From the Carolina Watchman (Salisbury) 8/5/1861:
"DEEP RIVER COAL - As the coal of the Deep River region is now about to be brought into, it may not be inappropriate to make some explanations concerning it, and the operations being carried on there. All bituminous coal contains more or less sulphur, and this sulphur increases in quantity the nearer you approach the out-crop; hence the best and purest coal is obtained from deep shaft workings. There is but one shaft as yet in the Deep River region 0 it is at Egypt, and persons purchasing coal should be particular in inquiring if it came from Egypt, if they wish to obtain the best quality mined so far.
"So many exaggerated statements have gone forth as to making of oil and iron in that region, that I took the trouble to examine into what had been done, and to observe what is likely to be done. At the Farmville place, a great mass of machinery, &c., has been put up, but so far as the making of oil, it was a failure - only one barrel having been made in a week. This result was the fault of the works and their management, not of the black band iron ore. A good quality of oil can be made and profit accure [sic] to the operator, if a different style of works were put up, and it is now worth the attention of our people.
"At the Tysor place, where I had seen announced in the paper that vast quantities of iron had been made, I found several changes from the original plan of the works - changes which have resulted in nothing but loss; but as now they have returned to the original old plan of a Catalan forge, something may be done when the works are completed.
"At Ore Hill, ten miles North of Deep River, a furnace is being put up, and will be at work in about two weeks. The ore at this place is very superior, and was used during the revolution.
"At Egypt, a very superior quality of coal is being taking [sic] out, and one hundred tons a day can easily be taken out. The only drawback is the unfinished state of road.
"I make these statements because I learn a quantity of out-crop coal has gone to market, and given some dissatisfaction, and that the plain, simple truth as to what is doing on Deep River may be known.
"Fayetteville Observer."
Well, I guess they went deep enough in the end... :( I mean no disrespect to the miners--- my family was among them--- but I'd love to heap TONNES on the industry. Both then and now. Greedy fools.