB 14/126 William Lewis to James Latta (of John Esq), 1812, 4 ac 64 poles on Ellibees Ck, adj Latta, Old Line. [NOT THE SAME AS ODB 13/423.]
Linch, Cleton – ODB 16/232 Cleton Linch to Thomas Flint, 1816, 100 ac on Ellibes Ck, adj mouth of Spring Br, Vickers, Picket, Houlden, Cary.
Lindsey, William – ODB 9/92 William Lindsey to Joseph Allison, 1799, 16.5 ac on waters Eno, on W side of W Fk.
Lingo, William – NC1470. File 2345. Patent Book 100/382. Entry #252. Recorded at ODB 7/497, Granted in 1799. 26.34 ac adj Patan Madison, James Baxter, Granville Co Line, SCC: Jas Pettigrew & R Baxter.
Lingo, William – ODB 10/45 William Lingo planter to Richard Bennehan merchant, [no date] 76 ac on waters of Knapp of Reeds, adj Bartee’s Old Tract, Madison, County Line.
Logan, William – ODB 12/296 William McCauley to Andrew McCauley, 1806, 208.5 ac adj mouth of Great Branch; William Logan dec’d willed to daughter Elizabeth wife of John Baker, John Baker to William McCauley 1796.
Lunsford, Daniel & Lydia – ODB 3/3 Lunsford Daniel & wife Lydia to Nelson Daniel, 1786, 412 ac on W side of New Hope Ck. ODB 4/42 Nelson Daniel to William Wills Green of Mecklenburg, 1788, 412 ac on W side of New Hope Ck.
Luten [Sutton], William – HMcC-80. w2166. Proved: August 13, 1765. 503 ac on Orange Co. DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks. ODB 3/243 Sheriff to James Alston 503 acres levy of HEM on lands of William Sutton 503 ac on begin at pine Mitchell's line and Ragan's corner his line SE 224po to his corner, SW 365 po to corner of tract William Sutin [Sutton] lives upon, S87W E? 314po to Thomas Webb's line, N5E 210po along his line to his other corner on a line of another tract, along sd line N17W 320po to a stake John Mitchell's corner McStag's line, along same to beginning land orginally granted to HEM by George II.
Lynear, Burwell – ODB 12/333 Burwell Lynear to Ezekial Trice, 1807, 152.5 ac on br of Newhope Ck, adj Watson.
Lytle, William – Confiscation #1 or #54. File 1708. Patent Book 62/9. No entry. Recorded at ODB 3/28. Granted in 1786. 560 ac on Rocky Br of Flat [or Eno] R, adj Charles Roberts & Arthur Mangum, SCC: Jno McFarling & Wm Smallwood. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, pages 98 and 109. Note: One survey says Flat, other the survey says Eno, as do ODB and Patent Book.
Lytle, William – ODB 5/224 William Lytle to John Cabe, 1794, 560 ac on Rock Ck of Flat R but in original grant called Eno, adj Charles Roberts & Arthur Mangum.
M[e]adison, Payton – NC952. File 1863. Patent Book 71/167. Entry #1308. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1789. 150 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Granville County, SCC: Joseph Baxter & Jacob Umsted.
Mabry, Francis – Gv1159. h3193. Loose warrant. Granted: 14 Mar 1760. – ac in Granville Co on Little R, adj Mabry's other Surveyes and sd R entered at Edgcomb 2 May 1752. Back says Deed 14 Mar 1760.
Madden, George – ODB 10/227 George Madden to William Andrew, 1799, 6 ac on George Madden, William Andrew.
Maddock, Henry – Gv1064. w759. Proved: November 11, 1760. 300 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Madin, John – HMcC-91. w2177. Proved: August 13, 1765. 220 ac in Weeks, but Tract unknown; search Granville & Guilford DBs. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Major, John – ODB 14/678 John Major of Chatham to Anderson Clements, 1811, 213 ac on Peter House, John Redmond, Francis Moreland Jr, Benj Rhodes; premises where Francis Moreland lived.
Malone, Daniel – ODB 15/82 Daniel Malone of Person to Robert Tinnen, 1814, 150 ac adj Wheeley, Person Line, James Eubanks.
Mangum, Arther – ODB 2/177 Arthur Mangum to James Cozart, 1783, [no ac] on waters of Dials Ck of Flat R, adj Horton’s old line, Brewer, Mangum.
Mangum, Arthur – Gv916. h6204. Suv’d: June 12, 1763. 357 ac on Flat R, adj Jno Dunagin, crossing Deep Ck, adj Thos Gibson, SCC: Robt Thomson & Jno Collins. Not in Weeks.
Mangum, Arthur – NC284. File 880. Patent Book 32/432. Entry #543. Recorded at ODB 2/339. Granted in 1780. 550 ac on Dyals Ck of Flat R, adj his own land, incl where he lives, SCC: Anthony Cozart & Thos Goss.
Mangum, Arthur – NC443. File 1268. Patent Book 49/15. Entry #229. Recorded at ODB 2/309. Granted in 1782. 640 ac on Dry Ck of Flat R, adj Thomas Penn & Henry E. McCulloh, incl improvement purchased from Moses Collins, SCC: Anthony Coyzorth & Solomon Mangum.
Mangum, Arthur – NC777. File 1640. Patent Book 57/142. Entry #1309. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 186 ac on Dry Ck of Flat R, adj Henry E McCulloh, Charles Ashley, Person, Cozzart & Elisha Smalwood, SCC: Anthony Cozort & Solomon Mangum.
Mangum, Arthur – NC815. File 1678. Patent Book 57/158. Entry #915. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 515 ac on both sides of Dyals Ck and Dry Ck branches of Flat R, it being an entry and survey formerly made by Wm Ashley, SCC: Pierce Jones & Richard Nichols.
Mangum, Arthur – NC968. File 1879. Patent Book 71/173. Entry #1100. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1789. 253 ac on the Prickly Pear Br of Flat R, adj Wm Cate, John Smith Husk, Torrintine & entry made for orphans of Jonathan Parker dec’d, incl two improvements he purchased of Robert Forsyth, SCC: William Cholins & William Mangum.
Mangum, Arthur – ODB 2/43 Arthur Mangum to Soloman Morgan, 1777, 4 ac on br of Dyals Ck; part of tract Mangum purchased of James Horton [no metes or bounds].
Mangum, Arthur – ODB 2/434 Arthur Mangum to James Roberts, 200 ac, 1786, on E side of Dog Ck, adj McCullock.
Mangum, Arthur – ODB 3/45 Arthur Mangum to john Bobbit, 1785, love & affection for John Bobbit & wife (Sally Bobbitt), 1785, 117.5 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Mangum, James Cozart, Crouse [no metes or bounds].
Mangum, Arthur – ODB 4/229 Arthur Mangum to Sion Bobbit, 1789, [no ac] adj his own land, Arthur Mangum, Grate Br.
Mangum, Arthur – ODB 4/276 Arthur Mangum to John Wilborn, 1786, 200 ac on both sides of Damp Ck, adj Pierce Jones.
Mangum, Arthur – ODB 4/409 Arthur Mangum to John Mize, 1789, 217.5 ac adj Dry Ck, McCulloch’s line.
Mangum, William P – NC1813. File 2681. Patent Book 126/344. Entry #1164. Recorded at ODB 14/721. Granted in 1812. 570 ac on Flat R, adj Old Tract of Arthur Mangum, McCulloch’s Old Line, James Roberts, Dry Ck, John Moize, SCC: Robert Ashley & Nathan Ellis.
Mangum, William P – ODB 13/327 William P Mangum to Arthur Mangum, 1790, 150 ac on waters of Dials Ck, adj Widow Mangum.
Mangum, Willie & William P – ODB 12/166 Willie & William P Mangum to Duncan Cameron, 1806, mortgage on 960 ac, 2 tracts, 1st tract 640 ac on waters of Flat R, surveyed by Thomas Mulhollan for Arthur Mangum; 2nd Tract 320 ac on waters of Dials Ck, surveyed by William Churton in 1754 the boundaries whereof are distinctly legible on the deed, commonly called the Mil Tract [no metes or bounds].
Mannen, John – ODB 3/357 Thos Oden planter & wife Jane to Benjamin Forrest, 1772, all messuages & tenements with land & plantation thereunto belonging on Eno R; her third as widow of John Mannen.
Marcom, John dec’d – ODB 10/12 John Faddis to Richard Marcom, 1801, 120 ac on Third Fk, adj William Marcom, Eichard Marcom; purchased at sale by Sheriff as property of John Marcom dec’d.
Marcom, Joseph – ODB 15/32 Joseph Marcom to David B Blalock, 1811, 100 ac on Third Fk, adj Low Ground Trice’s corner, Richard Marcom; part of land Joseph Marcom possesses. ODB 15/308 Daivd S Blalock to Daniel Carlton, 1811, 100 ac on Third Fk, adj Low Grounds Trice’s corner, Richard Marcum.
Marcom, Joseph – ODB 15/76 Joseph Marcom by Shriff to Joseph Scott of Wake, 1814, 240 ac adj John Robertson, John Marcom, Thomas Cook, Richard Marcom, Joseph Marcom.
Marcom, Thomas – NC916. File 1768. Patent Book 64/370. Entry #277. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1788. 500 ac on both sides of Crooked Ck of New Hope, adj Benjamin Herndon & Paul Castleburry, SCC: Nathaniel Almon & Charles Aber Crumbey. ODB 5/591 Thomas Marcom to Thomas Hall, 1789, 200 ac on waters of Crooked Ck, adj Mr. Campbell; NC to Marcom.
Marcom, Thomas – ODB 13/343 Thomas Marcom to Eli Herndon, 1809, 80 ac adj Tapley Herndon, John Hyde, David George.
Marcom, Thomas Sr – ODB 15/4236 Thomas Marcom Sr to son Thomas Marcom Jr, 1815, love & affection, 84.5 ac where Thomas Marcom Jr now lives, adj formerly Daniel Hall dec’d, Marcom’s Old Line.
Marcom, William – NC1772. File 2650. Patent Book 123/156. Entry #407. Recorded at ODB 13/186. Granted in 1808. 50 ac on waters of New Hope adj his own land, no SCC’s.
Marcom, William – ODB 12/269 William Marcom to Zachariah Reach of Wake, 1807, 96 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj Robinson late Patterson. ODB 13/545 Zachariah Reach of Wake to William Lynn, 1809, 96 ac on waters of Third Fork, adj Robinson late Patterson.
Marcom, William – ODB 13/58 William Marcom to son Jonathan Marcom, 1801, love & affection, 240 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj Robinson late Patterson, John Marcom, Thomas Cook, Richard Marcom, Old Field, Joseph Marcom; 32 ac included in this deed lying between William Marcom & Richard Marcom as surveyed by John Daniel 1800 is the property of Richard Marcom. ODB 13/67 Jonathan Marcom to Joseph Marcom, 1807, 240 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj John Robinson, John marcom, Thomas Cook, Richard Marcom, Old Field, Joseph Marcom; 32 ac between William Marcom late Jonathan Marcom & Richard Marcom as surveyed by John Daniel 1800 is property of Richard Marcom.
Marcom, William – ODB 2/453 William Marcom to William Saxon, 158 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj branch. ODB 4/665 William Saxon to William Loyd, 1790, 158 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj branch. ODB 5/480 William Loyd to Thomas Hall, 1793, 158 ac on a branch of Third Fk, adj branch.
Marcom, William – ODB 3/180 William Marcom to William Saxon, 1785, 100 ac [no metes or bounds].
Marcom, William – ODB 5/62 William Marcom to Joseph Dixon, 1794, 27 ac on Third Fk, adj Jos Dixon, Hillsborough Rd, Wilson, Late Governor; part of 250 ac from Benjamin Rhodes to Marcom 1785.
Marcom, William – ODB 5/771 William Marcom to Richard MArcom, 1793, 100 ac on a branch of Third Fk, adj Thomas Hall.
Marcom, William – ODB 9/276 William Marcom to son Joseph Marcom, 1800, love & affection, 100 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj Low Grounds Watson’s corner, Richard Marcom.
Marcom, William – ODB 9/359 William Marcom to Richard Marcom, 1801, 32 ac on Buffelow Lick Br, adj Old Line.
Marcom, William & John – NC498. File 1323. Patent Book 49/36. Entry #353. Recorded at ODB 2/311. Granted in 1782. 640 ac on S side of Third Fk of New Hope, adj Mark Patterson, Daniel Watson & Bray, no survey or SCC’s.
Marcum, Richard – ODB 13/466 Richard Marcum to Daniel Holder, 1810, 78 ac on waters of the North East of Newhope, adj Great Rd leading to Fayetteville.
Marlett, George – ODB 16/33 George Marlett to John Barton, 1817, 104 ac on waters of Newhope, adj Samuel Thompson, David Ray, John Barton, Joseph Marlett; part of where Joseph Marlett now lives.
Marlett, Joseph – ODB 16/273 Joseph Marlett to son George Marlett, 1816, 101.5 ac on waters of Newhope ; part of tract where Joseph now lives, adj Samuel Thompson, David Ray, John Barton, Joseph, Old Road.
Marshall, William – HMcC-19. w1059. Proved: February 8, 1763. 200 ac in Weeks, but Tract unknown; search Granville & Guilford DBs. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Marshburn, James – NC1175. File 2094. Patent Book 87/413. Entry #291. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1795. 176 ac on Flat R, adj Henry Horton, James Walker, Ansel Parish, Walter Elvis [Alves], Watson SCC: James Walker & Claburn Parrish.
Martin, John – Gv1133. h??? Granted: 15 July 1760. loose warrant ac on New Hope Ck incl William Gibson's improvements.
Martin, John – Gv917. h6187. Suv’d: Mar 26, 1756. 247 ac on Northeast Ck of New Hope, adj Moore, SCC: John Burt & William Blake. w809 Zachariah Martin to Thomas Fussell 247 ac.
Martin, John – ODB 5/648 John Martin of Chesterfield Co VA to Richard Bennehan, 1796, 450 ac on Little R, adj Bennehan; 2 deeds registered in NC where in James Martin purchased land from William Ray & wife & from Osson Martin, all lands James Martin owned & lived on, devised to his brother John Martin.
Martin, Peter – Gv819. h6189. Suv’d: May 27, 1756. 630 ac on both sides of Panthers Ck of Northeast Ck, SCC: Christopher Rhoads & Henry Beesly. Not in Weeks.
Martin, William – Gv1171. ODB 1/209. Granted: 10 Dec 1753. 640 ac.
Martin, Zachariah – Gv479. File 31. Patent Book 12/6. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 267 ac on Northeast Fk of New Hope waters, adj Moore, crossing Northeast of New Hope, survey absent no SCC’s.
Massey, Abner – ODB 15/180 Abner Massey to Wyatt Ballard of Edgecombe, 1803, 550 ac adj Park, Bragg, Crooked Ck, Collins, Newhope. ODB 15/98 Wyatt Ballard by Sheriff to Sampson Moore, 1814, 550 ac adj Drake, Bragg, Crooked Ck, Collins, Newhope. ODB 15/182 Wyatt Ballard to William M Ballard, 1815, 555 ac adj Jones, Riggan, Crooked Ck, Newhope. ODB 15/181 Sampson Moore to Wyatt Ballard, 1815, 550 ac adj Jones, Riggans, Crooked Ck, Newhope.
Massey, Abner – ODB 15/180 Abner Massey to Wyatt Ballard of Edgecombe, 1803, 550 ac adj Parks, Bragg, Crooked Ck, Collins. 15/98 Wyatt Balard by Sheriff to Sampson Moore,1814, 550 ac adj Drake, Bragg, Crooked Ck, Collins. ODB 15/181 Sampson Moore to Wyatt Ballard, 1815, 550 ac adj Jones, Riggans, Crooked Ck. ODB 15/182 Wyatt Ballard to William M Ballard, 1815, 555 ac adj Jones, Riggan, Crooked Ck.
Massey, Abner – ODB 8/279 Abner Massey to Thomas Gray, 1799, 100 ac on waters of Newhope, adj Blacksmith Shop, Shepperd, Isham Blake.
Massey, Abraham – NC358. File 1176. Patent Book 42/15. Entry #293. Recorded at ODB 2/259. Granted in 1780. 640 ac on Lying on Crooked Ck of New Hope bounded on the E by the said Ck, SCC: Wm Horn & Benj Herndon. ODB 4/690 Abijah Massey to Isam Black, [no date], 200 ac on Crooked Ck of New Hope, adj Enoch Lewis, Abram Massey.
Massey, Abram – ODB 2/176 Abram Massey to Aijah Massey his son planter, love & affection, 1785, 200 ac on Crooked Ck, adj Enoch Lewis, Abram Massey.
Massey, Abram – ODB 2/176 Abram Massey to son Abijah Massey, 1785, love & affection, 200 ac on Crooked Ck [of New Hope], adj Enoch Lewis, Abram Massey.
Massey, Enoch – ODB 9/266 Enoch Massey to Daniel Massey, 1801, 50 ac on waters of Newhope, adj Blake, Abner Massey.
Massey, Enoch – ODB 9/306 Enoch Massey to Isham Blake, 1801, 10 ac on waters of Newhope, adj E side of Fayetteville Rd, corner of NC to Abram Massey.
Massey, Guinne – ODB 12/45 Guinne Massey & Enoch Massey to Thomas Massey, 1805, 232 ac on E side of Newhope Ck, adj Blake, Gray, Trice, Low Ground, Daniel Massey.
Massey, Thomas – ODB 9/129 Thomas Massey to Enoch Massey, 1800, 146 ac on waters of Newhope, adj E Trice, Daniel Massey, Blake.
May, James – Gv1066. w148. Proved: September 9, 1755. 240 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
May, John – NC361. File 1179. Patent Book 42/16. Entry #216. Recorded at ODB 2/404. Granted in 1780. 400 ac on both sides of Ellebys Ck, bounded on lands of John Vickers, John Baker, Thomas Lewis, Edward Grisham SCC: Edward Grisham Jr & Benony Grisham.
May, John – ODB 10/87 John May of King & Queen Co VA to Samuel Southerland, 1800, 165 ac on Ellebys Ck, adj Lewis, John Baker, Edward Grisham, Thomas Lewis. ODB 10/85 Samuel Southerland to James Latta Jr, 1802, 165 ac on Elibeys Ck, adj Lewis, John Baker, Edward Grisham, Thomas Lewis.
May, John Sr – ODB 5/389 John May Sr planter to Southerland May son of Samuel May & my grandson, 1786, love & affection, 200 ac adj Spring Br, Thomas Lewis, John Baker, incl all the land I hold on E side of my Spring Br.
May, Samuel – NC466. File 1291. Patent Book 49/24. Entry #180. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 300 ac on waters of Eno R, bounded by John Baker on N & W, Benjamin Forrest on NE, and William Chisen Hower claim on E, adj Jones Cannaday, no survey or SCC’s.
May, Samuel – ODB 10/334 Samuel May & wife Betty to John May of King & Queen Co VA, 1800, 300 ac on S side of Eno R, adj John May Sr, James Canady, William Chisenhall, Davis Grisham, John Baker.
May, Thomas – ODB 5/448 Thomas May to Elias Turner Jr, 1796, 100 ac on S side of Eno, adj mouth of Little R, Walter Alves; part of tract from Walter Alves & Emilia his wife to William Downs.
[McAllister] McCallister, Neal – Gv1185. ODB 3/217. Granted: 24 Oct 1765 [?]. 219? ac on S side of S Fk of Little R, adj Dunnagan. ODB 3/217 Neal McCallister to John McCall, 219 ac, 24 Oct 1769, p/o tract from Granville to Neal McCallister 24 Oct 1765[?].
McAllister, James – ODB 5/66 David Gilson to William Sheppard, 1794, 200 ac adj James Taylor; James McAllister to Gilson.
McCabe, John – ODB 2/244 John McCabe & wife Julianer to James Alston of Wake, 1779, 140 ac on Little Johns Br, adj Wm Johnston, Burton, Bobbitt. ODB 4/534 James Alston to Elias Turner, 1791, 140 ac on Little Johns Br, adj Burton.
McCarty, James – HMcC-62. w1310. Proved: November 8, 1763. 200 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. w1295 Charles McCarty to HEM.
McCollister, James – Gv252. File 12. Patent Book 12/2. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1759. 640 ac on a Fk of Little R by Tapley's Ck, adj James Murdock, crossing Fk of Little R & Tapley's Ck, SCC: John Murdock & John McCarver. ODB 5/479 William Littlejohn to George Alston, 1795, 320 ac on both sides of N Fk of Little R, adj James Murdock, Michael Robinson formerly Bogan, Henry Waggoner, James McCaver; part of Granville to James McAllister 22 Feb 1759, McAllister to James McCaver 1759, to William Littlejohn 1777.
McConwell, Robert – ODB 2/42 Robert M’Conwell to Andrew Griffin, 1779, 299 ac adj Archelus Wilson.
McCullers, John – ODB 1/108 John McCullers to Benjamin Blake, 1755, 490 ac on both sides of S Fk of Crabtree Ck, adj Francis Jones.
McCulloch, Henry Eustace – Gv1067. w2135. Proved: August 13, 1765. 1000 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
McCulloch, Henry Eustace – Gv1068. w2136. Proved: August 13, 1765. 1120 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
McCulloch, James – HMcC-16. w990. Proved: May 11, 1762. 200 ac on Orange Co. No further conveyances in Weeks. Mentioned in ODB 2/268.
McCulloch, James – NC304. File 900. Patent Book 32/452. Entry #815. Recorded at ODB 2/344. Granted in 1780. 300 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Wm Bryon, John McCulloh Sr and Daniel McMahon, SCC: Jn & Robt McCulloch.
McCulloh, Henry Eustace – HMcC-47. w1155. Proved: November 8, 1763. 1100 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
McCulloh, Henry Eustace – HMcC-48. w1156. Proved: November 8, 1763. 1035 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
McCulloh, Henry Eustace – HMcC-49. w1157. Proved: November 8, 1763. 1050 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
McCulloh, Henry Eustace – HMcC-50. w1158. Proved: November 8, 1763. 1499 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
McCulloh, Henry Eustace – HMcC-51. w1160. Proved: November 8, 1763. 1350 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
McCulloh, Henry Eustace – HMcC-75. w1153. Proved: November 8, 1763. 1000 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. DOS-11. No further conveyances in Weeks.
McCulloh, James – ODB 8/149 James McCulloh to Thomas Laws, 1799, 100 ac on Birds Ck of Flat R.
McCulloh, John – NC306. File 902. Patent Book 32/454. Entry #583. Recorded at ODB 2/314. Granted in 1780. 200 ac on waters of the Little R & Flat R, adj Malcolm Baldridge & Robert Jordan, SCC: Daniel Andrew & Robert McCulloch.
McCulloh, John – NC324. File 920. Patent Book 32/472. Entry #603. Recorded at ODB 2/276. Granted in 1780. 50 ac on waters of Flat R and Little, R bounded on W by his other Entry #583, SCC: Daniel Andrew & Robert McCulloch. ODB 6/442 James Andrew to William McAnless, 1798, 50 ac on waters of Flat & Little R, adj John McCulloh NC583; NC324 John McCulloh to James Andrew 1783. ODB 7/397 William McCandless to James Bladridge, 1799, 50 ac on waters of Flat & Little R, adj John McCulloh NC583; NC324 John McCulloh to James Andrews 1780, Andrews to William McCandless 1798.
McCulloh, John – ODB 13/145 John McCulloh to Robert Berry, 1785, 200 ac on Lick Ck of Flat R, adj Patrick Rutherford, Moses Guinn; NC to John McCulloch.
McCulloh, John – ODB 2/418 John McCullock planter to James Andrews, 1783, 50 ac on waters of Flat R & Little R, adj James McCullock No 353.
McCulloh, John Jr – NC242. File 838. Patent Book 32/390. Entry #814. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1780. 200 ac on Lick Ck of Flat R, adj Patrick Rutherford, Moses Gwin & John Wilson, SCC: Jn Rutherford & Robert McCall. ODB 13/87 Robert Berry Sr to William Stagg, 1807, 200 ac on Lick Br of Flat R, adj Robert Berry Sr, Samuel Wilson & others; NC to John McCulloch.
McElroy, James – Gv1069. w1189. Proved: November 8, 1763. 550 ac on w1497 Jas McElroy to Absolam McDaniel 350ac?? w1588 Jas McElroy to William Trogdon no ac on given??
McFarlan, Henry – ODB 13/307 Henry McFarlan of Granville to John McFarlan, 1810, 100 ac on N side of Dials Ck of Flat R, adj Flat R, Julius King, John McFarlain.
McFarland, Peter – ODB 4/213 Peter McFarland to John Crouse, 1786, 100 ac on waters of Flat R.
McFarland, William – ODB 13/265 William McFarland to Allen Parish, 1805, 60 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Anthony Cozart, Sihon Bobbit, William McFarland, Parrish.
McFarlin, Thomas – ODB 12/142 Thomas McFarlin to John McFarlin, 1798, 77.5 ac on S side of Dials Ck, adj Flat R, Julius King, Archer Harris.
McFarling, Peter – NC659. File 1522. Patent Book 57/90. Entry #466. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 100 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Charles Ashley Jr, Vaughn, SCC: Ansil Parish & Thos McFarling. See also Misc46 which is another (alternate?) survey of this grant.
McFarling, William – NC333. File 1151. Patent Book 42/2. No entry. Recorded at ODB 2/279. Granted in 1780. 370 ac bounded on W by Flat R, on E by Peter King, on N by John Brown, on S by Henry Horton, SCC: Peter & Thos McFarling.
McFurs?, William – Gv1070. w857. Proved: February 13, 1761. 231 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
McGowan, James – Gv10. File 27. Patent Book 12/5. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1753. 550 ac on Middle S Fk of Eno R [McGowan's Ck] SCC: Andrew Mitchell & John Hopkins. Wm & Sarah McGowan to Thomas Hart, 1770, 300 ac, adj James McGowan, to William McGowan by his father James McGowan. ODB 3/423 Thomas Hart & Susannah to John Kitz Miller [Kitzmiller], 1771, 250 ac, adj James McGowan Sr, James McGowan to Thomas Hart 1771. ODB 3/609 James McGowan & Elizabeth to Thomas Hart 250 ac, 1771. ODB 2/234 Thomas Hart to Robinson Mumford 1780, 300 ac.
McKea, John – ODB 10/4 John McKea of Petersburg VA to William Hunt of Granville, 1799, 486 ac on S side of Flat R, adj mouth of the Mill Br, former line of James Scarlett, William Alston, Herbert Sims, Parker, Cozzart, Taylo, Gibson [no metes or bounds]; John Carrington by Sheriff to John McKea.
McKee, William – NC792. File 1655. Patent Book 57/148. Entry #133? #1192? Recorded at ODB 3/130. Granted in 1784. 300 ac on head of Flat R, adj Michael Robinson & James McCulloh, SCC: Jno McCanlis & Jno Murdock.
McKissack, Thompson – ODB 12/322 Thompson McKissack of Caswell to William Cook & William McKissack of Person, 1807, 240.5 ac, 2 tracts, on waters of Flatt R, adj Thomas Roundtree, 1st tract 40.5 ac adj Daniel Mackin, Rountree; 2nd tract 200 ac adj above.
McMahon, Daniel – NC243. File 839. Patent Book 32/391. Entry #558. Recorded at ODB 2/284. Granted in 1780. 200 ac on both sides of Mill Ck of Flat R bounded on E by Michael Robison and Thomas Roundtree, SCC: Michael Robertson & Thomas Round Tree.
McMahan, Daniel – ODB 11/321 Daniel McMahan to Thompson McKissack of Person, 1799, 200 ac.
McMullan, Alexander – ODB 13/517 Alexander McMullan to William Hall, 1806, 95 ac, 2 tracts, 1st tract 73 ac adj Henry Waggonar, Samuel Wilson; 2nd tract [22 ac] adj Henry Waggoner, Amos Nichols & above tract.
McMullan, Hugh – ODB 8/87 Hugh McMullan, Alexander & James McMullan to George Willson of Wake, 1798, 112.5 ac adj Alexander Turrentine, Jacob Waggoner, Samuel Turrentine & John McMullan, on both sides of Buffalo Ck waters of N Little R, adj James Gibbon; NC to Alexander McMullan 1779.
McMullin, Alexander – NC373. File 1191. Patent Book 42/22. Entry #812. Recorded at ODB 2/262. Granted in 1780. 150 ac on Both sides of Buffalo Ck of N Fk of Little R bounded by the lands of Alex Torrington, James Gibson John Kell.
McMurrey, John – ODB 13/387 John McMurrey of Sumner Co TN to David Malone of Person, 1809, 150 ac adj Wheeley’s line, Person, James Eubank.
McWharton, George – Gv934. h6177. Suv’d: Feb 3, 1761. 450 ac on Deep Ck w/o Flat R begin below John Bumpas incl Arnold's Folly, SCC: Thomas Striplin & James Collins. Not in Weeks.
McWharton, George – Gv934. h6177. Suv’d: Feb 3, 1761. 450 ac on Deep Ck of Flat R, begin below John Bumpas, incl Arnold's Folly, SCC: Thomas Striplin & James Collins. Not in Weeks.
McWhithon, James – Gv1071. w1183. Proved: November 8, 1763. 693 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Meacham, James – ODB 13/267 James Meacham, Joshua Stand iford & Mary Standiford to William Cabe, 1806, 100 ac, adj Picket’’s Cart Road on John Cabe, Turner.
Meachum, John – ODB 15/210 John Meachum by Sheriff to John Cain, 1815, 1115 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj James Vaughan, Standifer, Joseph Nick, Picket; sold in conjunction with a writ ordering the sheriff to sell a tract of land whereone the defendant now lives, also 4 Negroes Phill, Sue, Daniel & Tom, and household & kitchen furniture.
Mebane, Alexander – Gv1072. w209. Proved: December 9, 1755. 320 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Mebane, Alexander – Gv1073. w779. Proved: November 11, 1760. 612 ac on w773 Alex'r Mebane to Thomas Ogle 612 ac.
Mebane, James – ODB 3/75 James Mebane & John Taylor to James Williams, 1784, 347 ac on Rocky Ck, adj Flat R.
Mebane, James – ODB 3/76 James Mebane & John Taylor to James Williams, 296 ac.
Mebane, James & John Taylor – Confiscation #. Not in PSB. ODB 3/76 James Mebane & John Taylor to James Williams, 1784, 400 ac formerly Henry Eustace McCulloh, sold ad confiscated land 28 Dec 1782, on Flat R.
Mebane, Jas & John Taylor – Confiscation #3. File 1416. Patent Book 52/333. No entry. Recorded at ODB 3/102. Granted in 1784. 235 ac on Flat R, adj Charles Roberts & McCulloh, SCC: Jno McFarling & Wm Smallwood. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, page 97
Mebane, Jas & John Taylor – Confiscation #4. File 1417. Patent Book 52/334. No entry. Recorded at ODB 3/105. Granted in 1784. 347 ac on NE side of Flat R, on Rocky Br, adj Charles Roberts, William Roberts, SCC: John & Wm McFarling. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, p
Mebane, Jas & John Taylor – Confiscation #5. File 1414. Patent Book 52/331. No entry. Recorded at ODB 3/105. Granted in 1784. 400 ac on NE of Flate R, adj John Duke, James Vaughn & McCulloh, SCC: Jno McFarling & Wm Smallwood. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, page 61
Mebane, Jas & John Taylor – Confiscation #6. File 1415. Patent Book 52/332. No entry. Recorded at ODB 3/102. Granted in 1784. 296 ac on waters of Flat R, adj James Vaughn, William Smallwood & McCulloh, SCC: Jno McFarling & Wm Smallwood. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, page 58
Mebane, William – NC29. File 955. Patent Book 40/27. Entry #161. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1779. 400 ac on Ellebys Ck of Neuse R, adj Charles Abercrombie, Shaddrach Forrest, Robert Hall, John Edwards incl whereon Alex Scoggin now lives, SCC: Shadrack Forrest & John Edwards. ODB 4/517 William Mebane to Thomas Lloyd Jr, 1789, 400 ac on Elibys Ck, adj Georgs Br. ODB 4/503 Thomas Lloyd Jr to Abraham Anderson, 1791, 400 ac on Elibers Ck, adj mouth of Georges Ck. ODb 5/229 Abraham Anderson to Shadrack Forrest, 1794, 190 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Georges Br, Luck Br. ODB 5/766 Abraham Anderson to William Walles, 1795, 210 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Luck Br.
Mebane, William – NC813. File 1676. Patent Book 57/158. Entry #799. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 385 ac on Ellebys Ck, it being an entry and survey formerly made by Wm Reed Esq dec’d, incl where John Vickers now lives, SCC: Henry Bunch & William Vickers. ODB 3/92 William Mebane to John Vickers, 1785, 335 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj Edward Gresham. ODB 5/746 John Vickers Sr to Riely Vickers, 1791, 300 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj John Mays Jr, Bolland & William Pickett. ODB 4/593 John Vickers Jr to Nathanial Desern of Granville, 1789, 85 ac on S side of Elibers Ck, adj John Picket, John May, James Desern & Railey Vickers, [no metes or bounds].
[Mehaffie] Mahaffee, Thomas – NC825. File 1684. Patent Book 59/21. Entry #1303. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1785. 100 ac on waters of Eno adj James Mechaffs and John Horn, SCC: Stephen Scarlett & Howel Hunt.
Mehaffie, Thomas – NC422. File 1247. Patent Book 49/8. Entry #311. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 269 ac on waters of Eno, adj his own land & James Denny, SCC: Jas Mehaffe & Jas Reed.
Meherg, John – HMcC-77. w2163. Proved: August 13, 1765. 440 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Merritt, Benjamin – Gv1074. w275. Proved: September 13, 1756. 75 ac on w220 Benjamin Merritt to John Smith 75ac.
Merritt, James – Gv1075. w762. Proved: November 11, 1760. 450 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Merritt, John – NC275. File 871. Patent Book 32/423. Entry #88. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1780. 572 ac branch of new Hope called the Long Branch, adj land of William Pickett, SCC: Daniel Watson & Wm Picket. ODB 6/4 John Merrett to John Rhodes, 1787, 42 ac on E side of Second Ck of Newhope, adj Merrett; part of NC to Merrett 1780. Same deed re-recorded ODB 3/13. ODB 4/359 John Merrit by Sheriff to John Cain, 1790, 300 ac on waters of Second Ck, bounded on E by James Jolly, on S by John Daniel, on W by William Pickett; part of a tract deeded to Merrit 1780. ODB 4/360 John Cain to Edward Trice Jr, 1790, 300 ac on waters of Second Ck, bounded on E by James Jolly, S by John Daniel, on W by John Pickett, adj William Pickett; part of tract granted Merrit 1780. ODB 12/363 Edward Trice to Henry Trice, 1807, 300 ac on waters of Second Ck, bounded on E by James Jolly, on S by John Dannel, on W by William Picket; part of tract granted to John Merritt 1780, by Sheriff to John Cain.
Miles or Mills?, William – HMcC-99. w2185. Proved: August 13, 1765. 287 ac in Weeks, but Tract unknown; search Granville & Guilford DBs. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Miner, John – ODB 4/289 John Miner of Granville to Benjamin Hernden, 1789, 240 ac on waters of Crooked Ck [of New Hope].
Miner, John – ODB 4/289 John Miner of Granville to Benjamin Herndon, 1789, 240 ac on waters of Crooked Ck.
Mitcham, John – ODB 5/713 John Mitcham to William Rhodes, Jr, 1797, 150 ac on waters of New Hope.
Mitchell, James – ODB 12/267 James Mitchell to Edward Walton Sr, 1804, 523 ac on waters of Newhope Ck adj S Fk of Newhope, James Cheek. ODB 13/556 Edward Walton to Zacharia Davies of Lunenburg Co VA, 1810, 534 ac on waters of Newhope, on S side of S Fk of Newhope, adj James Cheek, George Long, Col McCauley, Curry, Mithcel, North Fork of Newhope, the Mill Dam.
Mitchell, John – Gv1076. w537. Proved: March 13, 1759. 500 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Mitchell, John – HMcC-323. DOS-12. Granted: 1763. 256 ac on Orange Co. DOS-12. ODB 3/404 John Mitchell & wife Sarah to William Johnston, 1772, 250 ac adj Mrs. Stagg, crossing Trading Path, adj Mitchell, crossing road; HM to Mitchell 15 June 1763.
Mitchell, John – ODB 3/431 John Mitchell & wife Sarah panter to Richard Kennon, 1770, 352 ac on N side of Eno R, adj Hugh Wood now Robert Lewis.
Mitchell, John – ODB 2/107 John Mitchel to John Mitchell, love & Affection, 213 ac plantation where Adam Dickson now lives [no metes or bounds].
Mitchell, Thomas – HEMcC-158. w1142. Proved: November 8, 1763. 256 ac on Orange Co. Tract 12? No further conveyances in Weeks. ODB 3/404?
Mize, John Sr – ODB 5/781 John Mize Sr to Henry Mize, 1797, 73.75 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Waggoner, John Mize.
Mize, Sack – ODB 6/189 Sack Mize to Only Owens, 1797, 100 ac on Camp Ck of Nap of Reeds, adj Samuel Carey, Wilborn.
Montgomery, William – Gv936. h6237. Suv’d: July 18, 1763. 230 ac on Buckhorn Br of Little R, adj James Lattie [Latta], Thomas Dunnagan & William Churton, SCC: James Lattie & Nathaniel Lewis. Warrant says adj John Burney & William Churton. Not in Weeks.
Montgomery, William – NC335. File 1153. Patent Book 42/3. Entry #221. Recorded at ODB 2/306. Granted in 1780. 300 ac on Buckhorn Br of Little R, adj John Latta, Hugh Woods, Charles Grimes, SCC: Charles Graham & Jonathan Montgomery.
Montgomery, William – ODB 10/338 William Montgomery to Hugh Montgomery, 1799, 300 ac on Buckhorn Br of Little R, adj John Latta.
Montgomery, William – ODB 10/388 William Montgomery to Hugh Montgomery, 1799, 300 ac on Buckhorn BR of Little R, adj John Latt & others.
Montgomery, William – ODB 16/30 William Montgomery to Stephen Adcock, 1817, 100 ac adj Bennehan, path.
Montgomery, William – ODB 5/218 William Montgomery to Christian Hunter, 1795, 100 ac on Flat R.
Moore, Arthur – NC746. File 1609. Patent Book 57/128. Entry #693. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 300 ac on waters of Camp Ck of Nap of Reeds, adj Jones, Robert Gray, Granville & Caswell Co lines, McCulloh's line, SCC: Alex Moore & Jno Langley. ODB 7/247 John Carringotn to William Brown of Person, 1791, [no ac] on waters of Camp Ck branch of Nap of Reeds, adj Robert Graves, Caswell & Granville Co lines, McCulloh, Jones.
Moore, Arthur – ODB 4/576 Arhtur Moore of caswell to John Carington, 1788, 300 ac on waters of Camp Ck of Napareeds, adj Robert George, Caswell & Granville Co Lines, Mr McCulloch, Jones.
Moore, Edmund – Gv1077. w207. Proved: December 9, 1755. 145 ac on w503 Edw. Moor to William Jay 145ac.
Moore, Henry – ODB 6/172 Henry Moore planter to James Watson Sr planter, 1797, 203.75 on E side of Horse Ck, adj Thomas Horton.
Moore, James – ODB 12/341 James Moore to Joseph Armstrong, 1803, 250 ac on side of House Ck, adj Little R, James Watson no Jonathan Watson; part of a plantation laid off by John Moore (Cooper) James Moore’s father.
Moore, John – NC178. File 1104. Patent Book 40/421. Entry #559. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1779. 300 ac on waters of Horse Ck of Little R, bounded on N & E by his own land, and on S by Edward Wortham, SCC: Alex Hunter & Edw Wortham.
Moore, Stephen – Confiscation #_. File 1746. Patent Book 62/286. No entry. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1789. 200 ac on waters of Eno, adj Widow Brittain & William Dunnegan, SCC: Matt & Ben Cate. Formerly H E McCulloh. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, page 72.
Moore, Thomas – ODB 14/348 Thomas Moore to William Trice, 1811, 200 ac on S side of Second Ck, adj John Daniel.
Moore, Thomas – ODB 14/47 Thomas Moore to Thomas Jenkins, 1807, 232 ac on E side of New Hope Ck, adj Isham Blake, Shepperd, Low Grounds of Big Br, Trice, Daniel Massey, Road.
Moore, William – Gv1078. w251. Granted: 25 Mar 1752. 400 ac on Northeast Br of New Hope adj a White oak marked WM. See ODB 3/373.
Moorland, William – ODB 5/50 William Moorland of Guilford to Joseph Dixon, 1794, 125 ac adj Francis Moreland. ; part of 300 ac by Deed No 1093 dated 1790.
Moreland, Francis – ODB 14/706 Francis Moreland son of William Moreland of Surry to Anderson Clements, 1814, 276 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj John Major, John Redman, Francis Ashley, Dickson, Rhodes; part of land of late Francis Moreland Esq.
Moreland, William – NC1093. File 2005. Patent Book 78/418. Entry #31; entered by Charles Abercrombie & Wm Marcome. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1793. 300 ac on Third Fk of New Hope, adj Benjamin Rhodes, and Morelands incl where Francis Kennan now lives, bounded on N by by Frank Moreland, on W & S by Wm Marcom, SCC: Noah Cobb & William Marcom. Thos Watson sets up a claim to this entry. Warrant to Wm Moreland 19 Feb 1793. ODB 5/127 William Moreland of Guilford to Francis Moreland, 1794, 175 ac on Third Fk of New Hope, adj William Marcum, Joseph Dixon; part of 300 ac NC 1093 in 1793.
Moreland, William – NC512. File 1337. Patent Book 49/42. Entry #193. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 255 ac on waters of New Hope bounded by Francis Moreland and William Scoggins, SCC: John Scogins & Hendry Hall. ODB 4/265 William Moreland to Daniel Green, 1786, 255 ac on waters of Third Fk of New Hope, adj Francis Moreland, Charles Abercromby; NC to William Moreland.
Moreland, William – ODB 5/172 William Moreland of Guilford to Francis Moreland, 1794, 98 ac on Third Fk, adj Barthw Sovall’s corner late Joseph Cook’s.
Morgan, Mark – Gv1079. w243. Proved: September 13, 1756. – ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Morgan, Sarah & J Allen – ODB 16/321 Sarah Morgan & J Allen Morgan to Christopher Barbee, 1816, 15.75 ac on waters of Barbees Ck, adj Barbee.
Mulhollan, Thomas – NC425. File 1250. Patent Book 49/9. Entry #1198. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 263 ac on waters of Crooked Run of Eno, adj Richard Cate, SCC: Richard Cate & Wm Dosset. ODB 4/138 Thomas Mulhollen to William Cain, 1789, 263 ac on waters of Eno R, adj William Johnston, Richard Cate, John Stone: NC to Mulhollen 1782.
Mulhollan, Thomas – NC579. File 1442. Patent Book 57/58. Entry #1244. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 640 ac on waters of Eno, adj Mathew Clintons Entry #653, SCC: Wm Rodes & Griffy Tutl.
Murdock, James – Gv698. Not in PSB. Patent Book 12/1. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1762. 192 ac on N Fk of Little R, SCC: Michael Robinson & Rob Berry.
Murdock, John – Gv1080. w828. Granted: 7 June 1761. 355 ac on S Fk of Little R, adj Robert Willson, Michael Synnott, Alexander Mebane. w1960 John Murdock to John Emree 355ac. ODB 2/132 John McNair to James Hogg, 177_, 355 ac on S fork of Little R, adj Robert Wilson, formerly Michael Synnot, Alexander Mebane; John Embree to McNair 1774, John Murdock & wife Elizabeth to Embree 1761, Granville to Murdock 7 June 1761.
Murray, Benjamin – Gv938. h6265. Suv’d: Feb 21, 1757. 180 ac on branches of Deep Ck, SCC: James Satterfield & William Jay. Not in Weeks.
Murray, James – Misc48. -. – ac on both sides of Deep Ck, adj Adam Marley, Josias Thedford & Thomas King – an entry only – no survey.
Murray, James – NC589. File 1452. Patent Book 57/61. Entry #1079. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 400 ac on Flat R, adj Richard Holeman & William Roberson, incl improvement he bought of William Dennis, SCC: Robt Gray & Wm Dinnis. ODB 15/151 James Morrow & wife Elizabeth to Richard Holeman planter of Person, 400 ac on waters of Flatt R, adj Richard Holeman, William Robinson, Person Co line, Robert Gray.
Neeley, John – NC913. File 1765. Patent Book 64/369. Entry #1271. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1788. 514 ac on Little R, adj James Cheek, Samuel Turrentine, John Hunter & Capt Wm Jamison, SCC: Saml Torrintine & Thos Clark.
Nelson, Abraham – Gv1148. PB 14:11. Granted: 26 Oct 1751. 325 ac on Little Ck of R Eno adj three springs. h2497. w15 to Robert Lytle. ODB 4/259 Robert Lytle to Thomas Burk 325 ac on + 370 ac on first tract Granville to Abraham Nelson 26 Oct 1751. ODB 10/233 Thomas Nelson to William Edwards 10 Mar 1802 202 ac on w/o eno Stones Ck, adj Alexander Boland, James Strayhorn, William Nunn & Christian Peelor p/o Granville to Abraham Nelson excet 1 ac on graveyard where Nelson parents & kindred buried. See also ODB 9/246?
Nelson, Abraham – Gv939. h6268. Suv’d: May 18, 1756. 350 ac on both sides of Neuse R & mouth of Great Lick Ck, SCC: William Reeves & Robert Belvin. Not in Weeks.
Newton, George – ODB 12/2 Isaac Newton & his mother Mary Newton widow of George Newton dec’d to William Cain Jr, 1805, 104 ac, Isaac Newton & James Newton’s ninth part of 472 ac on Little R, formerly owned by George Newton dec’d, Mary Newton also assigns 52 ac which is William Newton’s 1/9th share, if Isaac Newton repays the full amount plus interest [no metes or bounds]. ODB 16/337 William Cain Jr to Henry Newton, 1818, 156 ac [no metes or bounds] Isaac Newton conveyed to Cain 104 ac 1805 being his own & James Newton’s ninth part of an undivided share of 472 ac on waters of Little R which their father George Newton died seized & Mary Newton widow of George by same deed conveyed another 52 ac being William Newton’s undivided ninth to secure to William Cain & David Ray, William Whitted, William Bond & George Anderson & Co, in event of default Cain authorized to sell land.
Nichols, John – ODB 4/501 John Nichols to John Barbie so of John, 1790, 200 ac on waters of New Hope, adj James Horn’s field, Hays.
Nichols, John – ODB 8/77 William Lytle Jr of Davidson Co TN as atty for John Nichols to Joseph Sears, 109.5 ac on waters of North East Ck & Third Fk, adj Surle, Wake Line, Green. ODB 4/231 Mark Patterson to John Nichols, 109.5 ac on waters of North East & Third Fk, adj Tarel, Wake line, Graves. ODB 11/243 Joseph Cook to William Ridens, 1803, 109.5 ac on North East Ck & Third Fk, adj Searles, Wake line, Gwinn.
Nix, Joseph – ODB 8/187 Joseph Nix Sr to Joseph Nix Jr to John Cabe & William Cabe, between Second & Third Fk, adj Picket, John Machum, Mitchum.
Nolner, Henry – ODB 15/11 Henry Nolner of Petersburg VA to Herbert Sims, 1816, 555 ac, 2 tracts, 1st tract 125 ac on Deep Ck, adj Flat R, Orange Co Line; 2nd tract 430 ac adj Old Mill Path, Carrington.
Nolner, Henry – ODB 6/89 Henry Nolner of Petersburg VA to William Dickins of Granville, 1797, 555 ac, 2 tracts, adj Gibson, Deep Ck, Flat R, Old Mill Path, Mill Seat, Carrington.
Norwood, William – ODB 16/23 William Norwood to Thomas Crabtree Sr, 1816, 100 ac on waters of Eno R, adj James Hart, the McDades & others.
Nunn, William – ODB 3/512 William Nunn to John Nunn, 1768, 660 ac on North East Fk, adj George Martin.
O’Farrell, Barnabus – ODB 4/143 Rev Barnabus O’Farrell to William Sheppard, 1789, 282 ac adj Sheppard.
O’Kelly, John – ODB 8/167 John O’Kelly to Thomas Jenkins, 1799, 100 ac formerly property of Jno Saxon, on Crooked Ck, adj Sarah Clifton, Joseph Towel, Brag, Lewis, Josiah Clifton.
O’Neil, Thomas – ODB 5/223 Thomas O’Neil to Alexander McKee, 1795, mortgage on 220 ac on Eno R; where Alexander McKee now lives, also one still containing about 60 gallons with all the vessels now in the still house. ODB 8/147 Thomas O’Neill by Sheriff to John McMinimy, 1799, 220 ac on Eno R.
O’Neill, Thomas – ODB 7/77 Thomas O’Neill by Sheriff to William Lytle, 1798, 430 ac adj Lytle.
Oldridge, Joseph – Gv944. h5407. Suv’d: July 29, 1760. 295 ac on both s ides of Flat R, adj John Cates, SCC: Nathaniel Oldrige & John Rodman. Not in Weeks.
Overton, John – Gv1081. w492. Proved: March 13, 1759. 200 ac on w713 John Overton to Robert Wilkins 170ac? See also ODB 3/526.
Owens, Belitha – ODB 11/138 Belitha Owens of Person to Only Owens, 1804, 49 ac on Camp Ck of Nap of Reeds, adj Jenkins, Lick Br.
Owens, Thomas – ODB 16/341 Thomas Owen to Roland Cook, 241 ac on Camp Ck of Nap of Reeds, adj Samuel Cary, Granville Co Line, Williams, Lick Br, Jinkins.
Parker [Park], Samuel – Gv1137. h??? no date. 700 ac on Prices Ck w/o New Hope. ODB 3/97 Samuel Park to William Merritt, 21 Oct 1783, 700 ac on from Granville, on Prices Ck. ODB 3/50 Sheriff to Samuel Park, 700 ac on Preer [Prices] Ck, some osrt of foreclosure, same property. ODB 4/450 Samuel Burk [Park] to Francis Jones, 6 May 1780, 700 ac, love for daughter Mary wife of Francsi Jones, same property.
Parker, Abner – NC2134. File 3008. Patent Book 154/9. Entry #328. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1848. 9.5 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Benjamin Hester & himself, SCC: Benj & Davis Hester.
Parker, Abraham – NC1487. File 2362. Patent Book 100/390. Entry #458. Recorded at ODB 8/93. Granted in 1799. 16 ac on Flat R, adj his own land, William Evans, SCC: Wm Evans & Zeddick Parker.
Parker, Ann & Sarah – NC541. File 1366. Patent Book 49/53. Entry #222. Recorded at ODB 3/123. Granted in 1782. 640 ac on Orange and Caswell Co line, on S side of Flat R, adj their own lands & the Mill Mountain, incl where George Philips formerly lived, SCC: Robt Ashley & Jno Frederick. Anthony Mangum sets up a Claim to this Entry. The jury find generally for Ann and Sarah Parker.
Parker, David – ODB 14/443 David Parker to William Lunsford, 1812, 100 ac on E side of Flat R, adj W P Mangum, Leonard Waggoner [no metes or bounds].
Parker, Jesse P – NC2124. File 2990. Patent Book 151/130. Entry #299. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1846. 7.6 ac on waters of Horse Ck, adj himself & John B Leatehrs, SCC: James Lattta & Isaac Laws.
Parker, Jonathan – ODB 5/194 Petition of Thomas Sneed in right of his wife Anne & Sarah Parker both of Person Co heirs of Jonathan Parker, 1st tract 211 ac purchased by James Griffin during Jno Parker’s life on S side of Flat R adj Long;
Parker, Jonathan – ODB 5/194 Petition of Thomas Sneed in right of his wife Anne & Sarah Parker both of Person Co heirs of Jonathan Parker, 2nd tract 354 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Robert Cates, Stephen Moore & Robert Dickins;
Parker, Jonathan – ODB 5/194 Petition of Thomas Sneed in right of his wife Anne & Sarah Parker both of Person Co heirs of Jonathan Parker, 3rd tract 640 ac in Person Co on both sides of Flat R adj Rutherford, Smith, Murry,
Parker, Jonathan – ODB 5/194 Petition of Thomas Sneed in right of his wife Anne & Sarah Parker both of Person Co heirs of Jonathan Parker, 4th tract 640 ac in Orange Co adj his own land, Mill Mountain land, Ashley.
Parker, Jonathan – ODB 5/195 Commissioners appointed by sd Court have divided the land into allotments; to Sarah Parker Lot 1 by survey 886 ac on Flat R, adj John Brackin, Robert Cate, Stephen Moore, Robert Dickins, Thomas Minches, John Carrington’s Mill Tract, Conrad M Smith, Womack, Ben Harrison;
Parker, Jonathan – ODB 5/195 Commissioners appointed by sd Court have divided the land into allotments; to Thomas Sneed Lot 2 thought to be 912 ac but surveyed at 1022 ac adj John Carrington’s Mill Tract, Flat R, Conrad M Smith, Bearding, Person County Line.
Parker, Richard – Gv1082. w362. Proved: March 8, 1757. 456 ac on w2142 Rd. Parker to Elijah Cain 140ac??
Parker, Richard – Gv945. h6298. Suv’d: May 31, 1755. 334 ac on Lick Br of New Hope, adj Robert Hines SCC: Robert Patterson & William Pickett. Not in Weeks.
Parker, Sarah & Ann – See NC to Ann & Sarah Parker NC541.
Parks, Samuel – ODB 4/115 William Merrit by Sheriff to Samuel Park, 1788, 400 ac on New Hope Ck, adj Samuel Parke, County Line, Crooked Ck, Low Grounds of New Hope; part of a tract formerly sold by Samuel Park to William Merrit. ODB 13/106 William Hogan & wife Elizabeth to Francis Jones of Chatham, 1807, 400 ac on waters of Newhope Ck, adj former line of Samuel Parke dec’d where it crosses the County Line, adj land formerly Soloman Barnes, Crooked Ck, Low Grounds of Newhope; part of tract Parkes sold to Merritt, afterwards repurchased by Parkes at Sheriff’s Sale, divided by Samuel by his last weill to Elizabeth Hogan.
Parrish, Ansel – NC320. File 916. Patent Book 32/468. Entry #703. Recorded at ODB 2/286. Granted in 1780. 185 ac on both sides of Flat R, adj Watson & Brown, incl Cedar Island, it being an entry and survey formerly made by Robert Thompson, SCC: Peter McFarling & Thos McFarling.
Parrish, Ansil – ODB 11/152 Ansil Parrish to William Parrish, 1798, 150 ac adj James Cozort, Parker.
Parrish, Ansil – ODB 13/239 Hansil Parrish to Allen Parish, 1798, 150 ac on N side of Flat R, adj James Cozort, William McFarland, Anthony Cozort.
Parrish, Claborn – ODB 12/41 Claborn Parrish to Thomas King, 1805, 76 ac on waters of Flat R, adj James Walker.
Parrish, William – ODB 16/171 William Parrish to Richard Crabtree, 1816, 4 ac on Flatt R.
Partee, Benjamin – ODB 13/423 Benjamin Partee to WilliamLingo, 1810, 50 ac on waters of Camp Ck, adj Person Co Line, Charles Glenn’s Spring Br, William Cozort.
Patterson, Chesley P – ODB 13/225 Chesley P Patterson guardian of Solomon Morgan to John Taylor, 1807, 50 ac adj corner of the Original Tract; part of Solomon Morgan’s tract on the N.
Patterson, James – ODB 12/148 James Patterson to William Hopkins, 1806, 129.5 ac on waters of Little R, adj Ray, Lazarus Tilley.
Patterson, John – Gv1083. w465. Granted: 23 May 1758. 530 ac on w/o Old Field Ck, adj Richard Caswell. w451 John Patterson to Charles Johnson 530ac. ODB 4/231 Charles Johnston to John Freeland, 200 ac, 5 Jan 1789, p/o my own old tract from John Patterson 13 Sep 1758.
Patterson, John Tapley – NC14. File 940. Patent Book 40/257. Entry #23. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1779. 335 ac in the Fk and on both sides of Cappers Br of Newhope, adj Barbee, SCC: Jno Barbee & Thos Capper.
Patterson, John Tapley – NC15. File 941. Patent Book 40/258. Entry #22. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1779. 351.7 ac on waters of Dry Ck, adj his own land, SCC: Jno & Jos Barbee.
Patterson, Mark – NC583. File 1446. Patent Book 57/59. Entry #19. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 109.5 ac between Second and Third Cks, adj Wm Pickett and Edward Trice, Surrel, Green, SCC: John Marom & Wm Holder. John Dowell sets up a claim to this entry March 2 1778 This dispute is settled by the Parties; warrant to Mark Patterson.
Patterson, Mark – ODB 4/401 Mark Patterson by Sheriff to Moses Crawford, 1791, 263.5 ac adj County Line.
Patterson, Mark – ODB 4/490 Mark Patterson by Sheriff to William Cain, 1792, [no ac] on New Hope Ck, adj John Barbie, road, Low grounds, John Scarlet, Bakers Ck or Fish Ck, William Trice, Thomas Trice, Page Peterson [Patterson?], old Deer Lick. ODB 5/61 William Cane to William Trice, 1794 24 ac on E side of New Hope Ck, adj Bakers Ck.
Patterson, Mark & Mann – ODB 10/64 Mark Patterson & Mann Patterson to Chesly Page Patterson, 1801, 281 ac on Third Fk, adj Daniel Watson, Joseph Barbee, Marcom, Wilson. ODB 11/309 Chesley P Patterson to John Roberson, 1805, 281 ac on Third Fk, adj Watson’s line formerly Barbee’s, Marcom, Wilson, Daniel. ODB 13/523 John Robertson to Sampson Moore, 1810, 281 ac on Third Fk, on both sides, adj Watson formerly Barbee, Marcom, Wilson, Daniel.
Patterson, Robert – Gv1084. w204. Granted: 1 May 1752. Recorded at ODB 1/168. 640 ac on New Hope Ck, adj Patterson's Spring.
Peeler, Anthony – NC514. File 1339. Patent Book 49/43. Entry #34. Recorded at ODB 2/303. Granted in 1782. 400 ac on lying on both sides Ellebys Ck, adj James Bowles former line, William Read & Henry Bunch, SCC: Ben Peeler & Jacob Readwine [or Baldwin?]. ODB 3/134 Anthony Peelor to Benjamin Peelor, 1783, 400 ac on both sides of Ellibees Ck, adj James Beurge.
Peeler, Benjamin – NC1164. File 2083. Patent Book 87/408. Entry #1072. Recorded at ODB 5/475. Granted in 1795. 260 ac on Ellebys Ck begin at a gum,E 80c to RO, N crossing Ck 30C to PO then W25C to Hickory, N29C PO then W55c to PO then S to begin.
Peeler, Benjamin – NC1952. File 2821. Patent Book 135/27. Entry #217. Recorded at ODB 20/244. Recorded at ODB 20/121. Granted in 1820. 3.8 ac on waters of Ellebies Ck, adj Samuel Peeler & Pickett’s heirs, Andrew Boland, Moses Guess, SCC: Jesse Pickett & John Cole.
Peeler, Benjamin – NC601. File 1464. Patent Book 57/66. Entry #2. See also Misc028. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 586 ac on waters of New Hope, on both sides of a branch, incl improvement purchased from A Peeler, SCC: Jacob Ritweter & Anthony Peeler. ODB 4/711 Benjamin Pellor to James Hutchings, 1793, 20 ac on waters of New Hope called Second Ck, adj Hutchings; NC to Pealor 1784.
Peelor, Benjamin – ODB 11/199 Benjamin Peelor to James Hutching, 1804, 85 ac on waters of Newhope, adj Hutchings, Turner.
Peelor, Benjamin – ODB 11/201 Benjamin Peelor & Thomas Browning to Thomas Couch, 1804, 108.5 ac adj John Cabe, Benjamin Rhodes, Lightwood Br, James Hudgin; to Benjamin Peelor by will from Benjamin Peelor Sr dec’d.
Peelor, Benjamin – ODB 5/65 Benjamin Peelor to Abner Pelor, 1794, 242 ac on waters of New Hope, one Second Ck, adj James Hutchins, William Picket, John Cabe; part of tract whereon Benjamin Pelor formerly lived. ODB 8/355 Abner Peelor to Benjamin Peelor, 1797, on Second Ck whereon Abner Peelor formerly lived, adj James Hutchins, William Picket & John Cabe.
Peelor, Benjamin – ODB 5/65 Benjamin Pellor to Abner Pelor, 1794, 242 ac on Second Ck, part of tract where Benjamin Pelor formerly lived, adj James Hutchins, William Picket, John Cabe. ODB 8/355 Abner Peelor to Benjamin Peelor, 1797, [no ac] on New Hope & Second Ck, where Abner Peelor formerly lived, adj James Hutchins, William Picket, John Cabe.
Peelor, Benjamin – ODB 5/73 Benjamin Pelor to Thomas Browning, 1794, 113.5 ac on waters of New Hope called Second Ck, adj Benjamin Pelor, William Picket & John Cab; where Abner Pelor now lives.
Peelor, Benjamin – ODB 8/250 Benjamin Peelor to John Holt, 1799, 440 ac adj Holt.
Peelor, Pleasant – ODB 12/284 Pleasant Peelor of Rowan & Christian Peelor to John Cabe, 1806, 50 ac on waters of First Ck, adj Cabe, Benjamin Carroll.
Peelor, Pleasant – ODB 12/284 Pleasant Peelor of Rowan & Christian Peelor, 1806, 50 ac on waters of First Ck of Newhope, adj Cabe, Benjamin Carroll.
Peelor, Pleasant & Christian – ODB 13/263 Pleasant Peelor & Christian Peelor to Stephen Reding, 1809, 131 ac on waters of First Ck of Newhope & Ellibees Ck, adj John Cabe on S, Benjamin Carrol on W & John Copley on N.
Peelor, Samuel – ODB 13/601 Samuel Peelor to James Hutchins, 1811, 53 ac on waters of Newhope, adj Hutchins, Piney Old Field, Cabe, Joshua Horne.
Peelor, Samuel – ODB 14/139 Samuel Peelor to John Copley Sr, 1812, 150 ac adj Peelor, Pickett.
Peelor, Samuel – ODB 15/137 Samuel Peelor to Thomas Couch, 1815, 29 ac on Lightwood Br, adj Great Road.
Peelor, Solomon – ODB 15/72 Solomon Peelor to David Strayhorne, 1803, 100 ac on waters of Eno R, adj William Nunn.
Perkins, Thomas – Gv622. File 100. Patent Book 12/20. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 360 ac on S Br of Little R, adj Robert Jones SCC: John Thomas & William Rievan?. w1437 Phillips Perkins to Samuel Johnson 360 ac on ODB 3/90 Barney Grimes to William Walker, 1784, 100 ac on whereon he now lives adj the ford commonly called Perkins Ford; part of Granville to Thomas Perkins 1761. ODB 5/35 William Walker to William Dunnagan, 1793, 100 ac adj Perkins Ford. ODB 13/77 Ashby Dunnagan to Edward Wortheim, 1807, 100 ac adj Perkins Ford; Granville to Thomas Perkins 1761.
Perkins, Thomas H – ODB 13/152 Thomas H Perkins to William Pettigrew, 1799, 96 ac adj Granville Co Line, Jarret, Roberts. ODB 13/572 John Bailey of Granville to John Roberts, 1811, 96 ac adj Granville Co Line, Garrott, Roberts.
Perkins, Thomas Hardy – Confiscation #. File 1833; shuck empty. Patent Book 69/317. No entry. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1785. 232 ac on waters of Nap of Reeds Ck. Not found in Dunaway’s Confiscations.
Person, Thomas – Gv1160. loose survey. Surveyed: 6 Apr 1751. 700 ac in Orange & Granville Co.s both sides of Nap of Reeds Ck, adj Quarles, McCulloch, Isham & Person, SCC: Charles Gunter & William Gunter. h3465.
Person, Thomas – NC1362. File 2229. Patent Book 97/11. Entry #1297 in name of Thomas Mulhollan. Recorded at ODB 7/281. Granted in 1798. 300 ac on waters of Little & Flat R, adj William McKee, corner formerly Ellimon now Persons, SCC: Thomas Regan & Edw’d Hammon.
Person, Thomas – NC428. File 1253. Patent Book 49/10. Entry #43. Recorded at ODB 2/338. Granted in 1782. 400 ac on both sides Dials Ck, between Magums and Cozarts, SCC: Anthony Coyzort & Solomon Mangum.
Person, Thomas – ODB 4/702 Thomas Person of Granville to John Carington, 1789, 400 ac on both sides of Dails Ck of Flatt R, adj Arthur Mangum & Anthony Cozart.
Petigrew, William – NC1384. File 2246. Patent Book 97/109. Entry #412. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1798. 20 ac on waters of Nap of Reed, adj Payton Madison, John Roberts and Granville Co line, SCC: Geo Cheatom & Abner Roberts.
Phillips, James – ODB 13/537 James Phillips to Jacob Dishon, 200 ac on waters of Eno, adj mouth of branch.
Phillips, William – HMcC-96. w2182. Proved: August 13, 1765. 246 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Phipps, John – ODB 14/587 John Phipps to Henry Forrest, 1812, 295 ac on waters of Elibes Ck, adj North Prong of Mink Branch, Wake Co Line, Forrest, Turner.
Picket, Thomas – ODB 15/187 Thomas Picket to Henry Evans, 50 ac lying in the fork of Second Ck, adj Mark Picket, Pleasant Rhodes, John Rhodes [no metes or bounds].
Pickett, Joseph – ODB 14/612 Joseph Pickett to friend & relation Zachariah Trice, 1814, love & affection, all my estate.
Pickett, William – NC847. File 1706. Patent Book 59/43. Entry #16. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1785. 640 ac on both sides of Ellebys Ck, adj Merits old corner, SCC: Alexr Rhodes & Wm Pickitt Jr.
Pickett, William – ODB 13/420 Thomas Pickett planter to Thomas Hutchings, 1810, 39.5 ac on waters of Second Ck, adj Hutchins; by will from William Pickett dec’d to son Thomas Pickett.
Pinson, John – ODB 5/433 John Pinson to John Hall, 1795, 100 ac on waters of Elebees Ck, adj Low Grounds of Luck Br, Leonard Stringer, Cornelious Fogerty.
Polston, James – ODB 14/305 James Polston by Sheriff to William McClusky who relinquishes to Edward McClusky, 1812, 200 ac adj Leonard Stringer, Allen Barber, Caswell Co Line.
Pool, Burwell – ODB 16/257 Burwell Pool to M B Angier, 1818, 30 ac adj tract John Pool bought of J Whitaker, John Pool, William Chisenhall, Roger Handcock, Perkins, Great Rd.
Pool, John – ODB 15/290 John Pool to his son Burrel Wimpe, 1816, love & Affection, 30 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj Pool, Perkins, Chisenhall, Road.
Poole, John – ODB 16/228 John Poole to Mathew B Ander, 1818, 7.5 ac on W side of Elibes Ck bounded by Road, Mathew B Anger, John Pool & Widow Hancock [no metes or bounds].
Portis, Samuel – Gv1086. w1549. Proved: May 15, 1764. 700 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Poteet, John – ODB 4/377 John Poteet to Josiah Warren of Bertie, 1788, 229 ac.
Pratt, William N – NC2060. File 2939. Patent Book 144/470. Entry #127. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1837. 6 ac on Ellibees Ck , SCC:
Pratt, William N – NC2096. File 2966. Patent Book 148/262. Entry #228. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1843. 1.5 ac on Ellibees Ck , SCC:
Pratt, William N – NC2097. File 2967. Patent Book 148/262. Entry #229. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1843. 3.7 ac on Ellibees Ck , SCC:
Pratt, William N – NC2120. File 2986. Patent Book 151/20. Entry #317. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1846. 4.4 ac on waters of Northeast Ck, adj Samuel Strayhorn, Sullivan Leigh & himself, SCC: Jno Marcom & James Pratt.
Prosser, James – NC1239. File 2147a. Patent Book 91/584. Entry #413. Recorded at ODB 6/19. Granted in 1797. 72 ac on waters of Little R, adj Wm Ray, Wm Hopkins, Lazarus Tilley, James Williams, Prosser’s Old Tract, SCC: Zachariah Prosser & Lazarus Tilla.
Prosser, James – ODB 5/153 James Prosser to John Cain, 1794, 14.5 ac on Little R, adj John Cain.
Prosser, James – ODB 9/269 James [P]Rosser to James Patterson, 1801, 100 ac on waters of Little R, adj Lazarus Tilley, Zachariah Prosser, Paine, Cain, Ray, William Hopkins.
Prosser, James – UNC-28. ODB 5/709 UNC to James Prosser, 1796, 200 ac on adj Rock Ck, Little R.
Pryor, Phillip – Gv1087. w1547. Proved: May 15, 1764. 238 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Purdum, John – Gv949. h6350. Suv’d: Feb 7, 1761. 500 ac on br of E Fk of Sycamore of Crabtree, SCC: Samuel Jenkins & Richard Massey. Not in Weeks. Warrant sasy incl land called the Rich Land.
Pyson [Pinson?], Jonathan – Gv1138. h??? Granted: 11 Jun 1761. Loose warrant in name of John Bird for 640 ac on N side of S Fk of Flatt R, near the head of the Low Ground Br, incl Thomas Cates improvement. Notes on warrant: Assignment by Bird to Francis Bucknall 1756, assignment by Francis Bucknall to Lawrence Redman 1759; assignment from Lawrence Redman to Jno Pyson 1761. ODB 3/522; ODB 3/576. Stated title history to Charles Robertson in 1762, part to George Roberts to Harmon Husband 1768 to Jacob Gregg.
Ragan, David – ODB 16/298 David Ragan to Jacob Bledsoe so of my wife Amy Ragan, 1818, 134 ac where he as well as myself now live [no metes or bounds].
Rainey, James – Misc61. 27. 55 ac on w/o Eno adj Thomas Reddin, Robert Shields and others adj Cabes old Mill Tract SCC: Chesley P Rainey & John H Rainey. Caveated by William J Shields 1/31/1831.
Rainey, James – ODB 13/408 James Rainey & Mark Barbee by Sheriff to William Horne (to whom Thomas Couch relinquishes his purchase of same) 116.5 ac on Mountain Ck, adj William Horne, James Pratt.
Rainey, John – Gv1088. w2114. Proved: August 13, 1765. 400 ac on w1519 to Garrand Terry 170 ac on ODB 2/546 Garland Terry to Francis Shackleford 18 Feb 1769 adj John Mayo, John Rainey p/o larger tract granted to Rainey.
Rankin, William – ODB 3/416 William Rankin to John Camp, 1772, 100 ac on N Fk of Flat R, adj William Rankin, Samuel Vanhook, John Pryor. ODB 3/424 John Camp to John Paine, 1772, 100 ac on N Fk of Flat R, adj William Rankin, Samuel Vanhook, John Pryor.
Ransome, Thomas – Gv1089. w353. Proved: March 8, 1757. 634 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Ray or Rea, John – HMcC. ODB3/306. no date. ODB 3/306 John Ray to William Ray, 1770, 225 ac on Little R, adj Jo Mitchell's corner, James Ragan's corner.
Ray, James – ODB 12/38 James Ray to John Clement of Granville, 1804, 261 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, adj William Ray, Robert Horner, Archer Harris, William Hopkins.
Ray, James – ODB 14/459 James Ray planter to John Douglas & wife Mary, life estate in 96.5 ac, remainder to heirs of Mary, adj Murdock, Ray, branch, lane, Little R, Dickson.
Ray, John – ODB 15/358 John Ray to John Walker, 1816, 75 ac on waters of Eno, adj John Roberts, Watkins.
Ray, William – NC1181. File 2100. Patent Book 87/416. Entry #260. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1795. 160 ac on waters of Little R, adj Thomas Hunt, James Prosser, Lazarus Tilley, Moses Turrle, Andrew Ross, William Stephens, Hopkins and his own, SCC: James Ray & William Dollar.
Ray, William – NC19. File 945. Patent Book 40/262. Entry #517. Recorded at ODB 2/298. Granted in 1779. 235 ac on waters of Mountain Ck of Little R, bounded on E by his own land, on S by Geo Horner, SCC: Alexander Hunter & Alexander Moore.
Ray, William – ODB 16/61 William Ray to Thomas Hunt, 1780, 70 ac on W side of Little R, adj Henry Eustace McCulloch, James Cain.
Ray, William – ODB 16/81 William Ray to Thomas Hunt, 1780, 70 ac on W side of Little R, adj land formerly Henry Eustace McCulloch & James Cain.
Ray, William – ODB 2/139 William Ray to Stephen Wilson, 1780, 235 ac on waters of Mountain Ck of Little R, adj old tract formerly William Ray now Stephen Wilson.
Ray, William – ODB 2/140 William Ray to Stephen Wilson, 1780, 181 ac on waters of Mountain Ck of Little R, adj Churton.
Ray, William Sr – ODB 13/377 William Ray Sr to James Hopkins Jr, 1810, 107 ac on waters of Little R, adj Richard Bennehan, Lazarus Tilley.
Ray, William Sr – ODB 13/377 William Ray Sr to James Hopkins Jr, 1810, 107 ac on waters of Little R, ajd Richard Bennehan, Lazarus Tilley.
Reaves, John – NC846. File 1705. Patent Book 59/42. Entry #1264. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1785. 100 ac on Rocky Br of Eno, adj William Johnston, SCC: Wm & Thos Laycock. ODB 7/235 John Reeves to Joseph Townsend, 1786, [no ac] on Rocky Br of Eno, on N side of Eno R.
Redden, John – ODB 12/265 John Reding to Jacob Allen, 1806, 101.25 ac bounded by Abraham Whitaker on S & Allen on E & Eno on N.
Reddin, Thomas – NC487. File 1312. Patent Book 49/33. Entry #671. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 268 ac on both sides of Eno R, bounded on N by John Flintham and John Pettet, adj Flenthams SW corner, SCC: John Cab[e] & Abraham Nelson.
Redding, John – NC1704. File 2582. Patent Book 118/397. Entry #827. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1804. 10.25 ac on waters of Eno adj Abraham Whitiker, John Copley & Thos Reddin, SCC: Jacob Whitiker & Joseph Procter.
Redman, John – ODB 12/144 John Redman to Samuel Peelor, 1805, 150 ac adj John Holt.
Redman, John – ODB 12/331 John Redman to James Warren, 1805, 45 ac on W side of Jumping Run.
Redman, John – ODB 12/332 John Redman to Jonathan Dollar, 1805, 31 ac on W side of Jumping Run, adj Dollar, James Warren, Robert Grisham.
Redwine, Jacob – Misc11. 35. 300 ac both sides Ellibys Ck, adj Bowie & Giddins, SCC: Ben Peeler & Anthony Ruben.
Redwine, Jacob – Misc11. 35. 300 ac on both sides of Elliby's Ck, adj Bowie & Giddins, SCC: Ben & Arthur Pulin or Ruben?
Redwine, Jacob – Misc11. 35. 300 ac both sides Ellibys Ck, adj Bowie & Giddins, SCC: Ben Peeler & Anthony Ruben.
Reed, Andrew Corbin – NC394. File 1212. Patent Book 42/32. Entry #126. Recorded at ODB 2/278. Granted in 1780. 249.5 ac on waters of New Hope, bounded by John Davis on W, and by vacant land in the E, N, and S, SCC: James Trice Sr & Jas Trice. ODB 5/497 Andrew Corbin Reed to Samuel Daniel, 1788, 250 ac on New Hope, adj John Davis, Robert Campbell, James Trice.
Reed, Joseph – ODB 3/556 Joseph Reed & wife Ann to John Cash, 1770, 250 ac on br of Camp Ck; part of a larger tract formerly belonging to Thomas Goss & Jas Malone & place where Reed now lives [no metes or bounds].
Reed, Robert & Watson – ODB 5/717 Robert Reed & Watson Reed of Knox Co Territory S of River Ohio to Benjamin Peeler, 240 ac on head branches of Elibees Ck.
Reed, William – Gv1090. w161. Proved: September 9, 1755. 112 ac on w747 Wm Reed to Barnaby Cabe 112ac. See ODB 1/88.
Reed, William – Gv1177. ODB 1/89. Granted: 12 Mar 1755. 112 ac on N side of Eno R, adj Old Trading Path, Governor's line. ODB 1/88 Original Grant. Grant also shown in Weeks? Proved 9 Sep 1755. Weeks: Wm Reed to Barnaby Cabe 112 ac, proved Aug 14, 1759.
Reed, William – ODB 3/476 William Reed planter to James Watson Sr, 1770, 240 ac on head branches of Ellebees Ck, being the place whereon I now live.
Reeves, George – HMcC-10. w782. Proved: November 11, 1760. 200 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Reeves, William – Gv1091. w823. Proved: February 13, 1761. 660 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Reeves, William – Gv653. File 141. Patent Book 12/29. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1762. 368 ac on Stirrup Iron Ck of Crabtree, SCC: Joseph Barbee & George Smith. w1836 (or w1386?) to Edward Thompson.
[Reilly] Riley, Edward – NC529. File 1354. Patent Book 49/48. Entry #524. Recorded at ODB 3/99. Granted in 1782. 250 ac on waters of Flat Ck, adj Mary Humphries, Alexander Bowling & Abraham Nelson, SCC: Jno Ruff & Jno Copley. ODB ⅗ Edward Riley & Elizabeth Riley to William Nunn, 1787, 250 ac on waters of Flat Ck; granted Edward Riley 1782.
Rencher, John G – ODB 14/324 John G Rencher of Wake to Rodger Hancock of same [i.e. Wake], 1812, 143.25 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck.
Rencher, John Grant – NC1231. File 2135. Patent Book 90/176. Entry #175. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1797. 75 ac on the waters of Ellebys Ck, adj Henry Bunch & his own land, SCC: Isaih? & Wm Browning.
Rencher, John Grant – ODB 8/316 John Grant Rencher of Wake to Charles Kennon, 1799, 169 ac 2 tracts, 1st tract 200 ac on waters of Elibees Ck, adj Reed, reserving out a tract of 6 ac sold by John Rhodes to John Copley; 2nd tract 75 ac adj former tract, Benjamin Peelor, Holt, Couch & Rencher’s old corner. ODB 15/305 Charles Kennon of Wake to John Redman, 1801, 2 tracts, 268 ac, 1st tract 200 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj Reed, reserving out 6 ac from John Rhodes to John Copley; 2nd tract 74 ac adj former tract, Benjamin Peelor dec’d, Nolt, Bunch, Rencher’s old corner.
Rhew, John – ODB 13/339 John Rhew to Nancy Dunagan, 1809, 100 ac on waters of Little R, on both sides of Great Rd from Hillsborough to Halifax, adj Charles Dunagan, formerly Benjamin Cate; part of 456 ac granted to William Dunagan Sr.
Rhew, John – ODB 13/339 John Rhew to Nancy Dunagan, 1809, 100 ac on waters of Little R, on both sides of Great Road from Hillsborough to Halifax, adj John Cain, Charles Dunagan, Benjamin Cate; part of 456 ac granted to William Dunagan Sr.
Rhew, John – ODB 16/240 John Rhew & wife Peggy to William Warren, 1816, 100 ac on waters of Little R, on both sides of Great Rd leading from Hillsborough to Halifax, John Cain, Charles Dunnegan.
Rhew, John – ODB 16/240 John Rhew & wife Peggy to William Warren, 1816, 100 ac on waters of Little R, on both sides of Great Road leading from Hillsborough to Halifax, adj John Cain, Charles Dunnegan, formerly Benajmin Cate.
Rhew, Thomas – ODB 10/381 Thomas Rhew to William Ray Sr, 1802, 107 ac on waters of Little R, adj Richard Benehan, Lazarus Tilley.
Rhoades, Christopher – Gv171. File 148. Patent Book 12/30. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1756. 570 ac on Third Fk of New Hope, adj Christopher Rodes surveyed for John Bohannon, SCC: William Rhodes & Christopher Rhodes. w346 to Joseph Barbee 570 ac, adj Beesley. ODB 3/563 William Barbee, Joseph Barbee & wife Mary to William Barbee, 1769, 570 ac on Third Fork, adj Christopher Rhodes lower line.
Rhoades, Hezekiah – ODB 15/371 Hezekiah Rhoades to grandson Hinton Hall, 1815, love & goodwill, 34 ac adj Hezekiah Rhode [no metes or bounds].
Rhoads, Aquila – ODB 4/132 Aquila Rhoads to Robert Gresham, 1789, 100 ac adj Matthew Clinton, Jonathan Dollar [no metes or bounds]; formerly Moore’s.
Rhodes, Aquilla – NC1336. File 2198. Patent Book 96/29. Entry #33. Recorded at ODB 9/22. Granted in 1798. 193 ac on waters of Little R, adj James Fulton & William Cain, Walter Alves, Thomas Rhodes, Aquilla Rhodes’ old corner & his own land, SCC: Jesse James & William Grimes.
Rhodes, Aquilla – NC516. File 1341. Patent Book 49/44. Entry #274. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 300 ac on Jumping Run of Eno bounded on the W and S by Edward Grisham Jr, SCC: Edward & Harris Grisham.
Rhodes, Benjamin – NC1811. File 2679. Patent Book 126/334. Entry #1211. Recorded at ODB 14/120. Granted in 1812. 25 ac on waters of Third Fork, adj Jesse Riggsby, his own land, William Rhodes, Benj Rhodes, SCC: William Rhodes & John Hodgins.
Rhodes, Benjamin – NC793. File 1656. Patent Book 57/149. Entry #1170. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 250 ac on E side of Third Fk of New Hope, adj Patterson, Wm Wears, SCC: Wm & Sam Marcom. ODB 4/672 William Marcom to Thomas Cook, 1793, 150 ac on Third Fk of New Hope; part of NC to Benjamin Rhoads.
Rhodes, Benjamin – ODB 10/321 Benajmin Rhodes to Abner Veazy, 1801, 64.5 ac on N side of Ellibees Ck, on W side of a branch, adj Shepperd, Veazy.
Rhodes, Benjamin – ODB 12/118 Benjamin Rhodes to Champion Rhodes, 1805, 291.25 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj William Lewis, branch, Henry Lewis. ODB 14/23 Champion Rhodes to John Shepperd, 1808, 284 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj William Lewis, Guinn, Henry Sewer.
Rhodes, Benjamin – ODB 12/358 Benjamin Rhodes to John Rhodes, 1805, 5 ac on waters of New Hope, adj John Rhodes.
Rhodes, Benjamin – ODB 2/187 Benjamin Rhodes of 96 District SC to William Marcom, 1785, 250 ac on three forks of New Hope, adj Patterson, Connors.
Rhodes, Benjamin – ODB 5/222 Benjamin Rhodes to Shadrack Forrest, 1794, 29 1/3 ac on waters of Ellibees, adj Forrest’s Old Deeded Line.
Rhodes, Benjamin – ODB 7/433 Benjamin Rhodes to John Sheppers, 1797, 92.5 ac on waters of Ellebees Ck, adj Sheperd, Lewis.
Rhodes, Benjamin – ODB 8/352 Benjamin Rhodes Sr to Abner Veazy, 1800, 124 ac on waters of Ellibes Ck, adj John Shepperd.
Rhodes, Benjamin Sr – ODB 13/64 Benjamin Rhodes Sr to John Rhodes, 1806, 393.4 ac adj Strayhorn, William Edwards Spring Br, S Fk of Ellibees Ck, adj Shadrack Forrest, Shepperd.
Rhodes, Champion – ODB 13/75 Champion Rhodes to William Lewis, 1807, 7.75 ac on Ellibees Ck, near head of a Spring Br, adj Lewis, Shepperd.
Rhodes, Christopher – Gv21. File 128. Patent Book 12/26. Recorded at ODB 1/164. Granted in 1753. 220 ac on Third Fk of New Hope Ck, SCC: Joseph Barbee & John Rhodes. w167 to Joseph Barbee 220 ac. Warrant is h589. ODB 3/466 William Watson to Daniel Watson, 1771, 220 ac on Third Fk; part of Granville to Christopher Rhodes, Rhodes to Joseph Barbee 1755, Barbee to William Watson 1765.
Rhodes, Hezekiah – Gv595. File 120. Patent Book 12/24. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 472 ac on Third Fk of New Hope, adj Joseph Barby, SCC: George Hearn & Wm Watts. h6391. w1922. Survey was in the name Isachar Rhodes. Warrant says "just above the Great Lick incl Philemon Munchy's cabin." ODB 4/224 Anderson Comer & Nanie wife to James Wilson, 1788, 236 ac on S side Ck; 1/2 tract from Granville to Hezekiah Rhoads; second tract from NC to Archie Gresham adj Benjamin Rhoads.
Rhodes, John – Gv7. Bladen Co Records. Patent Book 11/24. Not recorded in ODB. Granted: 26 Apr 1753. 320 ac on S side New Hope Ck SCC: William Rhodes & John Johnston..
Rhodes, John – NC841. File 1700. Patent Book 59/37. Entry #19. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1785. 349 ac on Second Ck, adj William Picket, SCC: Archill Gresham & Wm Rhodes. ODB 13/361 John Rhodes Esq to Mark Picket planter, 1810, 18 ac on waters of Second Ck, adj Mark Picket. ODB 13/362 John Rhodes Sr Esq to Pleasant Rhodes, 1810, 238 ac on waters of Newhope called Second Ck, adj saw mill, Mark Picket, Thomas Picket, Stovall.
Rhodes, John – ODB 1/105 John Rhodes of Rowan to John Bohannon, 1755, 567 ac on Kitts Ck, a fork of Newhope.
Rhodes, John – ODB 12/365 John Rhodes to Ephriam Roberts, 1807, 162 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj branch, Roberts formerly Veazy. ODB 14/599 Ephrian Roberts to James Nutt of Wake, 1813, 165 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj branch, Abner Veazy, bank of Ellibees Ck.
Rhodes, John – ODB 13/64 John Rhodes to William P Mangum, 1807, 515 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj Ephriam Roberts, Champion Rhodes.
Rhodes, John – ODB 5/310 John Rhodes Carpenter to John Grant Rencher, 1794, 200 ac on waters of Eno R, adj Reed, John Copley, Bowey, Copley’s Spring Br.
Rhodes, Richard – NC504. File 1329. Patent Book 49/39. Entry #523. Recorded at ODB 3/124. Granted in 1782. 230 ac on Ellebys Ck, adj Wm Forrister, Charles Abercrombie, James Kennedy, SCC: William Reyly & Thos Gamige? ODB 9/304 Richard Rhodes to Abraham Anderson, 1795, 233 ac, 2 ac reserved for use of Meering House, on waters of Ellebees Ck, adj James Canady, James Curry, Charles Abercrombie. ODB 10/266 Abraham Anderson to Ephraim Cates of Rowan, 1802, 233 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj James Kennady, Charles Abercrombie, except 2 ac for the Congregation & Eno Meeting House, adj James Curry, Richard Cates, John Shepperd, Abner Veazy & Silias Forrest. ODB 13/103 Ephraim Cates to Jonathan Kennady, 1806, [no ac] on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj James Curry, Shepper, except 2 ac; NC to Richard Rhodes 1782.
Rhodes, Thomas – NC834. File 1693. Patent Book 59/30. Entry #135. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1785. 200 ac on both sides of Long Br of Eno, incl where he now lives, SCC: Thomas Mehaffee & Samuel Davis.
Rhodes, Thomas – NC834. File 1693. Patent Book 59/30. Entry #135. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1785. 200 ac on both sides the Long Branch of Eno, incl whereon he now lives, SCC: Thomas Mehaffee & Samuel Davis.
Rhodes, William – Gv197. File 131. Patent Book 12/27. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1757. 429 ac on Bakers Ck, adj Bohannon SCC: Joseph Barbee & Isachar Rhodes. Warrant says N side of Haw R, adj a large br. "Removed to Bakers Ck at a place that was formerly called Baker Cabbin." ODB 3/552 Abraham Nelson to John Baker, 1771, 75 ac adj Main Road, William Baker; part of Granville to William Rhodes.
Rhodes, William – Gv493. File 130. Patent Book 12/26. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 558 ac on Mill Ck & Jumping Run, waters of Eno, SCC: William Baker & Thomas Lewis. Warrant says adj James Forrester incl the Great Meadow. Entered by John Rhodes; assigned to William Rhodes.
Rhodes, William – Gv6. File 139. Patent Book 12/28. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1753. 640 ac on both sides New Hope Ck SCC: Christopher Rhodes & John Johnson. Survey lists land in Bladen Co.
Rhodes, William – Gv957. h6395. Suv’d: Oct 25, 1763. 198 ac on waters of New Hope, adj William Pickett's upper line, SCC: Jno Maddin & Solomon Draper. Not in Weeks.
Rhodes, William – NC462. File 1287. Patent Book 49/23. Entry #217. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 640 ac on Third Fk of New Hope, adj Benjamin Rhodes, William Moorland & Charles Abercrombie, incl where Benny Rhodes and Charles Grisham now lives, SCC: Benjamin Rhodes & Archer Grisham.
Rhodes, William – NC734. File 1597. Patent Book 57/121. Entry #769. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 624.75 ac on branches on the First and Second Ck of New Hope, adj his own land, Wm Pickett, lines formerly made by John Lea, SCC: John Rhodes & Michael Whatley.
Rhodes, William – ODB 3/293 William Rhodes to William Baker, 1770, 279 ac.
Rhodes, William – ODB 3/311 William Rhodes to Abraham Nelson, 1770, 279 ac.
Rhodes, William – ODB 3/88 William Rhodes to John Rhodes, 1785, 252 ac.
Richards, Jacob – Confiscation #18. File 1420. Patent Book 52/339. No entry. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in1784 . 380 ac on N side of Little R, adj John Tilley & MCCulloh, SCC: William Rea & Lazareth Tilley. Page 101. ODB 4/293 Jacob Richards to William Ray, 1781, 380 ac on N side of Little R, adj John Tilley & tract formerly McCulloch’s, William Ray now John Cain; formerly property of Henry Eustace McCulloch, NC to Richards 1784.
Richards, Jacob – ODB 4/293 Jacob Richards to William Ray, 1781, 380 ac on N side of Little R, adj John Tilley, tract formerly McCulloch’s, formerly William Ray now John Cain; Nc to Richards as property of Henry Eustace McCulloch. FILE 1420.
Ricket, Reason – Gv540. File 143. Patent Book 12/29. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in. 450 ac On Bakers Ck, adj John Patterson, Bohannon, William Rhodes SCC: Edward Stone & John Castleberry. Entry says about a quarter mile above the mouth of Long Branch both sides Bakers Ck. w1018 to Thomas Hart. ODB 3/554 Holoman Draper to Shurley Whatley, 1769, 350 ac adj John Patterson, Buchanan, William Rhodes, excepting 100 ac property of William Castleberry, [all of which] purchased from Reason Ricketts.
Ridens, William – ODB 14/405 William Ridens & George Herndon of Wake to David Ragan, 1806, 134 ac on waters of North East & Third Fk, adj Wake Co Line, Green.
Riggs, William – ODB 14/309 William Riggs to Robert Hall, 1812, my father’s lands left to me by his death [no ac, metes or bounds].
Riley, John – ODB 14/557 John Riley to Ezekiel Trice, 1813, 30 ac on N bank of Third Fk, adj Robert Campbell.
Riley, John – ODB 2/36 John Riley planter to John Poteat, 1778, [no ac] on S side of Eno R; part of 700 ac from John Scarlett to Riley.
Ritchey, Alexander – Gv795. File 152. Patent Book 12/31. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1763. 367 ac on Flat R, adj John Burney, Robert Abercrombie, SCC: Thomas Dunnagan, & Rabon Young.
Roark, William – ODB 12/60 William Roark to John Turrentine, 1800, 84 ac on waters of Little R, adj John Turrentine, James Watson, Archelus Wilson & Alexander Turrentine.
Roberts, Charles – NC452. File 1277. Patent Book 49/19. Entry #694. Recorded at ODB 5/278. Granted in 1782. 304 ac on waters of Nap of Reeds, adj Granville Co line, his own lines & Henry E. McCulloh, SCC: Chas Ashley & Peter Mediedson.
Roberts, Charles – ODB 14/57 Charles Roberts to John Roberts, 1811, 150 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Rocky Ck, Mill Br, formerly Charles Roberts Sr.
Roberts, Charles – ODB 2/390 Charles Roberts Sr to Charles Roberts Jr, 1782, 150 ac on N side of Flat R, adj Rocky Ck.
Roberts, Charles – ODB 5/280 Charles Roberts to son John Roberts, 1786, love & affection, 190 ac whereon John Roberts liv es, adj mouth of Spring Br, William Roberts.
Roberts, George – ODB 14/501 George Roberts of Rockingham to William Hutchens, 1813, 4 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj James Latta, Meeting House Spring Br, John Carrington, John Roberts, James Latta.
Roberts, Isaac – Gv1149. PB 14:54. Granted: 4 Dec 1751. 37 ac on Perquimans County on S side Little R, adj R & old foot bridge near head of small Ck SCC: Nathaniel Welsch, John Jackson. h2658.
Roberts, John – NC892. File 1818. Patent Book 67/527. Entry #1324. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1788. 12 ac on N side of Northeast Ck, adj Joseph Bennet, John Barbey, SCC:William Holder & Joseph Bennet. ODB 5/299 John Roberts to John Bennett, 1794, 12 ac on North East Ck, adj Bennett, Bartooy?
Roberts, John – ODB 14/517 John Roberts to William Hutchins, 1813, 177 ac on Elibas Ck, adj Ephriam Roberts, James Latta.
Roberts, John – ODB 14/519 John Roberts to James Latta, 1813, 77.5 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Cannady Tract, Cate Land, Meeting House Land, Carrington (formerly Curry), formerly John Shepperd.
Roberts, John – ODB 15/391 John Robards to Shadrack Robards, 1816, 106.5 ac where Charles Robards formerly lives on waters of Flatt R, adj Abner Robards, Mill Br, Rocky Ck.
Roberts, S D – Misc64. 459. 10 ac on w/o Mountain Ck, adj Winfred Roberts. A warrant only.
Roberts, William – NC2037. File 2144a. Patent Book 141/460. Entry #228. Recorded at ODB 6/77. Granted in 1835. 195 ac on waters of Little R,adj his own land, SCC: Julius King & John Umstead.
Roberts, William – ODB 5/252 William Roberts to Abner Roberts, 1795, 287 ac on E side of Rocky Ck, adj Big Path.
Roberts, William – NC1236. File 2908. Patent Book 91/583. Entry #103. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1797. 9.2 ac on waters of Flat R, adj himself & others, SCC: Jesse Mangum & Jacob Roberts.
Robertson, Michael – NC1409. File 2273. Patent Book 97/326. Entry #391. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1798. 36 ac on Flat R, adj his own land, James Smith, SCC: Daniel McNaughton & John Robertson.
Robeson, Michael – NC1539. File 2414. Patent Book 101/294. Entry #201. Recorded at ODB 9/152. Granted in 1799. 110 ac on waters of Flat R, adj his own land on W & Daniel McMahon on N, SCC: Daniel McMahon & John Robison.
Robeson, William – NC578. File 1441. Patent Book 57/57. Entry #1090. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1784. 200 ac on waters of Flat R & Little R, adj James Morrow, Joshua Hawkins, Robert Gray & Wm Cate, SCC: Robt Gray & Wm Dinnis.
Robinson, John – ODB 3/622 John Robinson of Roan to Cha[rles] Bolton, 1771, 300 ac adj Henry Willis, Hugh Kelley, Miry Br; part of a larger tract from Granville to Robeson 1761. Gv533
Robinson, Michael – NC377. File 1195. Patent Book 42/24. Entry #556. Recorded at ODB 2/268. Granted in 1780. 320 ac on Birds Ck of Flat R, bounded on N by his own land, o-n S by a claim from McCulloh, SCC: Daniel McMachin & David Robinson.
Robinson, Michael Sr – ODB 10/211 Michael Robinson Sr to Thomas Rountree Jr, 1799, 174 ac on waters of Lick Ck & Birds Ck of Flat R, adj Robinson, Law.
Robinson, Michael Sr – ODB 11/322 Michael Robinson Sr to Thompson McKissack of Person, 1799, 40.5 ac on waters of Flatt R, adj Daniel [Mc]Mahan, Robertson, Rountree.
Robinson, Michael Sr – ODB 12/367 Michael Robinson Sr to Thomas Rountree, 1806, 192 ac on waters of Lick Br & Birds Ck of Flat R, adj Robinson, Cock, Person Co Line, John Reeves, Thomas Rountree, Great Rd, Lick Ck.
Robinson, William – ODB 16/295 William Robinson to William Rankin Robinson, 1808, 50 ac on both sides of Quarrel Ck, adj Holeman, Robinson.
Rollinger, Andrew – Gv1092. w2089. Proved: August 13, 1765. 275 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Ross, Andrew – ODB 5/679 Andrew Ross by Sheriff to Archibald Harris, 1797, 264 ac on waters of Little R, adj John Tilley.
Ross, John – NC484. File 1309. Patent Book 49/31. Entry #306. See also Shadrack Forrest’s Entry #214. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 250 ac on waters of Ellebys Ck, bounded on E by Wake Co line, on W by Wm Forrist, incl where Wm Perkins [Parkerson?} now lives, SCC: Joshua Smith & John Pruett. ODB 2/178 John Ross & wife Mary of Wake to Cutbrel Burton of Caswell, 1785, 33.5 ac on waters of Elleby Ck, adj Elias Turner; part of tract granted John Ross 1782. ODB 2/164 John Ross of Wake to Edward Harris, 1785, 83.5 ac on waters of Eliby Ck. ODB 4/24 Culbud Burton of Caswell to Joseph Sear, 1786, 83.5 ac on waters of Ellobeys Ck, adj Elias Turner, county line. ODB 2/180 John Ross & wife Mary to Samuel Allen, 1785, 83 ac on waters of Ellerbees Ck, adj county line on S side of Wolf Br. ODB 6/173 Samuel Allen to Joseph Sears, 1792, 83 ac on waters of Ellerbees Ck, adj County line on S side of Woolf Br. ODB 6/116 Joseph Sears to David Holliberton of Wake, 1796, 238 ac on Wolf Br of Elibees Ck, adj Tucker, Wake Co Line, Shadrack Forrest, Elias Turner. ODB 6/183 David Holliburton planter to Shadrick Forrest, 1797, 238 ac on Woolf Br on Ellibees Ck, adj Wake County Line, Forrest, Turner, Phipps; it being land grants to sundry persons from NC & conveyed to Holliburton.
Ruff, John – NC429. File 1254. Patent Book 49/11. Entry #597. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1782. 200 ac on waters of Ellebys Ck, adj Reed's old line on S, SCC: Jno Disharoon & Henry Bunch. ODB 3/74 John Ruff to John Rhodes, 1782, 200 ac on waters of Ellebees Ck, adj Reed.
Ruffin, Thomas – ODB 16/362 Thomas Ruffin to Henry Neal & James Jackson, 1814, [no ac] on S side of Eno R, adj SW corner of Neal’s Old Tract, a stone. ODB 16/360 Henry Neal to Thomas Ruffin, 1814, [no ac] on S side of Eno R, adj Neal, a stone. ODB 16/363 Henry Neal & James Jackson to John Scott, 1818, [no ac] on S side of Eno R, adj Neal, a stone. ODB 16/364 John Scott to Henry Neal, 1818, [no ac] on Eno R adj Neal, a stone.
Rutherford, Patrick – Gv960. h6412. Suv’d: Aug 8, 1763. 122 ac on Lick Ck of Flat R, on S side of Robert Berry, SCC: Robert Berry & Mich’l Robinson. Not in Weeks.
Rutherford, Patrick – NC267. File 863. Patent Book 32/415. Entry #275. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1780. 247.2 ac on Lick Br of Flat R, bounded on N by Robert Berry & Thomas Roundtree, SCC: Jn McCulloch & Dan’l Mcmachin?
Rutherford, William – ODB 4/518 William Rutherford, James Rutherford & Thomas Rutherford coheirs of Patrick Rutherford to Robert Berry, 1787, 247.25 ac on Lick Ck of Flat R, adj Robert Berry.
Salling, George Adam – Gv541. ODB 3/308 Jacob Layton to Edward Tegue, 1770, 285 ac ; Granville to Geo Adam Salling 1761. Is this in Chatham? Weeks line _ for 470 ac.
Sanders, Hardy – Gv796. File 177. Patent Book 12/36. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1763. 440 ac on Little Beaver Ck of New Hope, SCC: Elisha Cane & Bracket Wood. Is this Orange County?
Satterfield, Bedwell – Gv584. File 200. Patent Book 12/40. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 92 ac on Richland Spring Ck waters of Flat R, adj Hosea Tapley, SCC: John Arnold & James Satterfield. Warrant says adj James Satterfield.
Satterfield, John – Gv440. File 179. Patent Book 12/36. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 151 ac on head of Rich Land Spring Ck SCC: William Jay & John SatterfieldJr. w902 to William Satterfield 151 ac on W899 Wm Satterfield to John Conwell 151 ac.
Savory, Peter – ODB 3/386 Capt Peter Savory to Robert Dickins of Granville, 1770, mortgage on 130 ac & livestock.
Saxon, Benjamin – Gv527. File 182. Patent Book 12/37. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 660 ac on Northeast Fk of New Hope Ck, adj George Martin SCC: George Herndon & William Roberts. w971 to William Nunn 660 ac.
Saxon, Benjamin – Gv536. File 196. Patent Book 12/39. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 640 ac on Northeast Fk of New Hope adj Samuel Saxon SCC: George Herndon & William Roberts.
Saxon, Henry – ODB 8/186 Henry Saxon of Halifax to Josiah Clifton , 1798, 100 ac on Crooked Cj, adj Benjamin Herndon.
Saxon, Henry – ODB 8/186 Henry Saxon of Halifax to Josiah Clifton, 1798, 100 ac on Crooked Ck, adj Benjamin Herndon.
Saxon, Henry – ODB 11/181 Henry Saxon of Washington Co GA to William Morris Ballard, [no date], 220 ac adj Lewis Ballard, Elias Herndon, Josiah Clifton, Thomas Jenkins, Joseph Fennel.
Saxon, John – NC342. File 1160. Patent Book 42/7. Entry #226. Recorded at ODB 2/343. Granted in 1780. 640 ac on Northeast of New Hope, adj Enoch Lewis, Samuel Saxon & Richard Hopson, SCC: Abram Massey & Benjamin Herndon.
Saxon, John – ODB 11/32 John Saxon of Halifax to Elia Herndon, 1802, 220 ac on waters of Newhope Ck, adj Herndon, John O’Kelly, Hopson, Ballard.
Saxon, John – ODB 15/371 Thomas Jinkins to Joseph Clifton, 1815, 100 ac on Crooked Ck, formerly property of John Saxon, adj Josiah Clifton, Joseph Tennel, John Bragg, Lewis.
Saxon, John – ODB 8/167 John O’Kelly to Thomas Jenkins, 1799, 100 ac on Crooked Ck, adj Sarah Clifton, Joseph Towel, Bragg, Lewis, Josiah Clifton.
Scarlet, James – NC943. File 1854. Patent Book 71/163. Entry #803. Granted in 1789. 76 ac on waters of Flat R, bounded by John Brown on E, by James Watson dec’d on S, by Wm Alston on W, by George Gibson on N, SCC: John Watson & Robert Ashby.
Scarlet, James – ODB 3/107 James Scarlett to John Taylor son of Edmund of Granville, 1782, 273 ac; land Scarlett of Wm Alston and that part below the Great Br, contiguous to where he now lives; also half an ac purchased of James Carrington.
Scarlet, John – Gv538. File 198. Patent Book 12/40. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 700 ac on both sides of Eno R, adj James Couch, SCC: James Couch & Barny Cabe. Warrant says betwixt Thomas Nelson and James Couch. w1839 to Jacob Allen 700 ac on or w954 to John Bailey 700 ac? ODB 4/513 John Flintham to Stephen Carrol, 1787, 170 ac on both sides Eno; part of Granville to John Scarlet, adj John Redden's Spring Branch. ODB 4/512 Stephen Carrol to Samuel Piper, 1791, 140 ac on N side of Eno; part of Granville to John Scarlet.
Scarlet, Samuel – ODB 15/289 Samuel Scarlet to William McMillin & James Strayhorn, 1811, 7 ac on Eno R, adj spring, road.
Scarlet, Stephen – Gv1093. w621. Proved: March 13, 1759. 1 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Scarlet, Stephen – NC1216. File 2133. Patent Book 90/157. Entry #106. Recorded at ODB 5/755. Granted in 1797. 50 ac on waters of Eno, adj James Durnal, Wm Lewis, John Piper & his own land, SCC: Jas Durnal & Jno Scarlett.
Scarlet, Thomas – NC895. File 1821. Patent Book 67/528. Entry #1206. Granted in 1788. 200 ac on Both sides of Crooked Ck of Eno adj the lands of Michael Senate and Samuel Cole, SCC: Saml May & Saml Coal.
Scarlet, Thomas – ODB 14/384 Thomas Scarlett to William Horn, 1803, 47 ac on Mountain Ck, adj Rainey, Soloman Peelor, Road.
Scarlet, Thomas – ODB 13/286 Thomas Scarlett to Sampson Moore, 1806, 164 ac where Scarlett now lives; provided that for 90 years, Moore to pay 1 grain of corn annually; Jacob & Solomon Peelor to Scarlett.
Scobey, John – ODB 15/427 John Scobey of Pittsylvania Co VA to Joseph Allison, 1815, 100 ac on waters of Eno Ck, adj Willie Shaw, Hugh Mulhollan [no metes & bounds].
Scoggins, Alexander – ODB 9/194 Alexr Scoging to Jesse Shoemaker, 1778, 100 ac on N side of Eno R, adj Benjamin Forrest, James Forrest. ODB 9/195 Jesse Shewmaker to Alexander Chizenhall, 1782, 100 ac on N side of Eno R, adj Benjamin Forrest, James Forrest. ODB 9/310 Samuel Chisenhall & Reuben Chisenhall to Alexander Chisenhall, 1801, 100 ac on Eno R, adj Benjamin Forrest, James Forrest; a tract from Jesse Shoemaker & wife Nancy to Alexander Chisenhall father of Samuel & Reuben, by will devised to sons Samuel & Reuben after death or marriage of his widow Celia Chisenhall.
Scott, John – ODB 4/344 John Scott to Robert Campbel, 1788, 240 ac on both sides of New Hope Ck.
Scott, Joseph – ODB 3/532 Joseph Scott & wife Jenet to Daniel Allen, William Allen & George Allen, 480 ac on both sides _an Creek, adj Jones.
Searles, Ephraim – ODB 10/237 Ephraim Searls to Thomas Marcom, 1801, 100 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj Cook, Chandler, near the fence. ODB 11/147 Thomas Marcom to Nicholas Durnen, 1802, 100 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj Cook, Chandleer, near the fence.
Searles, Thomas – NC810. File 1673. Patent Book 57/156. Entry #201. Granted in 1784. 200 ac on Third Fk of Newhope, adj John Hall & Joshua Smith, SCC: John Edwards & Joshua Smith.
Searles, Thomas – NC854. File 1780. Patent Book 67/509. Entry #509. Granted in 1788. 400 ac on Third Fk of New Hope, adj Green, James Desern, Jno Gwin, Wm Moreland & Joseph Cook, SCC: Ephraim & Covington Searles. ODB 5/688 Thomas Sirles to Othanial Farmer, 1794, 50 ac on waters of Third Fk, on head branches, adj Missa Farmer, Thomas Chambers; NC to Thomas Sirles. ODB 11/146 Francis Searls to Nicholas Durnen, 1801, 365 ac on Third Fk, N with Daniel Green, Stovall. ODB 12/271 Henry Searles of Wake to George Herndon, 1805, 100 ac on waters of Third Fk & waters of [North?] East Fork of Newhope, adj Wake Co line; NC to Thomas Seals dec’d, willed to Henry Searls. ODB 13/524 Major Marmeduke Bradley of Wake to David Delk Jr, 1810, 50 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj David Delk Sr, Major Bradley; NC to Thomas Sirls.
Searls, John – ODB 5/286 Jacob Allen to Abemilech Barbee, 1795, 60 ac on S side of Eno R, adj Allen, Abraham Whitaker; it being a tract purchased from John Seals, exempting 1 ac at the lower corner which I keep for myself.
Sears, Joseph – ODB 8/264 Joseph Sears of Wake to JosephCook, 1799, 109.5 ac on waters of North East Ck, & Third Fk, adj Searls, Greens.
Sears, Rosanna – NC548. File 1371. Patent Book 49:55. Entry #568. Granted in 1782. 300 ac on waters of New Hope, on Lick Br, adj his other Entry #20, Morgan & John Booth, SCC: Jno Booth & Wm Riggins.
Sears, Rosanna [Sosanna?] – NC549. File 1374. Patent Book 49/56. Entry #20. Granted in 1782. 400 ac on waters of New Hope, adj Morgan, Booth & Barbee, SCC: John Booth & John Booth Jr.
Sears, William – ODB 11/151 William Sears to George Cary, 1801, 122 ac adj William Sears & John Cates.
Seirs, William – ODB 5/780 William Seirs & wife Elizabeth to John Cates, 1796, 122 ac adj Thomas Clemments, William Chizenhall, Forrester.
Sharp, John – Gv1094. w2087. Proved: August 13, 1765. 365 ac on w906 John Sharp to Nathaniel Walton 200ac?
Shaw, Timothy – Gv1139. h??? Surveyed: 31 Jan 1761. loose warrant ac on drains of Kemp Br of Neuse, adj Osborne Jeffreys. entered by Andrew Baker assigned to Timothy Shaw.
Shaw, Timothy – Gv965. h6447. Suv’d: Jan 1, 1761. 700 ac on dreans of Kemp Br & head of Crooked Ck, adj Osborn Jeffreys, Humphreys, SCC: Vincent Jones and Pri_ Willis. Not in Weeks.
Shepherd, William – Confiscation #19. File 1743. Patent Book 62/284. No entry. Granted in 1789. 208 ac on waters of Little R, adj Geo Horner & John Tilley, SCC: Wm Ray & Jno Tilley. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, pages 100 and 105.
Shepperd Henry – ODB 16/251 Henry Shepperd to Ezekiel Haley, 1816, 83 ac adj James Dickson, Low Grounds of Suck/Luck Br, John Cabe.
Shepperd, John – ODB 13/469 John Shepperd to James Latta Esq, 1810, 284 ac on both sides of Ellibees Ck on Main Rd from Raleigh to Person Courthouse, adj Shepperd, Robert, Watery Fork, Henry Lewis. ODB 15/81 James Latta to John Farthing & Reuben Farthing, 1813, 284 ac on both sides Ellerbees Ck & on Main Rd from Raleigh to Person Court House, Henry Lewis, Sheppard, Robert, Watery Fork.
Shepperd, John – ODB 13/47 John Shepperd to James Latta of John Esq, 1807, 192.5 ac on E fork of a branch of Ellibees Ck, adj John Roberts, Abner Cates, Latta’s May Tract, Lewis; Benjamin Rhodes to Shepperd in 2 deeds. ODB 14/400 James Latta (of John) to James Latta Jr, 1812, 192 ac on E branch of Ellibees Ck, adj John Roberts, formerly Abner Cate, Latta’s May Tract, William Lewis, Rhodes.
Shepperd, William – ODB 10/57 William Shepperd to John Wilkerson, 1802, 7.6 ac on W side of Eno R.
Shepperd, William – ODB 4/494 William Shepperd to Moses Leathers, 1791, 208 ac on waters of Little R, adj George Horner & John Tilley. ODB 4/492 Moses Leathers to Robert Horn, 1791, 69.75 ac on waters of Little R, adj Jacob Richards, John Tilley; part of tract from William Shepperd to Leathers. ODB 16/7 Robert Horner to William Cain, 1812, 69.75 ac on waters of Little R, adj Jacob Richard, John Tilley; part of William Shepperd to Moses Leathers. ODB 4/474 Moses Leathers to Moses Fusil [Fussell], 1791, 69.75 ac on waters of Little R, adj George Horner, George Horner Jr, Smith; William Shepperd to Moses Leathers. ODB 16/5 Moses Fussell to William Cain Sr, 1812, 69.75 ac on waters of Little R, adj George Horner Jr, Smith; part of tract from William Shepperd to Moses Leathers.
Simmons, Henry – Gv1095. w359. Proved: March 8, 1757. 500 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Simpson, Richard – Gv1096. w2023. Proved: August 13, 1765. 100 ac on w434 Rd. Simpson to Daniel Adams 100ac?? Note that the deed to Adams was proved much earlier than the Granville grant however.
Sims, Col Herbert – NC1992. File 2863. Patent Book 137/203. Entry #343. Granted in 1827. 36 ac on waters of Eno, adj William Cain Jr and his own, no SCC’s.
Sims, Herbert – NC1940. File 2808. Patent Book 134/173. Entry #106. Granted in 1819. 39 ac on waters of Eno, adj Walter Alves & George Carrington, Dossett, SCC: John Simms & Robt Jeffris.
Sims, Herbert – NC2026. File 2897. Patent Book 140/374. Entry #21. Granted in 1833. 39 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Jno Carrington dec’d, William Duke, Person Rd, SCC: William Duke & Silas Monk.
Smallwood, Elisha – NC781. File 1644. Patent Book 57/144. Entry #231. Granted in 1784. 550 ac on both sides of Dry Ck of Flat R, adj Thomas Person, Charles Ashley & Henry E McCulloh, SCC: Anthony Coyzort & Solomon Mangum.
Smith, Edward – Gv969. h6463. Granted: 6 Feb 1761. 390 ac on Aldrage's Ck of Flat R, incl Thomas Edward's plantation, SCC: John Satterfield & Edward Smith. Not in Weeks.
Smith, Edward – ODB 3/463 Edward Smith to Bennet Nalley, 1771, 240 ac on br of Flat R, adj James Angle.
Smith, George – Gv1199. ODB 7/306. Granted: 6 Dec 1761. 190 ac on N side Haw R, adj James Moore, Millican, Thomas Robinson. ODB 7/306 Captain John Moore to John Moore [of?] Old Field, 129.5 ac, part of 2 tracts, 1 for 190 ac on from Grancille to George Smith 6 Dec 1761, the other for 300 ac on NC to John Moore & David McSwain 10 Jul 1788, NC909. ODB 7/279 Capt. John Moore to Thomas Robinson, 121.5 ac on N side Haw R part of 190 ac on from Granville to George Smith 6 Dec 1761 adj Haw R, Oldfield John Moore.
Smith, George – ODB 13/14 George Smith of Warren to Archer Harris, 1782, 100 ac on Dyals Ck, adj McCulloch, Maple Pond, Carroll, James Walker; part of a tract whereon James Wilkerson formerly lived, John Wade to James Wilkinson, Wilkinson to George Smith. ODB 13/308 Archer Harris to son Edward Harris, 1808, [no ac] on waters of Flat R, adj McCulloch’s line, Dials Ck, Maple Pond. Carooll; George Smith to Archer Harris 1782. ODB 14/401 Edward Harris by Sheriff to Nathaniel Carrington, 73 ac on Dials Ck, adj McCullock, Maple Pond, Carrol, James Walker; George Smith to Archibald Harris 1782.
Smith, John Pryor – ODB 12/108 John Pryor Smith of Granville to Duncan Cameron, 1805, 348 ac on Eno & Little R, adj Hugh & Allen Cain, Harris.
Smith, Joshua – NC510. File 1335. Patent Book 49/41. Entry #798. Granted in 1782. 400 ac on the waters of Ellebys Ck of Neuse bounded by Robert Hall, John Hall, John Desern, SCC: Elijah & William Green.
Smith, Joshua – NC528. File 1353. Patent Book 49/48. Entry #1063. Granted in 1782. 250 ac known by the name of Basson Quarter, adj Shadrach Forrest, Robert Hall, William Mebane and Wake Co line, SCC: David Williams & Shadrick Ritch. ODB 4/309 Joshoway Smith to Cornelius Fogerty, 1780, 385 ac on waters of Claybuns Ck, adj head of Luck Br adj Job Farmer, Robert Hall, William Maybon, Wake Co Line; NC to Joshuway Smith 1782. ODB 4/715 Joshua Smith to Job Farmer, 1786, 190 ac on Suck Br, adj Wake Co line; part of NC to Smith. ODB 11/189 Sarah Farmer & James Farmer [heirs of Job Farmer?] to David Delk of Wake, 1801, 90 ac adj Major Bradley, Frank Surls, John Hawls & tract where Henry Gorman lives; part of NC to Joshua Smith. ODB 13/536 David Delk Sr of Wake to David Delk Jr of same, 1810, 90 ac on Luck Br, adj Major Bradley, Frank Sirls, John Hales & Henry Gorman formerly lived; part of NC to Joshua Smith.
Smith, Joshua – ODB 5/288 Joshua Smith by Sheriff to Shadrack Forrester, 1795, 73.5 ac on waters of Ellibys Ck adj John Hall, Wake Co Line.
Smith, Joshua – ODB 5/522 Joshua Smith to Joseph Alley, 1794, 133 ac on waters of Ellabees Ck, adj Wake Line, Forrster. ODB 11/45 Joseph Alley of Wak to Shadrack Forrest, 1803, 133 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Wake Line, Shadrack Forrest.
Smithurst, John – NC784. File 1647. Patent Book 57/145. Entry #1025. Granted in 1784. 640 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Wm Cate, Caswell Co line, Ann & Sarah Parker, incl improvement he purchased of Conrad Messor Smith, SCC: Wm Wait & Jno Fridick. ODB 5/612 Robert Johnston Steel to John Sneed, 1796, 440 ac on Caswell Co Line, adj Ann & Sarah Parker, John Sneed; NC to John Sm Hurst.
Sneed, John – ODB 11/56 John Sneed of Person to Thomas Sneed, 1803, 320 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Thomas Sneed, John Sneed, county line.
Spencer, Jeremiah – NC488. File 1313. Patent Book 49/33. Entry #127. Recorded at ODB 2/393 and again at ODB 2/488. Granted in 1782. 624 ac on waters of New Hope and bounded by William Shepherd and William Bray, SCC: Thos Morcam & Thos Hall.
Spencer, Jeremiah – ODB 4/626 Jeremiah Spencer of King William Co VA to Ann Brown of King & Queen Co VA, 1791, 213 ac adj large rock on the Watery Br, adj Joseph Hart, Robert Campbel, Third Fork, William Sheperd. Same deed re-recorded at ODB 5/177. ODB 6/463 John Boughton & wife Ann [Brown] of King & Queen Co VA to Thomas Trice, 1797, 213 ac adj large rock on Watery Br, adj James Herndon, Rocky Br, Third Fk, Robert Campbell, William Sheperd. ODB 6/466 Thomas Trice to Leonard Carlton, 1798, 213 ac on both sides of Third Fk of Newhope, adj large rock on Watery Br, adj James Herndon, Rocky Br, Robert Campbell, William Shepperd.
Spencer, Jeremiah – ODB 5/46 Jeremiah Spencer to John Leigh, 1787, 200 ac adj Spencer, Campbell, David Hall, Watery Br [of Ellibees Ck?]
Spencer, Jeremiah – NC488. File 1313. Patent Book 49/33. Entry #127. Recorded at ODB 2/393 and again at ODB 2/488. Granted in 1782. 624 ac on waters of New Hope and bounded by William Shepherd and William Bray, SCC: Thos Morcam & Thos Hall.
Stagg, Thomas – ODB 3/51 [Heirs of Thomas Stagg] William Ray who married Mary Stagg, George Laws Jr who married Susanna Stagg, Charles Dunnagan who married Alicia Stagg, Lazarus Tilly who married Elizabeth Stagg, Moses Leathers who married Sarah Stgg, and Judith Stagg [all of them daughters of Thomas & Judith Stagg] to Judith Stagg widow of Thomas Stagg dec’d, 1787, 66 ac on SW side of Flat R, called Staggs Raw Grounds. ODB 3/51 Judith Stagg widow of Thomas Stagg dec’d to Richard Bennehan, 1787, 66 ac on SW side of Flat R, called Staggs Old Raw Ground, adj William Johnston dec’d & Richard Bennehan.
Stagg, William – ODB 15/287 William Stagg to Rankin McKee, 1816, 250 ac, 2 tracts, 1st tract 200 ac on Lick Ck of Flat R, adj Robert Berry Sr, Saml Wilson; 2nd tract 50 ac adj above, Charles Roundtree, in fork of Turkey & Cattail Branches of Lick Ck.
[Standiford] Standifer, Israel – NC1715. File 2593. Patent Book 119/112. Entry #165. Recorded at ODB 9/372. Granted in 1805. 588 ac on head waters of Second Ck of New Hope, adj John Rhodes, William Rhodes and others incl where Alex Rhodes now lives, SCC: Wm Bacor & Israel Standifor Jr. ODB 12/151 Joshua Standiford to john Rhodes, 1805, 181 ac adj Turner, Second Ck, John Cain,; NC to Israel Standiford 1805.
Standiford, John – ODB 4/184 John Standiford to James Dickerson, 1786, 72 ac on waters of Eno, bounded on S by Sills, on E by Smith, on N & W by Anderson
Standiford, Joshua – ODB 12/113 Joshua Standiford to William Turner, 1805, 100 ac on waters of Second Ck, adj Rhodes, John Mitchem, Daniel, Gynn.
Standiford, Joshua – ODB 12/117 Joshua Standiford to Pleasant Rhodes, 1806, 45 ac on waters of Newhope called Second Ck, adj Rhodes, James Hutchings, Pritchett’s Road.
Standiford, Joshua – ODB 12/127 Joshua Standiford to Israel Turner, 1805, 88 ac adj Pickett’s Cart Road, James Mitcheum, Cabe, Peelor; in conformity to will of Israel Standiford Sr that at death of Ruth Turner, Israel [Turner] is to receive 88 ac.
Steel, Thomas – ODB 14/389 Thomas Steel to John Shepperd, 1808, 100 ac on waters of Eleven Ck; part of Old Tract belonging to John Edwards & conveyed to his son Thomas to Steel, adj John Hall, Cabe.
Steel, Robert Johnston – ODB 5/88 Robert Johnston Steel to John Sneed, 1792, 200 ac adj Ann & Sarah Bucher.
Stewart, Robert – Gv1097. w732. Proved: August 14, 1759. 186 ac on w1380 Robert Stuart to Francis Dorset 186ac.
Stoveal, George – ODB 8/328 George Stoveal of Caswell to Elisha Green, 1799, 100 ac on waters of Third Fork of Newhope & branches of Elibees Ck, adj Daniel Green, Thomas Chamber.
Stoveall, Bartholemew – ODB 14/545 Joshua Standiford & wife Susannah legatee of Bartholemew Stoveall, William Stoveall, Frederick Stoveall, Ann Stoveall & Phebe Stoveall – all legatees of B Stoveall – to Isaiah Malcom, 1809, [no ac, metes or bounds] on waters of Third Ck, whereon Father lived & willed to be equally divided.
Stringer, Leonard – ODB 5/137 Leonard Stringer to John McManamy of Caswell, 1793, 367 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Daniel Green, Daniel Chandeler. ODB 7/225 John McManamy of Caswell to John Cabe & William Cabe, 1798, 282 ac on waters of Ellebeys Ck, adj Daniel Green, Daniel Chandler, McDaniel.
Stronach [Strain Strayhorn?], John – Gv1182. ODB 2/379. Granted: 23 Oct 1757. ac on Old Field Ck w/o New Hope. ODB 2/379 James & Elizabeth Blackman to John Strain, 300 ac, Granville to John Stronach 23 Oct 1757.
Sutherland, Mordecai – Gv976. h6506. Suv’d: July 24, 1763. 175 ac on Cub Island Br of Enoe, adj McCulloch, incl William Manning's improvments, SCC: Jno Spence & Phillip Dossett. Not in Weeks.
Sutherland, Mordicai – ODB 4/582 Mordicai Sutherland to Elias Turner, 1792, 51 ac on S side of Plantation where Turner lives, adj John Alston.
Sutton, James – ODB 4/147 James Sutton to John Duke, 1779, 100 ac on both sides of Flat R, adj Big Stream or Wilkersons Br, adj formerly George Stanley now James Vuaghan.
Sutton, Thomas – ODB 5/590 Thomas Sutton to John Cain, 1796, 258 ac on waters of Little R, adj William Cain, Joseph Brittain, Walter Alves.
[Synnot] Senate, Michael – NC238. File 834. Patent Book 32/386. Entry #507. Recorded at ODB 2/260. Granted in 1780. 640 ac on Crooked Ck of Eno, incl improvement he purchased of Abel Pocock, SCC: Sam Coal & Richard Conte. ODB 5/649 James Latta Sr to Thomas Latta Jr, 1797, 320 ac on waters of Crooked Run of Eno; NC to Michael Synnot 1780.
Synnot, Michael – Gv1098. w1243. Proved: November 8, 1763. 250 ac on Granville County both sides of Little R. w1427 Michael Synnot to William Ray 250ac? H2723 PB 14:73.
Synnott, Michael – Gv1150. h2676. Granville Co Records. Patent Book 14/59. Granted: 25 Mar 1752. 100 ac in Granville Co on both sides of Eno R at Synnotts Mills, adj Forrester Mill Ck SCC: Henry Day Sr, Thomas Dunnagan. ODB 5/350 Walter & Amelia Alves to William Ansley, 100 ac, Granville to Synnott, to Edmund Fanning 1770 [see ODB 3/621], to James Munro 1776, to William Johnston 1776, bequeathed to Amelia Alves.
Synnott, Michael – Gv1151. PB 14:61. Granted: 25 March 1752. 500 ac on Granville Co on Buck Quarter Ck, adj Mr. Day, and the mountain, both sides of the Trading Path running across Mount Misery. h2682. w133 to Thomas Holder [Holden] 500 ac on ODB 1/22 Original Grant. Same deed recorded ODB 2/224. ODB 1/93 Francis & Mary Day to Jonathan Fincher, 250 ac, evidently part of same, from Michael Synnott to Francis Day 12 Nov 1753. ODB 1/27 Michael Synnott inn keeper to Thomas Holden weaver, 1 Jan 1755, 500 ac on where James Latta now dwells adj Day, to Synnott by Granville 25 Mar 1752. Same deed recorded ODB 2/226. ODB 1/91 Michael Synnott to John Agar part of 640 ac on from Granville to Michael Synnott 2 May 1752? a deed of trust?
Tabor, George – Gv1099. w1947. Proved: August 13, 1765. 269 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Tabor, William – ODB 3/616 William Tabor & Robert Dickens of Caswll to Michael Dixon, 1770, 91 ac on waters of Deep Ck of Flat; Thos Flin to Wm Tabor 1767.
Talbert, James – Gv1140. h??? Grated: 29 July 1760. loose warrant ac on begin at Capt. Banksones west corner.
Tapley, Hosea – Gv164. File 221. Patent Book 12/44. Granted in 1756. 480 ac on crossing 2 forks of Dry Ck, adj Tapley SCC: David Vanhook & John Reynolds.
Tapley, Hosea – Gv649. File 211. Patent Book 12/42. Granted in 1762. 547 ac on Flat R SCC: Nathan Briscoe & Hosea Tapley.
Tapley, Hosea – [Granville to Hosea Tapley] ODB 3/513 Hosea Tapley to John Pryor, 100 ac on N Fk Flat R.
Tapley, Hosea – Gv1100. w205. Granted: 1 Nov 1751. h2752, PB 14:81. Recorded at ODB 1/171. 400 ac on near head of Flat R. ODB 1/175 Hosea Tapley to Aaron Vanhook, 400 ac on waters of Flat R; Granville to Tapley 1751. ODB 3/220 Katherine Vanhook widow, Laurence Vanhook, and David Vanhook of Aron Vanhook to Samuel Vanhook, 1770, 100 ac on both sides of N Fk of Flat R; part of 400 ac from Granville to Hosey Tapley 1751.
Tapley, Hosea – Gv977. Not in Weeks. Suv’d: Sep 15, 1763. 180 ac on waters of Flat R, adj his former corner, SCC: Thomas Camp & Nathan Brisco. Warrant 22 Mar 1762 N Fk Flat R, adj own.
Tapley, Hosea – ODB 3/419 Charles Tureman & wife Margett of Spotsylvania Co VA to Robert Paine, 1772, 250 ac on waters of Richland Spring Ck of Flat R, adj Wm Jay Sr, John Satterfield, James Satterfield; part of a larger tract from Hosea Tapley to William Jay.
Tapley, Hosea Sr – ODB 3/443 Hosea Tapley Sr to John Camp, 1772, 541 ac on br of Flat R, adj his own former corner, incl a copy of plat, land surveyed by John Lea, [SCC?] Nathan Brisco & Hosea Tapley Jr.
Tapley, Hosea – ODB 3/366 Samuel Vanhook to Alexander Rose & Co merchant, 1772, 82 ac on waters of Flat R, adj John Pryor, Vanhook; Hosea Tapley to Vanhook 1768. Gv1108?
Tatom, John – ODB 10/355 John Tatom of Franklin to Fowler Jones, 1800, 100 ac on waters of Cam Ck, adj JohnWilliams, Stephen Tatom, Lick Br.
Tatom, Stephen – NC1058. File 1970. Patent Book 75/22. Entry #565. Granted in 1790. 300 ac on waters of Camp Ck of Knap of Reeds, bounded on N by Robert Thompson, on S by Maulet [Mallet?], SCC: William & James Tatom.
Tatom, Stephen – NC774. File 1637. Patent Book 57/141. Entry #565. Granted in 1784. 300 ac on Camp Ck a water of Nap of Reeds bounded on N by Robert Thompson and on S by Marlets, SCC: William & James Tatom. ODB 7/250 Stephen Tatom & Mourning Tatom to George Casey of Granville, 1797, 50 ac on Camp Ck of Nap of Reeds, part of tract where Stephen Tatom dec’d formerly lived, adj Jenkins.
Tatom, Stephen – ODB 6/193 Stephen Tatom to John Jankins, 1797, 50 ac on Camp Ck, adj Wilborn, William Mangum; part of tract willed to Stephen Taton by his father Stephen Tatom.
Tatom, Stephen – ODB 6/99 Stephen Tatom to Fowelr Jones, 1797, 1 ac on waters of Camp Ck, on N side of Lick Br, adj Mary Andersons Br.
Tatom, William – ODB 12/143 William Tatom to James Patterson, 1896, 100 ac on W side of Dials Ck, adj Muddy Br, A Parker, Nathl Carrington.
Taylor, Edward More – Gv1141. h??? Granted: 6 Feb 1761. loose warrant ac on N Fk of Flat R between William Jay & Hosea Tapley incl his own improvements.
Taylor, James – Gv115. File 208. Patent Book 12/42. Granted in 1755. 360 ac on both sides of S Fk of Flat R on N side thereof, SCC: William Madkeft? & Joseph King. ODB 1/96 (and w165) James Taylor to Henry Gold, 1755, 360 ac on waters of Flatt R; part of Granville to Taylor 1755. ODB 3/471 James Taylor to Benjamin Thompson & wife Sarah, 1761, 270 ac; part of Granville to Taylor 1755. ODB 3/229 Henry Gold planter to John Thompson Sr, 1769, 60 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Joseph King, Great Hollow, Aldridge’s Ck, Wallheits Hollow, his own land; Granville to James Taylor, Taylor to Gold 1765.
Taylor, James – Gv1101. w245. Proved: September 13, 1756. 356 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Taylor, James – Gv1102. w246. Proved: September 13, 1756. – ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Taylor, James – Gv1103. w400. Proved: December 13, 1757. 276 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Taylor, James – Gv1104. w134. Proved: September 9, 1755. 640 ac on w546 James Taylor to William Few 640ac?
Taylor, James – Gv1105. w556. Proved: March 13, 1759. 640 ac on w546 James Taylor to William Few 640ac?
Taylor, James – Gv1152. PB 14:75. Granted: 14 Mar 1753. 250 ac on a br of Eno R joining a Long Rock Stone. h2734. w80 to James Paul 250 ac; w686 Paul to Thomas Stubbs 250 ac on ODB 4/305 Robert Thompson to Martin Palmer 125 ac, 1790, adj Palmer on 2 sides and Stephen Hurt [Hart?] part of a tract originally granted to Thomas Stubbs [but actually Taylor then to Stubbs]. ODB 6/424 Joseph Stubbs and Deborah and Rachel Cox surviving heirs of Thomas Stubbs dec'd to Robert Thomposn 250 ac on a br of Eno, surveyed 9 Dec 1751, adj large rock stone.
Taylor, James – Gv1153. PB 14:77. Granted 14 Mar 1753. 640 ac on Forresters Ck of Little R. h2738. Perhaps the partial deed at ODB 1/30 Granville to James Taylor for 640 ac.
Taylor, James – Gv1154. PB 14:78. Granted 14 Mar 1753. 502 ac on Granville Co W side Eno R, adj Taylor. h2741.
Taylor, James – Gv1155. PB 14:81. Granted: 14 Mar 1753. 381 ac on Granville Co both sides of Eno R, adj Wade. h2753. w637. w23 James Taylor to Thomas Wiley 381 ac.
Taylor, James – Gv1156. PB 14:81. Granted: 14 Mar 1753. 536 ac on both sides of Eno R, adj Governor. h2754. ODB 13/94 Richard Faucett to David Faucett, 100.75 ac on whereone the Mill & other improvements are now where David Faucett now dwells, 2 tracts 1st on Eno S80E adj James Hart, 2nd tract on Governor's line part of Granville to James Taylor 14 Mar 1753, to John Tinning [Tinnen], Isaac Love to Richard Faucett.
Taylor, James – Gv1170. ODB 1/125. no date. 607? ac on Eno R, adj the late Governor Johnston. ODB 1/125 James Taylor to James Armstrong, 607 ac, 10 Oct 1755. Is this parts of other Taylor grants from Granville or a separate grant? Possibly adjoining Joseph Sharp?
Taylor, James – Gv1186. ODB 3/22. Granted: 23 May 1752. 196 ? ac on adj James Taylor's corner in the Governor's line. ODB 3/22 Samuel Allen to William Hall, 196 ac, 1 Jun 1786, from Granville 23 May 1752.
Taylor, John Jr – ODB 3/149 John Taylor Jr of Granville to James Carrington, 1785, [no ac] on S side of Flat R, whereon James Carrington now lives, the whole tract sd John Taylor purchased of James Scarlett.
Taylor, John Jr – ODB 4/160 John Taylor Jr of Granville to James Carrington, 1785, [no ac] on S side of Flat R; land whereon James Carrington now lives, James Scarlett to John Taylor.
Taylor, John Latta – ODB 3/142 John Latta Taylor to Stephen Wilson weaver, 1786, 181 ac on Mountain Ck of Little R, adj Churton; by deed from Stephen Wilson 1784 another tract adj first.
Taylor, Joseph – ODB 13/306 Joseph Taylor of Granville to William Laws, 1809, 180 ac in Orange & Granville, on Napp of Reeds Ck, adj Bennehan, Mile Br, Laws, Veazy, Mill Br, Flat R.
Taylor, Joseph – ODB 6/178 Joseph Taylor of Granville to William Laws, 1797, 149.5 ac adj Benehan, Mill Ck, Guisse, Joseph Taylor.
Teasley, Daniel – ODB 14/328 Daniel Teasley to Samuel Turrentine, 1811, 100 ac on waters of Little R, on Buffalow Ck, adj Samuel Turrentine & brothers, William McKee, Joseph Armstrong [no metes or bounds]; property which Rebecca Kell died seized, Teasley claims title by marriage to Isabel Kell daughter of Rebecca Kell. ODB 14/325 John Teasley & wife Jinny to Samuel Turrentine, 1811, 100 ac moiety on waters of Little R on Buffelow Ck, adj Samuel Turrentine, Samuel Turrentine brothers, William McKee, Joseph Armstrong [no metes or bounds]; land which Rebecca Kell died seized, title claimed by marriage to Jinny Kell.
Templun, George – ODB 4/13 George Templin to Christopher Barbee, 1788, 240 ac on S side of New Hope, adj Low Grounds, Bohannon.
Terrell, Timothy – Gv525. File 209. Patent Book 12/42. Granted in 1761. 700 ac on Third Fk of New Hope, adj Ezekiel Rhodes, survey absent, no SCC’s. ODB 2/244 Francis Moreland to William Moreland, 1781, 88 ac on Third Fk of New Hope, adj Joseph Cook; granted Timothy Terrel 1761. ODB 2/463 Elbeck Scogan to John Edwards, 1783, 100 ac on Third Fk of New Hope, adj Timothy Terrel; Granville to Timothy Terril. ODB 5/404 Francis Moreland & wife Nancy to John Lain, 1795, 101 ac on S side of N Third Fk, adj Low Grounds, Daniel Green; Granville to Timothy Terril 1761. ODB 10/245 John Lain & wife Rachel to Jeremiah Jackson, 1797, 101 ac on S side of Third Fk, adj Low Grounds, Daniel Green; Granville to Timothy Terrell 1761. ODB 10/238 Jeremiah Jackson to William Dodd, 1798, 101 ac on S side of Third Fk, adj Low Grounds, Daniel Green; Granville to Timothy Terrel 1761. ODB 13/398 William Dodd to John Redmon Jr, 1806, 101 ac on S side of Third Fk, adj Low Grounds, [land] formerly David Green’s. ODB 13/380 John Redman to Abraham Alston, 519 ac, 3 tracts, 2nd tract, 101 ac adj Low Grounds formerly called Daniel Green’s corner.
Terrell, Timothy – Gv1169. ODB 1/109. no date. 320? ac.
Thackston, James – Confiscation #17. File 1419. Patent Book 52/336. No entry. Granted in 1784. 335 ac on S side of Little R, adj _ & McCulloh, SCC: Wm Rea & Lazareth Tilley. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, page 107.
Thackston, James – Confiscation #20. File 1418. Patent Book 52/335. No entry. Granted in 1784. 225 ac on N side of Little R, adj William Smith, SCC: Lazareth Tilley & William Rea. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, page 106.
Tharp, John Allen – Gv626. File 219. Patent Book 12/44. Granted in 1761. 365 ac on w/o Deep Ck of Flat R, adj James Blakeley SCC: James Morrow & James Blakeley. Warrant in name of Benjamin Murray says in forks betwixt Flat R and Deep Ck . . . Justly & Legally made over to John Tharp. ODB 3/525 James Dickens to Richard Person, 1769, 60 ac on N side of Flat R; part of 2 tracts, Granville to James Blake 1761 for 362 ac & Granville to John Tharp 1761 for 365 ac.
Thedford, William & Charles Abercrombie – NC455. File 1280. Patent Book 49/20. Entry #283. Recorded at ODB 2/358. Granted in 1782. 350 ac on both sides of Eno R, bounded on E by Francis Shoemaker, SCC: Sam Cole & Esey Johnston.
Thomas, John – Gv627. File 227. Patent Book 12/46. Granted in 1761. 441 ac on Deep Ck, adj Whorton, Weldon SCC: Absolom Baker & Jno Bumpass.
Thomas, John – Gv981. h6554. Suv’d: Aug 8, 1760. 519 ac on both sides Deep Ck, adj Daniel Weldon, IsraelEwood, SCC: James Blakely & Benj’n Morrow. Not in Weeks.
Thompson, Abraham – ODB 13/154 Abraham Thompson to William Guy, 1797, 13 ac on Eno R.
Thompson, Samuel – ODB 5/364 Samuel Thompson planter to George Alsworth, 1795, 38.25 ac on waters of Eno, adj Isaac Gadis, Robert Smith & Ralph Williams.
Tilley, John – ODB 13/54 John Tilley of Wake to John Tilley Jr, 1807, 98 ac on Mountain Ck, adj Robert Horner, James Ray, Harris.
Tilley, John Sr – ODB 10/259 John Tilley Sr to James Ray, 1802, 101 ac on Mountain Ck, adj Ray, Robert Horner.
Tinnen, John Sr – ODB 9/87 John Tinnen Sr to Alexander Tinnen, 1800, love & Affection, livestock & all plantation & farming tools on plantation and slaves Peter age 60, Charles age 45, Poll age 40, Amy age 10; Alexander to pay certain other family members in cash.
Townsend, Chaney – HMcC-70. w2011. Proved: August 13, 1765. 12, 500 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? Tract 12? No further conveyances in Weeks.
Townson, Joseph – NC1340. File 2202. Patent Book 96/33. Entry #46. Recorded at ODB 6/420. Granted in 1798. 53 ac on N side of Eno R, adj Matthew Clinton, his own land, no SCC’s.
Townsley, Joseph – ODB 13/368 Joseph Townsley to his grandson William Laycock, 153 ac, 2 tracts, 1st tract 100 ac on Eno R; 2nd tract 53 ac on Eno R, adj John Dannel, Clinton; Townsley reserves life estate for self & wife.
Tpaley, Hosea Sr – ODB 3/440 Hosea Tapley Sr to Hosea Tapley Jr, 1763, [no ac] on N Fk of Flat R, adj mouth of Dry Ck; he has no deed for land and cannot get one, this is a quit claim deed.
Trice, Edward – Gv658. File 217. Patent Book 12/44. Granted in 1762. 375 ac on New Hope CkE Fk adj James Trice, Bohannon, Barbee SCC: Daniel Booth & Ethelread Bennett. Warrant says near mouth of Third Fk of New Hope adj Joseph Barbee.
Trice, Edward – NC350. File 1168. Patent Book 42/11. Entry #151. Recorded at ODB 2/242. Granted in 1780. 303.5 ac on S side of Third Fk of New Hope bounded by Edward Trice, Berry Blake, SCC: James Massey & William Horn. ODB 9/47 Edward Trice to Powel Riggins, 1796, 173.75 ac on Third Fk of Newhope, adj Low Grounds of Third Fk, James Trice, Edward Trice. ODB 12/308 Powell Riggins & wife Ruth to Francis Barbee, 1806, 173 ac on Third Fk of Newhope, adj Low Grounds, James Trice, Edward Trice. ODB 16/21 Francis Barber to Charles Trice, 1816, 173.75 ac on Third Fk, adj Low Grounds, fence, Edward Trice.
Trice, Edward – NC881. File 1807. Patent Book 67/521. Entry #32. Recorded at ODB4/59. Granted in 1788. 180 ac on Third Fork & New Hope Ck, adj his own deeded land, SCC: Peter Childers & Abraham Massey.
Trice, Edward – ODB 4/246 Edward Trice to James Trice, 1789, 140 ac bounded by lands of William Lloyd, Joseph Trice, Charles Trice & Powell Riggan [no ac]; part of the land where Joseph Trice lives.
Trice, Edward – ODB 9/47 Edward Trice to son Charles Trice, love & good will, 150 ac on waters of Newhope, land son Ezekiel Trice possessed & lived on & willed by me to him but sold by Ezekiel to son Charles.
Trice, Edward – ODB 9/50 Edward Trice to son Andrew Trice, 1800, 150 ac on Newhope, adj myself & my son Chales [no metes & bounds].
Trice, Edward Sr – ODB 9/48 Edward Trice Sr planter to Joseph Trice, 1793, 142.5 ac on N side kf Third Fk, adj James Trice, Robert Campbell.
Trice, Ezekiel – ODB 16/196 Ezekiel Trice to Paris Pearson of Wake, 1817, 726.5 ac on waters of Third Fork, ajd Daniel Carlton, Little Ck, John Roberson.
Trice, George W – NC2007. File 2878. Patent Book 139/103. Entry #540. Granted in 1830. 39 ac on waters of Eno, adj William Guess, Thomas Laycock, John Warren & others, SCC: Rob’t Jeffris & George Guess.
Trice, Harrison – ODB 15/397 Harrison Trice to Charles Trice, 1815, 150 ac on Newhope Ck, adj Low Grounds, Francis Barbee, Massey (now William Bosten), if described boundary incl the well of water usually made use of by Mrs Trice mother of Harrison & Charles, it shall be reserved to her during her life time and use & benefit of the plantation whereon Mrs. Trice resides forever.
Trice, James – NC286. File 882. Patent Book 32/434. Entry #125. Recorded at ODB 2/243. Granted in 1780. 400 ac on E side of New Hope adj Robert Campbell's line and line of Edward Trice, SCC: Andrew Corbin Reed & Joseph Trice. ODB 4/535 John Scott to Edward Trice Sr, 1791, 400 ac, one tract on E side of New Hope formerly Capt James Trice dec’d for term of his widow’s life who is now married to William Copland of Green Co, who gave a similar conveyance to Scott in his own name also his wife Sarah & Elizabeth Trice her mother.
Trice, James – ODB 12/87 James Trice planter to Abner Massey, 1805, 285 ac on Third Fk. ODB 14/362 Abner Massey to John O’Kelly, 1812, 285 ac on E side of Third Fk.
Trice, James – ODB 13/105 James Trice of TN to Mark Boothe, 1808, 112 ac on waters of Newhope or Lick Ck, adj Johnston, Beville.
Trice, John – NC348. File 1166. Patent Book 42/10. Entry #313. Recorded at ODB 2/251. Granted in 1780. 609 ac on Northeast Fk of New Hope bounded by Geo Herndon, John Barby, Jesse George incl where he now lives, SCC: Allen George & Paul Castlebury.
Trice, John – NC812. File 1675. Patent Book 57/157. Entry #1012. Recorded at ODB 3/103. Granted in 1784. 300 ac on Second Br of New Hope, adj Isaac Stanford & Edward Grisham incl where he now lives, SCC: Bennona Grisham & Benja Trice. ODB 12/129 Benjamin Rhodes to John Edwards Jr, 1804, 231 ac adj William Cabe, Joseph Guinn, Thomas Guinn, David Cozort; NC to John Trice.
Trice, John – ODB 3/223 John Trice & wife Elizabeth to John Booth, 1770, 240 ac on S side of New Hope Ck, adj Low Grounds, Bohannon. ODB 4/13 George Templin to Christopher Barbee, 1788, 240 ac on S side of New Hope, adj Low Grounds, Bohannon.
Trice, John – ODB 3/66 John Trice of Ritchman Co GA to Thomas Gwin, 1785, 300 ac.
Trice, James – ODB 12/311 James Trice to John Bevill, 1803, 155 ac on Dry Ck of Newhope.
Trice, John – ODB 11/184 Thomas Gwinn to Benjamin Rhodes, 1803, 203 ac adj Joseph Gwinn, David Cozart; NC to John Trice, Trice to Thomas Gwinn.
Trice, John – ODB 3/224 John Trice & wife Elizabeth to John Booth, 1770, 167 ac on both sides of New Hope Ck.
Trice, Thomas – NC532. File 1357. Patent Book 49/47. Entry #122. Granted in 1782. 300 ac on waters of New Hope, adj his own land & Wm Watson, SCC: Edward Trice & John Bryant.
Trice, Thomas – ODB 10/372 Thomas Trice of St Marks District to grandson William Carlton of Leod & Betsy Carlton, 1802, love & affection, 100 ac adj Robert Campbell, Ezekiel Trice, Bettey Barbee & Thomas T Carlton [no metes or bounds].
Trice, Thomas – ODB 13/410 Samuel Holloway & wife Polley to William Trice, 1810, 360 ac bounded by Chesley Page Patterson on W, on N by William Trice, on S by Thomas Trice Carlton, on E by Thomas Moore, the mansion house where Thomas Trice lived & died & devised to his granddaughter Polley House, now Polley Holloway, adj C P Patterson, Caro Lick, [Second?] Ck.
Trice, William – ODB 4/632 William Trice to Chaisley Page, 1792, 426.5 ac on E side of New Hope, adj Cain, John Barbie, Reid, William Rhoads, J T Peterson.
Tucker, Robert – ODB 5/462 Robert Tucker & wife Sara to Richard Leigh, 1795, 200 ac on R Eno where Robert Tucker now lives, adj Elias Turner, Leigh, Tucker, a little above mouth of Little R. ODB 14/45 John Marshall to James Hancock of Wake, 1811, 200 ac on S side of Eno R, where Marshall now lives, adj Thomas Reeves, Marshall, William Turner.
Turner, Elias – NC419. File 1244. Patent Book 49/7. Entry #191. Granted in 1782. 337 ac on S side of Ellebys Ck of Neuse R bounding on the lands of Henry E McCulloh, Baley and Forrester, SCC: Richard & Thos Cleamonts.
Turner, Elias – ODB 14/52 Elias Turner to Fielding Leathers, 1808, 237 ac adj Ridge Path, Glenn, Forrest, Dutchmans Br [of Ellibys Ck?]
Turner, Elias – ODB 2/166 Elias Turner to Edward Harris, 1785, 100 ac on waters of Elibies Ck, adj Dutchmans Br. ODB 6/435 Edward Harris to John Phips, 1797, 100 ac on waters of Ellebees Ck, adj Dutchmans Br, County Line.
Turner, William – NC801. File 1664. Patent Book 57/153. Entry #309. Granted in 1784. 200 ac on Ellebys Ck, adj Edward Grisham, William Pickit, incl where he now lives, SCC: Richard Rhodes & William Rigby. ODB 11/274 William Turner wheelwright to James Desern, 1785, 200 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Edward Grisham; NC to William Turner. ODB 11/51 James Desern to George Carrington, 1803, 200 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Edward Grisham.
Turrentine, Alexander – NC478. File 1303. Patent Book 49/29. Entry #73. Granted in 1782. 462 ac on Buffalo Ck waters of Little R, adj his own lands, John Thomspson & Reubin Young, SCC: Jn Miller & Francis Baldrige.
Turrentine, Alexander – ODB 10/172 Alexander Turrentinre to John Watson, 1801, 440 ac on Buffalow Ck, a br of N Fk of Little R.
Turrentine, Alexander – ODB 10/28 Daniel Turrentine to Alexander Turrentine, 1800, 170 ac on waters of Little R, adj Henry Waggoner, Samuel Turrentine, Thomas Wilson, William Cates, James Turrentine, Alexander Turrentine & William Roark; par
[Turrentine] Toringtine, Alexander – NC477. File 1302. Patent Book 49/29. Entry #602. Granted in 1782. 318 ac on waters of Buffalo Ck of Little R, bounded on W and N by his former Entry #73, incl entry & survey formerly made by William Clerk, SCC: Francis Baldridge & John Muller.
[Turrentine] Torrington, Alexander – Gv439. File 213. Patent Book 12/43. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 274 ac on both sides of Buffalo Ck of N Fk of Little R surveyed for Thomas Wade, SCC: Charles Gibson & William Collins.
[Turrentine] Torrinton, Alexander – Gv494. File 223. Patent Book 12/45. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 369 ac on adj spring branch, SCC: James Cheek & William Young. Warrant for John Emory adj late Gov. Johnston's line now bought of Alexander Mebane; assigned to Alexander Torintine. w1479 to Ann Hogan 369 ac.
Turrentine, Daniel – ODB 14/322 Daniel Turrentine to Samuel Turrentine, 1811, title to undivided moiety of Alexander Turrentine.
Turrentine, James Sr – ODB 14/20 James Turrentine Sr to Robert Hall, 1806, 318 ac on Buffalow Ck, adj Little R, bounded on W & N by William Hall.
Turrentine, John Sr – ODB 11/46 John Turrentine Sr to son James Turrentine, 1803, 100 ac adj Archer, Wilson, Waggoner. ODB 13/391 James Turrentine to William Hall, 1805, 100 ac adj John Brown.
Turrentine, John Sr – ODB 13/518 John Turrentine Sr to William Hall, 1806, 160 ac on waters of Buflow a branch of Little R, adj John Brown, Wilson, Amos Nichols, Old Road.
Turrentine, John Sr – ODB 13/518 John Turrentine Sr to William Hall, 1806, 160 ac on waters of Buflow Br, adj John Brown, Wilson, Amos Nichols, Old Road.
Turrentine, John Sr – ODB 14/18 John Turrentine Sr to heirs of John Kell dec’d – Abel, Jane, Thomas, John & Mary – 1806, 100 ac on Buffalow ck, adj Brown, Old Road.
Turrentine, John Sr – ODB 14/18 John Turrentine Sr to heirs of John Kell dec'd (Abel, Jane, Thomas, John, Mary) "after widow gets her living out of it," 1806, 100 ac on Buffalow Ck, adj Brown, Old Corner.
Turrentine, Samuel – ODB 14/572 Samuel Turrentine to Samuel Turrentine, Absalom Turrentine & Daniel Turrentine, 1814, 341 ac adj Samuel Turrentine.
Turrentine, Samuel – Gv455. File 225. Patent Book 12/45. Granted in 1761. 394 ac in Fk of Little R & Buffalo Ck, adj Margaret Boggan, James Cheek, John Brown SCC: Richard Holleman & Alexander Torrington Turrentine. Warrant says " a Dispute with Nathaniel Cary & not to goe over Thomas Wade olf line."
Turrentine, Samuel – NC915. File 1767. Patent Book 64/370. Entry #942. Granted in 1788. 98 ac on waters of Little R, adj Watson and Kell [or Hill?], SCC: Saml Torrintine Jr & Thos Clark.
Turrentine, Samuel – ODB 14/718 Samuel Turrentine to John Carrington Sr, 1815, 335 ac bounded by James Scarlett on S, John Carrington Sr on NE & E, Flat R.
Turrnetine, James Sr – ODB 14/20 James Turrentine Sr to Robert Hall, 1806, 318 ac on Buffalow Ck, bounded on W &N by William Hall.
Umpstead, John – NC866. File 1792. Patent Book 67/514. Entry #596. Granted in 1788. 100 ac on both sides of Flat R, bounded on N by Charles Roberts, adj John Umstead and Wm Horton, SCC: Jacob Umsted & William Roberds.
Umpstead, John – NC898. File 1824. Patent Book 67/530. Entry #595. Granted in 1788. 200 ac on E side of Flat R, adj Geo Laws, SCC: Jacob Umsted & William Robards.
Umstead heirs – ODB 16/103 Richard Umstead, Daniel Umstead, Elisha Umstead, William Roberts & wife Jane [Umstead], Daniel Green & wife Mary [Umstead] & Nancy [Umstead] Veazy of Granville & Green Counties NC & GA to Soloman Latta, 113 ac on Mountain Ck, adj Moses Fussell or Leather, Moses Leather, William Cain, John Wilson.
Umstead, David – NC1214. File 2131. Patent Book 90/156. Entry #62. Recorded at ODB 10/190. Granted in 1797. 18 ac on E side of Flat R, adj John Umstead, his own land, SCC: Tinea? Duke Thos Parrish.
Umstead, David – NC1369. File 2234. Patent Book 97/77. Entry #273; entered by Thomas Mulhollan & David Umstead. Recorded at ODB 8/224. Granted in 1798. 7 ac on Flat R, adj Archer Harris and his own land, SCC: William Bennehan & David Umstead.
Umstead, John – NC1585. File 2465. Patent Book 107/192. Entry #63 & #120. Recorded at ODB 11/103. Granted in 1800. 112 ac on E side of Flat R, adj his own land, SCC: Paton Maddison & Wm Roberts.
Ursery, William – Gv1107. w858. Proved: February 13, 1761. 252 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Van Hook, Aaron – Gv1108. w206. Proved: December 9, 1755. 400 ac on Several VanHook to VanHook transactions, though nothing that is clearly this parcel.
Vaughn, James – NC974. File 1885. Patent Book 71/175. Entry #228. Granted in 1789. 358 ac on S side of Flat R, adj John Duke & Henry E McCulloh, incl improvements purchased by Arthur Mangum from William Smallwood, SCC: Reason Rickits & Thos King.
Vaughan, James – ODB 7/205 James Vaughan to John Strayhorn, 1798, 254 ac adj John Edwards, Shepperd, Marcom Bairies Br, Meacham. ODB 12/353 John Strayhorn to son Charles Strayhorn, 1807, love & affection, 254 ac adj John Edwards, Shepperd, Meachums Cabbin Br; James Vaughan to John Strayhorn.
Veazey, William – Entry #1252. Entered in 1780. 600 ac claimed. On E side of Little R, adj James Hunter & Wm Rea.
Veazey, William – NC553. File 1378. Patent Book 49/250. Entry #1113. Granted in 1782. 640 ac on both side of Little R, adj George Horner & William Lacock, SCC: Wm Rea & Lazareth Tilley.
Veazey, William – NC554. File 1379. Patent Book 49/251. Entry #1251. Granted in 1782. 344 ac on W side of Little R, adj Thomas Sutton, Widow Briton and others, SCC: Wm McClellan & Jesse Veazey.
Veazey, William – NC555. File 1380. Patent Book 49/251. Entry #1253. Granted in 1782. 640 ac in fork of of Flat R and Rocky Ck, adj Charles Roberts, SCC: William McClellan & Jesse Veazey.
Veazy, Abner – ODB 11/247 Abner Veazy to Ephraim Cates, 1804, 192.5 ac on N side of Ellibees Ck, adj John Shepperd. ODB 13/20 Ephriam Cates to John Roberts, 1806, 192 ac on N side of Ellibees Ck, adj John Shepperd.
Veazy, Zebulon – ODB 15/419 Zebulon Veazy of Hacock Co GA to William Cain Jr, 1816, ¼ of estate of John Cain dec’d, Veazy holds in right of his wife who was a sister and heir of John Cain. ODB 15/402 Zebulon Veasy & wife Nancy of Hacock Co GA to William Cain Jr, 1816, ¼ of estate of John Cain dec’d. ODB 15/402, 404 & 406 Various affidavits regarding the preceding deed, including re: Nancy Veasy renouncing her dower. ODB 16/190 Duncan Cameron to William Cain Jr, 1817, interest of Hugh Wood of Davidson Co TN, in estate of John Cain dec’d conveyed to Cameron 1817, interest of Mary Wood in estate of John Can dec’d conveyed to Cameron 1817 & interest of Young Dorch & wife Nancy in estate of John Cain dec’d 1817.
Vernall, William – Gv453. File 252. Patent Book 12/51. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 399 ac on branch of Little R SCC: James Blakely & Charles Gibson. Entry & warrant say on brnaches of Little and Flat R, incl small imporvment of one Parker. w2524 to Alexander Turrentine 390 ac See ODB 14/719.
Vestal, James – Gv1109. w2033. Proved: August 13, 1765. 183 ac on w2513 James Vestal to Enoch Pugh 183ac.
Vickers, Riley – NC1709. File 2587. Patent Book 118/400. Entry #845. Recorded at ODB 11/326. Granted in 1804. 153.7 ac on waters of Elibas Ck, adj John May, Wm Hickman’s old line, Mathew Clinton, Wm Ware, James Dollar, SCC: Thos Dosset & Wm Procter.
Vickers, Riley – ODB 12/99 Riley Vickers to James Latta Jr, 1804, 23.25 ac on Ellibees Ck, adj Latta’s May Tract, Ware, Grishom, Latta.
Wade, James – HMcC-8. w726. Proved: August 14, 1759. 380 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Wade, John – Gv1110. w273. Proved: September 13, 1756. 430 ac on h2271 PB14:86 28 Apr 1753 adj John Cates & Thomas Bradford both sides S Fk of Flat R. Nothing further in Weeks.
Wade, John – Gv1111. w366. Granted: 28 Apr 1753. 500 ac on Mountain Ck, adj Joseph Collins . Nothing further in Weeks. ODB 1/141 Sheriff to Blake Baker, 500 ac on Mountain Ck, adj Joseph Collins granted Wade by Granville 28 Apr 1753. ODB 4/121 Blake Baker to John Carrington, 1788, 400 ac land known by the name of Rich Mountain Tract, on Mountain Ck, adj New Road in John Carrington's line, Miller's field; Granville to John Wade 28 Apr 1753, Sheriff to Blake Baker father of sd Blake.
Wade, John – Gv1112. w367. Granted: 28 Apr 1753. 384 ac on S side Little R, adj Mill Ck and the R. Nothing further in Weeks. H2678, PB 14:85. ODB 2/430 Thomas Gray to Charles Dunnagan, 25 Oct 1782, 84 ac, S side Little R, Granville to John Wade, 28 Apr 1753. See also ODB 1/138, 13/76, 13/203, 11/65.
Wade, John – Gv1113. w2047. Granted: 28 Apr 1753. 620 ac on h2769 PB 14:85 Granville Co adj Henry McCulloh. w46 John Wade to James Wilkinson 620ac. Note that the Granville grant was proved much later than the deed to Wilkinson however.
Wade, John – Gv1157. PB 14:85. no date. 210? ac on h2769. ODB 2/30 James Wilkerson Sr to John Wilkerson, 11 Dec 1772, 210 ac on incomplete legal description, Granville to John Wade, to James Wilkerson from John Wade 1 Dec 1753.
Waggoner, Henry – Gv344. File 288. Patent Book 12/38. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1760. 172 ac on Tapleys Ck, adj McAllister SCC: Archelus Wilson & George Waggoner. Warrant says adj land where McCarver did live.
Waggoner, Jacob – ODB 14/166 Jacob Waggoner to Joseph Armstrong, 1804, 241 ac on N side of road from John Turrentine to William Hall’s Quarter Plantation formerly John Watson’s, adj John Brown, James Wilson, Samuel Riggs, Kell, George Wilson, William Hall; Henry Waggoner to Jacob Waggoner. ODB 14/165 Joseph Armstrong to Richard Cragg, 241 ac adj rock in the road leading from a plantation William Hall bought from John Turrentine to Hall’s Quarter formerly John Watson’s, adj John Brown, James Wilson, John Jamison, John Brown, Rebecca Kell, William McKee, William Hall.
Waite, William & William Dicksen & Samuel Dickens – ODB 11/335 William Waite of Person & WilliamDicksen & Samuel Dickens of Robert Dickens dec’d to Only Owens, 1804, 91.8 ac adj Owens, Granville Co line, John Welborn.
Walker, James – NC2023. File 2893. Patent Book 140/254. Entry #55. Granted in 1832. 9 ac on waters of Flat R, adj McCower’s heirs, the Wilburn Road, Horner, SCC: James MacLour & America Wheeler.
Walker, James – NC760. File 1623. Patent Book 57/135. Entry #189. Granted in 1784. 200 ac on N side of Dyals Ck of Flat R, adj his own land, Archy Harris & William Johnston, SCC: Julis King & Nehemiah Edge.
Wallace, William – ODB 11/243 William Wallace to John Rhodes, 1803, 210 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Luck Br, John Hall. ODB 12/148 John Rhodes to Hezekiah Rhodes, 1804, 210 ac on waters of Ellibees Ck, adj Luck Br, John Hall.
Wallace, William – ODB 7/370 William Ansley to son Gilbert Ansley, 1798, 200 ac adj William Ansley, May, Draft, Clinton, Jumping Run, Warrin, Meadow; William Wallace to William Ansley 1794.
Walter, Andrew – ODB 15/224 Andrew Walker to William, Abner, George, James, John, Hugh, Aaron, Ashford & Joshua Walker, 1813, all tracts & parcels of land in Caswell & Orange of which John Walker dec’d died seized, except 181 ac which heirs have divided to Andrew Walker as his part of the estate.
Ware, William – NC726. File 1589. Patent Book 57/118. Entry #653. Granted in 1784. 500 ac on S side of Eno, bounded on N & W by Robert Clinton, adj Jeremiah Bunch & Henry Dinwiddie, incl where he lives and improvement he purchased from Robert Clinton, SCC: Jas Long & Henry Bunch.
Ware, William – ODB 8/374 William Ware to Samuel Cole, 1797, 50 ac on waters of Eno, adj Thomas Laycock, Cardon, William Rhodes.
Ware, William – ODB 9/13 William Ware to Betty & Sarah Ware, 1800, all my land.
Ware, William – ODB 9/13 William Ware to Elijah Dollar, 1789, 200 ac on S side of Eno R, adj Josiah Warren, Henry Dinwiddie, William Rhodes, Thomas Laycock.
Ware, William – ODB 9/173 William Ware to John Redman hatter, 1799, 65 ac adj John Redman Sr.
Ware, William Sr – ODB 8/318 William Ware Sr to William Ware Jr, 1798, love & gratitude, 50 ac 2 rods 4 poles on S side of Eno R, adj Carden, Jacob Allen. ODB 8/315 William Ware Jr to Samuel Coal, 1800, 50 ac 2 rods 4 poles on S side of Eno R, adj Carden, Jacob Allen.
Warren, Josiah – ODB 12/268 Josiah Warren to James Warren, 1804, 81 ac adj James Warren, Clinton.
Warren, Josiah – NC1938. File 2806. Patent Book 134/172. Entry #181. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1819. 10.25 ac on Eno R & Mill Ck, adj Herbert Sims, James Warren & his own land, SCC: David Warren & Andrew Browning.
Warren, Josiah – ODB 5/769 Josiah Warren to James Warren, 1795, 137 ac on Mill Ck, adj Ansley, Meadow Br.
Watson, Christopher – ODB 3/23 Christopher Watson of Halifax Co VA to Mark Patterson, 1786, 638.75 ac in Wake Co on N side of Crabtree Ck, both sides of Stirrup Iron Ck, adj James Beasley. NOT IN ?
Watson, Daniel – 10/333 Daniel Watson to Ezekiel Trice, 1803, 425 ac on both sides of Third Fk, adj Joseph Marcom, Low Grounds in J Roberson’s line, Roger Daniel, Thomas Trice.
Watson, Daniel – ODB 5/303 Daniel Watson to Robert Campbell, 1790, 150 ac adj Campbell, Long Rock on a branch.
Watson, James – Gv1114. w230. Proved: March 9, 1756. 577 ac on both sides Watsons Ck [of Eno]. w177 (also ODB 1/116) Jas Watson to William Moreat (or Movat) 577ac. w231 (also ODB 1/244) Wm Moreat to James Watson 577ac. cancellation of deed of trust? ODB 1/240 Original Grant. ODB 13/298 Isaac Brackin to John Brackin, 365.5 ac, 7 Jan 1809, p/o Granville to James Watson, both sides of Watsons Ck, adj John Moore's legatees.
Watson, James – Gv983. h6606. Suv’d: July 23, 1763. 400 ac on Elebey’s Ck of Enoe, SCC: Wm Reed & Paul Harmon.
Watson, James – NC143. File 1069. Patent Book 40/386. Entry #560. Granted in 1779. 300 ac on N side of N Fk of Little R, bounded on E by Samuel Turrentine, it being an entry and survey formerly made by Wm Locklin, SCC: Edw Wortham & Jn Hunter.
Watson, James – ODB 8/285 James Watson Jr to Thomas Horne, 1798, 205 ac on headwaters of Bakers Ck, adj James Bowie. ODB 8/245 Thomas Horne Jr to John Cabe, 1799, 205 ac on head waters of Bakers Ck, adj Bowie.
Watson, James Jr – ODB 5/257 James Watson Jr to David Parker, 1795, 320 ac where David now lives on Flat R.
Watson, James Jr – ODB 7/303 James Watson Jr to David Parker, 1797, 320 ac on S side of Flat R, adj Walter Alves, James Cozart.
Watson, John – ODB 10/154 John Watson to William Hall, 1802, 503.5 ac on both sides of Buffalow Ck, a br of N Fk of Little R, adj old road, Waggoner.
Watts, Thomas D – NC2000. File 2870. Patent Book 138/344. Entry #462. Recorded at ODB 23/563. Granted in 1830. 63.75 ac on waters of Forrester’s Ck, adj James Jackson, Elizabeth & Ruth Jackson, the Kelly tract, SCC: Isaac Jackson & Wm Nichols.
Webb, John – HMcC-88. w2174. Proved: August 13, 1765. 200 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? Tract 12? No further conveyances in Weeks.
Webb, William – ODB 3/436 William Webb & Robert Dickens of Granville to Charles Kennon of Granville, 1771, 200 ac on both sides of Deep Ck, adj James Blakcley, John Thomson.
Weldon, Betty – ODB 3/433 Betty Weldom to Robert Smith, [no date], 220 ac on Flat R, leased for 11 years from 1 Jan 1768.
Wells, Joseph – Gv1142. PB 11:20. Granted: 24 June 1751. 405 ac on Anson County on Cane Ck, adj Zachariah Martin. h113.
Wells, Robert – Gv1115. w1590. Proved: May 15, 1764. 229 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
West, John – Gv328. File 275. Patent Book 12/55. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1760. 640 ac on S side Crabtree Ck, both sides of Honey Br, adj Mark’s Path, SCC: Joseph Barbee & Henry Beasley.
West, John Jr – Gv1181. ODB 2/26. Granted: 31 Oct 1765. 550 ac on N side of Haw R and Stoney Ck. ODB 2/26 John & Mary Moore to James Bowle, 25 Feb 1775, 50 ac, John West to Arch Anderson, Anderson to Moore. ODB 3/173 Peter & Catherine Anderson to Eleanor Garrison, 26 Feb 1787, 66 ac, W side of Stoney Ck, S: Bracken, W: Boyle, to Anderson from John West Sr 2 Aug 1768. Same deed at 4/262. ODB 1/117 John West Sr to Alexander West 100 ac on 21 July 1755, p/o 550 ac on from Carteret, adj path that goes from Alexander West to James Nicholl's and incl where Alexander West now lives. ODB 1/114 (also w176) John West Sr. to Solomon West 100 ac on N side of Toms Ck at mouth of the Mill and taking in the spring along the Ridge Path p/o 550 ac on to John West Sr from Carteret. PB 14:104. ODB 1/119 John West Sr to Hezekiah Collins 21 July 1755 p/o 550 ac on Carteret to West. ODB 2/161 George Garriso to William Bracken Sr, 100 ac on Stoney Ck p/s Granville to John West 31 Oct 1765?
West, Robert – Gv1116. w2257. Proved: May 13, 1766. 576 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Westmoreland, Reuben – ODB 9/119 Reuben Westmoreland of Nottaway Co VA to Daniel McDaniel, 1791, 150 ac between waters of Newhope & Ellibees Ck, adj John Meacom, Stringer, Daniel Green. ODB 9/118 Daniel McDaniel of Rutherford to Shadrack Forrest, 1799, 150 ac on crossroads between & on waters of Newhope & Ellibys Ck, adj Michan, Daniel Green; NC to John Green.
Wharton, William – Gv985. h6618. Granted: 2 Feb 1761. 190 ac on both sides of Deep Ck, adj Dunnagan, Thomas Gibson, SCC: Thomas Collins & George Gibson. Warrat 8 Mar 1760 w/o Flat R, adj Thomas Ginson incl where Thomas Collings [Collins] now lives Deed 2 Feb 1761.
Whatley, Michael – NC821. File 1680. Patent Book 59/17. Entry #1167. Granted in 1785. 199 ac on head branches of First Ck of New Hope, adj land formerly Gideon Linsecum, Thomas Horn & William Rhodes, SCC: Wm Rhodes & James Hutchens.
Whatley, Michael – ODB 4/404 Michael Whatley by atty to Thomas Scarlett , 1791, 199 ac on waters of New Hope.
Wheelis, John – ODB 3/530 John Wheelis & wife Joyce to Thomas Wood, 1770, 240 ac on W side fof New Hope Ck, adj John Hatley, Robert Patterson.
Whitaker, Abraham – ODB 13/151 Abraham Whitaker to John Redmon Jr, 1801, 21 ac adj Redmon.
Whitaker, Abraham – ODB 13/356 Abraham Whitaker to Thomas Reding Jr, 1810, 18.5 ac adj Peelor’s Old Line, Thomas Reding.
Whitaker, Abraham – ODB 13/420 Abraham Whitaker to Robert Rhodes, 1810, 50 ac adj Buras Ck, Poteet.
Whitaker, Abraham – ODB 2/198 Abraham Whitacar to Jacob Allen, 1783, 100 ac on S side of Eno, on the lower side of a bottom taking in the house, adj William Hopkins.
Whitaker, Jacob – ODB 14/468 Jacob Whitaker to John Cabe, 1813, 87.75 ac on S side of Eno R, adj “the Joy bank of Eno,” Jacob Allin, Old Road, Holloway.
Whitaker, Jacob – ODB 16/43 Jacob Whitaker to James Briggs, 1816, 93 ac on Ellebys Ck, adj Old Line, Rhodes, James Briggs, Wm Hutchns.
White, John – Gv1117. w90. Proved: January 14, 1755. 227 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
White, John – Gv1118. w262. Proved: September 13, 1756. 385 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Whitney, John M – ODB 4/144 John M Whitney by Sheriff to Rev Barnabus O’Farrel, 1789, 282 ac sold 22 Oct 1788, on Third Fk, bounded on N by William Sheppard, on S by Abraham Massey.
Wield, Joseph – HMcC-73. w2035. Proved: August 13, 1765. 513 ac in Weeks, but Tract unknown; search Granville & Guilford DBs. No further conveyances in Weeks.
Wilburn, John – ODB 14/107 John Wilburn to the Baptist Body belonging to the New Meeting House called Willburns Meeting House, 1812, 1.5 ac adj Old Line, Meeting House Spring; part of tract where Wilburn now lives for the only use of a Meeting House free for the ministers of every Christian denomination.
Wilborn, John – ODB 5/604 John Wilborn to Samuel Caray, 1795, 200 ac on Camp Ck of Nap of Reeds.
Wilburn, John – NC1387. File 2251. Patent Book 97/201. Entry #60. Recorded at ODB 8/92. Granted in 1798. 56.5 ac on Napreeds, within the boundary of his ownlines on E end of the Tract he bought of Arthur Mangum, adj Mize, William Duke, SCC: Alexander Voe? & Zachary Mize.
Wilburn, John – NC1505. File 2380. Patent Book 101/279. Entry #83. Granted in 1799. 100 ac on waters of Camp Ck of Napperreed, adj Zach Mies, John Carrington & his own Entry #60, Oens & Dickens, Sam’l McKery, SCC: Edw’d Wilburn & Nolen Hampton.
Wiley, Robert – Gv1119. w1544. Proved: May 15, 1764. 700 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Wiley, William – Gv1120. w1219. Proved: November 8, 1763. 484 ac on w2306 Wm Wiley to John Wiley 242ac? Also w2307 Wm Wiley to John Wiley 242ac? Two different transactions conveying the entire 484ac??
Wilkinson, James Sr – ODB 4/429 James Wilkinson Sr to George Smith, 1772, 100 ac adj Henry McCulloch’s line; John Wade to James Wilkinson 1753.
Wilkinson, John & Anne – ODB 2/39 John Wilkinson & wife Anne to James Walker, 1779, 210 ac plantation whereon John Wilkinson lives, bounded by Thomas Burford, Charles Carrel, Archer Harris, John Wilkinson.
Williams, Allanson – ODB 8/38 James Christmas & wife Elizabeth to James Phillips, 1799, [no ac] an undivided 1/4th adj Halifax Rd; Martha Williams widow of Allanson Williams has a dower in this tract.
Williams, Isaac – ODB 2/470 Isaac Williams to Joseph Reed, 1781, 204 ac adj John Barbee’s corner in the meadow.
Williams, James – Confiscation #11. File 1400. Patent Book 52/317. No entry. Recorded at ODB 3/110. Granted in 1784. 461 ac on waters of Little R, adj Charles Horten, Patrick Clark, William Rea & McCullock, SCC: Thos King & Reason Rickets. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, page 103. ODB 6/41 James Williams by Sheriff to Richard Bennehan, 1797, 461 ac on waters of Little R, adj Charles Horton, Patrick Clark & William Ray.
Williams, James – Confiscation #13. File 1395. Patent Book 52/315. No entry. Granted in 1784. 214 ac on waters of Little R, adj John Duke, Nehemiah Edge. Thomas King, SCC:Reason Rickis & Thos King. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, page 57. ODB 6/39 James Williams by Sheriff to John Rhew, 1797, 214 ac on waters of Little R, adj Duke, Nehemiah Edge, Thomas King, McCullock. ODB 9/354 John Rhew to Thomas Rhew, 1801, 214 ac on waters of Little R, adj John Duke, Nehimiah Edge, Thos & Henry E McCulloch.
Williams, James – Confiscation #16. File 1388. Patent Book 52/305. No entry. Recorded at ODB 3/117. Granted in 1784. 204 ac on S side of Little R, adj William Rea & McCullock, SCC: Wm McClillin & Jesse Veazy. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, page 56
Williams, James – Confiscation #2. File 1386. Patent Book 52/303. No entry. Recorded at ODB 3/114. Granted in 1784. 325 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Arthur Mangum, William Smallwood & McCulloh, SCC: Jno McFarling & Wm Smallwood. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, page 59.
Williams, James – Confiscation #3. File 1399. Patent Book 52/316. No entry. Recorded at ODB 3/120. Granted in 1784. 226 ac on waters of Flat R, on Rocky Ck, adj John Duke & McCulloh, SCC: Jno King & Reason Rickets. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, page 102. ODB 6/45 James Williams by Sheriff to William Montgomery, 1797, 226 ac on waters of Flate R, adj John Duke & McCulloh.
Williams, James – Confiscation #7. File 1392. Patent Book 52/309. No entry. Recorded at ODB 3/117. Granted in 1784. 117 ac on Flat R, adj William Horton, Reason Rickets, John Duke & McCulloh, SCC: John McFarling & William Smallwood. See Dunaway’s Confiscations, page 60. ODB 6/50 James Williams by Sheriff to Robert Harris, 1797, 117 ac on S side of Flat R, adj Willm Horton, Reason Ricketts, John Duke & McCulloh.
Williams, James – NC2147. File 3005. Patent Book 153/304. Entry #373. Granted in 1850. 75.6 ac on waters of Ellibies Ck, adj Stephen Williams, Martin Glenn, John Hardcastle & others, SCC: Stephen Williams & Duncan Glenn.
Williams, James – ODB 4/487 James Williams by Sheriff to David Whitherspoon, 1791, 600 ac on Flat R, 400 ac [sic] Theophilus Thompson to James Williams [no metes or bounds].
Williams, James – ODB 6/237 James Williams by Sheriff to George Horner, 1797, 325 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Arthur Mangum, William Smallwood, McCulloh.
Willocks, Joshua – HMcC-11. w783. Proved: November 11, 1760. 510 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? Tract 12? No further conveyances in Weeks.
Willocks, Joshua – HMcC-12. w784. Proved: November 11, 1760. 270 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? Tract 12? No further conveyances in Weeks.
Willocks, Joshua – HMcC-14. w786. Proved: November 11, 1760. 208 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? Tract 12? No further conveyances in Weeks.
Willson, John – NC263. File 859. Patent Book 32/411. Entry #139. Recorded at ODB 2/267. Granted in 1780. 259.2 ac on waters of Flat R, adj Archibald Wilson & Robert McConwell [or Caswell?], SCC: Robt Berry& Wm Willson.
Willson, Robert – Gv1121. w317. Proved: December 14, 1756. 265 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Willson, Stephen – NC237. File 833. Patent Book 32/385. Entry #487. Recorded at ODB 2/291. Granted in 1780. 70 ac on W side of Little R, adj Henry E. McCulloh, Stephen Wilson & James Cain, SCC: Thos Hunt & Mich McGee. ODB 2/367 Stephen Wilson to Wm Ray, 1783, 70 ac on W side of Little R, adj Henry E McCulloh, land now Wm Ray, James Goins now Thos Sutton; granted Stephen Wilson 1780.
Wilson, Achelaus – Gv480. File 285. Patent Book 12/57. Not recorded in ODB. Granted in 1761. 283 ac on Quarrel Ck, adj Richard Holleman, Philemon Bradford, SCC: Richard Holleman & Charles Moore. Warrant in name of John Ellison, assigned to Archalaus Wilson.
Wilson, George – NC1591. File 2462. Patent Book 106/451. Entry #250. Granted in 1800. 50 ac on Horse Ck, adj James Torringtine on N, on E by Asa Bishop, John Mullan & his own on W, SCC: John & Jas McMullan.
Wilson, Gregory – ODB 15/326 Gregory Wilson of Person to Charles Holeman, 1800, ½ of tract of 112.5 ac bequeathed to Gregory Wilson by their father Wm Wilson, on both sides of Quarrel Ck, adj Charles Roundtree, Wm Robinson, Richard Holeman.
Wilson, James – ODB 12/366 James Wilson to Benjamin Rhodes, 1806, 280.5 ac on both sides of Third Fk.
Wilson, John – NC783. File 1646. Patent Book 57/144. Entry #1261. Granted in 1784. 100 ac on Flat R, adj his other entry #1265, SCC: Tas Carlile & Wm Dinnis.
Wilson, John – ODB 11/347 John Wilson to William Dollar, 1805, 21 ac on Mountain Ck of Litte R, adj Dollar, William Guess.
Wilson, John – ODB 11/347 John Wilson to William Dollar, 1805, 21 ac on Mountain Ck, adj Dollar, William Guess.
Wilson, John – ODB 2/438 John Wilson planter & Rachel his wife to Samuel Wilson, 1787, 310 ac, 2 tracts, 100 ac & 210 ac, on waters of Flat R.
Wilson, John & Charles – NC2095. File 2965. Patent Book 148/6. Entry #250. Granted in 1842. 53.9 ac on waters of Little R, adj late Samuel Wilson & Amos Nichols, no SCC’s.
Wilson, John & Elisabeth – ODB 10/209 John Wilson & his mother Elisabeth Wilson planters to Charles Rountree blacksmith, 1794, 246.75 ac on waters of Flat R, Queart Ck.
Wilson, Robert – ODB 11/43 Robert Wilson planter & wife Anne to Thomas Wilson planter, 1788, 240 ac on Buffalo Ck; Granville to Reubin Young 1762.
Wilson, Robert – ODB 11/43 Robert Wilson planter & wife Anne to Thomas Wilson planter, 240 ac on Buffalo Ck of Little R; Granville to Reubin Young 1762.
Wilson, Robert – ODB 7/192 Robert Willson to Francis Moreland, 1801, 100 ac on waters of Third Fk, adj Francis Moreland, James Willson.
Wilson, Samuel – NC1672. File 2561. Patent Book 116/2. Entry #675. Recorded at ODB 10/345. Granted in 1802. 73 ac on waters of Little & Flat R, adj James Watson, Wilson’s old tract, SCC: Charles Rountree & Malcom Baldridge.
Wilson, Samuel – NC1673. File 2562. Patent Book 116/3. Entry #674. Recorded at ODB 10/346. Granted in 1802. 60 ac on waters of Little R, adj David Hannah, his own land, Guinn, SCC: Chas Roundtree & Malcom Baldridge.
Wilson, Samuel – NC1673. File 2562. Patent Book 116/3. Entry #674. Recorded at ODB 10/346. Granted in 1802. 60 ac on waters of Little R, adj David Hannah, his own land, Guinn, SCC: Chas Roundtree & Malcom Baldridge. ?
Wilson, Samuel – ODB 4/154 Stephen Wilson & wife Sarah to John Cain, 1787, 63 ac adj William Ray, McCullock’s line.
Wilson, Samuel – ODB 12/323 Samuel Wilson to William McKissack of Person, 1807, 100 ac adj Robert Berry, Rountree, Wilson, Gwinn, Berry.
Wilson, Sarah – ODB 14/356 Sarah Wilson to William Dollar, 1812, [lease regarding] farm willed to Sarah by her father on Mountain Ck [no metes or bounds].
Wilson, Sarah – ODB 14/611 Sarah Wilson to James Dollar, 1814, 100 ac on Mountain Ck of Little R, adj Tilley, Old Line; left Sarah Wilson by will of her father.
Wilson, Stephen – ODB 4/713 Stephen Wilson to William Dollar, 1793, 100 ac on Mountain Ck, adj Latta.
Wilson, Stephen – ODB 4/713 Stephen Wilson to William Dollar, 1793, 100 ac on Mountain Ck.
Wilson, Stephen – ODB 6/297 Stephen Wilson to William Gess, 1797, 121 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, adj Dollar.
Wilson, Stephen – ODB 6/297 Stephen Wilson to William Gess, 1797, 121 ac on waters of Mountain Ck, adj Dollar.
Wilson, Thomas – NC1780. File 2663. Patent Book 124/117. Entry #1110. Recorded at ODB 13/247. Granted in 1808. 123 ac on waters of Flat R & Little R, adj Richard Holliman, William Robinson, Thomas Sneed & William Mangum, Person & Orange Co line, SCC: Richard Holeman & Andrew Gray. ODB 13/331 Thomas Wilson to Richard Holeman, 1809, 91 ac on adj Richard Holeman, Person & Orange Co Line, Thomas Sneed, Mangum, William Robinson. from NC to Thomas Wilson, 1808.
Wilson, William – Gv1122. w690. Proved: March 13, 1759. 416 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Wilson, William – ODB 15/151 Samuel Wilson to Charles Holeman of Person, 1797, undivided ½ of 112 ac on both sides Guneril Ck, adj William Robinson; willed to Samuel Wilson & brother Gregory by father William Wilson.
Witherspoon, David – ODB 5/184 David Witherspoon of Craven to George Horner, Robert Duke & Thomas Horner, 1794, 499 ac 2 tracts on Cedar Ck & Flat R, 1st tract 235 ac adj James Walker, William Lytle, known as Betty Harris’s Tract; 2nd tract 264 ac on Flat R called Hopkins Tract, adj John Duke, James Walker, part of a tract purchased by Davis As property of James Williams from Sheriff.
Wood, Hugh – ODB 16/188 Hugh Wood of Davidson Co TN to Duncan Cameron, 1817, 512.5 ac several tracts Eno Plantation Forests Place 173 ac; Benjamin Forrest Place 117.5 ac; Widow Manning’s place 222 ac on S side of Eno [no metes or bounds]; estate of John Cain allotted to heirs of Margaret Wood dec’d sister of John Cain & Hugh Wood. ODB 16/187 Mary Wood to Duncan Cameron, 1817, 1/7th of part of 3 tracts; woods is one heir of John Cain; lands are known as Benjamin Forrest Place & Eno Quarter Place, total of 512.5 ac [no metes or bounds]. ODB 16/353 John Wood to William Cain Jr, 1817, [no ac, metes or bounds]; acquired by Wood as heir of John Cain & Margaret Wood dec’d; 1/7 undivided interest in tract know as Benjamin Forrest Place & tract known as the Manning Tract & tract known as Eno Quarter Plantation, also John Wood’s share of personal estate of John Cain dec’d. ODB 16/355 Timothy C Wood of Jackson Co GA to William Cain Jr, 1/7 undivided interest in Benj Forrest Place, Manning Place, Eno Quarter Plantation, also Timothy Wood’s Share of personal estate of John Cain dec’d.
Wood, John Sr – ODB 11/82 John Wood Sr to John Lynch Jr, 1803, 42.5 ac on Buck Quarter Ck, adj spring, John Kelley.
Woodley, John – Gv1195. ODB 4/259. Granted 13 Apr 1759. 370? ac on branches of Great Ck [of Eno?] adj Nelson. ODB 4/259 Robert Lytle to Thomas Burk 325 ac on + 370 ac on second tract Granville to John Woodley 13 Apr 1759 mortgaged with first tract Granville to Abraham Nelson.
Woods, Hugh – HMcC-237. w532. Proved: March 13, 1759. 551 ac on Orange Co b/c in Tract 12 & recorded in Weeks? Tract 12? w2551 to Hugh Cain 60ac?
Woods, James – Gv1123. w533. Proved: March 13, 1759. 200 ac on Nothing further in Weeks.
Woods, James & Joseph – ODB 15/29 James & Joseph Woods to Fielding Leathers, 1814, 115 ac except graveyard about ¼ ac, on S side of Eno R, adj Walter Alves, William Turner, between James & Joseph Woods, adj Spring Br. ODB 16/35 Fielding Leathers to Charity Hancock for Standly & John Hancock, 1815, 115 ac on S side of Eno R, adj Old Ford in Walter Alves line, Turner, Spring Br.
Woods, John – HMcC-52. w1159. Granted: 20 July 1763. 308 ac on Orange Co. DOS-12. No further conveyances in Weeks. ODB 3/414 Patrick McCulloch to William Johnston, 1772, 250 ac on S side Little R, adj William Johnston alias Ray's old line, Nathaniel Harris alias Wades old line; HM to John Wood commonly called Col. John Wood 1763.
Woods, Joseph Sr – ODB 13/347 Joseph Woods Sr to Solomon Woods, 1810, 47 ac adj Burwell Chisenhall, Glenn, Great Rd; part of where Richard Clements formerly lived & part of Thomas Woods’ tract.
Wortham, Edward – NC195. File 1121. Patent Book 40/438. Entry #532. Granted in 1779. 80 ac on N side of Little R, bounded by his own lines on W & N, SCC: Alex Hunter & Ja Watson.
Wortham, Edward – NC889. File 1815. Patent Book 67/525. Entry #778. Recorded at ODB 9/336. Granted in 1788. 325 ac on the waters of N and S Forks of Little R, bounded on W by John Hunter, on E by Alex Hunter, adj Sam’l Torrintine, SCC: Sherard Dunnagan & Alexr Hunter.
Wortham, Edward – ODB 12/340 Edward Wortham to Joseph Armstrong, 1806, 734 ac, 4 tracts, 1st tract Burnt Cabbin Tract; 2nd tract the Old Plantation whereon Wortham now lives, the other 2 adj the Old Tract on E over Little R, lying on N side of R, adj S Fk, Newton, Joseph Woods, Thomason, Moore, Charles Dunagan.
Young, Charles – Gv1187. ODB 3/321. Granted: 11 May ____. 451? ac on Marks Branch, Crabtree Ck, adj Francis Jones. w1795 Grace Young to Joseph Barbee 451 ac on ODB 3/321 Joseph Barbee to Thomas Wooten of Johnston, 1770, 451 ac on Crabtree Ck, adj Francis Jones, Marks Br; Granville to Charles [blank], Charles Young’s Ex’rs to Joseph Barbee.
Young, Reuben – Gv641. File 298. Patent Book 12/60. Granted in 1762. 240 ac on Buffalo Ck of Little R, incl place he now lives, SCC: Alexander Turrentine & William Cates. See also ODB 11/43.
This body of abstracts has been incredibly helpful, thank you! Would you mind expanding some of your abbreviations/short-form references? I know ODB, but what is HMcC? (I assume some source associated with Henry McCulloh, but don't know what it's called or how to locate it). Also, what is Weeks? Finally, what about DOS? Thanks again for all of the helpful abstracts you publish.
ReplyDeleteSorry for the slow response. HMcC means a grant of land from Henry McCulloh, but most of those grants are now lost. I assigned them numbers just to get them straight in my head. DOS refers to Henry McCulloh's Deed of Surrender (which lists out, in summary fashion, the names of people he sold to, the dates and the amount of land but no detailed description).
DeleteYou can find the Deed of Surrender in the NC Patent Books at the State Archives in Raleigh.
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