Eve B. Weeks transcribed the Register of Orange some years back. The Register was a notebook used by the Clerk of Court from 1752 to 1768 to note minimal information about deeds that were proved at each session of Court. The list of deeds does not include legal descriptions of the parcels being conveyed, but it does give the names of grantors, grantees and the acreage for each parcel.
This list of deeds is important and useful for early Orange County land record research because all but one of the pre-Revolutionary deed books of Orange County were destroyed in the aftermath of the Revolution. Though one deed book survived and though many deeds were brought back in to be re-recorded, it appears that a whole lot of information was lost. For many parcels in Orange County, the Register of Orange is the only pre-Revolutionary information we have.
I find Weeks’ transcript particularly interesting because it includes references to at least 133 grants from Earl Granville which do not appear in the surviving Granville Land Office Records for Orange County (housed at the NC State Archive). In a few cases, I was able to trace some later title history for some of these lost Granville Grants by looking at the names of the parties to the deeds and the acreage. While I cannot be certain that all of the connections drawn below are in fact correct, I present my notes here. Please take the following with a grain of salt.
References such as w534 refer to line number 534 in Weeks's transcript of the Register of Orange. ODB 3/23 refers to Orange County Deed Book 3, page 24.
Here then are the Lost Granville Grants:
w534 Earl Granville to John Alston, 300 acres, proved: March 13, 1759 Nothing further in Weeks.
w738 Earl Granville to Joseph Anderson, 24 acres, proved: August 14, 1759 w701 James Anderson to Isaac Anderson 240ac? Nothing further in Weeks.
w842 Earl Granville to John Armstrong, 250 acres, proved: February 13, 1761 w2465 John Armstrong to Stephen Norton 250ac Nothing further in Weeks.
w211 Earl Granville to Thomas Armstrong, 300 acres, proved: March 9, 1756 w144 Thos Armstrong to Thos Harrison 300 ac. See also ODB1/47 Nothing further in Weeks.
w232 Earl Granville to James Bailey, 422 acres, proved: June 8, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w334 Earl Granville to Joseph Barbee, 640 acres, proved: December 14, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w467 Earl Granville to William Barbee, 585 acres, proved: September 12, 1758 Nothing further in Weeks.
w814 Earl Granville to William Blakeley, 362 acres, proved: November 11, 1760 w1721 James Blackley to James Dinkins 362 ac. Nothing further in Weeks.
w588 Earl Granville to Margaret Boggan, 216 acres, proved: March 13, 1759 w543 Margaret Boggan to John Brown 216ac Nothing further in Weeks.
w650 Earl Granville to James Bowie, 295 acres, proved: December 12, 1769 or 1759? Nothing further in Weeks.
w1188 Earl Granville to Henry Braswell, 346 acres, proved: November 8, 1763 Nothing further in Weeks.
w535 Earl Granville to Watson Bromfields, 320 acres, proved: March 13, 1759 Nothing further in Weeks.
w740 Earl Granville to Joel Brooks, 258 acres, proved: August 14, 1759 Nothing further in Weeks.
w2090 Earl Granville to John Brooks, 400 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 Nothing further in Weeks.
w597 Earl Granville to Frederick Brown, 233 acres, proved: March 13, 1759 perhaps w1668 Fred'k Brown to Phillip Cooper 116ac Nothing further in Weeks.
w608 Earl Granville to Robert Bumpas, 648 acres, proved: March 13, 1759 Weeks shows some Transactions within the Bumpass family but nothing that is clearly this land.
w2234 Earl Granville to Peter Burmor, 223 acres, proved: November 12, 1765 w2312 Peter Brusnor to Francis Nash 223ac. w2389 Francis Nash to George Lea 223ac.
w1194 Earl Granville to William Cannon, 328 acres, proved: November 8, 1763 Nothing further in Weeks.
w258 Earl Granville to James Carter, 640 acres, proved: September 13, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w463 Earl Granville to James Cary, 2 acres, proved: September 12, 1758 w2000 James Cary to Thomas King 2ac Nothing further in Weeks.
w1489 Earl Granville to Edward Chambers, - acres, proved: February 14, 1764 w1667 EdwChambers to Burges Harrelson 528ac ?? Nothing further in Weeks.
w288 Earl Granville to William Chambers, 200 acres, proved: September 13, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w255 Earl Granville to William Churton, 900 acres, proved: September 13, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w259 Earl Granville to William Churton, 510 acres, proved: September 13, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w271 Earl Granville to William Churton, 332 acres, proved: September 13, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w1169 Earl Granville to William Churton, 256 acres, proved: November 8, 1763 Nothing further in Weeks.
w260 Earl Granville to William Churton, 300 acres, proved: September 13, 1756 w1640 Wm Churton to Abraham Hill 300ac? Nothing further in Weeks.
w536 Earl Granville to George Clapp, 320 acres, proved: March 13, 1759 Nothing further in Weeks.
w626 Earl Granville to Thomas Clark, 304 acres, proved: December 12, 1769 or 1759? Nothing further in Weeks.
w472 Earl Granville to Francis Collins, 320 acres, proved: September 12, 1758 Nothing further in Weeks.
w807 Earl Granville to Samuel Craig, 237.5 acres, proved: November 11, 1760 Nothing further in Weeks.
w855 Earl Granville to John Curson, 337 acres, proved: February 13, 1761 w2671 John Carson to Daniel Cloud 337ac Nothing further in Weeks.
w2108 Earl Granville to Jacob Cushall, 228 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 w2643 Jacob Cushatt to Isaac Towns 228 ac Nothing further in Weeks.
w486 Earl Granville to Thomas Dobbins, 475 acres, proved: March 13, 1759 Nothing further in Weeks.
w351 Earl Granville to John Dunnagan, 640 acres, proved: March 8, 1757 w300 John Dunnagan to John Gray 640ac? Nothing further in Weeks.
w2519 Earl Granville to Thomas Dunnagan, 200 acres, proved: November 10, 1767 Nothing further in Weeks.
w1583 Earl Granville to John Forrest, 329 acres, proved: May 15,1764 Nothing further in Weeks.
w2048 Earl Granville to Gabriel Freeman, 500 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 Nothing further in Weeks.
w894 Earl Granville to Thomas Gibson, 200 acres, proved: February 13, 1761 Nothing further in Weeks.
w895 Earl Granville to Thomas Gibson, 50 acres, proved: February 13, 1761 See ODB 3/468 and 3/401. Nothing further in Weeks.
w2091 Earl Granville to David Hambree, 400 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 w928 David Embree to David Alley 400ac. Nothing further in Weeks.
w866 Earl Granville to Samuel Harrington, 394 acres, proved: February 13, 1761 Nothing further in Weeks.
w2041 Earl Granville to John Hawkins, 308 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 Nothing further in Weeks.
w314 Earl Granville to James H
ricks, 200 acres, proved: December 14, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w843 Earl Granville to Samuel Henley, 400 acres, proved: February 13, 1761 w2517 Sam'l Henley to Wm Hill 280ac?? Nothing further in Weeks.
w308 Earl Granville to John Holley, 200 acres, proved: December 14, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w728 Earl Granville to Nathaniel Howel, 700 acres, proved: August 14, 1759 Nothing further in Weeks.
w446 Earl Granville to James Hunter, 200 acres, proved: September 12, 1758 Nothing further in Weeks.
w476 Earl Granville to Harmon Husbands, 640 acres, proved: September 12, 1758 Nothing further in Weeks.
w477 Earl Granville to Harmon Husbands, 375 acres, proved: September 12, 1758 Nothing further in Weeks.
w1542 Earl Granville to Harmon Husbands, 696 acres, proved: May 15,1764 Nothing further in Weeks.
w265 Earl Granville to Osborn Jeffers, 605 acres, proved: September 13, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w269 Earl Granville to Osborn Jeffers, 126 acres, proved: September 13, 1756 w2653 Ozborne Jeffers to Jones Griffin 126ac. Nothing further in Weeks.
w473 Earl Granville to Francis Johnson, 640 acres, proved: September 12, 1758 Nothing further in Weeks.
w313 Earl Granville to Henry Johnson, 269 acres, proved: December 14, 1756 w339 Henry Johnson to Francis Shoemaker 50ac?? Nothing further in Weeks.
w210 Earl Granville to William Johnson, 540 acres, proved: December 9, 1755 w291 Wm Johnson to James Elliot 540ac. w292 Jas. Elliot to William Reed 540ac.
w480 Earl Granville to Francis Jones, 500 acres, proved: March 13, 1759 Nothing further in Weeks.
w469 Earl Granville to Robert Jones, 384 acres, proved: September 12, 1758 Nothing further in Weeks.
w470 Earl Granville to Robert Jones, 500 acres, proved: September 12, 1758 Probably a repeat of w480. Nothing further in Weeks.
w516 Earl Granville to Robert Jones, 384 acres, proved: March 13, 1759 Probably a repeat of w470 Nothing further in Weeks.
w95 Earl Granville to Edward Jones Saddler, 395 acres, proved: January 14, 1755 Nothing further in Weeks.
w215 Earl Granville to John Jones Saddler, 250 acres, proved: March 9, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w471 Earl Granville to Richard Kenady, 382 acres, proved: September 12, 1758 w705 Wm Kennedy to Francis Day 382ac. w704 Francis Day to William Castleberry 382ac.
w347 Earl Granville to Edward Kirksey, 300 acres, proved: March 8, 1757 Nothing further in Weeks.
w459 Earl Granville to Thomas Langley, 360 acres, proved: September 12, 1758 w187 Thos. Langley to Edward Williams 150ac?? Nothing further in Weeks.
w332 Earl Granville to John Lawrence, 640 acres, proved: December 14, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w335 Earl Granville to John Lawrence, 640 acres, proved: December 14, 1756 Repeat of w332? Nothing further in Weeks.
w2063 Earl Granville to Luke Lea, 700 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 w1405 Luke Lea to Thomas Rue 174ac? w1611 Luke Lea to John Graves 174 ac? Nothing further in Weeks.
w952 Earl Granville to Enoch Lewis, 550 acres, proved: November 10, 1761 Nothing further in Weeks.
w51 Earl Granville to Enoch Lewis, 295 acres, proved: December 11, 1753 w714 Enoch Lewis to Richard Cheek 295ac. Nothing further in Weeks.
w739 Earl Granville to John Lewis, 600 acres, proved: August 14, 1759 Nothing further in Weeks.
w249 Earl Granville to Thomas Lloyd, 630 acres, proved: September 13, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w622 Earl Granville to Thomas Lloyd, 195 acres, proved: December 12, 1769 or 1759? Nothing further in Weeks.
w759 Earl Granville to Henry Maddock, 300 acres, proved: November 11, 1760 Nothing further in Weeks.
w2043 Earl Granville to Zachariah Martin, 180 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 Nothing further in Weeks.
w148 Earl Granville to James May, 240 acres, proved: September 9, 1755 Nothing further in Weeks.
w2135 Earl Granville to Henry Eustace McCulloch, 1000 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 Nothing further in Weeks.
w2136 Earl Granville to Henry Eustace McCulloch, 1120 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 Nothing further in Weeks.
w1189 Earl Granville to James McElroy, 550 acres, proved: November 8, 1763 w1497 Jas McElroy to Absolam McDaniel 350ac?? w1588 Jas McElroy to William Trogdon no ac. given?? Some subsequent deeds from Abs. McDaniel listed in Weeks, but no clear connection to this grant.
w857 Earl Granville to William McFurs?, 231 acres, proved: February 13, 1761 Nothing further in Weeks.
w1183 Earl Granville to James McWhithon, 693 acres, proved: November 8, 1763 Nothing further in Weeks.
w209 Earl Granville to Alexander Mebane, 320 acres, proved: December 9, 1755 Nothing further in Weeks.
w779 Earl Granville to Alexander Mebane, 612 acres, proved: November 11, 1760 w773 Alex'r Mebane to Thomas Ogle 612 ac. w1481 Thomas Ogle to Jacob Summers 612ac.
w275 Earl Granville to Benjamin Merritt, 75 acres, proved: September 13, 1756 w220 Benjamin Merritt to Ann Smith 75ac. w1942 Ann Smith to Martha Smith 75ac.
w762 Earl Granville to James Merritt, 450 acres, proved: November 11, 1760 Nothing further in Weeks.
w537 Earl Granville to John Mitchell, 500 acres, proved: March 13, 1759 Nothing further in Weeks.
w207 Earl Granville to Edmund Moore, 145 acres, proved: December 9, 1755 w503 Edw. Moor to William Jay 145ac. Nothing further in Weeks.
w251 Earl Granville to William Moore, 400 acres, proved: September 13, 1756 See ODB 3/373. Nothing further in Weeks.
w243 Earl Granville to Mark Morgan, acres, proved: September 13, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w828 Earl Granville to John Murdock, 355 acres, proved: February 13, 1761 w1960 John Murdock to John Emree 355ac. Nothing further in Weeks.
w492 Earl Granville to John Overton, 200 acres, proved: March 13, 1759 w713 John Overton to Robert Wilkins 170ac? See also ODB 3/526. Nothing further in Weeks.
w362 Earl Granville to Richard Parker, 456 acres, proved: March 8, 1757 w2142 Rd. Parker to Elijah Cain 140ac?? Nothing further in Weeks.
w465 Earl Granville to John Patterson, 530 acres, proved: September 12, 1758 w451 John Patterson to Charles Johnson 530ac. Nothing further in Weeks.
w204 Earl Granville to Robert Patterson, 640 acres, proved: December 9, 1755 Nothing further in Weeks.
w248 Earl Granville to David Pinkerton, 250 acres, proved: September 13, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w1549 Earl Granville to Samuel Portis, 700 acres, proved: May 15,1764 Nothing further in Weeks.
w1547 Earl Granville to Phillip Pryor, 238 acres, proved: May 15,1764 Nothing further in Weeks.
w2114 Earl Granville to John Rainey, 400 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 Nothing further in Weeks.
w353 Earl Granville to Thomas Ransome, 634 acres, proved: March 8, 1757 Nothing further in Weeks.
w161 Earl Granville to William Reed, 112 acres, proved: September 9, 1755 w747 Wm Reed to Barnaby Cabe 112ac. See ODB 1/88. Nothing further in Weeks.
w823 Earl Granville to William Reeves, 660 acres, proved: February 13, 1761 Nothing further in Weeks.
w2089 Earl Granville to AndrewRollinger, 275 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 Nothing further in Weeks.
w621 Earl Granville to Stephen Scarlet, 1 acres, proved: March 13, 1759 Nothing further in Weeks.
w2087 Earl Granville to John Sharp, 365 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 w906 John Sharp to Nathaniel Walton 200ac? Nothing further in Weeks.
w359 Earl Granville to Henry Simmons, 500 acres, proved: March 8, 1757 Nothing further in Weeks.
w2023 Earl Granville to Richard Simpson, 100 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 w434 Rd. Simpson to Daniel Adams 100ac?? Note that the deed to Adams was proved much earlier than the Granville grant however. Nothing further in Weeks.
w732 Earl Granville to Robert Stewart, 186 acres, proved: August 14, 1759 w1380 Robert Stuart to Francis Dorset 186ac. Nothing further in Weeks.
w1243 Earl Granville to Michael Synnot, 250 acres, proved: November 8, 1763 w1427 Michael Synnot to William Ray 250ac? Nothing further in Weeks.
w1947 Earl Granville to George Tabor, 269 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 Nothing further in Weeks.
w205 Earl Granville to Hosea Tapley, 400 acres, proved: December 9, 1755 See ODB 1/175. Nothing further in Weeks.
w245 Earl Granville to James Taylor, 356 acres, proved: September 13, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w246 Earl Granville to James Taylor, - acres, proved: September 13, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w400 Earl Granville to James Taylor, 276 acres, proved: December 13, 1757 Nothing further in Weeks.
w134 Earl Granville to James Taylor, 640 acres, proved: September 9, 1755 w546 James Taylor to William Few640ac? Nothing further in Weeks.
w556 Earl Granville to James Taylor, 640 acres, proved: March 13, 1759 w546 James Taylor to William Few640ac? Nothing further in Weeks.
w637 Earl Granville to James Taylor, 381 acres, proved: December 12, 1769 or 1759? w23 James Taylor to Thomas Wiley 381ac. w96 Thomas Wiley to William Reed 381ac.
w858 Earl Granville to William Ursery, 252 acres, proved: February 13, 1761 Nothing further in Weeks.
w206 Earl Granville to Aaron Van Hook, 400 acres, proved: December 9, 1755 Several VanHook to VanHook transactions, though nothing that is clearly this parcel. Nothing further in Weeks.
w2033 Earl Granville to James Vestal, 183 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 w2513 James Vestal to Enoch Pugh 183ac. Nothing further in Weeks.
w273 Earl Granville to John Wade, 430 acres, proved: September 13, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w366 Earl Granville to John Wade, 500 acres, proved: March 8, 1757 Nothing further in Weeks.
w367 Earl Granville to John Wade, 384 acres, proved: March 8, 1757 Nothing further in Weeks.
w2047 Earl Granville to John Wade, 620 acres, proved: August 13, 1765 w46 John Wade to James Wilkinson 620ac. Note that the Granville grant was proved much later than the deed to Wilkinson however. Nothing further in Weeks.
w230 Earl Granville to James Watson, 577 acres, proved: March 9, 1756 w177 Jas Watson to William Moreat (or Mowat) 577ac. See ODB 1/116. w/231 Wm Moreat to James. Watson 577ac. Possibly a deed of trust and a subsequent cancellation of deed of trust? Nothing further in Weeks.
w1590 Earl Granville to Robert Wells, 229 acres, proved: May 15,1764 Nothing further in Weeks.
w2257 Earl Granville to Robert West, 576 acres, proved: May 13, 1766 Nothing further in Weeks.
w90 Earl Granville to John White, 227 acres, proved: January 14, 1755 Nothing further in Weeks.
w262 Earl Granville to John White, 385 acres, proved: September 13, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w1544 Earl Granville to Robert Wiley, 700 acres, proved: May 15,1764 Nothing further in Weeks.
w1219 Earl Granville to William Wiley, 484 acres, proved: November 8, 1763 w2306 Wm Wiley to John Wiley 242ac? Also w2307 Wm Wiley to John Wiley 242ac? Two different transactions conveying the entire 484ac?? Nothing further in Weeks.
w317 Earl Granville to Robert Willson, 265 acres, proved: December 14, 1756 Nothing further in Weeks.
w690 Earl Granville to William Wilson, 416 acres, proved: March 13, 1759 Nothing further in Weeks.
w533 Earl Granville to James Woods, 200 acres, proved: March 13, 1759 Nothing further in Weeks.